View Full Version : a seeker of illumination ( i wish to join this order)

Jun 19th, 2003, 10:38:21 AM
Zao walks into the order's main base, and glances at the buetiful corridoors all leading to new adventures and new futures.he had just finished his training with Yog, as a youngling in the Bear Clan. and now he was seeking a master... " will any one wish to be my mentor?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:07:04 AM
OOC: Yoda is no longer alive in this universe, however if you edit out the word Yoda and replace it with Yog … ;)


A Jedi Knight approaches and bows his head in greeting.

“Good day. I hear that you are looking to find a Master?”

Dasquian did not recognize this face, and thus assumed he was a newcomer.

“Why do you wish to become a Jedi?”

Jun 20th, 2003, 10:13:20 AM
Zao gives a short bow, and a graceful smile, " Master, i wish to become a Jedi because it is my duty to serve others, with the power I hold, I have a duty to use it in the right way. I believe the right way to use them is to help others who don't have them. The Force has chosen me to protect the Republic. I love the Republic, and wish to do my duty. With training i have come to realize that with the Force as my ally, not my pet, i can do all things through the Force, which strengthens me. I have no rhyme or reason for my will for this life, but i will do my duty, as a Jedi, if given the chance." yes, that summed up his feelings in a nutshell. Zao turned to the Master Jedi... Zao was still bowed down....

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:45:43 AM
“What is it that you understand the Jedi do as a whole and individually?”

Jun 29th, 2003, 08:40:20 AM
" a Jedi are peacekeepers, and gaurdians of Civilization, becuase you can not, must not have peace without civil - ization. the Jedi individually keeps the lives of the Republic safe and serve Justice when it is called for."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:37:11 AM
“Jedi also must deal with conflict. Many people dislike the Jedi and will try physically to stop them from accomplishing their goals. Could you live a life like this?”

Jul 13th, 2003, 10:32:34 AM
"i am ready, i am not afraid of the future... i can help this universe... i am prepared for these situations...."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 23rd, 2003, 04:28:51 AM
“Excellent, then I welcome you into the Greater Jedi Order. You are free to explore the grounds as you wish – the LQ and Yogs Bar and Grill are popular places for Padawans to meet. There is a sign-up sheet near here, also, for group training. Until you get a Master you should consider being a part of that.”

Bowing slightly, Dasquian added, “May the Force be with you.”

Jul 28th, 2003, 09:06:46 PM
"and you as well", giving a bow he stalks off into the hallways, where was he going to find a master?

Aug 7th, 2003, 05:43:05 PM
::SonLee BalGiarg was walking through the hallways also, looking around in awe. She bumped into someone who was stalking down from the opposite direction.::

Sorry, she said. I wasn't looking where I was going.

::The man nodded to her respectfully, but she didn't meet his gaze. She KNEW that he was looking at her tribal insignia over her eye, masking her as a DaRquath warrior, from a planet long extinct. But she considered herself as Correllian. That where she'd spent most of her life.::

Hello, she said respectfully. Who might you be?

Aug 25th, 2003, 05:45:41 PM
"My apologies, M'Lady... i am clumsy, i am Zao, a seeker of illumination... and you?"

Aug 27th, 2003, 08:08:51 PM
SonLee smiled. "Please, I am just like you are...oh, you recognise my royal insignia I suppose..." she faltered. "I'm am a seeker of a Jedi Master, like yourself. My name is SonLee, former princess of a planet now destroyed." She smiled. "Do you feel like a coffee?"

Aug 29th, 2003, 01:20:53 PM
Zao took all this in, he figured that she had some royal background, like himself, "ahh yes, destoyed planet, tragedy, i know how that is... i have Royalty myself... i woul adore a good cup of coffee, shall we?" and with that he motioned toward the door...

Aug 31st, 2003, 10:44:49 PM
SonLee was grateful to be escorted by Zao to somewhere that served coffee. She asked for a strong flat white, and waited for Zao to make his order.

SonLee took a sip, and realised it was too hot to drink. She blew gently on it, a tiny bit of frost extracting itself from her lips and cooling her coffee to the desired temperature.

"What planet are you from?" SonLee asked. "Do you know of the DarQuarth race? That is where I came from, before our planet was destroyed in an interstellar war." SonLee smiled wanly. "It was not a pleasant time."

Sep 1st, 2003, 08:36:23 AM
Zao looked up at the waitress droid, 7-B, " what's your pleasure?", it said back to him.
"De loa a de core" he said in return. he had suddenly realized SonLee was asking questions, " i'm sorry.... umm I am a Chiss of the planet Csilla. no i have never heard of that planet, what was it like? why was there a war?" wars always fascinated Zao...

Sep 1st, 2003, 11:40:53 PM
"The scary thing was, noone could remember. I believe it had stretched out over hundreds of years about some conflict or other. I am not even entirely sure of what they used to destroy my planet, and I have vowed vengeance. They are still searching for me, as i am the last royal survivor."

Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:34:06 PM
Zao could understand being royal, he himself was a royal, but he told no one... he was not ashamed, just didn't want people to label him as a snotty royal Misogynistic Dinosaur, " i'm sorry, it can be tuff... but if i've learned anything it's that vengence does not stop the pain... my father died when i was young, he was killed by exremists! i vowed to avenge him, and when i did, i took the blade to my father's killer's throat. and slit him, it did not ease the pain of loss, as i had once thought... it made it worse. it wasn't till i found the force, that i was saved from a life of Sin...", Zao hoped this message would get accross, he was going to continue, but he was interupted by 7-B, " here ya go! De loa a de core! watch out now, it's hot!" Zao took it graciously, he sipped it, o thank the maker, it is delicious...

Sep 4th, 2003, 05:15:26 PM
SonLee pursed her lips. She knew there was no easy solution to her loss. It just looked like those killers would go around the universe, wreaking havoc and chaos werever they went, however they pleased...all because she didn't kill them when she had the chance.

"Well, what can I do then?" SonLee whispered. "Is there any way I can restore my people's honour, in a good and decent manner?" Maybe the powers of the Force would help her...but she wasn't entirely sure about it yet. She was still new, still learning about the ways of the universe. Maybe Zao mightbe able to give her a few ideas...

Sep 5th, 2003, 01:18:21 PM
" though i am still pretty new to the force, and am in little position to give my advice to a fellow student. if i was you, i would build a new democratic nation, much like the Old Republic, before Palpatine that is... i would build a new city, a Utopia! but that costs money, i would join the Republic, and go to the council for guidence. then i would forget about those killers, should your paths ever cross, Force-forbid... you will know what to do, with the Force as your ally", Zao, hope this sounded right. he himself realized it was all easy to say, but to go out an do? that is D*** near impossible... but the Force allways finds a way...

Sep 5th, 2003, 11:48:00 PM
"A wise and honorable decision," she said. "There is an uninhabited moon in the DarQuarth system, and i may yet be able to collect the last few survivors." She looked up at Zao over the top of her coffee cup. "But I don't know if they'd be safe there. Even our individual...magic...powers won't be a match for them. Maybe we should do what many have done, and scatter ourselves around the universe, and run away from that past that we no longer wish to own."

Sep 6th, 2003, 04:55:23 PM
" Running would only add fuel this fire", Zao said boldly, " if you run, then the killers will think you a coward, no yuo must be cunning. how many survivors do you have?", Zao looked down and took a sip of his drink...

Sep 6th, 2003, 09:39:06 PM
"At this present moment, I'd say about 600, mostly civillians. All possibly terrified for their lives." SonLee sighed, thinkng about those people that she was almost forced to forget 10 years ago.