View Full Version : A question of rules

Jason Dreggs
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:42:41 AM
~ It is a violation of our FAQ's of the Shrine to run a Vampire Char. without the express permission of the Shrine Council. As all other forums here at SWfans we respect the individuality of each group. Please respect ours. It is common courtesy and good manners to ask first before you run a Char. species that has already been well established. *Any "Rogue Vampire Char. or Sub-Class Vampire" will not be acknowledged or tolerated. If an RPer is found in violation of creating a Vampire Char. without permission or admittance here at the Shrine by the whole Council, appropriate action will be taken and reported immediately to the SWfans Admin's. ~

My question on this rule comes from the fact that I run the character Gerbo Lang. He is a Dhampire (half-vampire) and is a well established character here at fans and has been for awhile now. My question is does rule affect even those Vampires who where established before the shrine was a full fledged group here at fans.

As far as i know my character Gerbo is tolorated by the shrine and it council but still he could be affected by this rule. Since i never asked permission to run him and he is at least half vampire. Also i know of other vampire characters that where estabilished before the shrine came to Fans what is the view on those vampires?

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 16th, 2003, 10:27:45 AM
We have no prob with the ones who established themselves before. We have known about Gerbo for a long time, have in fact rped a big brawl with you if I recall :p All we want to do now is keep our story line intact, and you have always respectfully done that :) As for the others who decide to make them now all we want is for them to ask if they want to make a half vamp or full vamp, and to follow our established story line and rules of not making other vamps without permission. That way it doesn’t mess anything up.

As for Gerbo, Alana will hunt him soon enough hehehe Gerbo is like an unofficial member, our own hunter if you will lol The stories of who we are and what the shrine is based on is in a few of the must reads. :) As Jason I remember you telling me you read em though, so that works....

Jason Dreggs
Jun 16th, 2003, 10:41:13 AM
Yes I have read through all the must reads. I was just unclear on this particular rule and have been for quite sometime I just figure I should ask about it sooner or later. Thanks for clearing it up alana. :)