View Full Version : Its ok, We're with Fig

Dakota Gue
Jun 16th, 2003, 12:18:35 AM
The two girls walked into Yogs' Bar and Grill as if they knew their way around.

In fact, they did know their way around, to a certain degree, having been to the establishment once before.

This time however, they had not come to eat, or have a social drink. And this time, it was not the Bar & Grill that they had come to visit.

It was the Greater Jedi Order itself, but they were not sure of how to get to the grand buildings, and so a stop at Yogs for directions was in order.

Dakota followed her sister up to the bar and smiled and waved cheerily to the keeper standing behind it as Denali sought the information they required.

Denali Gue
Jun 16th, 2003, 12:47:17 AM
"Hello, Mr. Bartender, hi!"

Ali flashed the Gue trademark grin to the man behind the counter. That got his attention. Wiping his hands on the towel slung over one shoulder, he placed his hands on the bar as he smiled from one twin to the other.

"What can I get for the 'double delight' today?"

"Information is what we need. My sister and I are looking for Kat....um, I mean Morgan Evanar. Do you know where we can find him?"

A nudge in the ribs from Dakota reminded Denali of her manners.

"Do you know where we can find him, please?"

Ali glances over at Ko to make sure that was what she meant.

Dakota Gue
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:08:47 AM
Ko nodded encouragingly at her sister. Denali looked so good today - her outfit really brought out her pretty eyes.

The twins flashed dazzling smiles at the bartender, but he was not as forthcoming with the information as they had anticipated and this resulted in their dual pouty frowns.

"Who's looking for him?" he asked obstinately.

"We are friends of his" Dakota announced proudly.

"Good friends" chimed in Denali.

The barman looked dubious. He knew Morgan Evanar - Jedi Master, and he had never seen him with these two before.

The Gue girls picked up immediately on his doubt regarding their friendship, and this annoyed them a little. Especially after all they had been through on Coruscant... ( Why they had practically singlehandedly snatched Morgan from the jaws of death!! Sort-of. And they said as much.

"I'll have you know...we rescued Kat! Saved him!"

This brought a wide smile now from barman. He was sure now they were pulling his leg. "Is that right..?"

Dakota looked over to her sister, a frown creasing her otherwise perfect features. Why was this hard to believe?"

"Just call up Figrin D'An...We are here as his guests."

This caused the man to erupt into laughter now, and he offered to buy them a pretty fruity umbrella drink for making his day.

Denali Gue
Jun 17th, 2003, 12:32:22 AM
Ko was so cute when she started to get annoyed.

Two little wrinkles formed right in the middle of her forehead as she frowned at the man behind the counter, who was still chuckling at their 'tall tale'. Cute she may be but her sister abhorred anything resembling a wrinkle so Denali did the sisterly thing and whispered a warning.

"Ko, those things are showing."

Dakota's baby blues widened at the soft words, instantly banishing the small furrows.

"Whew, thanks, Ali! I owe you one."

The 'tender hadnt waited for their acceptance of the offered drinks and simply went ahead and made them, placing one each on a napkin in front of the twins, his amused grin still plainly visible.

It was Ali's turn to frown. How dare he not believe Ko? Her sister would never lie - not about something like this! Denali looked around quickly then snatched the little umbrella from her drink.

"Its true! We did save Morgan from the jaws of death and Figrin...well, he was all over me the night we met! Now, you tell us where we can find Kat or I'll have to get rough with you!"

Ali waved the little multi-colored umbrella menacingly, making small jabbing motions at the bartender's hands.

Dakota Gue
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:32:39 PM
Dakota was sipping her drink (which was very good indeed) but was finding it increasingly difficult to do so - smiling as she was, it was hard to keep control of the straw. Grinning now, as she listened to Denali's liberal take on their encounter with the Jedi Master Figrin D'An, she gave up completely on the refreshment for the moment.

They had all been in a bit of a scuffle - she, Ali, Fig, ...A redhead named AB (unusual name, Ko mentaly noted) and a blue girl called Ryla - all Jedi (and very respected ones, the Gues later learned)...and poor Morgan in the middle of it all, with barely a comprehensible thought in his befuddled head.

Everyone was trying to save him, and doing a great job of getting in each other's way. But it all worked out in the end and they parted amicably. Morgan was safe and with the people who cared for him, and Ko and Ali were extended a welcome to come visit the Order.

"Yes, we are all great friends!" Dakota declared...and a twinge of conscience pricked her. Exaggerating was sort of lying and she still didnt know if the Jedi could tell when one was stretching some truth. She'd have to really watch that around Figrin - he was a bit dubious of them as it was.

Another sip of her drink, and the concern faded as the next thought popped into her mind.

Looking at her sister, who was still waving the minute umbrella menacingly under the barman's nose, she piped up with a new suggestion.

"You can just tell us where Mr. Figrin lives. We'll drop in and surprise him!"

Figrin D'an
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:28:57 AM
The bartender rolled his eyes a little at the two ladies, who proved to be more goofy than menacing. But, in the interest of good customer relations, as well as wanting to get them off his hands as quickly as possible, he reluctantly agreed to help them find their "friend." He had his doubts about just how these two would know a Jedi Master, much less a two of them.

Right now though, he didn't really care. He wanted them somewhere other than at the bar on his shift... even though they were nice to look at.

"I'll tell you what... I'll see if I can get a hold of him for ya...," he said gruffly.

He paged though the Jedi directory, kept on hand at the bar...


At that moment, Figrin was taking a seat at the desk in his study. He had just eaten, and was looking forward to having the rest of the day off. The Senate was in recess for the next two weeks, and all that stood between him and an afternoon of peace and quiet was a short report he needed to read about the Chancellor's latest meeting with the Balmorran ambassador. Relations with the Balmorran Empire were still touchy, but at least progress was being made.

He had just begun to read the pad containing the report when the desk terminal beeped, indicating an incoming transmission. Reaching to the terminal keyboard, he tapped a button opening the audio channel, without looking up from the report.

"Figrin here."

"Master D'an," the voice replied, "I'm sorry to disturb you, sir, but there are a couple of ladies here at Yog's lookin' for you. I think they the want to come by the Jedi grounds to see you for some reason.

Figrin looked up from his reading for moment, a confused look on his face. I didn't have an appointment to meet anyone today... and I wasn't expected any visitors, he thought. He had no idea who would be looking for him, beyond maybe the council or perhaps his padawan.

