View Full Version : Dark Clouds Rollin' [Open]

Carsey Eviness
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:17:09 AM
It was so warm, so warm in there. And he was so cold, so cold out here. Just an hour, that was all he needed. An hour of real sleep, of warm and uninterrupted sleep. Carsey Eviness looked hungrily at the Jedi temple. He crept as soundlessly as he could through the surrounding gardens, shivering in his grease-and-sweat soaked muscle tee and tattering flight pants. His hands were held underneath his armpits for warmth, but still they remained numb.

Silently he hid behind a bush, noting that it made relatively good shelter, and watched as two late walkers made their way into the building, talking quietly amongst themselves. Carsey wasted no time after they entered, sticking his hand in the door space so that it wouldn’t close. It bounced back on his hand, and the lad let out an animalistic cry as his skin was bruised and pierced. But the heat from the inside made him forget it almost instantaneously, and he stepped inside.


An ecstatic exclamation left his chapped lips softly and he closed his eyes. They teared up immediately, dried out from the wind outside, and the salty drops fell as the lids were lifted again. Carsey walked down the hall experimentally. No one seemed to be coming. The young man flipped his greasy hair from his face and staggered over to a corner of stone, curling up in it gratefully with his hands between his legs.

Inside, the smell of the urchin was stronger, most likely from the temperature. The sour, putrid stench poured off the seventeen year old like water; it was a common trait among those that made their homes in the lower levels. Down there it was almost like a sign of prestige. The worse it was, the worse you were and that brought a certain amount of respect from the alley slingers.

“Have you heard about the big strong man? He lived in a caravan…”

Shanaria Fabool
Jun 17th, 2003, 10:48:01 AM
Shanaria was out for a walk in the halls when she saw the young man 'sneek' in and stagger off to the corner. He look cold, hungry, and tired. He smelled like the lower levels, and she would know, since she has been spending alot of time down there as of lately.

Shanaria hurrys off back to her room and grabs a warm blanket and a large bowl of stew hot that was left over from her supper, and walks back to the boy in the hall.

She approches the boy for the most part unseen untill she steps around a piller that is right next to the boy. She kneels down to so her face is at his eye level, And places the blanket around him.

She smiles at him saying in a soft soothing tone....

"Here you go. Let's get you warmed up a bit. I won't hurt. I just thought you looked cold and hungry..."

Shanaria offers the boy the stew that she brought him as well as a spoon to eat it with....

Carsey Eviness
Jun 17th, 2003, 02:48:16 PM
Carsey jerked spasmodically, flinging the blanket off of his body and pressing closer to the wall. His eyes widened, grew angry. The young man looked at Shanaria, ignoring the stew, despite his hunger.

“Just wanna sleep.”

With his hands now tucked back under his armpits, and his knees brought up to conserve heat, Carse shook his head.

“I won’t hurt anyone. Just wanna sleep.”

Shanaria Fabool
Jun 18th, 2003, 09:15:14 AM
Shanaria calmly puts the bowl on the floor.... And reaches for the blanket....

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help. This blanket will help keep you warm."

Shanaria uses the force to send calming energies into the boy's body.

"I have no problems with you sleeping here. I just want to help you."

Carsey Eviness
Jun 18th, 2003, 10:08:08 AM
He may have grown up as a child of the streets, one of the immigrants that had no standing, but Carsey had kept his pride. It was tattered and a little ragged, but it was still there.

“I don’t need your help.”

He reacted badly to the calming energies, his body stiffening. Carse did not like upper level dwellers. But at the same time, he depended on them to survive. It was a vicious cycle of hate and humiliation.

“I don’t need anyone’s help. I just need to sleep. Couple hours, then I’ll leave.”

Shanaria Fabool
Jun 18th, 2003, 03:47:04 PM
Shanaria sits down infront of the boy...

"I know you don't need my help... You would not have lived this long if you did.... I just want to make you stay more comfortable.... If you would rather I could 'drop' this stuff on the other side of the piller, so you can say you found it... or if you want you can say that this is a gift to you so that we may be friends.... I just want you to get warm, so you won't get sick."