View Full Version : Starting Over: Reunion (Xaxor)
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 16th, 2003, 11:49:00 AM
*Natia is sitting on a bench, just beside a small park on Coruscant. Her walking stick is beside her on the ground and Poledra, a snow owl, is flying in the air. She watches Pol for awhile, her thoughts going to her up coming meeting with her Mother. She wants to put it off, but that won't do any good for her. She has to make peace with her Mother. She has to let her Mother know that she's sorry for what she did, and that she loves her. Maybe she can even get on good terms with her again. After about 2 hours, she gets up, picks up her walking stick and whistles, calling to Poledra who comes and lands on the walking stick, on the perch which is there just for her*
Well Poledra, time to meet up with my Mother. Time to go and make peace with her.
*Natia starts walking, a neutral expression on her face so as not to betray her thoughts to anyone. She's meeting her Mother for lunch at a quiet diner so that they can talk, and hopefully become as a family should be. A family. After a good hour of walking, she arrives at the diner and enters*
**Poledra though flys up to a light post this time, giving Natia the privacy she needs**
*Natia quietly asks for a table for two and is shown to a table where she sits down and awaits her Mother. Unsure of whether her Mother is going to arrive today*
Xazor Elessar
Jun 18th, 2003, 12:28:16 PM
It had been a rather odd request, but when Xazor Elessar had received a message for her to meet someone for lunch this very day, she knew that it was important. As the Jedi Knight walked she thought of people who would possibly wish to meet her, but she could not come up with anyone in particular. "So, Kau, who do you think this mystery person is?" The woman looked down in question to her companion, Kaukauana. He looked up at her, though deaf, he knew she spoke. "I know not, Master, perhaps a good friend or relative?" The Force adept wolf spoke in Xazor's mind. She nodded and continued walking for a good half hour.
It brought a smile to the Garou's face as she spotted the small, quiet diner in the upperclass neighborhood of Coruscant. "Looks like this is it, Kau. Now, mind your manners." The wolf gave her a skewed look as if to laugh in response. Smiling toothily, the pair entered. The door shut behind the woman and ruffled the flowing edges of her white robes. The silver coins woven into her waist length blonde Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly as she walked toward a table which she was pointed to. Her bright cyan blue eyes caught sight of someone she had least expected, someone she had not seen in such a long time -- her Daughter.
With a graceful and respectful bow, the Jedi Knight smiled brightly as she looked upon the face of Natia. "My -- you're so beautiful, my -- my Daughter." Xazor said quite breathlessly. Her eyes stung with tears but she forced them back. It was useless, though, and the tears fell. "Oh how I've missed you!"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2003, 12:35:48 PM
*Natia's face lights up immensely when she sees her Mother. Someone she hasn't seen in quite awhile. Not for a couple of months when she, and a few others met on a rainy night. She has actually been on Coruscant since then.
After her Mother bows, she stands up and gives her Mother a hug, not bothering to hide the joy that she's feeling at seeing her Mother again. Her own eyes get tears in them, but she doesn't try to keep them back. She willingly lets them come*
Mother, it's been to long.
I've missed you so much.
*Natia says this in a soft voice to her Mother*
Please have a seat. I hope you don't mind that I invited you here for lunch. I've been meaning to for quite awhile now.
Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2003, 03:22:24 PM
Xazor embraced the girl -- no, young woman, who is so dear to her heart. The tears streamed from both of their eyes as they held one another tightly for several moments before they parted. Natia invited her Mother to sit and so, she did and promptly wiped the wet streaks from her face.
"It has been far too long since I've seen you, my little girl." The Garou Knight said with a grin. It was evident that she was thrilled to see Natia, and even her wolf companion was excited. "Natia, this is Kaukauana, but you can call him Kau. He is deaf but Force sensitive, and he'll know what you're saying." With that said, the beautiful wolf nodded and nearly smiled at Xazor's Daughter.
"And it is no problem you invited me here for lunch. I am so glad that we finally can see each other." The Knight said with a grin, irremovable from her face.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:10:22 PM
*Natia smiles down at Kaukauna, remembering him from when she was first adopted by Xazor. That seemed like a lifetime ago. Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn't. She seats herself beside her Mother, a grin on her own face that seems impossible to remove. One which seems to tell the world that this is one of the best days of her life*
Hello Kau.
I'm glad I invited you here as well. I occasionaly come here for lunch, and I figured that this would be a good place to meet.
*Natia, for a moment, gets the childlike look on her face, the one that was there shortly after she met Xazor for the first time*
Mother, before anything else, I'd like to apologize for the way I treated you. I was wrong of me, and I am extremely sorry. I never should have left the way I did. I never should have let. For that, I am also sorry.
*Natia says this, looking straight at her Mother, needing to get this said*
Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:33:01 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled at her Daughter. The words were softly spoken and from Natia's heart -- and the Jedi Knight could see this. "I know, young one. I know you are sorry but you don't have to be. Everyone makes mistakes and from those mistakes, we learn."
The woman paused a moment and looked down at Kau who seemed to silently agree with her. He laid down beside the booth and laid his head upon Xazor's sandled feet and she could sense his love. It made the moment even more wonderful than before. "Natia -- I too make mistakes. I made the mistake of not following you. I should have tried to get you back, but I let you go, knowing you would eventually figure things out on your own. I didn't make life very easy for you." She said softly, wrapping her arms around the young woman once again, holding her tightly. "This time, I will not let you go, though. If, for whatever reason you should desire to, someday -- then I guess there is nothing I can do but follow you until the end of my time."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 22nd, 2003, 10:00:33 AM
But if I didn't feel sorry for my actions when I was younger, then that would mean that I didn't learn anything from them. And right now, I have no desire to leave you again. I want you in my life. I want to spend long hours talking with you about things that we have done together.
*Natia leans over and gives her Mother a hug and then quickly wipes away the tears that are forming at her eyes again*
You don't know how happy I am that you came today.
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