"And you don't know what they want?," the Jedi questioned.

"Afraid not, sir. They just said that they know you, and that they wanted to visit the Jedi Complex."

Figrin, still looking forward to his quiet afternoon, decided that it would be best to just agree to meet whomever they were, and hope that it wouldn't take very long. Rather than pose more questions, gave the most simple answer he could.

"Very well... send them over. I'll meet them in the main entry hall in 15 minutes."


"Yes sir... I'll let them know."

The bartender clicked off the audio terminal, and stepped back to the bar and his two strange female customers.

"I talked to Master D'an. He said he'd meet you in the Entry Hall of the Jedi Complex."

He pointed out the window, towards a large cluster of interconected buildings that seemed to dwarf everything around them.

"Ya see those big buildings? That's the Jedi grounds. It's plenty big, so don't go wanderin' around too much, or you'll get lost. Head down this street, then turn left. The central garden is right there. Just walk down the path through the garden, and through the big doors. He should be waitin' for you there. Oh, and don't be late. He said he'd meet you in 15 minutes. Jedi are busy people, so best not keep him waiting.

Dakota Gue
Jun 19th, 2003, 10:47:34 PM
The girls were both enjoying their drinks, and taking the opportunity to people watch in the bar while the 'keep was making his call to Figrin.

They passed the few moments while he was gone, in idle conversation, giving each other a back and forth observation on the various fashion foo-pahs or strokes of brilliance (depending on the clothes) of the patrons around them. Dakota found a particular pair of strappy sandles to her liking and gave the young jedi female enthusiastic praise to her sister.

"Now, Ali - there's the sandles Ive been looking for - they are just adorable!....I wonder where she got them.."

But Ko would be left to wonder, as the young barman returned, and had good news that Fig would meet with them, and the strappy sandles were quickly forgotten.

Thanking him heartily, the twins left the bar, smiling and waving to him as they went - and headed in the direction he had instructed.

They turned left and entered the grounds of the Central Gardens. It was a delight to the senses - even in the late afternoon, the blooms were still wide open and their delicate aromas drifted lightly on the faint breeze.

"Oh, these Jedi are very good gardners" Ali declared, and Ko nodded her agreement. Very good, and she bent to pick a particularly lovely white flower who's scent was like soft lavender.
"Oh, good idea, Ko" Denali approved, and then tugged her sisters arm in an effort to hurry her along.

After dallying, admiring the gardens, a little longer than they should have, the Gue's finally stepped into the Main Entry Hall of the Order.

They were quite agog, the roof was so high! The twins were used to opulant surroundings, coming from one of the richest families in the galaxy, but still, they had never seen quite such grand halls as this which they now entered.

There were many Jedi...easily identified by their beige robes...and Dakota and Denali searched for a familiar face. Denali thought she saw the Jedi with the long pretty hair called Dasquian (whom had also been at the "Saving of Morgan" ) but she wasnt certain, and anyway, he looked so busy as if he was heading some place very important, to do something very important - Jedi business was very important.

Standing a little to the side of the Entry Hall, with hands clasped behind his back, was the dignified figure of Figrin D'an. Both girls spotted him at the same time and let out small identical "ooh's!"

Figrin, however had seen them the moment their pampered pedicured feet stepped across the GJO threshhold and recognising them instantly, his reaction to seeing them had been a little less excited than theirs was at seeing him. However, whatever his thoughts at their arrival, they remained unreadable to the girls. He retained his calm and self-possessed demeanor - it was a look the girls were not unfamiliar with.

Flashing him broad smiles - Denali and Dakota approached Figrin and presented him with the flower in greeting.

Denali Gue
Jun 20th, 2003, 12:59:22 PM
Everything about the Jedi fascinated the twins and they had 'Ooh'd' and 'Ahh'd' their way through the exquisite gardens and into the entrance of the great hall.

Pausing to gawk at the Jedi passing quietly back and forth, Ali leaned in to Ko, her voice low in the hushed surroundings.

"Dont you just get tingles thinking about all their powers? Of course, that 'mind trick' would never work on us!'

Dakota nodded sagely in agreement then pointed to a tall, blonde male walking away from them.

"Isnt that Dasquian - from the night we saved Kat?"

It was Ali's turn to agree with her sister.

"He is so yummy!"

It was then that the Gues spied Figrin.

The Jedi Master had spotted them as they had entered and was currently resisting the urge to roll his eyes as the twins ogled and pointed their collective way in his direction.

Grinning broadly, the girls rat-tated up to him, their high-heels echoing and bouncing off of the high ceiling.

"We picked this for you."

"Do you like it?"

Then as if by some unspoken signal, the gals piped up in unison.

"Hi, Fig!"

Figrin D'an
Jun 21st, 2003, 01:03:02 AM
Oh.... no....

It took nearly all of the mental fortitude the Jedi Master could muster to not speak those words aloud. His stomach took a nose-dive into his boots, and his mind was quickly trying to determine the fastest way to get out of the mess he would soon find himself in, while simultaneously questioning, "Why, in the name of the Force, did even answer the comm?".

It had been months since the Morgan had been found safe, albeit memory impaired... and therefore, months since he had last seen the two strange twins who had tried to blind him with perfume spray and trip him into several club patrons, all in an attempt to protect the man they knew as "Kat." Later, once things had been sorted out and Morgan's true identity revealed to them, the ladies had apparently decided to move on to some new venture, and seemed to reassimilate into the massive Coruscant populous.

Until now...

It suddenly dawned on Figrin that the ladies had been given a verbal invitation to visit the Jedi Complex at a later date. It was deemed reasonable, since they might want more information on Morgan and his true life, seeing as how they had become attached to him.

Why do I have a feeling that offer will turn out to be a huge mistake?, he saracstically bemoaned to himself.

The twins approached, clad in high-fashion designer outfits that successfully accentuated their more notable features, and full of blissful cheer that, to a given person, could be either frighten or contageous. Or maybe just frighteningly contageous.

A single flower, which the Jedi could instantly tell came from the Garden outside, was offered to him, followed by synchronous, gleefully pitched greeting.

He cringed inwardly.

"Yes... um, hello ladies...," Figrin replyed, scrambling for words. "I'm afraid you caught me by surprise. I wasn't expecting any visitors... and... well... I would have expected you to contact Morgan rather than me..."

