View Full Version : Sniffsniff

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:45:42 AM
Laar wanders into the bar, bumping his head on the way in. As he rubs his head with one hand, pouting, he again catches the scent of his mistress and perks a little at the thought of seeing her again. The bulky Cizeracks tail twitches eagerly behind him as he rises up onto his toes, peering around the crowded bar.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 18th, 2003, 04:55:01 PM
"Laarrr, therrre jyou arrre! Wherrre have jyou been? ji wasss gettjing worrrrrrjied!"

The big makle's ears swivled forward at the sound of his mistress's voice and he loped over to her, a lopsided smile on his broad, handsome face.

"Come, Laarrr, sljide jinto the booth wjith me."

Scooting in the leather seat, Nass eases over as Laar wedges his muscular bulk between the table and the booth.

"Jyou bad boy! Djidnt jyou hearrr me calljing jyou earrrljierrr?"

Rubbing her face up and down his thick bicep, Nasseeri slides one hand beneath the table, letting it rest lightly on Laar's upper thigh.

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 19th, 2003, 04:20:27 AM
“No, Mjissstrrressssss,”

The little pout gracing his expression for a moment quickly slipped away as Nasseeri nuzzled in against him.

“Thjisss place jisss ssso bjig… jI got lossst,” he added, a little ashamed of himself.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:57:25 AM
"jit isss alrrrjight, Laarrr. ji djidnt choossse jyou forrr jyourrr mjind, djid ji?"

Slipping one arm up around his thick shoulders, Nass draws him closer, her tongue flicking out to tease at his ear as her clawed fingertips run slightly higher up his thigh.

"Perrrhapsss tonjight we can plajy 'cat and moussse'."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 20th, 2003, 12:08:27 PM
A long time ago Laar had gotten used to being, essentially, used. Ever since he had been born he had been bred to basically be a toy. Yet still when his Mistress talked and acted like this with him he got all giddy.

“Do jI have to be the moussse agajin, Mjissstrrressssss?”

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 20th, 2003, 03:07:38 PM
Smiling wickedly, she now nipped and tugged at his ear with her teeth and rumbled softly in her throat.

"How about thjisss tjime ji'll be the moussse. But, jyou mussst prrromjissse to plajy rrrougherrr tonjight, Laarrr. jyou know how ji ljike jit rrrough."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 21st, 2003, 12:03:44 PM
Laar twiddled his thumbs in his lap and gave a little quiet mew.

“…jI don’t want to hurrrt jyou, Mjissstrrressssss,” he sighed quietly.

Being so large as he was, Laar always felt as though he was walking on egg shells and that any second he would crush them all. Shifting a little in his seat, he whipped at the underside of the table with his tail.

“Arrre jyou sssurrre?”

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 21st, 2003, 01:57:45 PM
"Of courrrssse ji'm sssurrre! Yjou need to let me do the worrrrrrjyjing about jit, hmm?"

Laar was huge, there was no question about that and he didnt always pay close enough attention to what he hwas doing or where he was at. Already since his coming to the fortress, Nass had to replace a few table lamps in her quarters. But the 'romps' in her rooms by far offset any inconveniences his bulk composed.

"Whjy dont we go to mjy quarrrterrrs rrrjight now and 'plajy'?"

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:05:46 PM
“jYesss pleassse.” :D

As Laar stood up the whole table and booth seemed to sigh a breath of relief, thankful that they’d been relieved of his bulk. His head bowed instinctively as he stood – trying to lower himself below Nasseeri’s height.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:20:03 PM
"Ssstand jup, Laarrr. ji ljike jit that jyourrre so much tallerrr than ji am."

Leading him out of the bar, Nass waits until the doors close behind them, shutting off the patrons' views. Swinging him around by the hand - which was no small feat - Nasseeri pushes Laar roughly against the wall, pressing herself against him as her tail twines its way around his legs.

"We could ssstarrrt herrre, jyou big, bad kjitty. ji'll be the moussse and go hjide now."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:31:50 PM
The Cizerack nodded twice quickly and brought both hands up to cover his eyes – although it wouldn’t make much difference since he was peeking through his fingers anyway.

