View Full Version : Volunteers Required (Academy Classes)

Sage Hazzard
Jun 16th, 2003, 12:35:35 AM
Okay, listen up folks, I need volunteers for the new classes. There will be classes of the following:

Basic Combat (sabres, hand-to-hand)
Basic Force

I also believe a philosophical class was agreed on, though my memory might be playing tricks on me. I wanted one, so I might of tricked myself into remembering only the positive thoughts on it. So anyone correct me if I'm wrong, but those should be the top three.

Then, there's an OOC class that was brought up. Ryla suggested it (right, Ryla?).

Anyway, I'd like to (and lots of people would, including all of our Masterless Padawans) get this started quickly, so don't slack off with the volunteering. Speak up if you want it. I'm going to try and assign the best people for the job. So, to help me out, don't apply if you honestly know you're not cut out for it. Atleast be a Knight for a while and have a pretty strong ability in that field, and be a good teacher. If you're not any of those things, do us both a favor, and spare me the task of turning you down. Usually I'm nice about these things but I'm going to have to be tough so it gets done quickly and properly. No favorites.

So, let the volunteering begin. BTW, I'll be overseeing all the classes and teaching them with you, but you should be ready to take it on by yourself. I'll also probably assign two people other than myself to teach each class. But again, you should be ready to handle it all by yourself. Things happen. So don't volunteer if you just want to goof off.

Oh and thanks for volunteering. :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:19:31 AM
;; pushes Dasquian forward ;;

Sage Hazzard
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:28:58 AM
Which class would you most like Dasq, if you had to choose? If you're up for it, I'd assign you to your top two. I don't want to let people teach all three(or four, counting OOC), because then there's a big problem if they go on a hiatus. So what would be your top two, in order, including the OOC class? And would you want more than one class?

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:51:57 AM
I'd rather just have one, let others have some of the others. I wouldn't mind either basic force or basic combat, but if anyone else is more suited to them. Basically I'll do them providing no one else really wants to.

If that makes sense :)

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 16th, 2003, 06:48:33 AM
I'll do Combat, if you want. It's what I'm best at :)

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:06:37 PM
*waves from the back of the room* Yep, you're right. :)

Here's a few things I need to know:
- How long will these run for?
- How big of a class size do I need to prepare for? Ideally, I'd like to keep my students to around 10.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 16th, 2003, 09:36:39 PM
I'm up for combat and basic Force stuff, but combat is my strength out of those two. :)

Figrin D'an
Jun 16th, 2003, 10:46:50 PM
I'm up for Philosophy/History.

Sage Hazzard
Jun 17th, 2003, 12:49:50 AM
Okay, I'll have to wait a bit to examine who I want at what, but I think it's safe to say I'm positive about two roles:

Helenias on Combat
Figran on Philosophy

So you two guys have it. Everyone else, I'm going to wait a bit to see where I want to assign you. Though I'll be sure to give Xaz and Dasq a spot somewhere. I might even extend the number of teachers to three for a perticular class, simply so I can have some varying levels of styles.

Okay, onto your questions Ryla. BTW, I'm going to stick you at the head of that class. I'll help out if I see a need to, like if I do something differently that people might want to have an option of. But you're the leader of that class. Onto business:

Classes are going to be unlimited. When everything's taught to a perticular group, they're passed on and a new class starts for new people. However, this is an OOC, non mandatory class. Well, maybe we should make it mandatory(we'd get better RPers out of it) but it can't really go into the class structure very well. The regular classes will have about 5-8 people per class, but the OOC thing might need to be pushed to ten. However, do you think you could work it into the carousel program we have? If so, then you'd get about 5-8 per class and then you'd have a new group as you finish up with one group.

Just to hammer this point home and summarize: all classes will always be going on. They'll always start over. Padawans will be seperated into groups of 5-8, then each group will be assigned to a seperate class. As that class ends, that group will take the place of another group, and that group will take place of the original. It's a swapping, circular, thing. When all groups have all classes finished, we get all new people in all groups. So if we had the OOC class in the ongoing structure, there'd be four groups, with 5-8 people, so there will be 20-32 Padawans in all per cycle.

Also, since I know I can't possibly ask you guys to be locked into this forever, you may drop out after a cycle is up. I'd request though you do wait until that cycle is up(a cycle is when all groups are done with all classes). Then a replacement can be brought in. If anyone goes MIA, you'll just be assumed to be there, and it'll go on without you. But then you'll be replaced if you haven't come back in time for the new cycle.

ATTENTION: In the interest of getting this show on the road, I'm setting a close off date for volunteers. I'm making it the 20th. If I don't have enough volunteers by then, it'll go on longer. But this needs to get started.

I'm going to start a thread soon asking all Padawans that want to be in this to post, saying they do. Actually, perhaps I should request an admin do this for me, so it can be made an announcement and sent across the forums. If we simply went off the list of Masterless Padawans we'd have a lot of no shows that left as soon as they joined, because they didn't care to RP anyway. So we need them to reaffirm they're in. Also, Padawans with Masters are allowed to attend.

