View Full Version : Proposal of Alliance

Jun 19th, 2003, 02:08:37 PM
(OOC: I am not applying as such but instead I am offering an alliance between the TSO and Legion.)

-The dark figure walks up to the main doors and stops, glances up at the high walls. He broadcasts a message telepathically.-

"I am a representative of Legion. We are an ancient order, a secret army of Sith. We origonate from the old days.
Our soldiers lack the power of true Sith however, what we lose in strength we make up for in numbers.

We wish to hold an alliance, we wish to offer the services of our battalions in exchange for your guidance, your wisdom and residence in your system.

What say you?"

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 19th, 2003, 02:24:09 PM
OOC: First, I wish a link to your forums, second
Read this (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29950)

Jun 20th, 2003, 03:20:10 AM
OOC: Yeah, I don't have any forums.
"legion" is just a set of replenishable characters. And yeah, we'll happily work under the TSO; "Legion" are just a group of disposable cannon fodder for whatever purposes you need.

I just want to give you guys the option of bringing Sith troops along on your missions without having to represent them as NPC's, with someone actually controlling them it can give for more interesting missions.

Also the "live to die" doctrine of the Legionarres means that they can be used for internall trainning missions, ones where your Knights can take on the troops and actually Kill something.

Don't worry, the legionnares are pretty bad as far as Sith go although they're pretty good soldiers; like I said, they're cannon fodder.

Nothing serious, just a bit of fun to liven up your trainning/mission threads, thats all. :D

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 21st, 2003, 05:19:51 AM
OOC: SO basically, you are willing to RP the Orders Troops, and want command of the Current Troops. Ground Forces so to say.

If so, welcome aboard. Store ya cannon fodder in the Palace. Its good enough to be barracks.

Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:50:13 AM
Cool, thanx.
Technocally Legion has far too many troops to fit on any one planet so how many do you think I should move?

fire team = 6-10 legionnaire
phalanx = 20 legionnaires

We have 20 (commisioned) Divisions in total (currently):
Division = 8-10 Battalions
Battalion = 10 Cohorts
Cohort = 6 centuries
Century = 100 legionnaires (5 phalanx)

I'll go ahead and move in the General (Commander of Legion), Djinn (Master of the Inquisition), some spec ops and a century of legionnaires. You are free to request more if you require.


(Btw, you might want to notify your order to our (my) presence, I don't want to turn up and have to face your knights as a tresspasser).

EDIT: Oh and if you have any "secret/hidden" places here, would you mind granting Legion access?
("Djinn", "General Xaetrix", "Legionnaire" and "Seeker" are all that I have at the momment).