Jun 16th, 2003, 12:51:42 PM
I found this in the Shrine Rules sticky thread in their top forum and found it quite debatable and somewhat infringing on our overall policies, since it basically says its SWFans policy not to allow people to play Vampiric raced characters without Shrine approval.
~ It is a violation of our FAQ's of the Shrine to run a Vampire Char. without the express permission of the Shrine Council. As all other forums here at SWfans we respect the individuality of each group. Please respect ours. It is common courtesy and good manners to ask first before you run a Char. species that has already been well established. *Any "Rogue Vampire Char. or Sub-Class Vampire" will not be acknowledged or tolerated. If an RPer is found in violation of creating a Vampire Char. without permission or admittance here at the Shrine by the whole Council, appropriate action will be taken and reported immediately to the SWfans Admin's. ~ By the reasoning they are using there it could be said that RP groups like the GJO could disallow people to play human characters since they were the first SWFans RP group to establish human characters in the SWFans RP Universe.
I'm not too hip to them threating to have us enforce one of "their" policies. One which we have not established as one of our own.
I mean come on thats a bit ludicrous and self righteous.
Here is a simple hypothetical situation that could have standing based on the precident this policy sets IMO:
"Oh, I'm going to start a new group at SWfans for Rodian Bounty hunters and then no one else can create a Rodian character without our group's council permission".
I am just bewildered by this restriction myself.
Can anyone here explain it to me in a way that makes sense? Or point me in the right direction to understand this portion of their FAQ? Or...should we ask that they ammend this policy to not be required across all of SWFans since they are not the staff of SWFans and should not be setting our policies without first consulting us at least?
If this were a case of it being a race they created from their own imaginations I would be more supportive, but being something so widely known of and used in RP settings as Vampires I don't think this rule should be allowed to fly as is.
~ It is a violation of our FAQ's of the Shrine to run a Vampire Char. without the express permission of the Shrine Council. As all other forums here at SWfans we respect the individuality of each group. Please respect ours. It is common courtesy and good manners to ask first before you run a Char. species that has already been well established. *Any "Rogue Vampire Char. or Sub-Class Vampire" will not be acknowledged or tolerated. If an RPer is found in violation of creating a Vampire Char. without permission or admittance here at the Shrine by the whole Council, appropriate action will be taken and reported immediately to the SWfans Admin's. ~ By the reasoning they are using there it could be said that RP groups like the GJO could disallow people to play human characters since they were the first SWFans RP group to establish human characters in the SWFans RP Universe.
I'm not too hip to them threating to have us enforce one of "their" policies. One which we have not established as one of our own.
I mean come on thats a bit ludicrous and self righteous.
Here is a simple hypothetical situation that could have standing based on the precident this policy sets IMO:
"Oh, I'm going to start a new group at SWfans for Rodian Bounty hunters and then no one else can create a Rodian character without our group's council permission".
I am just bewildered by this restriction myself.
Can anyone here explain it to me in a way that makes sense? Or point me in the right direction to understand this portion of their FAQ? Or...should we ask that they ammend this policy to not be required across all of SWFans since they are not the staff of SWFans and should not be setting our policies without first consulting us at least?
If this were a case of it being a race they created from their own imaginations I would be more supportive, but being something so widely known of and used in RP settings as Vampires I don't think this rule should be allowed to fly as is.