“One…two… sssix... eleventjy… fourrr…”

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:07:51 PM
Nass skittered around the nearest corner, her tail whipping for balance as her claws scrabbled for purchase on the metallic flooring.

She made a beeline for her rooms and dove under the covers on her bed. It would be the first place Laar would look... but wasnt that the sole purpose of the game? Why put off the fun when it could begin all that much quicker?

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:14:05 PM
“Fjifty two… one… comjing!”

Laar peeked out from behind his hands and looked around to see Nass no where in sight! He whimpered and started walking forward, quickly picking up into a brisk semi-run. Whenever he lost his Mistress he would trot back to her room and so that’s just where he went. The door would have fallen off his hinges if he’d barged it, but thankfully it slid aside at his approach and he ambled inside.

Sniffing at the air he looked around and at first missed the person shaped bump under the bed covers. When he did spot it he approached cautiously and lifted the bottom end of the covers, peeking his whole head underneath.


Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:35:37 PM
Strong, clawed fingers latched onto Laar's broad shoulders and yanked him beneath the covers as her arms, legs and tail entwined around him before his 'yelp' had subsided.

Her tongue flicked at his sensitive ear as she whispered to him.

"ji thjink jyou found me."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:41:21 PM
The big Ciz smiled proudly.

“That was easssjy,” he whispered. It was always easy, but Laar was convinced this was because he was so very good at the game, not that Nass was letting him win to get a quick fix.

“Do jI get mjy prrrjize now?”

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:07:19 PM
"Asss sssoon asss jyou help me get thessse clothesss off, jyesss."

Claws and teeth ripped and tore through fabric like it was butter and quickly they were skin to skin. Nass rolled Laar over and straddled his hips, licking her lips as she looked down at him.

"Rrreadjy forrr jyourrr prrrjize, now, Laarrr?"

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:12:44 PM
Laar eyes bulged. Nass never failed to amaze him at how quickly she got nekkid. He often wondered how much she must spend on clothes when she shredded them so often, but then his mind would return to more important things – like nekkidness.

“Uh huh...... Mjissstrrresssss.”

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:30:26 PM
Growling, she took him then, his whines and purrs adding fuel to her fire - which tended to burn hot and for a long time.

Later, with Laar snugged up against her, Nass stretched and yawned. Something to drink sounded good and she had worked up quite an appetite.

Nudging Laar in the ribs, she wakes him from his nap.

"Go to the barrr and brrrjing back sssomethjing forrr usss to eat and drrrjink. Jyou'll get anotherrr prrrjize jif jyou do."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:35:23 PM
“jI don’t have anjy clothesss,” he whimpered.

Even in the dim lighting of the room he could see the stern look he was being given.

“… jYesss Mjissstrrressssss.”

Scooting out of bed he sulked off to the doorway, butt-naked with his tail wrapped around his body protectively.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 23rd, 2003, 11:20:23 AM
"Laarrr, wrrrap the sssheet arrround jyourrr waissst then tuck the end jinsssjide ssso that jit wjill ssstajy put."

Balling the sheet up, Nass tossded it to him with a sigh. There were times when she definitely thought that Laar wasnt getting any smarter and in fact was traveling backwards down the path.

Yet once again she tempered that thought with how willing he always was to enjoy their private time - not that it mattered if he wanted to or not. Laar belonged to her and thats the way it was.

Nass watched as Laar's big hands fumbled with the sheet and with a curse in their native language, she got up and pulled some clothes from the closet.

"Neverrrmjind, Laarrr. ji wjill go mjyssself. Jyou wajit herrre."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 23rd, 2003, 11:39:42 AM
Tangled up in the bed linen, Laar dropped back down onto the bed and began batting at the tip of his tail – which darted back and forth to dodge his swiping hands. He felt guilty for not doing what his Mistress had asked, but playing with his tail was taking his mind off that for the moment.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:47:22 AM
Maybe if she sent him off to some kind of school for a few weeks or months, it would help. Other than his need to eat, keep clean or stay close to her, Laar didnt have much in the 'think for yourself' department. He may have been last in line when they handed out logical thought but he had stepped to the front when the gods had bestowed 'maleness'.

