View Full Version : Nearing End (open)

imported_Gerbo Lang
Jun 18th, 2003, 09:44:32 AM
Gerbo stepped into the vampire bar no expression of any kind showed on the hunters face. He scoped the place out looking for the face that had called him here. The message was urgent and important on every stand point the call had come from a very valuable vampire on the market.

Gerbo had known this vampire as a little boy before he had turned to the darkness of the shrine. He didn't think he would ever see the boy again but then came the call to come pick him up he was ready to go home. This stood against everything gerbo believed in but he knew he couldn't bring himself to kill the boy instead he would teach the boy to be a fight and warrior against others of his kind until a cure could be found.

Gerbo walked to the bar noting all the vampires watching him carefully. He was still in his full hunting gear for his own protection but he wouldn't be here long enough to fight. Hopefully the boy would hurry up it was best to leave now before ether shrine figured out what was happening.

Jason Dreggs
Jun 20th, 2003, 12:34:43 PM
Jason entered the bar he peered around to make sure no one was watching his approach to the hunter. He wasn't in the right state of mind at this moment to fight for his reasons. He came here to let the hunter do as he saw fit.

Jason's mind was in constant thought over his lost master and love Miranda and he had called the hunter here for that reason. He hoped the hunter would put him out of his misery and make his undead life short lived. It was a nearing end he hoped anyway. Going on as a vampire with out her would be an endless pain and torment for eternity. Jason wanted freedom from his torment.

He stared at the hunter as he watched other vampires twitch in there chairs. Why no one had approached him was beyond Jason comprehension. For sure soth or Alana would have showed up to tease him and torment the hunter.

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:40:32 PM
An audible thump was heard on Jason's table. In front of him sat a bottle of vodka, and beside him, another vampyre was having a seat.

"Looks like your having a bad day..."

Darren sat down and propped his feet up on the table, making himself comfortable. Across the room sat the one the other vamps refered to as 'The Hunter'. Darren really wasnt phased by this, as there wasnt many things in the galaxy that could really bother him..

"Care to talk about it?"

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:56:19 PM
Alana entered the tavern owned by the vampyres. She was not here to hunt this night, she instead was here for a purpose. One that could take any turn she knew. There were many who could not handle the life of a Vampyre, many who could not deal with the eternity offered.

She approached the table of the one she had come to see. Her eyes flickering over to Gerbo, and then away. Paying him no heed. At the moment he was of no consequence. She nodded to Darren, giving him a smile and turned to the fledgling Jason...

"Yes young one.... you do seem to have some doubts you need to air? Please do tell...." Her cold hue shifting eyes delved into his, and she waited....

Virrana'h Tei
Jun 21st, 2003, 12:05:17 AM
Virrana'h lifted her head as Alana entered. The faces of the Shrine were still new to her, but Alana she knew - if not personally, but by reputation.

And now, an opportunity was affording itself for the newly turned Dathomiri to perhaps get to know the Shrine Elder, or at the very least, watch and learn from her.

To her disappointment, Alana Stormcloud made a beeline for the table across from her and joined a young man there. Perhaps she had a prior appointment with him, as she went straight to his table.

Tei, for her part, watched and was impressed by the easy grace of Mistress Stormcloud - her own mannerisms were that much more rough edged, as befit her warrior background, and Virrana'h hoped to learn some finesse from her elder in order to impress her Master, Lord Soth.

Lord Soth
Jun 21st, 2003, 01:51:46 PM
The stench of treachery was aloft and heavy on the air that night, a foul odor that the Death Knight need not the Dark Side to sense or smell. An unbridled fire kindled in the dark master's mind as he slipped unnoticed with a silent stealth behind the half-breed that dared to show his face once again to the Damned. There were severe consequences for such foolish endeavor’s and Soth was about to show this hunter first hand the measure of that wraith.

A snapping hiss resounded behind Gerbo and before the awful noise registered in Lang's preoccupied mind, Soth's sickly green past cleanly and effortlessly out his front side. The wound was not mortal, however the wound to his lower flank was horrific. Soth quickly stepped back a pace from the impaled man and thrust a powerful side kick to Gerbo's lower spine. The hunter's form whiplashed as the boot of the Death Knight connected solidly, forcing Lang off the green blade and reeling him forward into the oaken counter some five feet away. The sound of glass shards filled the occupant's ears as the hunter impacted the counter with a sickening thud.

