View Full Version : Moving Back In (Open)

Jodah of Giva
Jun 18th, 2003, 05:18:33 PM
Jodah walked into his room. It was nicely made, much better than the old palace contained, and was already sparsely furnished. "Nice touch" he mumbled to himself. On his back was an obviously overloaded pack, and his belt was drooping iwht the weight of many small pouches laden with goods. He dropepd the pack on the rich carpet, unhooked the belt on top of it, and began to unload both. he wide table on the right wall slowly filled wiht all manner of small gadgetry, from crystal specimens to wire to steel plates. After finishing his makeshift workshop, Jodah began setting up his hydro-bed. Along wiht a little Force, he kicked the pre-provided bed into a corner, and started pulling ceiling tiles out, layign them carefully on the gorund and installing small coils. Clanging could be heard for many rooms' radius.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 18th, 2003, 08:25:42 PM
He heard the clanging. He never went to sleep all that early, except, tonight, he had. Lady Vader had been running him ragged with training sessions - perhaps because of the latest spot of trouble he'd gotten himself into. She was keeping an eye on him - keeping him from having enough free time to get into anything.

And hed been exhausted by it. He'd been sound asleep when the clanging had woken him. And the clanging had continued. He'd tried to go back to sleep, but it had been impossible.

Bed head and in little more than boxers and a ratty old t shirt he stumbled through the halls in search of the source, a rather foul expression on his face - though, this scowl was typical.

When he found it, he pounded on the door, leaning sleepily against the door frame while he waited for an answer.

Jodah of Giva
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:56:41 PM
Jodah cast his hand out absentmindedly, Force-pushign the opener. Still focusing on the task at hand, he spoke evenly. "Terribly sorry for the noise, if that's your problem. Too lazy to set up my control bubble. Whathca need?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:44:18 PM
His eyes blinked in the brighter light cast from the room into the hallway where he stood. And a moment later when his eyes had adjusted a bit, he poked his head in and his feet soon followed.

"Just trying to see what all the noise was about..." He replied, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake up a bit.

"You just moving in?" He asked, noting that he hadnt exactly seen Jodah around before.

Jodah of Giva
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:58:57 PM
Jodah dropped the autowrench he was using and quickyl spun around, stepping towards the door. "Ay, terribly sorry to seem rude. I assumed you were someone else. Yes, just moving in, for the second time, heh." He extended his hand generously. "Jodah Starlen of the Keep at Giva, mela'amin. Yourself?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:03:39 PM
Maxim shoo the offered hand.

“Maxim.” He replied, not giving much more. There wasn’t a whole lot to say. What had maybe been his once to claim was no more. Not now that he’d joined the sith order. A family that refused to accept force users would hardly accept the decision he had made to leave school and join a band of dark rebels like the Order.

“A second time?” He asked.

He wasn’t one to beat around the bush. If he had a question, he’d ask it.

“Were you one of the defectors?”

He’d heard about those who had broken away to join another group (the Krath), but he knew little of it. His master hadnt exactly wanted to talk about those things. And he wanted to know what would make anyone leave in the first place.

Jodah of Giva
Jun 23rd, 2003, 05:23:30 PM
Jodah gave him a funny look, cocking his head slightly. He was obviously slightly confused. "Well....defector...ehh....I wouldn't call myself that, and from the response my return has recieved, I would assume noone else would either. I left a while back to fight for my homeworld, but...unfortunately...it was overrun..." His puzzled expression slowly drooped into one of thought. He quickly regained his composure. "I never defected, by any means...who would say such a thing?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:51:22 PM
Maxim shrugged.

"No one is saying it. I just heard about a group that had broken away before I came here...but no one seems to want to talk to much about it." He replied.

"I just thought maybe you were one of 'em if youd been away." This he added with his head cocked slightly.

"Where's your homeworld?" He asked.

Jodah of Giva
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:47:30 PM
Jodah sighed. "Where WAS my homeworld would probably be more apt, unfortunately. It was a planet known as Altyr...the system is not known to your archives. Suffice to say it's many, MANY galaxies away. I was away to try and save it."

Maxim Vasilijev
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:25:51 PM
Maxim nodded in understanding.

“Sorry to hear things didn’t go so well….” He replied. Though his tone of voice was reserved, there was a sense of sincerity to his response.

There was a semi awkward silence, one of both reflecting on the loss of a homeworld. And then the apprentice attempted to change the subject to ease the heavy tone.

“Does it feel good to be back? Despite the circumstances….” He asked, referring to the fact that Jodah was now returning to a place he had once known – a place that Maxim had come to take great pride in being a part of.

Jodah of Giva
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:40:09 PM
"Of course! This place was always a home away from home for me...I suppose now I can really devote time to imparting my knowledge on others. What I have of it, anyway." He grinned widely. "I cannot say I've ever had a problem with the Order." Jodah motioned first towards a small food-delivery device, then the bare couch against a lower wall. "Please, as it seems our conversation might og on for a bit, make yourself as at home as you can. No damage that can't be repaired." ,i>Jodah ordered his own small ale, and sat down on a lounger, reclining against the wall.[/i] "So, Maxim, what of yourself, If I may be so bold...?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 4th, 2003, 12:54:13 PM
OOC: Sorry this tok so long – I was back home in russia for a few weeks. But Im back and will be better about replying.)


Though it was getting late, he was a man in his early twenties, and he was always up for hanging out. At the offer to make himself at home, he accepted, and he too took a seat with an ale in hand.

[I]So, Maxim, what of yourself, If I may be so bold...?"

The apprentice shrugged.

“You can be as bold as you want. I don’t think I have any stories half as exciting as trying to save a homeworld.” He stated in reply.

“I dropped out of the university in my last year to come here instead. What Im learning here seems a lot more practical than all the crap they make you read in books…”

He gazed down at the bottle of ale for a moment.

“Takes more effort to learn though…” He added.

“Did you get very far here before you left for home?”