Dakota Gue
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:28:45 PM
He was happy to see them, Ko could see it in his face!

She reached forward and grabbed the Jedi Master in an enthusiastic hug. Her sister did like wise, both of them oblivious to him trying to draw back stiffly from them.
Fig glanced from side to side to see if any at the Order noticed the little reunion going on, and to his dispair, quite a few had.

Stepping back now, and straightening down his robes, he attempted to gain back some dignity which seemed to have been yanked from him momentarily in a flurry of giddy giggly Gue flounce.

"Oh..." Ko waved her hand about in the air for emphasis, "We tried to get in touch with Morgan too, but that bartender at Yog's was not very helpful... You really should talk to him about that you know."

Denali clarified quickly,
"Not that we want to get him into trouble, because he does make good drinks"

Denali turned to her sister as she spoke, and Ko agreed completely.

"Yes, yes - really good drinks - with the fruit and the little umbrella" And the two launched off into a discussion about how hard it was to get good bartenders, and how their favorite drinks were the fruity ones. But the best one they'd ever had was at a club in the Coruscant Center core at an elite establishment called "The Mykr Room"..or was it the "Mynock Room...?" Of course they had been ridiculously overpriced - ridiculously - but still if one wanted good margueritas or the like, one had to be willing to pay that little bit extra. Nothing worse than going cheap on a good refreshment. No, nothing worse. And downtown places always had higher overhead costs and so made up for it by increasing the liquor prices. Which was a good idea really. Many places should do the same thing. Yes, they should, its a good idea.

Suddenly Figrin could stand it no longer and interjected an exasperated "Ladies!"

The twins voices ceased abruptly, and then they proceeded to giggle merrily together at their lapse of concentration.

They had quite, for the breifest second, forgotten about him.

"Sorry, sorry bout that"

They collected themselves with much primping of their hair.

"Anyway, its so nice that you invited us to come here, and we were hoping you could show us around a bit?

The girls focused their big blue eyes onto Fig. The four bright blue orbs wide and hopeful, and he couldnt deny, good natured, as they waited for his reply.

Denali Gue
Jun 23rd, 2003, 11:07:47 AM
Any of his fellow Jedi who cared to look would see Master D'an struggling to maintain his calm. To the twins it was as if he had gone into deep thought, thinking as to what sights he would show them first.

"I want to see all the cute little paddy-kids! Oh, can we please, Fig?!"

Ali clapped her hands together in excitement as she fairly danced in front of him, waiting for his response.

"Thats a wonderful idea, Ali! They are so cute in those drab little robes!"

A long suffering sigh escaped Figrin's lips as he wondered for the umpteenth time in less than five minutes how he could have been so without thought as to offer these two airpuffs an open invitation.

Figrin D'an
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:16:38 PM
He didn't know where, or how, to begin. He felt a dull pain in his left temple. This was definately not the way he wanted to spend his afternoon... his first afternoon off in more than a month.

Figrin sighed, took a deep, calming breath... and slowly began to respond.

"Ladies, I'm... flattered... that you remember me and took up the invitation to visit. But, I'm not sure now is the best time for this. You see... I'm a rather busy man, and today is my first afternoon off in..."

His words fell on deaf ears, as the sisters were looking around the room, making sounds indicative of amazement and curiosity. They gawked at a passing male Jedi they found attactive. They commented on the outfit of a female that walked by, openly wondering where she shopped. A class of younglings scammpered to their next class, and the twins got tender looks on their faces, declaring how cute they looked and how one of them looked like a young version of Figrin... without the beard, or course.

The Jedi Master rolled his eyes. Fortunately, the twins were oblivious as they managed to find something new to occupy their attention every 15 seconds or so.

"Look," he began again, "I'd love to show your around, but I was going to go meditate, then do some reading, maybe catch dinner with a friend..."

The ladies didn't hear a single word, as they began discussing the general decor of the Entry Hall, commenting on simple color scheme and the marble floors, and wondering aloud who the Jedi had hired to be the interior designer.

Why me? he wondered silently.

"Alright...," he said begrudgingly, "we'll take a tour. Follow me, and please, please don't touch anything."

He turned sharply and began to walk towards the inner complex, not even looking to see if the twins were following him.

Dakota Gue
Jun 30th, 2003, 08:58:58 PM
A sharp tug on her arm alerted Ko to the fact that Figrin was moving off and that they needed to catch up. Denali was already leading the way.

Ko hitched her light canvas carry bag upon her shoulder, taking care to tap Matilda's fluffy little head back down into its satin lined recesses and safely out of sight as she went. As eager as her little darling was to see the GJO too, Dakota had the good sense to keep the dog hidden from view. Not everyone appreciated canines the way Ko appreciated Mattie and the very thought made her lips pout with sadness. If they only knew you Mattie.

Matilda lifted her soft brown eyes to her mistress and blinked at her without understanding as to why all the subterfuge. Ko blew her a kiss and made woosa-woosa noises to her, which seemed to make the little dog happy. If it could be seen, Matildas short little knub tail would be waggling back and forth with joy.

Trotting up, making an unbelievealbe amount of clatter on the Jedi marble floor with their stilletto heels, the twins joined on either side of Figrin. They were sorely tempted to thread an arm each through his arms and link in a merry trio for the tour, but something gave them pause, and so they prudently did not.

"Its so very good of you Figsy to show us around on your only afternoon off.." He had thought they had missed this fact completely. Seems not. "But there really is no desperate hurry..."

Oh no..... Figrin had a sneaking suspicion of what was coming next...
"Yes, yes - no hurry really at all..." Ko continued for her sister.

"Our schedules are completely cleared! We are here for 10 days at the least!"

The twins punctuated the statement with pleased squeaks to one another and much squeezing together of their shoulders in happiness. Figrin ran a hand over his eyes and down his chin, smoothing his beard as if willing himself to patience.

"Yes - this is highly unusual for us. I mean, we are so popular, and we had to rearrange many appointments, parties and such so we could have a nice long visit. Many things. And everyone was so disappointed. Yes, very disappointed. But we will make it up to them. Yes, we always make it up to them when we do this. Thats right! We do!"

The conversation continued between the two girls, heads bobbing back and forward around Figrin in the middle.

"Did you say you were going for dinner later, Figsy?"

The question was a loaded one, as Figrin was quick to recognise. The girls would of course be wanting to join him.