The rapid hum of the duel sabers whined as Soth rotated them to his side once they were freed themselves from the outlander’s lower torso as he finished the movement. The Death Knight was now crouched in a side stance, his left hand was fully extended towards Gerbo’s crumpled form. The daunting sign of powerful Sith Magic manifested and played on the Vampyre's talon hand. Thin blue tendril’s licked their way around Soth's hand, begging him for release. From Soth's peripheral view, another figure emerged from the only door way to the establishment...A being that struck fear and loathing into the heart's of even the most seasoned warrior...It was the female Ancient and handmaiden to Ashiva herself....Pandora!

Pandora Damaris
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:53:18 PM
The oaken door to the Roonstone Inn creaked on its hinges and then shut. The sound of a heavy beam crossed its width as it rested comfortably in its slats. The tavern now denied any to enter or exit its confines.

Pandora moved with a seductive grace towards the side of Soth. Her hand slipping to her ebony serrated sword at her side. Emotionless, the Ancients' eyes traveled from Jason Dreggs to the downed man who thought him self to be a Vampyre Hunter. A hateful sneer then pressed its way across her marble face as her sword began to slip from its sheath, revealing a crimson hue as it emerged.

"Mr. Lang, you thought that you could come here without a fight? How presumptuous of you." There was a note of sarcasm that was unmistakable in her tone. Her endless eyes reading him as if he were an open book.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:10:37 AM
Ambrose Braeden could feel a certain sensation flow throughout his form as the Death Knight Soth Nuevole emerged thoughout the doors of the Roon Stone Inn. Smilling a crooked smile to himself as his master handled the Vampire Hunter with ease, Ambrose rose to his full height. Pandora walking into the establishment and sharing her words with the hunter, and seeing her ancient blade emerge from its sheath was all that it took to alert the Vampire Warrior of the events that would soon take place. No matter what anyone said, Ambrose knew that the future was always in motion, but in this case, every outcome would be a disasterious one for the Vampire Hunter Gerbo lang.

Finally arriving at his destination at his master's side, the dark apprentice unclipped his lightsaber from its resting place upon his belt. The hilt felt as if it belonged in his hands. It was right. The way the hand of the vampire gripped the carbon fyber covering of the arcane weapon. Ambrose would only unleash his blade if need be. Until then, only the hilt would be seen for now. It seemed as if the twin blades that were held firmly in Soth Nuevole's palms would do enough to the hunter. Not to mention the dammage that the ancient blade of the sword weilded by Pandora, vampire ancient, would inflict upon Gerbo.

Looking upon the vissage of Jason Dreggs, Ambrose knew that he had something to do with the arrival of the Vampire hunter.

"What is the meaning of your visit...Hunter...?"

Jason Dreggs
Jun 22nd, 2003, 11:54:27 AM
Jason blantly ignored both Alana and Darren as he forced his way to the hunter through the crowd of vampire on lookers. Jason lifted the hunter up to his feet allowing the hnter to use him as a support. Jason glared around at the other vampires in the room.

"You Idiots, I invited this man here. He is my father's employee he came here with the stipulation that if he harmed anyone of you he would ether die by my hand or my fathers. He did nothing to anyone you he came here to talk to me."

Jason glared at Pandora and Soth and Alana. He knew all about the hunter and what he was created for but none of this vampires could see beyond the image of the hunter. Gerbo was a weapon first and formost.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:17:11 PM
Gerbo looked at the group of vampires in a glaring haze. The room was spinning from the attack and loss of blood. He still tried to hold his head high. He noted soth and Pandora ridiculing him and then the next thing he knew he was in an upright position using the boy as a crutch. Gerbo cleared his voice so he could speak.

"My visit is my own business Vampire I didn't come here on hostile terms so you’re lucky. I didn't come here to fight I came to get the boy and leave your planet."

Lord Soth
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:34:01 PM
A wicked smile etched its way across Soth's marble like face as the “vision” unfolded around him and the others. The young fledging quickly approached the hunter, a sworn enemy of the Shrine and to their kind. Unbeknownst to Alana's understudy, the "sight" that the Death Knight had, reveled this act long before Gurbo had even set foot on Roon's soil. The vain attempt to save the hunter's life was to Soth was nothing more then treason. The bond of blood was the tie of loyalty to the Dark Knight and the regressive action’s that Jason displayed only intensified this position that Soth believed and felt.