Oh, one more thing, as I'm requesting that an admin help me out and make an announcement thread, I'd request you put in that all new recruits are now "Initiates" and have to attend the classes.

Which actually brings me to another point(forgive the length of this thread, please). If a recruit joins but a Master takes them, because perhaps they're friends OOC and want it that way, they should still be allowed to do that correct? Though I think the Padawan should also be required to go through the class cycle, so they're not getting special treatment. Thoughts?

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jun 17th, 2003, 12:56:56 AM
What about padawans already with masters, like, well, J'ktal for example? Does he have to join these classes as well?

Sage Hazzard
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:02:36 AM
It's not mandatory but he may if he wishes to. It's a "from here on out" kind of thing, I would think. Otherwise we'd have floods of Padawans in these classes. It's okay if some Padawans want to get extra teaching but the reason they have a Master is to teach them, so the Masterless Padawans and the newbies need it more.

However, like I said, should we put a ban on taking a Padawan before he has completed a training cycle?

Kelt Simoson
Jun 17th, 2003, 03:55:45 AM
Kelt would do anything to do with Healing / Body and mind. :)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2003, 08:12:07 AM
That's another thing (I didn't know that you had more categorys) Xazor is very skilled in Healing as well as all aspects of Mentalism (not very strong with the Seer stuff, can hardly do it because it's pretty sporadic) but she's a strong Mentalist. Combat is another thing but if you have no room for me there, I'm really flexible. Just don't put me somewhere where I have to teach Telekinisis because Xaz doesn't have that ability anymore. :lol

Figrin D'an
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:33:09 PM
Keeping track of the initiates in each grouping, and which classes they've completed, will be key to the success of this idea. Unless you have a system in mind already Sage, I'd suggest spending a little time and formating an Excel spreadsheet so things can be checked off when finished... color-coding it would be ideal, methinks. Just a suggestion, though.

If a recruit joins but a Master takes them, because perhaps they're friends OOC and want it that way, they should still be allowed to do that correct? Though I think the Padawan should also be required to go through the class cycle, so they're not getting special treatment. Thoughts?

If a master accepts a person as a learner because of OOC friendship, that's fine. That shouldn't make the person exempt from taking the classes, however. It's just that once the person is finished with the classes, he/she will already have a master under which he/she will apprentice.

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 17th, 2003, 03:05:02 PM
Umm I could help, I'm not a Knight or anything special. But my character is one of the few who IC went through something similar, though it's all back story and flash backs.

Jun 17th, 2003, 06:07:55 PM
If its ok, id like to be involved in the philosophy too. I would have liked to be a main teacher but my online time has been severly cut down recently. I couldnt make any promises on how frequent I can post so you can turn me down if someone else wants to do it or whatever. I'll understand! :lol

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 17th, 2003, 11:58:31 PM
*eyes widen in delight*

Did someone mention a color-coded Excel spreadsheet? :D

Thankfully, I'm taking only one major class this summer term, so I have much, much more free time (as opposed to the last three terms where I took 18 credits a term.) So heading a class of 10 should be fine.

Sagey, you can PM me (well, I guess anyone can) with suggestions of what would be considered an RP-writing essential skill list that I can cover. :)

Sage Hazzard
Jun 18th, 2003, 12:16:45 AM
Okay, I might just do that Ryla. :) Though I know you won't need it anyway. :)

That's another thing (I didn't know that you had more categorys) Xazor is very skilled in Healing as well as all aspects of Mentalism (not very strong with the Seer stuff, can hardly do it because it's pretty sporadic) but she's a strong Mentalist. Combat is another thing but if you have no room for me there, I'm really flexible. Just don't put me somewhere where I have to teach Telekinisis because Xaz doesn't have that ability anymore.

Actually, there aren't other catagories. I believe Kelt was just talking about what his role, if he was accepted, would be based on. There are basic Force, combat, philosophy, and OOC. Healing and stuff won't be covered much, if at all, as it's an advanced skill. We decided long ago, with the original discussion thread, that the advance stuff should be left up to the Masters the Padawans eventually get. I wanted to have an advance Force class, but no one seemed to like that idea much. :)

Keeping track of the initiates in each grouping, and which classes they've completed, will be key to the success of this idea. Unless you have a system in mind already Sage, I'd suggest spending a little time and formating an Excel spreadsheet so things can be checked off when finished... color-coding it would be ideal, methinks. Just a suggestion, though.

I don't have Excel, but that's an excellent suggestion. I'll keep track of it one way or another. Maybe in Wordpad, though it might get confusing. But I'll make sure to keep track of everything in one way or another.

Oriadin, perhaps I might squeeze you into a third teacher spot, so you could help when you can. The philosophy class is one of the few classes that too many teachers won't be a problem. I might extend it beyond 2-3(not including myself). Because it's all about viewpoints. Actually, just so everyone knows what that class will be about(as the title doesn't exactly tell all), here goes:

Basically, I've found lots of people here don't know how Jedi act, can act, or should act. Neither do their IC personalities but that can be chalked up to good RPing rather than OOC ignorance/inexperience. So there will be scenarios presented and the students will be able to voice what they would do, then the teachers would state thier choices. It won't be a "no timmy, you're idea is wrong" thing, unless of course the answer is absolutely, without a doubt demonic and Sith like. It's a way to get people accustomed to the way these Jedi may act, and a way for their character to ponder it themselves and perhaps grow because of it. ALSO, there will be history and stuff etc. thrown in. It's a very mind heavy class, helping Padawans grow mentally and philisophically.

Ka'el: that's a nice thought, but it might not work out. If we let a Padawan help in teaching, it might give the idea that Padawans are anywhere near the level of Knights and Masters. These are newbies here, mostly, so we need to set an example of the way things work. Knights/Masters teach, Padawans listen and learn.

However, would anyone be opposed to him perhaps being a "teacher's assistant" kind of person. The guy who helps the teachers keep an eye one everyone(report troublemakers in the back, etc.). Anyone?

Also, if anybody wants to talk about what they want to teach in these classes, feel free. I'd like to hear them. Like, should we include telepathy in the Basic Force class, or is that too advanced for a "basic" class?

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 18th, 2003, 10:22:58 AM
Well that's what I was suggesting though I didn't word it well. Some sort of Padawan to help acclamate the recruits into the system or a TA. Just an assistant of sorts, it would also help me learn a bit more ooc on what it takes to train in the event that I am promoted to Knight. So sort of helps you and me at the same time. Just let me know.

Sage Hazzard
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:25:58 AM
Okay, here's the list. I would have liked some more volunteers, so I could have maybe some more teachers per class but it'll work out to two per class, with Ryla running the OOC thing herself. I hope you're cool with running that solo. :)

Basic Force

Basic Combat


Now, I hope you were volunteering Kelt, because we need you. :lol Otherwise we won't have two per class.

Okay, question: should I compile the Padawans into groups from the current list of Masterless? Or should I make a post for those Padawans to post in to join? Which, IMO, could cut down on having empty spaces when no one shows up. That way they're saying they're still here and still want to be with the GJO. So which is best?

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:41:36 AM
Just tell me when you want to start

Jun 23rd, 2003, 10:06:36 AM
I say let the students sign up... That way you can have padawans with master that want training to sign up as well.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 23rd, 2003, 10:10:09 AM
:thumbup Let people sign up, but making a list/dividing from the Masterless is a good idea to start off.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2003, 06:18:33 PM
Ditto to what Helenias said... *YAY! WE GET TO WORK TOGETHER MOMMY!* :mneh It'll be fun.... :)

Yeah, I agree with having the students sign up, that way we can avoid no one showing up. :D

Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:05:11 AM
Okay. I'm going to post a thread in the Recruitment Center asking for people to sign up. Then I'll post here in Official Oratory Chamber for everyone to go to that link, so as to catch all new recruits and Padawans who don't check the Recruitment Center anymore.

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:56:48 AM

I dunno where I stand status-wise (being only a Padawan), but I would like to help out with Philosophy or History if I could. If you want to have like a teacher's aid type position or GTA or something, I would LOVE to have Terran help out. :)

If not, that's cool, I wasn't sure how exclusive you were having the teaching staff be. :)

Sorry for the tardiness of this post.

Sage Hazzard
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:20:46 AM
Well, you have to be of Knight rank, and preferably for a while(2 months or so) before you can be a Teacher. But I do like this idea of a TA, GTA(Graduate Teacher's Assistant right?). Especially since while everyone's going through the exercises the TA can help out. More so for those Padawan characters who might have trouble speaking up, talking to authority figures. A Padawan could help be a bridge in case there's anything like that. And even though it'd only be a little fun thing, it'd be cool if I asked the TA to draw the shades, wheel in something, show an object around the class, etc.

Okay, here goes:

Ka'el, choose Combat or Force. It'd be a better I think if you took Force, as I'm thinking a Force Class would benifit more from a TA than a Combat one would. And since we only have two volunteers for that...Your choice though. I'm sure another semi-experience Padawan might come forward and ask for the final spot. :)

Terran, Philosophy's yours bud.

Okay, to my TAs: Don't preach or teach(hey, that rymes...). Unless of course a teacher asks you to assist in something and teaching is needed. You should also go through most or all of the practices with the rest of the class, to show comradery. Remember, you're not quite a teacher and not quite a student, you're in between. So be sure to show some class and disipline but don't act superior or mightier than the Initiates. :)

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:03:52 PM
Aye, Aye Dean Hazzard. ;)

Wooooo! Working with Fig and Ori!! :D