Matilda moved inside the bag and tried to spring up to at long last take a look around. Dakota half-ducked half-twisted, pointing in the direction of a Twi'lek and away from her bag, seeking diversion.

"Oh! Is she a Jedi Master too, Figrin? How ever does one tell?"

Figrin D'an
Jul 2nd, 2003, 11:59:45 PM
Figrin did his best to pretend not to hear the myriad of questions the twins were tossing his way. Most were completely frivolous, yet managed to be wholely annoying to the Jedi. He mearly wanted to weather the storm, although finding out that the sisters would want to spend multiple days as guests would undoubtedly find new and creative ways to try his patience. As un-Jedi like as it may seem to some, Figrin was already contemplating ways to unload the ladies onto someone else.

After passing through a series of winding hallways and passages, many lined with windows looking out onto the Coruscant landscape, the trio arrived at the Central Hall, the main branching point of the Jedi Complex. It was a vast open room, cathedral-like in sheer enormity, and bustling with activity, as it did each day.

"Well," Figrin sighed, "from here we can go to any one of the major sections of the complex."

He pointed around in various directions as he continued.

"Over there is the Archives, which is one of the largest information databases in the galaxy. The hallway to the left leads to the Academy, where Jedi learn and train. The one to the right leads to the private living quarters wing and the Jedi Gardens. Straight ahead the entrance to the main Temple, which contain our private meeting halls, as well as the Council Chambers on the top level."

He paused, glancing back towards the twins... both of whom seemed to be enthralled with a wall mural depicting the last great battle for Coruscant. He wondered if they were evening listening.

"Where would you like to go first, ladies?," he asked in a slightly irritated tone.

Denali Gue
Jul 5th, 2003, 10:55:25 PM
So much painstaking detail! Why it must have taken the creator of this lovely painting many, many months - possibly years - to have captured such life-like imagery and fluidity of motion in his work! Or had it been accomplished mechanically?

Ko and Ali had their heads together in a whispered discussion on the merits of oil paint verses lazer painting. Had this wonder been produced by human hands or by those of a droid? More importantly, had he been cute?

So engrossed in were they that neither heard Figrin speaking to them - not until he mentioned 'train'. Denali perked right up and spun around to face him.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! The paddywants! Oh, Ko, I want to see them! Can we, Figsy? Pleeezzzzeeeee??"

Dakota got caught up in Ali's excitement and was soon adding her pleas to her sister's.

A muscle twitched along the Master Jedis' jawline and a vein throbbed beneath the skin of one graying temple. His gaze dropped lower, settling on the weapon at his waist but just for the briefest of moments. No, he couldnt. It was far too drastic and they were standing too close to the mural.

With a deep breath, Figrin inclined his head, forcing a tight smile.

"Very well, ladies. The training center is this way."

Their stiletto heels bore a nice cadence as Ko and Ali fell into step beside the Master. Dakota leaned around Figrin and grinned at her twin.

"Do you think they'll let us hold a lightsaber? And before we go home Ali, remind me to pick up some Jedi robes in the souvenir shop."

Dakota Gue
Jul 5th, 2003, 11:24:09 PM
Ko was quite eager to see the padawans in training. She..and her sister also...were no strangers to the rigors and disciplines required to perfect an art. Behind the pampered lifestyle they had been born to, were two very determined and strong young women. It was just buried under layers of designer clothing and frivolous fancies.

As was well known among their social circle, the two girls had spent many years of their youth in the Academy of Gymnastics working day in and day out to be the best. And they had succeeded. Both, in their turn, taking the Title in the Annual Tournaments held through out the Isor Sector. They were the record breakers for consecutive winning four years running.

Of course..athletic acheivement could not be compared with being a Jedi. But the basic laws of learning and committment were the same. And it might surprise Figrin to know, the girls could appreciate such.

There was so much to take in at the Academy here, and Figrin was a literal wealth of information and knowledge. They would need atleast the 10 days in his company to exaust all he knew, the twins were certain of this.

Moving along quickly, they stayed very close to the Jedi Master. It was all just so exciting.

"This is so exciting. Maybe later..too..after dinner...we can see the big library too? Unless of course we meet up with Morgan somewhere..that would be exciting to!"

Jul 8th, 2003, 06:41:12 PM
:: AB and Morgan had been taking a walk outside in the garden in the warm afternoon with cool breezes. Aside from eary mornings filled with dew, afternoons were one of AB's favorite times to strol through the garden, and Morgan never complained about joining her. ::

:: But now they'd decided to come back inside and were walking down one of the carpeted hallways with windows on either side. It was a sort-of tube walkway that crossed over and below some skylanes. It was spectacular to walk through there, especially when the sun was setting over the horizon. One got the most incredible view. ::

:: Both had stopped, Morgans arm over AB's shoulders, and they both silently looked outside the window. Nothing needed to be said between the two. In their silence, they spoke volumes of how much they cared and loved each other. ::

:: At some point, while they were watching the sun set, AB heard a great chattering coming down the hallway, followed by gigglings and ohs and ahs. During the various chatter and exclaimations, she heard Morgans name mentioned and turned her head slightly to see who was coming down the hallway. To her surprise, and amusement, Figrin's tall frame was walking down the middle of the aisle, each arm engangled by a blonde. AB squinted her eyes and recognized them to be the girls from the bar where they had found Morgan when he'd been lost. What was their names?... AB thought, but all she could remember was their last name of Gue. ::

:: She gently poked Morgan in the ribs, gesturing with her head towards the scene coming down the hallway. It wasn't everyday you saw the ever serious Figrin accompanied by giggling blondes. ::

Morgan Evanar
Jul 8th, 2003, 08:31:03 PM
Morgan's jaw loosened momentarily at the sight of him with two blondes dangling off Firgin's arms. He then realized who they were, and it seemed to click back shut. An odd half smile accompanied his face in a look that screamed "ackward."

"Well, uh, I guess we should tell them the big news." Morgan nervously rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

I wonder how they'll take it... he thought to Rie as they walked over to the trio.

"G'afternoon, Master D'an. Allo Ko and Ali." He gave Rie's shoulder a squeeze without thinking about it.

Jul 8th, 2003, 11:05:18 PM
:: AB smiled at Morgan's comment, sending her own message. ::

Figrin will be surprised. The twins will react no doubt with much excited exclaimations, followed by a miriad of suggestions and comments.

