View Full Version : Hey Soth!!!!!

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 18th, 2003, 07:31:40 PM
QUOTE]Sorsha Kasajian: I asked Soth, but obviously you have him trapped in your little killing jar too. Otherwise I'd be rid of you from my life. Keep it. [/QUOTE]

You will NOT flame here Sorsha nor with it be tolerated here at the Shrine. It is stated in the FAQ rule's and is a ~Bannable offence.~ You are not being treated unfairly here so please reframe from the flames and accusation's or your access to this forum will be taken away promptly.

*This goes for (everybody/ RPer) that “visits” the Shrine board!* There is NO partiality here at the Shrine what so ever concerning the given rules in “our” FAQ that are listed below here in part...Please observe them.

2. There will be no flaming allowed. If a post is made that the Council or member feels is inflammatory it will be removed. If there is more then 3 warnings on this point the flamer runs a risk of being banned from this board. * We also reserve the right to "Ban" any member, at any given time without reason given....*

*If you have a grievance with a particular Shrine member, please take it up with them via PM or AIM.

Thank you for your time...

Shrine/ Council: Soth

If you want a make a threat like this and screw what's left of our friendship, then do it. Don't threaten to do it, just do it.