View Full Version : Where Have all the Good People Gone? (Terran Starek)

Dae Jinn
Jun 15th, 2003, 12:21:04 AM
<center><font size=1>(lyrics by Sam Roberts)
Oh, the Milky Way has gone a little sour
The leaves dried and the flower fell away
I've been sitting, waiting for a sign
Inhuman beings taking up all of my time

Wanna leave but I've got to stay
And I'm wondering more everyday
Montreal to Hong Kong
Where have all the good people gone?
Traffic jam but I'm on the shoulder
Took ten cops to pull me over
Bangkok to Babylon
Where have all the good people gone?

I haven't met a friend in a long, long while
They don't check my head but they, they check my style
The modern world is a cold, cold world
And all I meet are cold, cold girls

Wanna leave but I've got to stay
And I'm wondering more everyday
Montreal to Hong Kong
Where have all the good people gone?
Traffic jam but I'm on the shoulder
Took ten cops to pull me over
Bangkok to Babylon
Where have all the good people gone?

And it's always the same, we just turn away
We are stealing from ourselves, we are feeding off ourselves

But we were born in flame
We need a cool breeze and a summer rain
We are stealing from ourselves, we are feeding off ourselves

Oh, the Milky Way has gone a little sour
The leaves dried and the flower fell away

Wanna leave but I've got to stay
And I'm wondering more everyday
Montreal to Hong Kong
Where have all the good people gone?
Traffic jam but I'm on the shoulder
Took ten cops to pull me over
Bangkok to Babylon
Where have all the good people gone?

Wanna leave but I've got to stay
And I'm wondering more everyday
Montreal to Hong Kong
Where have all the good people gone?
Traffic jam but I'm on the shoulder
Took ten cops to pull me over
Time's up and we're running long
Where have all the good people gone?

She sat on the steps outside some Jedi building. She wasn't sure which one, but it smelt like a Jedi place. There were people dressed in the familar brown robes of the Jedi going in and out, and she stood out like a sore thumb. Her dark hair was pulled back from her face in a loose set of pig-tails, her skirt was short, a little black kilt, a white tank top and a pair of knee-high boots finished off her ensemble. She looked over each Jedi through red lensed sunglasses, a lolipop stick rolling between her thumb and forefinger. The cherry flavored orb rolled across her tongue, her glossed lips as she watched them walk by. She was waiting for a certain someone.

"I am going to meet my brother. Have I told you the story yet? I have found my brother! I have finally found him!"

It had taken some work, but she had tracked down Jeran's brother, a Jedi padawan named Terran Starek. She had never met the man, wouldn't know him if she saw him. But she felt that...he must have some familar traits. After all, he is her lovers' brother.

Something hit her, a scent. Familar, but different in a subtle way. He was of average height, his figure hidden underneath Jedi robes as he walked out of the building and started down the stairs. There was a bit of a family resemblence, though not much. Jeran was more weathered and rugged than his brother, who appeared to be another fresh-faced Jedi in Dae's eyes.

Taking the lolipop from her mouth, she stood, brushing herself off a little before approaching the man. A bright smile flashed across her lips. "Hello. Are you Terran?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:46:11 PM
Among the auras and spirits that purused the halls of the Jedi Temple, the senses were often flawed. It was difficult to seperate Force signatures in a place so crawling with strong identities and vision. Terran often found himself relaxing his mind and taking in the warm welcome of his peers. This was perhaps why he had not sensed a different, new energy near.

Exiting the great temple with an old text in hand, Terran was making his way back to a small cafe he knew a few short blocks west of the Order. It was a quiet, calm atmoshpere that he could read and meditate in without interuption. Run by a Zabrack named Tomalin, there was always a hot pot of Nabooian coffee and fresh brae-bisquits waiting for him. He could nearly smell the soothing liquid now.

"Hello. Are you Terran?" Terran turned a bit startled. His mind had been wandering and her voice had taken him back to reality. He looked to the source of the voice--an attractive, brunette woman wearing a small outfit. He was taken back by her appearance at first--most of those who passed in and out of the temple wore rather conservative robes or clothing. She was definitely different.

"Yes. . .hello," he said, unsure how to meet her greeting. "I am Terran." He smiled sheepishly. "You have me at a loss--I'm afraid I don't know your name."