"You Idiots, I invited this man here. He is my father's employee he came here with the stipulation that if he harmed anyone of you he would ether die by my hand or my fathers. He did nothing to anyone you he came here to talk to me." Jason explained lamely as he propped the hunter up with his own strength. As Gurbo uttered his threats to the others around him and vainly tried to reinforce the fledgling's account as to only being business on his behalf, Pandora let out a scoffing laugh.

The blue tendril's around the Death Knight's hand flashed and arched as they leapt from the Sith Master's hand and scored its deadly tentacle’s up and down both Gurbo and the foolish fledgling. Snaps and crackle’s emanated over their stricken forms as they both were blasted apart from one another.

"Only a fool would invite a sworn enemy of the Shrine here young one...If your loyalty lay's with the hunter as you so admit fledgling,..." Soth paused briefly as he stayed the power's that continued to course around his talon hand, his eye's ebbing a hot crimson hue as he went on.

"...Then you both will surely die!" There was blood in the Death Knight's voice as he finished his sentence bluntly. Soth's teeth clenched as he shook his splayed hand outwards, releasing the deadly blue cord's once again over the two sympathizers’.

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:54:30 AM

Darren's words were the only noise heard for a moment, aside from the sound made from the Vampyre's bottle of Vodka shattering on the wall across the room....

Every face in the room turned to see Darren. His normally casual, even playful face was now etched in anger. His fangs were prominent in his clenched teeth..

"Where's the honor here!? If he wants to leave, let him go........we'll take him later..."

He was taking a risk, for why, he honestly didnt know. As strong as he had become, he couldnt hold a candle to Soth, Alana, or Pandora...

"He's already suffering.......cant that be enough?"

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:12:45 AM
Alana had watched quietly as Soth took on the two. Her hue shifting eyes glowing bright red with the need to shed blood. There was nothing as sweet as watching a Vampyre exact payment for betrayal. If there was one thing Lord Soth could not stand it was a traitor to there kind. The hunter Gerbo had caused them trouble in the past within the Jedi bar and grill, and once again his time had come to pay the piper.

As for Jason Dreggs the newest fledgling to the Shrine of the Damned the fact that he had brought a hunter into there midst had branded him the same. He was unworthy of the blood of an immortal. He was a betrayer of the queen mother herself. She almost pitied him.

"Where's the honor here!? If he wants to leave, let him go........we'll take him later..."

Alana shifted her eyes to Darren, the one she had turned. He had proven himself more than once to be a powerful Sith, and an even better child of the night.

"We are Sith Darren but even more than that we are vampir. Dedicated to one another, by blood, by what we are. He has brought an enemy into our very lair. Would you repay this betrayal with kindness? Do you so easily find kindness for the weak of mind and heart? Why hunt him later when we can take him now. Showing the dark side of our nature that we do not know weakness." Alana spoke in soft tones but her eyes were piercingly cold.

For her it was a simple matter. Jason had betrayed the dark gift given to him by bringing a hunter of there kind to there very door step. He had in fact been foolish enough to speak to them without the respect he should as a fledgling given. Would a darksider of any other sect do differently? Sith vampires were purely evil, and there was no room for pity.

"He's already suffering.......cant that be enough?"

"He suffers as a human would, still caught in that coil. Not that I can blame him for that. He is to new to the night. But he is also a Vampyre and knows that bringing a hunter here affords him little pity from those he has betrayed."

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 24th, 2003, 02:52:17 AM
"You know what he's going through right now.....He's not thinking straight......Ive made stupid decisions under similiar circumstances.."

The fierce warrior within Darren was coming out. In that state of mind, Darren was truly capable of anything. But along with it came an honor that knew no bounds....

"Let him be.....He wont cross us again..."

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Jun 24th, 2003, 02:15:36 PM
Ambrose looked at Darren and stared long and hard. Trying to figure out why the Vampire was trying to save these two traitors. Darren was an honorable Vampire amongst those few selected at the Shrine of the Damned. When ever anything was happening, Darren was right there to deal with it. But now it seemed as if he was taking the side of the enemy. It was as if he was an enemy.

"Yes Darren, your right about that. They will not cross us Vampires again because they will be dead."

Hearing the sizzling cracks coming from the two helpless bodies that were lying on the floor were intoxicating. Ambrose watched them with satisfaction. The Vampire would have killed the two enemies had it not been for his master Lord Soth. Soth was always the one to deal with traitors. Either way, they would have died by either the teacher or the student's hand.