It was that which kept Nasseeri from literally tearing into him - that and his unswerving loyalty. Laar might not like taking orders all the time but he adored his mistress and that made all the difference.

Nass was humming as she returned to her quarters, food and drink both in hand. Laar was still sitting where she had left him, his hand snatching wildly at the end of his tail.

"Put jyourrr tajil down, Laarrr and come eat. We can plajy 'cat and moussse' agajin when we'rrre fjinjissshed."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:47:48 AM
Food – if there was one thing that would get him excited it was food. Hopping up to his feet, with the bed sheets still tied around him a messy makeshift toga, he waddled forward – his ‘clothes’ constricting his movement – and grinned happily.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jun 27th, 2003, 07:16:19 AM
Nass quickly grabbed her portion of the food and drink before Laar could gobble down his and look around for more. Dropping down in one of the chairs, Nass ate slowly, her mind on other matters.

"Laarrr, have jyou everrr notjiced Herrra dojing anjythjing that jyou thought odd?"

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jun 27th, 2003, 07:24:27 AM
Laar fumbled some food into his mouth, barely paying attention to the question.

“jI haven’t ssseen Herrra do anjythjing odd… jI haven’t ssseen her at all,” he mumbled.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jul 5th, 2003, 11:33:26 AM
Hera could dance naked right in front of Laar and he wouldnt notice. He had probably seen several nefarious acts commited and didnt have the sense to realize them for what they were.

With deliberation, Nass stepped hard on Laar's tail as she walked to a chair to sit down. Tucking her legs beneath her, she curled her own tail around her knees as she nibbled at a sajoi, grinning at the sounds of its pained squeaks.

"Ljisssten, Laarrr. ji want jyou to ssstarrrt watchjing Herrra, too. Therrre arrre tjimesss that ji cant be everrrjywherrre to sssee what goesss on. Thatsss when ji need jyou to be mjy ejyesss and earrrsss. Do jyou underrrssstand what ji'm sssajyjing?"

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:18:07 AM

Laar felt incredibly important all of a sudden, and this was evident in the sudden straightening of his posture, his chest rising up and out. A martial expression took him over and he looked, for once, intelligent.

“jI wjill do mjy bessst.”

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:55:57 PM
With savage pleasure, Nasseeri crunches through the sajoi's spine, neatly biting off the head and letting it slide down her throat.

Licking at the drops of blood that flowed from the open end of the neck, she smiled over at Laar, whose chest was now puffed out with self-importance.

"Jyesss, ji know jyou wjill, Laarrr. Jyou mussst be carrreful not to let herrr know that jyou arrre watchjing. Alwajysss rrrememberrr that."

Laarseerro Reeaarrro
Jul 11th, 2003, 04:43:02 AM
Laar flexed; even his muscles seemed to have muscles.

“jI wjill be ssstealthjy.”

Shifting his bulging arms into another proud display,

“jI wjill be ljike sjilent.”

Inhaling deeply, he swiped one of the wriggling snacks and devoured it whole.

“Laarrr, massster ssspjy,” he murmured to himself.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Jul 15th, 2003, 01:08:39 AM
Master spy remained to be seen.

Laar would trip over his feet or step on his own tail in his trial attempt at reconn work and that was just what Nasseeri was wanting.

With the males' bumbling efforts, he would effectively eliminate himself in others' eyes as a potential spy and once that was done, Laars work could begin in earnest.

Noone would take him seriously and chances were that tongues would loosen up and lips would do some flapping. Nass already knew that nothing too damaging would dare be spoken outloud - the 'Faene crew were too well disciplined and paid to bite the hand that fed them. Still yet, even the tiniest whisper could put the Ciz on the trail of something big.

Uncurling from her seat in the chair, Nasseeri drew Laar into her arms, her tail swishing lazily from side to side.

"Let me teach jyou a few thjingsss about ssspjyjing."