:: She kept the smile as they neared the trio, nodding her head to the three as Morgan gave his greeting. She of course had to add her own. ::

Quite the company you have there, Master Da'an.

:: She was holding back a grin of amusement, and it became even more difficult to hold when Figrin shot her a "I'll get you for that" glance that spoke volumes. ::

Figrin D'an
Jul 9th, 2003, 12:32:08 AM
He glared at AB briefly, but the moment passed quickly. He was just glad that someone had interupted the task of baby-sitting the Gue sisters.

"Master Evanar, Master Mystt," Figrin answered, a bit flustered, bowing slightly to the couple.

He suddenly became quite aware that the twins had tucked their arms around his own. He abruptly stepped forward, pulling away from the clutches of the sisters.

"I must apologize for missing the most recent Council session," he began." You will have to tell me about Jedi Kindo's report sometime. For most of the afternoon I have been..."

He let out a deep, defeated sigh, and glanced back at the twins, who were smiling widely.

"... indisposed," he finished.

Denali Gue
Jul 9th, 2003, 06:53:41 PM
It started softly and slowly began building until the end result was a loud, high-pitched squeal which carried effortlessly down the halls and corridors of the complex, bouncing and reverberating off the walls.

"OOOoooooooeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEkkkkKKKK!! KAT!!!"

Both voices lifted in unison as the blondes sprung forward, flinging their arms around Morgans shoulders and waist.

"Kat!! We've missed you terribly!"

"Youve put on weight! You look wonderful, Kat!"

"Have you colored your hair, because it looks lighter? Doesnt it look lighter to you? You look so much more relaxed now! How many pounds have you gained? I bet he used that high fat diet that we heard about over GNN last week."

Four matching blue eyes beamed up at Morgan and white teeth flashed identical grins as the girls pelted their favorite Jedi with endless questions, Figrin and the redhead momentarily forgotten in their mutual joy.

Jul 10th, 2003, 02:05:58 PM
:: AB saw what was coming, especially with the warning siren emitted from the two blondes, and quickly ducked out of the way as both clobbered Morgan with hugs and questions. ::

:: She herself stood off to the side, beside Figrin, looking over the scene, side glancing at the tall Jedi Master beside her, smiling. She sent a message via the Force. ::

Try not too look TOO disappointed at having lost your company.

:: It was a joke, and by the look of relief on Fig's face, a well taken one. ::

Dakota Gue
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:59:08 PM
"Yap! Yap! Yap-yap-yap!"

Matilda had stretched her tiny fluffy neck up out of Ko's canvas bag upon hearing the girls squeals of delight when they had spied Morgan. The little dog recognised Kat and was eager to enter the fray of welcoming and reuniting, leaping forward and scratching her little pedicured paws on the front of his shirt, seeking purchase. Ko lifted her shoulder in an effort to accomodate her adored pet, and Morgan was consequently accosted by a rough pink little tongue endeavoring to lick every square inch of his handsome face.

Ko spared a moment to twist her head back to Figrin and the beautiful redhead, explaining that "Mattie had missed him too!"

The group hug continued a few moments more and the twins running commentary on "how well Morg looked and wonderful it was to see him" seemed neverending.

Pausing for breath, and pulling Matilda back from Morgan's grimacing face, Ko stuffed the dog back into her bag, realising belatedly, that the dogs presence was now known. She watched nervously for any frowning by the quiet spoken Figrin, but - as ever - he was unreadable.

Thankfully, Denali came to the rescue and snatched Figrin's arm once more, declaring to AB and Morg how he had been showing them around and that the girls believed he knew absolutely everything about the place and that wasnt it wonderful that they were all here together!

Ko nodded emphatically, agreeing with her sister.

"Its wonderful! We have so much to tell you Kat. You probably have so much news for us too - what you've been doing, how you've been saving the galaxy and everything."

Ko turned and focused on AB for a moment.

"You know - I just love your hair!"

Morgan Evanar
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:09:09 PM
Mercifully, Ko put Mattie back away, but he could still smell the dog breath on his face.

"I've put on about twenty-five or thirty kilos." Morgan said, trying not to think about how his face smelled.

"But for the most part, I mostly keep Senators from killing each other." He smiled at Rie, and took her hand.

"Well, there is the matter of my fiance."

Jul 10th, 2003, 11:18:15 PM
:: AB couldn't help but smile at the twin that complimented her on her hair. Yes, the twins could be over-excentric at times, but their bubbliness was somehwhat adicting. ::

Thank you.

:: It was about this time Morg explained his weight gain, and then took her by the hand, proclaiming that he was her fiance. This made her smile even more, beaming at the twins and Figrin's dropped jaw. ::

Figrin D'an
Jul 11th, 2003, 11:56:15 PM
For the first time since the twins had arrived, Figrin was pleasently surprised. After the initial shock wore off, he smiled widely, almost completely forgetting about sisters.

"Congratulations," Figrin said, elated for the couple. "I can't think of anyone more deserving of that kind of happiness than the two of you."

He stepped forward and gently hugged AB, then reached out and gave a hearty handshake to Morgan.

"This is truely worthy of celebration. Have you annouced your engagement to rest of the Order yet?"

Jul 12th, 2003, 03:01:20 PM
:: AB hugged him back, and then gave him a quirky smile. ::

Well, to asnwer your earlier question about what you'd missed into today's Council session... that would be where we made the announcement to the Council.

As to the rest of the Order, I'm pretty sure they'll all be in the know by the end of today, judging by how quickly news spreads within these walls.

Dakota Gue
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:29:58 PM

The twins thought they heard wrong. But they both heard "fiance" so it must have been right. Even still, they looked at each other as if their ears deceived them.

Then as the hugging started once again..this time initiated by Figrin, which, in itself was a wonder, the girls turned simultaneously and began to quite openly scruitinise AB.

Would she be good enough for Kat? She certainly was pretty enough. But there was more than looks. Even the twins knew that.

She was brave. Yes. And loyal - AB had gone in search for Morgan and had found him. And she was a Jedi, so she was a good person.

Four blue eyes continued to scan the Jedi Master. But wasnt this sudden? I mean..it was sudden to the Gues! And this was Kat. Our Kat!

There was an awkward silence as Dakota and Denali internally made up their minds about this astounding revelation. AB and Morgan seemed unaware of the turmoil of thought they had created in their new friends - or if they were aware, were too happy and starcrossed to have it phase them.