Jason Dreggs
Jun 24th, 2003, 03:39:45 PM
Both Gerbo and Jason fought at the cords and the pain. Jason was now on the ground as well but he still had strength in him. He reached into the trench coat of the hunter quickly he palmed a light grenade. His skill in the slight of hand where almost that of a master thief plus on top of that Vampires where to busy fighting among each other to notice.

He closed his and began to squeeze the button on the grenade. Hits timer started up and Jason through as close sloth as he could get it hoping the sudden burst of sunlight effects would break his concentration enough for Gerbo and himself to get out of this place.

The sudden burst of light entered the room it was almost like the sun its self had broken through the darkness of this planet. Every crevice of dirt could be seen but all the vampires eyes now burned. Except for Jason who had shielded them from what he knew was coming. He counted the seconds in his head for the light to dissipate so he could make a run for it.

Pandora Damaris
Jun 24th, 2003, 06:19:23 PM
Jason was sorely mistaken about a great many thing's...Both he and the hunter, Gurbo Lang, were in the presence of Sith Master's and an Ancient of their kind. The Ancient had indeed seen every thing, every movement had not gone undetected by her eternal eyes. Jason's vain hat tricks and "slight of hand" did not escape Alana's nor the Death Knight's narrowed glare either as Soth continued to weld them both to the spot with the flesh consuming Force Lighting for the time being. To Jason's horror, when he believed the light of the flash grenade had resided, opened his burning eyes to a room that was now cast in crimson hue. Pandora's blazing sword (Blood Bane) was held high over her head, it's powerful magic's had easily thwarted the blast radius of the grenade, instantly dissipating and over taking the brilliant light with the kinetic energies that still hung over the tavern in a blood red wash.

With a slight of her own hand and a simple flick of her wrist, the hunter was ripped from the ground and tossed head first into a heavy wooden support beam near the roof of the pub. A hollow thud resounded throughout the room as the back Gurbo's head collided, opening a horrific wound to the back of his head where his limp body then fell to a table below in a heaping crash. Pandora's dark eye's then fell on Jason once more, the fledgling had no other choice to but to submit to her gaze as she locked eyes with his at that moment...

"Vul-nosh man-rith dulvea!" The searing words were directed at Jason's mind, echoing through his brain like a full force gale unleashed. His precious blood began to spill effortlessly from his ears, nose and mouth as he writhed in complete agony at Pandora's booming words. Word's of Sith Magic next to the Ancient sounded as the Death Knight chanted another spell of incantation that he was directing at the broken form of Gurbo.

If Jason did not submit to the powers at hand, then chances were he would be thrust into the realm of insanity before Pandora took his miserable life.

Edit: The typo was fixed and as you'll note also in my post the word "sager" was also a typo that should have read "saber." "Word" is not always perfect and I missed both. My bad. As for the damage taken by the Vamp's, only one attack was issued towards them thus far, Pandora's move thwarted the grenade as stated “her eyes were on them” the whole time. Also, let's not misconstrue ooc with RP please. What happened then {With the Shrine} has nothing to do with a "Hunter" coming here in attempt to extract a fellow Vampire right from under our noses.

ooc: Gurbo/Jason, please be mindful of the damage that both CHR's are sustaining in this thread. Both characters have received a substantial amount of damage including an impaled sager attack, two Sith Lighting attack's on both Jason and Gurbo, head trauma to Gurbo and a kinetic "Mind Blast" to Jason that is still in motion. Thank you. :)

Virrana'h Tei
Jun 24th, 2003, 08:46:42 PM
OOC: "Gumbo Lang" - is that really necessary? :\

ooc: Gurbo/Jason, please be mindful of the damage that both CHR's are sustaining in this thread. Both characters have received a substantial amount of damage including an impaled sager attack, two Sith Lighting attack's on both Jason and Gurbo, head trauma to Gurbo and a kinetic "Mind Blast" to Jason that is still in motion. Thank you. /QUOTE

If Gerbo and Jason are expected to take all this damage, and the Vamps to take none from Jason's grenade, I think thats unfair. If it was my character, I would not find this acceptable and would not roleplay it as such.

Obviously with all that has happened recently with the Shrine, this is a nice opportunity to lay some smack on a betraying character, but unless this thread takes on a bit more respect to Gerbo and Jason, I will not be posting in it again.

Lord Soth
Jun 24th, 2003, 10:24:22 PM
:Thread Closed: