View Full Version : Burn Me Once, Shame On You ...

Salem Ave
Jun 18th, 2003, 02:41:22 AM
... Burn Me Twice, Shame On Me

Time changes everything. Even a vampire, an immortal creature whose physical appearance will always remain intact will undergo developments over time. Salem had gone through many changes in his short life. Jeseth Cloak had brought him (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17064) into the Sith Other and lead (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16851) him his first steps into the Darkside. Since then he had evolved, gone through other masters (http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm13.showMessage?topicID=212.topic), rebelled and hand a hand in the creation (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24510) of a whole new sect, and much more.

And for what? How far had he come? He was a Sith Knight that was all he had to show for two inept Masters Tutelage. Lead astray, he had been. He was no leader – not built for governing a group of waifs with no other home. They flailed and thrashed aimlessly trying to make some mark on the universe. How could they accomplish anything when all they were was a group of children, leaderless and goalless?

No, it was time to start afresh, at least for Salem. He’d stolen away from the Iron Citadel and found his way here once again. No doubt his pride would be dealt blows soon and his loyalty questioned, but if he was ever to gain the power he wanted – needed – this was the place he needed to be.

Makoto Neo
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:09:25 AM
A incorpreal voice echoed through the dim hallways, [I]For whom does these halls echo for? A passerby in the dim years, truth be told for all to hear!"

Salem Ave
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:19:46 AM
Eyes widened as the reverberation of the voice bounced against the walls, while Salem’s jaw tightened. His head bowed slightly as he pushed aside his pride, speaking loudly at the empty space around him.

“I am Salem Ave,” there was confidence in his voice, and it lacked the usual lisp.

“I betrayed this Order under Jeseth Cloak and have returned, having seen the error of my ways, to ask … plead that the Council of the Sith allow me to return within its ranks.”

Makoto Neo
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:28:07 AM
The Ghost seemed to chuckle lightly, "You've seen the error of your ways, have thee? Do tell, do tell by what ways did you betray this Order, convince the halls that your plea should be heard, convince the halls that you were weak. Weak like a new-born kitten in your decisions."

Salem Ave
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:45:29 AM
“I gave in to my thirst for power and followed Cloak in establishing the band of renegades known as the Krath. That is where I betrayed, by sacrificing my loyalty to the Order for a naïve fantasy,” Salem replied, snorting out a little sigh.

“I ask that I am allowed to join once more because I believe I can be of value to the Order.”

Makoto Neo
Jun 21st, 2003, 05:09:32 PM
"The walls hear you well, Salem Ave. I have informed the council of your request, but be aware - They may not be as well mannered as I have been to restrain attack. Weither they decide to accept your loyalty is of their own thoughts." The Voice responded, followed by the click-clack of boots on tile. The wolven-kind Knight Makoto stepped forth from the shadows, his features bare of any emotion, expression. "Until a Elder arrives, you may wait here."

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 22nd, 2003, 10:49:33 PM
"The Krath was a pathetic group which served one purpose. To fill the over inflated ego of Jeseth and Jehova. One fool following the other, who convienced other weak minded idiots to go along with them."

The cold hard voice filled the room. A second later, the speaker steps into sight.
With a malicious grin, the speaker, Dyzm continues.

"From the moment it broke away I predicted its down fall. Jehova and Jeseth are good warriors of the Sith, but not someone I would call leadership material. You went off and formed your own little world. Finding yourself lacking in any leadership, you festered and rotted."

Dyzm leans up against a pillar to his right. His lightsaber was held unlit in his hand.

"You could of gone far Salem, you could of been in the upper ranks of the Sith by now, but for your betrayal, you will be punished.
Nothing severe, for as you yourself have stated that you where also betrayed. The council will decide your fate.
You will stay in the guest quarters for now."

Salem Ave
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:53:50 AM
He bowed his head.

“Ye-sss, Masssterrrr Dyzm.”

Salem turned slightly, as though to leave, though paused.

“My thanksss forrr yourrr time.”

Lady Vader
Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:13:37 PM
*LV had watched in the shadows, watched as Salem spoke to Dyzm and then paused as though waiting for more, before finally turning to leave the grand entry way and head towards the guest quarters on the far wing of the Palace. It was at this time during his receding steps, that she emerged just behind Dyzm.*

So the wayward has returned, pleading for entrance once more.

*It was spoken somewhat sarcastically. She couldn't abide snivling beings, especially those that pleaded.*

What shall we do about his return do you suppose, Master Dyzm?

Makoto Neo
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:50:32 PM
Makoto approached the two elder's calmly, bowing in respect once the wolf-kind came to a halt. "Mi'lord and Mi'lady, I've must've missed the whole disbanding of some members. But it seems that the begger should be examined before his loyalties can be placed. Do you agree?"

Jun 28th, 2003, 04:40:40 AM
*I've got a more fun idea*

From the shadows of one of the pillars, a being clad in flowing white robes appeared. Malice glared at Salem. A betraying sith and worse......a vampyre. Malice hated Vampyres.

*He is immortal. So why not torture him for a few years. That would be most fun i think. I i know i would enjoy it*

Malice spoke half sarcastically and half serious. Never before has he seen the order take in one who had betrayed them in the past.

Salem Ave
Jun 29th, 2003, 08:44:41 AM
The boy simply listened, no expression telling of his emotions.

“What do you think that would achieve,” he murmured, not so much a question but a statement.

“Assside from to give a counterrr-productive imprrression – but go ahead… validate yourrrself with a little torture.”

Jun 29th, 2003, 03:43:02 PM
Malice shook his head at the vamps words.

*I care not to validate anything. Torturing you would for the mere pleasure of it. After all it's not everyday we get traitors wishing to return. Might as well make good use of the situation right?*

Malice grinned at Salem.

Salem Ave
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:49:02 AM
A slight shrug of his shoulders was all the response he gave - there was no point in arguing with the man.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 30th, 2003, 04:05:30 PM
Dyzm turned to glare at Malice.

"Lets not forget, I was once labeled a traitor to the Order, Malice.
I served my punishment and returned.
I believe Salem should face what I faced. Banishment.
But I see banishment as a waste of good potenial.

Dyzm turns back to Salem.

"So Salem, we of the Council have decided your fate.
You will go to the concrete jungle of Coruscant, and set up a system of cells to strike at the Jedi.
You are also required to go back to the Krath's base and declare the dissolvement, and ask for others to join you in this punishment mission."

Salem Ave
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:06:57 AM
“The otherrrsss still cling to theirrr loyaltiesss. They will not be easssily sss-wayed.”

Salem eye’s narrowed, and he added after a moments thoughts, “Though, I will do my bessst to perrrsuade them.”

He bowed his head.

“I will get sss-tarted immeadiately.”