But looking now at AB and Morgan together, seeing them both so obviously in love, Ko and Ali surrendered a verdict,
"Oh congratulations! This IS exciting news!" and sparked off again another round of hugging and gushing and congratulating - even scooping up Figrin into the happy fray once more, double barrelling him from either side.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 16th, 2003, 07:03:47 PM
Inwardly, Morgan finally relaxed. The Twins were generous but had a potential for jealousy. Furthermore, they had odd priorities and lots of money. At times they were perceptive, and this was one of them. Thank the Force!

Figrin was again sandwiched between two blonde heads and four blue eyes, looking only slightly less irritated. Rie was hugged next, slightly less mauled than Figrin.

"Kat!" they squealed, "you're getting married!" Morgan bent down and hugged them after they relinquished Rie, giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

"I know I sort of did it before, but now that I'm more lucid I'd like to thank you both again. What you did still means a lot to me. Now... what has Figrin shown you of the temple? Rie and I could finish your tour."

Jul 16th, 2003, 07:17:00 PM
:: For a minute there she wasn't sure how the twims would react. They obviously cared for Morgan, and were very obviously protective of him. Possibly more protective than me. AB laughed inwardly. ::

:: But it appeared after much studying her with two pairs of blue eyes, they'd made their verdict and it was a possitive one. AB let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and hugged each twim in turn, thanking them for their congratulations. ::

:: Upon Morgan's suggestion, AB brightened. ::

Oh yes! We could definitely do that!

:: She turned to Morgan. ::

But only if you let me give the tour of the garden.

:: She winked and laughed. ::

Denali Gue
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:43:29 PM
Denali was happy for Morgan, she truly was but after the initial excitement wore off, she felt a bit empty and grew quiet.

In her secret heart, Ali had hoped that she and Kat could have spent time together and grown closer but that wasnt to be, not now.

Standing back, she eyed the redheaded woman critically. Although she obviously didnt have the right fashion or makeup sense that she and Ko possessed, AB was still attractive .... in an odd sort of way.

As much as it hurt, Denali knew that the important thing was Kats happiness and that was what she wanted for him. If this woman was who he desired, then.......

"Ko and I will have to go shopping to buy you a gift. When is the wedding?"

Figrin D'an
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:46:24 PM
Figrin let out a very noticable sigh of relief when Morgan suggested that he and Rie could finish the twin's tour. AB laughed a little at Figrin's expression. Morgan gave a half-mouth smile. The sisters, however, remained completely clueless, looking at each other and wondering just what was the big deal.

"I'm sure you have a fair amount of catching up to do," Figrin noded to the twins and at Morgan. "I wouldn't want to intrude on any personal discussion." It was a civil explanation that would allow him to get away from the twins.

He looked to AB and Morgan.

"We must celebrate your engagement. I'll have to take you to dinner... when you have some freetime, that is."

Dakota Gue
Jul 19th, 2003, 06:29:24 PM
Ko could see her sister was putting on a brave face. The news of Morgs engagement, while happy, was for Ali a little disappointing. Her twin instincts knew her sister had developed quite an affection for Kat while he had stayed with them, and Ali had been even more excited about the visit to the Order for that reason.

Still, they were both so happy Morgan was well, and that they had played a part in it. He was so sweet. Even now, he thanked them again for something that they had been more than happy to do.

They flashed him sweet smiles. "You are welcome Kat. We would do anything for you."

Figrin was smiling now too, pleased that AB and Morg were coming to a rescue of his own. But his joy was come to soon.

"Intruding? dont be silly, Figsy"

Ko waved off such a foolish notion. How could he be intruding. They were all just one happy group of friends! She latched onto his arm that gave him no room to maneuver away from her without bumping bodily into Ali.

"You've been so wonderful. We wouldnt hear of you going...Unless of course, you dont want to come with us" Big blue eyes blinked at the Jedi Master, putting him quite on the spot. And...he dectected...pouting lips?

Ali zeroed her gaze in on him too, the question profoundly important. His escape was not to be as smooth or easy as he had dared to hope.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:12:54 PM
He hadn't ever seen Figrin squirm this much. Not in the Senate, not while being shot at, never. Morgan grinned at him, which seemed to unhinge the Jedi Master further. Figrin was a master of the poker face, so after almost two decades of being in the Order, Morgan had picked up on the subtlties. He wished he had a holocam.

"Ah, actually, Master D'an probably needs to catch up on Council bussiness." Morgan said with a wink.

Denali Gue
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:36:29 PM
"But there are so many of you. Couldnt someone else do the Council work for tonight? Ko and I would simply adore spending time with you, Figsy!"

Ali's bottom lip drooped and it wasnt for show or bribery - this time. In the matter of less than two minutes she had learned that Kat was getting married and that Figrin was going to leave them. It was almost more than she could bear. Not even a full day of 'shopping therapy' could help cheer her up.

She laid her cheek against Figrins arm and stared forlornly up at the Jedi Master. Oh where was their compassion now?

Figrin D'an
Aug 8th, 2003, 09:16:52 PM
The Jedi Master looked down at Ali, clinging to his arm. He glanced over at Ko, firmly attached to his other arm. Morgan and AB were desperately trying to contain their laughter. Figrin's posture sank a little, defeated in his attempt to get away.

"I suppose," he murmured under his breath, "I could accompany you for a while yet."

He was trapped... and the day was not close to being over.

Dakota Gue
Aug 10th, 2003, 06:30:16 PM
It was as if the sun had come out again, the happy smiles from both Gue's were enough to blind a man for brilliance.

Ko clapped her hands together merrily.

"Wonderful, Figsy!"

A resigned sigh from Figrin and the little entourage, turned and headed for the training room once more. AB and Morgan accompanying them, and Mattie "yip yip"ing her own delight at having Morgan around again. The little dog sniped the occassional growl at Figrin each time Ko's bag swung close to him as she walked beside him - seems the stern Jedi was not as well received by Matilda as was Kat..

"Morgan, who is planning your wedding?"
Ko took the conversation to where she and Ali might be of some assistance.

"I certainly hope you aren't getting Rico - he really is overrated."

"Oh, very much so" agreed Denali.

"Of course, he is good with floral arrangements, but he is altogether too fond of feng shui to be truely creative" "Much, much to fond of feng shui...but what to do you expect from a Bith?"

