View Full Version : A well deserved break (crew + open)

Jun 16th, 2003, 09:36:31 AM
-The tall, rough looking man walks out of the swinging double-doors of the club. His long coat pinned down with the heavy repeater on his back.
He dosn't speak but he smiles at the words shared by those who follow him out.-

Jun 16th, 2003, 09:39:33 AM
-The slim blonde walks out of the club backwards as he talks to the others.-

"...Oh man! remember those guys on deck 3! that was frik'in insane!...."

-He has a marksmans blaster on a sling over his shoulder, his golden fringe hanging over his single, cybernetic optic.

Jun 16th, 2003, 09:43:00 AM
-The bald, erie looking man stands slighty shorter of Jesse and a bizzare piece of head gear adorns his head, it almost highlights the ghostly shade of his eyes.-

"......Frell yeah! And deck 6 to! I mean what kind of freak fires a grenade launcher in a ship!..."

-He has a series of small, neat looking devices on his belt, a slug pistol holstered to each leg.-

Jun 16th, 2003, 09:47:24 AM
-The Vong walks taller than the other two, but still not quite matching the height of their huge leader.-

"......But then I guess that really didn't matter to much after we blew him out of the airlock......"

-Unlike the typical Vong, this one dresses like his fellow crew, his scout-type bio-armour hidden beneath the typical smuggler attire. At his waist are holstered two fine crafted laspitols, a carbine slung on his back on a sling.-

Jun 16th, 2003, 09:48:50 AM
-The good-looking one spoke up again.-

"So anyway, guys, where should we drag ourselves off to next?...."

Jun 16th, 2003, 09:50:43 AM
-The skipper replied with a smile and a gravelly voice.-

"C'mon guys, this is Coruscant and the night's still young, theres bound to be loads of great places around!..."

Jun 16th, 2003, 01:43:53 PM
"Yeah, you're right skip. But if you ask me, I think we need a few locals to show us around the good spots..."

-Jeese interupts.-

Jun 16th, 2003, 01:45:24 PM
"........and if you ask ME we need to find some of the more good looking locals to show us around, if you know what I meen.."

-He said with a broad smile.-

Jun 16th, 2003, 01:46:53 PM
".....Dammit Jess! Is that all you think about?!"

Jun 16th, 2003, 01:49:26 PM
"Well, I know we're looking for a guy's night out but I gotta agree with the kid, some female company would be appreciated. I meen its been, what, 4 months since we last had a break?"

Jun 16th, 2003, 01:52:32 PM
"Ugg, you don't have to remind me."

-He says running his hand through his hair.-

"So okay then, sounds like we're looking for some REAL fun!!"

-He said with his typical "Jesse" style mischievous smile.-

Jun 17th, 2003, 06:49:14 AM
"But I gotta say, it's awfully quiet out here. This is Coruscant, where is everybody? I mean sure, traffic's busy but there isn't a pedestrian insight 'cept for us. Weird."

Jun 17th, 2003, 01:17:23 PM
"Hey guys!"

-She says running over to them.-

"Sorry I'm late, the aft array was causing a little trouble, Del and Kir are finishing up so they'll join us soon.
Oh, there they are now."

Jun 17th, 2003, 01:22:06 PM
-Deladra came running over, Kirana walked calmly behind her.-

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that guys the aft arrays okay now. it took quite a beating in that last run."

Jun 17th, 2003, 01:25:31 PM
-Kirana walked slowly behind with sure steps, radiating confidence. As always she didn't great with words but just a nod.-