View Full Version : Building a brand new specimen.......(closed)

Dr. Lenux Yamato
Jun 16th, 2003, 03:17:43 PM
I smiled as I walked down the hallways of my lab. My underlings passed by me and I didn't bother to look at them. I was too buy writing on my holopad to care about them. I smiled and head towards Lab room 2564. This was going to be a great day. My black hair swung as I turned into the room. And there before me I saw what I was to use. Various droid parts, scattered in front of me. Weapons, limbs, metals, and even some live animals. Two yassamir, very useful in stopping the illusion known as the force. I smiled and looked at the pet, "Your time will come my little specimen." I chuckled and my shoulders shook as I did. I turned to the metals and looked at them. My first job was to handle the body. The chips for the computer system were already built. Ton's of memory, human simulation, but it would still obey my every command. It was going to be my loyal servant. I smiled as I looked at the table. I ran my hands over the diffrent parts and pulled my tools from the side of the room. I began work as quickly as possible. I plugged my datapad into a screen that was projected over my recent project. It displayed the schmeatics for my robot. I smiled and looked the pieces over and I began work. I built the torso first. Pulling metallic parts from everywhere. Building the computer system in the core. Under three inches of titanium and cortosis. The main computer system carried it's battle and basic functions. It fought like a jedi, and killed like a sith. It was the ultimate killing device. I attached a type of laser gun to it's side. When it needed it's gun it would detach from it's hip and flow to his hand. A knife was implanted on the other side. So if he needed a blade he could command one too him. I smiled and attached the legs next. In the legs I placed a type of magnet. This magnet was placed in the feet and allowed the specimen to hold himself to the metal or the ceiling. But this only worked if he activated it. The legs were also armed with blades in the heels. If he were in hand to hand combat he would activate the blades, and a kick to the face would be deadly. I smiled and checked the ejection system for the blades. I smiled and continued upwards to the arms. I attached the wiring and the system for movement. I placed in the wrists of the machine, two lightsaber handles. These lightsabers were the colors of the Empire. So the last thing the person would see would be the colors of the Empire. The lightsaber handles ejected from the wrists and went straight to his hands. This was because of the high density magnets in it's hands. These magnets allowed the robot to use what was truly the force. It could pull mettalic objects to it's hands, and it could easily grasp any blade of metal. However the magnets could be turned off and on by the machine. I smiled and looked at my creation. Next was the head, and I pulled it from the pile. I attached it and connected the nescesary wires and other objects. I placed the eyes with a kind of thermal detector, and in the back of the head I placed an upload system. This system would allow me to upload tons of information at a time to the main computer system. Which there happened to be two of them. One located in the head and the other in the body. These were both protected by the same types of shielding. And then there was the security system. If someone were to take him, they would never seize his information. The passwords were too well protected. I placed it's voicebox, and all other things in the head it would need to be human. This way it could talk and smell and hear. I smiled and looked at the wonderful creation before me. Yet there was still something to do. It was a true killer of jedi and the other Empire opossers. I then placed a magnetic net in the android allowing it to use the elctromagnetic field of planets to it's advantage. Then I placed a heightened logic sytem in the head that was attached to the primary nerve sytem and sensors allowing it to have incredible observational cababilities. I smiled and closed the chest cavity with a large plate of lightweight titanium. Exactly seven inches thick. Not to mention the other coverings of lightweight steel and metals it had already. I then coated the top with a small level of cortosis. Enough to keep a lightsaber away. I smiled as I covered the rest of his body and looked to the skin tunnel. I placed him inside it and went over to the console. I looked at the console and smiled as I prepared to make my specimen look human. I looked at the console and placed the nescessary data in it.
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Tan
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Brown
Build: Muscular
Sex: Male
I smiled as I pressed enter and watched as the lasers came down. They began to place the nescessary data on the speciman. Making his build, making his hair, his skin, and his eye color. I looked at the machine do it's work and I smiled as my creation became human in front of my eyes. I smiled and watched as the table pushed my machine out. He looked human, with all the nescessary features to be human. I smiled and let the other machines dress him. It was a uniform that would be part of all the new battle machines of the Empire. It was of my own design. I went over to the computer and took a wire from it. About 7 hours had passed already. I had been building this machine for seven hours. I took a cord from the computer and brought it to the back of the machines neck. I plugged it in and went back to the computer. I sat down and took a disc from my files. I placed it in. It was a martial arts directory. It contained all forms of martial arts combat know to the universe. I smiled as a screen came up asking for upload authorization. I typed in the password :Specimen. The data loaded within mere minutes. I would have to change the password now though. I took another disc out, this one was entitled stealth. It gave the robot all of his stealth moves nescessary for killing without being noticed. I smiled as I watched it upload and finish. I pulled more discs out. The diffrent things I included were jedi fighting skills, sith fighting skills, acrobatics, nescessary machine knowledge, knowledge of human anatomy, knowledge of robotic systems, scientific skills, the knowledge of the diffrent maths, medical knowledge, learning to do repairs, and then some of my genius. He now contained some of my inventions. I smiled as I pulled the last disc out and turned to the robot. "Ready to awaken my lovely specimen?" I said with a chuckle. I scanned my yellow eyes over the screen and looked for the intiation sequence. I hit the intiation key and a screen appeared. It required encryption password, and username.
Username: Dr. Lenux Yamato
Password: The world has not yet awakened to the true genius that the human mind can sustain within it's subconscience state.
I smiled and watched as the sequence began. I could see the life begin to spread throughout him. His electrical systems coming to life, and his computers running wonderfully. The screen displayed a wonderful data report. All sytems running at max effieciency and running at amazing speeds. I smiled and took my arm computer from the table. I snapped it on to my arm and tapped a few keys. The screen displayed a system readout of the assassin droid. I smiled and scanned my yellow eyes over it's body. I smiled as it sat up and looked around. I smiled as it realized the cord was coming from it's neck. "Do not detach that. It is there for you. You need to keep that in until you finish charging. I will remove it when the time is nescessary. But that aside, is it good to be awake. My wonderful specimen, the specimen that will be known to the world as Assassin Model Number 001." I smiled and decided to give him another name. After all he was basically my son. "Your name is Yumara Sincraft." I chuckled and laughed so hard my shoulders began to shake. I gained my composure and turned to him. "You are the universe's greatest fighting machine. You will conquer all jedi and those who oppose the Empire. That is your prime directive. Your mission shall begin soon enough. Which will be to bring me a jedi for testing." I smiled and looked at Yumara with my yellow eyes. I had an evil smirk upon my face. It had been twenty seven hours, but it had all been worth it. I was finished, and my work was complete. But now it was time for testing. And that would be an event all it's own.