Dae Jinn
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:08:48 PM
"I'm Dae. Daetana Jinn." She held out her hand, still smiling. "I'm a ...friend of your brother Jeran."

That sheepish smile was another similarity between them. Dae was certain most Jedis would be taken aback by having a woman like her stop them. Not only would she have a slightly odd Force signature, since she was after all a Sith, she was dressed in her usual seductive style.

"This might sound a bit forward, but I was wondering if I could talk to you about something."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:30:49 PM
"Any friend of my brother's is a friend of mine," he replied kindly with a smile. "I am pleased to make your aquaintance." He took her hand softly and shook it politely. He listened as she spoke again.

"Of course. I have no engagements and would love to speak to you. In fact, I would like to learn more about you and how you came to know my brother." He was very curious about this. Afterall, he had met the man that was his brother less than a year ago. He was not one to keep a high profile, so it intrigued him to no end as to how they came to be friends. "If I might, I would suggest a small coffee shop just this way." He pointed down the road a bit. "I was just headed there myself. Would you care to join me?"

Dae Jinn
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:53:00 PM
"Sure, sounds great. Lead the way."

He wanted to know how she met Jeran, and more about her. This caused her to frown slightly, but she quickly put a smile back on her face as she followed him away from the Jedi building and onto the busy sidewalks of the city. Telling him she was a Sith, and that she had met Jeran will fighting him on Gias probably wouldn't go over well with a padawan; telling him she was a member of Elessar's Lost Jedi was out of the question. They walked in silence for a moment as she collected her thoughts.
"So, you're a padawan, right? Enjoying your time at the order?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 16th, 2003, 03:08:48 PM
"Yes, I am," he replied as they walked. "Although, I am almost through with my training. I've been here for some time now." He thought of how much he had trained. He was very calm and had a considerable ammount of control and wisdom. He was becoming a Jedi Knight, and it showed more and more with every passing day. "The Order has become my home and my family. It is where I belong now, and I enjoy it here immensely."

"How about you? How does Daetana Jinn spend her time?" He had sensed a very mixed aura about her. He could tell that she wasn't powerful in terms of Force ability. She was somewhat trained or, in the least, exposed to the Force, but it wan't prevelant in her. It was as though she was not sure of herself in some respects. At some points, he almost would have guessed that something was dark about her. However, his brother would never associate with someone who dabbled in the darkside of the Force. At other times he could sense a very positive energy, the one that might be found in a Jedi or a good soul in general. Then, there was much grey area. He was intrigued.

Dae Jinn
Jun 16th, 2003, 03:23:12 PM
"Well..." She looked away, her eyes straight ahead, and sighed, "I used to be a Sith warrior. Not much of one, but I was one. I guess you never leave that kind of thing behind, but I'm trying to do something better, something good with my life. Right now, I spend most of my time here, on Coruscant. Or at our home on Gias."

Her gaze returned to Terrans' face, she smiled softly. Her cheeks flushed a light pink as she continued."Your brother has a lot to do with the changes I made. He's really something special."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:18:22 PM
"I understand fully, Miss Jinn." It was little known and well guarded that Terran had once been a Sith. When he was known as Chase Conrad he had done his worst. He was past those days and those feelings now, but Dae was right. It just stuck with you--forever. "On Gias? My brother has shown you our home planet, I see. It's a beautiful place." He thought of his home fondly.

"Yes, he is special," he said. It was strange that she would speak of him in such a tone for two people who were only friends. Terran wondered. "He's a bit eccentric and stuck in his ways at times, but he has a good heart. How did he come to help you?" Terran was very curious.

Dae Jinn
Jun 16th, 2003, 09:41:30 PM
"Gias was where we met. In the middle of a fight. The first thing I did when I met him was kick him upside the head. My master nearly ended his life, but, I helped him." Her voice trailed off and she paused. "We met up again, and again. We've been together for awhile now. The house we have on Gias, we share."

That was the best way she could put it, without coming right out and saying they were lovers. Hopefully Terran would get the hint. She smirked a little. "But, yes, he is stuck in his ways, very much so. But he's wonderful."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 17th, 2003, 10:08:44 AM
"A interesting meeting of chance " he thought. He had only known his brother for a short time, but he had been a vey strong warrior in the time he had known him. Everyone had a begining, though, and it didn't surpise him too much.