Both blondes nodded at the inevitability of such a truth.

And then, as if lightening struck, both girls burst out in unison,

"Why dont you let us plan it!"

Aug 12th, 2003, 12:59:03 PM
:: AB blinked. She hadn't gotten as far as planning the wedding yet, and now that she thought about it, something did have to be done. ::

Well, um, we hadn't quite gotten that far... as in wedding planning and such...

:: She was interupted by the girls enthusiastic suggestion, two pairs of blue eyes turning to AB and Morg, excitment evident in their gaze. ::

Uh... well... I don't see why not...

:: She turned to Morg. ::

Any objections?

Morgan Evanar
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:21:27 PM
Morgan's jaw dropped. Rie, you know this will become an epic fiasco.

"We'd like a small wedding. Very small, cozy even." He smiled the way someone does when they're told there will be no holiday bonus, but hey, at least you're keeping your job. Keep up the good work! Oh yeah, we'll need you here on next Saturday, sorry about that. Hope you didn't have any plans, even though you told me your cousin was flying in Friday evening.

Well, at least there is always the honeymoon.

Aug 14th, 2003, 06:52:10 PM
:: A half smiled, sendning a message back to Morgan via the Force. ::

Epic fiasco, yes. But we can keep it small...

:: She continued Morgan's spoken thought. ::

Yes, we would like it small. Nothing too elaborate. Oh, and I would like a say in how the flower arrangements are to be made.

:: Her smile grew wider as she reached behind and pinched one of Morgan's butt cheeks out of view from the others, causing him to jump slightly. ::

Oh yes, we'll have the honeymoon alright...

:: As Morgan composed himself, she turned to the Gue twins. ::

So, would you be willing to help plan a small cozy wedding? Did I mention small and cozy?

Denali Gue
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:16:10 PM
What a lovely vision it was! It started small enough in Denali's mind - a few close friends sitting intimately together, well wishing the happy couple. Just a few ..... yet, if just a few were invited, wouldnt the rest of the Jedi Order be offended? Oh, sure they spouted high morals but in the back of everyones mind you knew there would be jealousy and hurt feelings.

It was incredible! One problem already solved! All of the Order was to be invited to the momentous occasion, Masters and padawans alike!

But wait! What about their families? Heavens, how could I have forgotten them?? Denali halted her vision is mid-reel. How many family members between both Kat and AB? 20, 30 .... 50? No, its always best to have extra food and decorations on hand so lets say an even 100! Yes, that sounds right! Now, Ko and I just need to get a list of names .... what am I thinking? The lovebirds are so wrapped up in each other that it would be a shame to bother them with something so trivial. We can get one of the other Jedi to help us with the list! We already know that Figsy will be too busy to help out.

Denali turned to her sister, both sets of baby blues widening in pure excitement.

"The decorations! Ali, dont you think...."

"I knew we were thinking the same thing!"

Identical heads bent together, effectively pinning Figrin even tighter between the pair as their hushed whispers shot back and forth at breakneck speed.

Let the wedding plans begin!

Figrin D'an
Aug 19th, 2003, 11:07:33 PM
Figrin shot a smile of disbelief at Morgan, shaking his head at the same time, as if to say "I don't know how you were ever able to put up with this." Even with amnesia, and despite that the twins were very physically attractive... the Jedi Master had little concept of how his fellow Jedi was able to handle one of the chatter boxes, much less two.

He wanted to feel pity for Morgan and AB, but he found himself quickly realizing that the sisters were still firmly attached to his arms. Bits of conversation and banter whipped between the two, with Figrin stuck in between. He rolled his eyes, the ladies oblivious that he was doing so, and tryed to block out the talk of dresses and cakes and guest lists and how many flowers should be in the bride's bouquet... He couldn't stand it. It was like talking to a Bothan about conspiracy theories... it went on and on as one massive sentence spewed by mouth that the lung capacity of a Mon Calamari whaladon.

A pain started to build in his left temple, slowly sneaking up on him and building in intensity. He ignored it, passing it off as a headache from the incessant noise that was the Gue sisters. The group began to walk, AB trying to get in a few words as the twins went about verbal planning her entire wedding. Figrin did his best to shut out the discussion and ignore the strange looks he got from other Jedi passing by, staring at the two blonde women on either side of him.

Hitting him like a stabbing knife, his forehead seemed to burn, searing inside his skull. The shock alone made him pause, stopping abruptly and throwing the sisters off balance. Instinctively, he clutched the left side of his head, though it did nothing to alleviate the pain. His eyelids pinched shut, concentrating with the Force, ignoring anything, or anyone, else.

Must... focus. Must push it back...

Dakota Gue
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:26:37 PM
"Oh, well..I wasn't really serious about having Master Yoghurt as the ring bearer. It was a joke really."

The twins both looked up at Figrin. He definitely was looking a little queer. And it was more than just a negative knee-jerk reaction to the wedding planning.

And they weren't alone in noticing it, either. AB and Morgan had stopped walking and were looking with concern at the stoic Jedi Master.

Denali and Dakota were instantly less pawing and clingy. Instead, they gently supported Figrin, holding his hand and his one side respectively.

"Are you alright, Figsy?"

"You dont look so good, Figsy"

The Gue twins could be surprisingly perceptive at times. They put it down to good genes and superior intuition. Which was possibly quite true.

Whatever reason, they were suddenly quite attune to the man beside them.

Denali Gue
Aug 21st, 2003, 10:11:44 PM
"Kat, he looks like he should really sit down. I remember seats inside the entrance."

AB nodded her approval at Morgan.

"We'll stay here with Figrin. Hurry, Morg."

"Lets move out from the middle of the hall. Should we take his robe off?"

All was said with hushed tones as they concentrated on making their mutual friend as comfortable as possible. Matching looks of concern dotted each female face and before they could even wonder how long it would take Kat to return, he was there with bench in hand.

"All the chairs were taken and I thought he might need to lie down."

By this time Figrin was trying to wave them off, wanting to tell them that he didnt need all this bother. The faces of his four friends spoke otherwise as Morgan brooked all resistance and helped Fig sit down.

Aug 22nd, 2003, 03:08:46 PM
:: Once the Gue sisters had gotten Figrin to reluctantly sit down, she reached into the small satchel at her side and pulled out a tiny, flat, green leaf, rough on the top and smooth on the bottom, with almost transparent edges. She reached it towards Figrin, a light minty scent coming from the tiny herb. ::

Here, this might help with whatever pain you're feeling.

