View Full Version : Dangerous Territory: Sisters Engarde (closed)

Cassidy Williams
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:54:15 PM
Sibling: Noun, meaning one of two or more individuals having one common parent. Prone to disagreements. Excessively.

It was a beautiful day. Unless of course, one were to step into the New Age Café. It was there that Cassidy Williams was getting her first taste of the other side of having an older sister. Her honey-brown eyes stared unsmilingly across the rounded Formica table at Xazor, and a cross frown was on her face.

“You didn’t have to say it so loud.”

The two had made plans early that morning to take a daytrip around Coruscant, a refreshing break from the Temples schedule. It had been fairly uneventful, and they’d been enjoying themselves immensely, laughing about this and that…until they’d come to a particularly busy speeder lane crossing. Cassidy, excited, had raced ahead to rush across the designated pedestrian walkway only to hear Xazor calling her back, with instructions not to cross without her. Mortified, the girl had come to a standstill; she was twelve after all, and perfectly capable of crossing by herself. After that she’d been quite quiet, and only now that they’d stopped for lunch did she bring it up.

“Now everyone probably thinks I’m some stupid little kid.”

She glowered at her sister, propping her elbows on the table.

“I can cross by myself you know.”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 18th, 2003, 02:34:49 PM
Xazor shook her head and sighed as she took a sip of the Namana Juice before her. "You think you can do a lot of things, but I know you cannot." The woman said as she set the glass upon the table.

"Cassidy, much have you to learn. I only did it because I care about you and you worried me. You just came into my life, I didn't think it would be a wonderful beginning to the season if I were to loose you." The Jedi Knight sighed and looked across the table at her little sister. It was hard to adjust to -- having to watch out for someone like her. Not only was she Xazor's sister, but also her Padawan. The Garou had a lot of responsibility over her.

Soon a service droid interrupted Xazor's thoughts as it beeped and whistled, requesting the pair's orders. After a moment of thinking, Xazor decided. "How about you go first, Cass -- pick anything you want. I know you can order on your own." Perhaps there was too much sarcasm in her voice, but whatever it was, the words would throw the young Padawan through a loop.

Cassidy Williams
Jun 18th, 2003, 02:50:48 PM
“I can so do a lot of things! You’re not the boss just because you’re older!”

Cassidy ignored the droid, set off by Xazor’s comment. She sat forward with her hands on her hips.

“And just because you’re training me doesn’t mean I have to listen to everything you say! I’m practically a teenager. Eleven more months!”

She huffed back against her seat, glaring angrily. She knew that her sisters actions had been out of concern, but it was a difficult age, twelve. She was just starting to want to be independent, and everything seemed to be trying to oppress her. It didn’t help that her imagination was robust and healthy.

For a moment it seemed as if Cassidy was going to be content staying irked silently, but then she leaned forward, long brown hair cascading over her shoulders. The sisters both had a resemblance to one another that was immediately recognizable, though Cassidy still had the immature features of a child. Her Garou fangs glinted as she narrowed her eyes.

“Besides, I still have a dad, and he’s still my legal guardian!”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 18th, 2003, 05:00:40 PM
Xazor sighed to herself and eyed the droid as Cassidy ranted. "I'll take the roasted chicken breast lightly sauteed in red wine. Actually, I'll take two of those, one minus the red wine." The Knight concluded, ordering for both she and her sister.

The Garou watched as the droid rolled away and nearly fell over as it bumped into another table. This took Xazor's mind off of things until Cassidy started up again. "Do you think life would be better with your father? If so, what is keeping you from him?" Xazor smiled as she questioned. It was a simple matter of what Cassidy truly wanted and at the moment, she wished to stay here and irritate her sister.

"I know you can do a lot of things -- but right now, you need someone standing over you shoulder so that you don't get hurt. Do you think I would hand you a lightsaber before I taught you the ways of the Force?" She questioned and shrugged her shoulders absently before turning her attention out the window, focusing on a beautiful sight. There a baby bird stood on the edge of its nest and looked down before is suddenly jumped out and fell. Xazor continued watching as the bird fell to what seemed like its death -- but just before it reached the bottom, the mother was there to catch it on her back.

"He wasn't ready." Xazor spoke, not realizing that Cassidy had no idea what she was talking about. Turning to face the young girl once again, the Knight smiled thoughtfully. "You aren't ready either, young one. I am your Master and you shall listen to me, despite the fact that you have a wayward father out there. I am your elder by many years and it would be to your benefit to follow my lead." The Knight said with a reassuring nod. "Besides, I could barely allow you to go to the bathroom by yourself in a place like this. If you need to go, ask me and I'll take you."

There went another nail, driving into Cassidy's pride. The Garou did not realize what she was doing by being so concerned, but she was digging her own hole deeper and deeper.

Cassidy Williams
Jun 19th, 2003, 09:28:18 AM
Cassidy’s face went deep red and she dropped her mouth. She was…outraged! This was pure injustice, this was inhuman, and this was unfair! The hot-tempered Padawan pushed her chair back and stood up—though it hardly made much difference in her height—to look across at her sister’s eyelevel. With her teeth clenched together and her eyebrows forming a permanent glower, it was plain to see that Cassidy was rather…livid.

“I do not need, or want, you to look over my shoulder. I’m old enough to do things on my own.”

She flopped back into her seat and looked away, unwilling to continue for the minute. Her thoughts drifted naturally to her father and uncle, who at this minute were probably trying to stomach the food that Coruscant Penn provided. From the time she’d been little, Cassidy had been self-sufficient, doing everything for herself and using her time as she liked. Having been the only child and then discovering that she had actual blood ties was an adjustment that had been slow to come. It was smoothing over time, but there were drawbacks and snags to be expected.

“You’re so unfair. If I’da known that this is what it was like to have a sister, I wouldn’t have even become a Jedi.”

That was bending the truth a little. But Cassidy didn’t care too much at the moment.

“You just don’t understand because you’re old.”