"Staying on Gias together?" Terran puzzled over this. Though his brother could most likely respect the changes that someone could make in their life, it was doubtful that he would accept an ex-darksider into his own home. Strange. This woman must've had some effect on him, Terran thought. Their relationship was probably deeper than Dae let on. "I'm glad my brother could make a commitment to a home. He seemed to spend most of his time roaming last I knew. Ahh, we're here."

The cafe was relatively small, seating 40 or 50 at max. Presently, less than 5 people were inside. Terran opened the door for Dae and followed her in. They found a small table in the corner of the room by a window so that their table was warmed by the sun. The server droid immediately made thier way to the small table. They ordered their drinks and Terran smiled softly.

"I know you did not seek me out simply to talk about my brother," he said with a warmth in his voice that took the edge off of such a statement. Terran let his eyes probe her own, allowing his abilities to take over. He was to be a knight in due time, and it was time he started to try and read people and use his mind to the best of his ability. "You have come because you seek change. You have made changes in your life. . ." His mind pried deeper.

"But something just isn't right. However, I think it is you who has found me, thus it is you who is entitled to questioning." He smiled again as his coffee arrived.

Dae Jinn
Jun 17th, 2003, 11:17:08 PM
"I..I guess I figured you would a good person to ask, about the Jedi and the Order."

She ran a finger around the edge of her mug, skimming off some of the whipped cream that topped her hot chocolate. She careful licked off her finger before wiping it on a napkin before continuing.

"When Jeran told me he had found his brother, he was so excited; anyone who shares the same blood as him must have the same goodness in their heart. He has helped me to see things in a very different light, and has taught me some of the basics in how to use the Lightside of the Force. But, I need to learn more. Sometimes I fear that people from my past will come back, and do terrible things to Jeran, maybe even take his life. I can't let that happen, but I'd be powerless to stop it."

Dae's eyes remained on her mug as she spoke. It was true, she couldn't wield the Force very well. She had never been formally taught to use it in any form, only what Jeran had shown her. What good would she be to him, and to the other Lost Jedi if she couldn't even do the simplest of things to protect herself?

"I want to be good, I want to learn the ways of the Lightside, not just for my family and friends protection, but because I feel it's right for me. I can't live the life of a Darksider anymore. I don't have the hatred in my heart now."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 19th, 2003, 04:16:25 PM
"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Jinn." He blushed a bit--he wasn't used to recieving praise. She continued.

Terran listened intently as she spoke. He heard her every word and took each one into his ears. He analyized each thought and carefully weighed them in his mind. He searched for motive, for truth. He searched for lies. But he found none. He could sense the good intention in her voice. He sat for a long minute, contemplating her words.

"It is no suprise--I can feel that you are not truly dark in your heart. That is an indicator that never lies." He leaned back, taking a long sip from his coffee. "I understand your motives for learning to defend yourself and the ones you love, but you must not have fear in your heart. You must not. Fear leads to the darkside." He said it with a tone that showed that he cared. It wasn't a lecture, it wasn't a test, he just cared--Terran had always been a strikingly compassionate person.

"What about your past? You will have to let go of so many things and so many people. How will you move on?"

Dae Jinn
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:10:05 PM
"The only thing I fear is my master. Sorsha Kasajian, she's a very power Sith." Her voice got quiet. "I haven't been around that, around my fellow Sith for awhile now...I've found others who feel the same as I do. Who are trying to help me get passed what I used to be. I'm ready to move on."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:29:23 PM
"You cannot fear her or anyone else," he said again. "You must let go of fear. It is much harder than it sounds, I know, but it is the truth, Ms. Jinn. I assure you, many Jedi have failed through fear alone." He took another drink of his coffee. He was kind and gentle with her, but he drove home a very strong point.

"You say you are ready to move on, and through the Force, I believe you. But you musn't cling to fear. There is nothing to fear--not even death, for There is no death, there is the Force." He quoted the Jedi Code. "It will corrupt you, I promise you, I have seen it. I've felt it." He thought of how he used to be, how his heart was a prisoner of fear.

"Fear is the first tool of the darkside. I tell you these things not because I think you a fool, but because I wish to warn you against starting a new journey on a path of light carrying such an emotion that could ruin it all." He was very sincere and she could tell that he genuinely cared.