:: Yes, she knew he was experiencing pain, as did Morgan by the way he was looking at the other man. It was something both Jedi had felt rippling quietly through the Force, and no doubt why other passing Jedi looked on in concern. ::

Morgan Evanar
Aug 22nd, 2003, 11:59:50 PM
Morgan's lips were pursed together in thought. From the way Figrin was behaving, this wasn't new to him. That was unnerving. The older Master was clearly in a great deal of pain, for someone as empathically thick as Morgan to pick it up through the Force.

What hasn't he told us? Morgan put an arm around Rie's waist as she stood back up, letting his hand rest on her hip.

"Master D'an, if you need anything, let me know." And maybe explain whats wrong. Morgan let the thought go unspoken, but the look on his face conveyed it well enough.

Figrin D'an
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:36:32 PM
Barely aware of what was happening around him, Figrin tried to casually dismiss the concern of his friends. His strength of will was minimal, however, and he eventually gave in and allowed himself to be guided to a seat out of the main traffic of the hallway.

He didn't like people hovering over him in concern. He hated the idea of seeming vulnerable in any way. Some might mistake it as pride. It was beyond pride in himself, though. It was the desire to uphold the persona of the Jedi... strong of will and body, unwavering in danger and challenge. To show weakness was to betray what, in his mind, it meant to be a Jedi.

He labored in silence as the others looked on, upset with himself. It was a lapse in concentration that cause this, he told himself. He couldn't let it happen again.

"I'm... fine," he said, completely unconvincingly as he still winced a little. "Really... it's nothing of concern. I'm just under a lot of stress, and I haven't been sleeping well."

He knew such an excuse wasn't going to quell anyone's curiosity, particularly Rie and Morgan. They knew him too well, and they could both sense it was much more serious than the Jedi Master's explanation portrayed.

Aug 29th, 2003, 04:20:33 PM
:: AB shook her head and again presented the herb towards him. She spoke softly in his mind so as not toaggrivate his pain. ::

Fig... you're a good friend, and I'd like to think I know you better than that. And you know me... I'm practically your doctor, and as a healer, I must help you.

Now, take this. Really... it'll help you feel a whole lot better.

Dakota Gue
Aug 30th, 2003, 07:32:43 PM
"Me and Ali could help you sleep, Fig"

All three Jedi lifted their heads at Ko's statement, looking at her in varying degrees of disbelief that she could be so forthright. Figrin especially looked blanched and a little mortified.

She pouted her lips and frowned disagreeably.

"I didn't mean that kind of help. But thats actually not a bad idea. That does help a person sleep better, you know."

She shook off their disapproving stares.

"What I meant was, seeing that leaf that AB has reminded me of some Isonla Tea Denali and I once took before an important gymnastics championship. It relaxes you. And leaves no lasting weariness the next day. Do you remember Ali?"

Denali agreed that she did, and that the tea was very helpful.

Denali Gue
Aug 30th, 2003, 08:07:17 PM
Denali looked mortified and flushed a deep red as she caught on to what the others had been thinking. For sure, the twins liked to flirt and they probably fussed more over their male friends than those of the female persuasion but it didnt mean......!

".......what? Oh, the tea, yes. Yes, its very good for relaxing. Combined with a light head, neck and shoulder massage, its heavenly. Want I should go buy some?"

Figrin D'an
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:51:21 PM
He looked at Rie, standing over him with a stern, insistent look on her face. He took the small leafy herb she was offering, and, reluctantly, put it into his mouth. The texture was rather odd for something edible, being rather rough. But the taste was very pleasent, and the leaf seemed to dissolve on his tongue. He did his best to relax, and began to feel better a few minutes later.

Figrin wasn't sure how to take the kindness of the twins. They cleary meant well, but he was leary to accept their aide, particuarly if it meant being alone with them for any length of time. He wouldn't be able to stand the conversation.

"Thanks," he nodded towards Rie. "That did seem to help."

He was silent again for a while, the others waiting with near baited breath as he pondered what to do.

"I think... I think I should go get some rest," he put forth, standing up in an attempt to recover some of his bruised dignity. "You should finish the tour. I can catch up with all of you later."

Sep 1st, 2003, 10:51:16 PM
:: AB smiled, glad the herb has helped somewhat. ::

Yes, I think some rest is in order. You can call us on one of our respective comlinks when you're feeling up to joining us again.

Dakota Gue
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:10:31 AM
Figrin's decision to call it a day seemed like the best solution.

While disappointed to loose his company, Dakota was sincerely concerned for him, as was her sister.

They fluttered about him as he stood again to his feet. Helping hands organizing his robe, brushing back wayward strands of his hair and generally making a fuss.

Finally, breaking free of their twin ministrations, Figrin smiled at them weakly. Understanding and comisserating smiles from both Morgan and AB, and the Jedi Master felt himself finally able to relinquish his role as tour guide.

The Gue's stepped back and watched as Figrin walked from them.

"That leaf really did the trick. But I'd like to try find that tea, never the less. We want to help in some way, even if its small."

Denali agreed and both girls looked once more with worry after Master D'An, and then again to Morgan and AB.

"Maybe we can finish the tour up later. We can talk more about wedding plans, as well. Would that be ok?"

Denali Gue
Sep 6th, 2003, 04:24:06 PM
Denali bobbed her blonde curls in agreement to her sisters ideas.

"Yes, we want to help any way we can. It would also give us time to freshen up after our flight and discuss more ideas about the wedding."

Figrin D'an
Sep 7th, 2003, 03:16:17 PM
Figrin had already made his way across the main prominade towards the turbolift that lead to the Jedi quarters wing, when he glanced back at the group. They were still looking at him. It was to be expected, he guessed, but he still found it unnerving. More than anything, he just wanted to be left alone for a while. Given some time to rest and meditate, he would at least be able to give an outward impression of being okay when he would rejoin them later.

The sinking feeling he had been experiencing in recent days was getting worse, though. He was slowly realizing that he would have to do something more drastic to control his condition. What would work, however, was as unknown as how quickly the condition would worsen. And, to add to the issue, he now had as least 4 people whom would try to discover what was wrong with him.

It was bad enough that they may pressure him for information. It was worse that, through a little detective work, they may start to piece it together for themselves.