Dae Jinn
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:36:25 PM
"Mmhmm," she murmured, pursing her lips slightly to blow on it before taking a sip. She supposed what he said was true -- if she let her fear of Sorsha control her actions, would she truely be following the path of a Lightsider? She didn't think so; her training would be used for vengeful purposes. Very unJedi like in her mind. Dae had never really thought of the life of a Jedi before, or about the Force or even deciding to "take sides" as it were. She was more concerned with her own life, and her own enjoyment. Things had changed, for the better, but she still wasn't sure how to make this happen.
"And how am I supposed to stop carrying this fear?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:18:58 AM
"If you are to join The Jedi, things will come, Dae," he said gently. "You will find that The Order has an energy--a peace, to it. It is safe there. The Lightside of the Force protects us and we thrive on each other's energies." He took another drink of his coffee and smiled as a bit ran down his chin. Picking up a napkin, he cleaned himself off.

"You have taken the first step already--you have identified it. Often times, Jedi don't understand what they are afraid of. The rest will come with training." He thought of when he first joined the Order as a antisocial, frightened man. He was so much different now. "You'll learn from the Code, you'll learn meditation techniques, and you'll learn how to take control of yourself. It will come, Dae. . .it will come if you will believe." He hoped his words were comforting and supportive.

Dae Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:34:47 PM
Another sip of her drink, a heavy sigh and a half smile from Dae.
"I really hope so..."

Her gaze drifted out the window for a moment, before returning to the Jedi who sat across from her. "I suppose it will all come in time, but enough about me. I want to know more about you, Jeran has told me nothing about you except that you're his brother. I know that you're a Jedi, but," a mischievious grin crossed her lips. "What do you do besides that?"

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:51:19 PM
Terran smiled a bit, now that Dae was feeling better. He could tell because she shifted the subject--not out of fear or wanting to avoid thier current topic, but because she was ready to move on. He was oblidged to do so, also.

"That's an interesting question," he chuckled. "But it's answer is not very interesting. I'm a scholar and philosopher. Most of my time out of training as a Jedi and Order duties is spent at libraries or lecture halls. I also spend a few nights a month at The Senate when it is in session." This was the point when most women would run screaming from him.

"What about you?"

Dae Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:03:49 PM
She guessed she should have expected something like that from him. He was a Jedi after all, but maybe she was thinking he'd be more like his brother in some way. It didn't sound like something she would enjoy doing, but everyone had their own likes and dislikes.
"I like shopping," she laughed softly, a bit embarassed."I like living in the city, since there's so much to do here. Sometimes i go back to our home on Gias for some peace and quiet. But I'm usually out and about here. Nothing terribly exciting."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:31:53 PM
"Don't be embarassed," he returned. He could see her emotion and feel it even more. Afterall, he was a Jedi, and his speciatly was Sense. It didn't take much. "I understand that not everyone is interested in those types of things. And, I assure you, the Jedi Order is very diverse in its interests. There are plenty of people who like to travel and shop." He thought of a few of the very laid-back Jedi. They were equally passionate about peace and the Force, they just had different ways to get away from the Order than the typical Jedi Scholars.

"In some ways, I my brother does take after me." He smiled slyly. "I enjoy nature and do get out in it quite a bit. There's a certain feeling of peace in nature. It reminds me of home--of the way Gias feels and tastes." He reminicsed.

"Where are you from, originally?"

Dae Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:45:15 PM
"Uhhmm, a small planet on the outer rim." She stuttered. It wasn't really a lie, but her homeworld didn't really have a name, and not many people would know of it anyways.
"I was born on one planet, but it was destroyed soon afterwards. Both my parents died there, and the rest of my family, except my brother have all passed away in battles on our homeworld." Her voice was flat, matter-of-fact about her heritage. "My race is a warrior one, so there aren't many of us who venture away from our own world. I don't think I'll ever go back there..."
Dae gave a slight shrug before raising her mug to her lips. After taking a large sip, she smiled. "But, I prefer my family here, and being on Gias with Jeran to my old life."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 24th, 2003, 11:30:18 AM
"It sounds like you have found peace," he said, a gentle tone in his voice. "Peace brings harmony to our lives, and your homeworld sounds a bit. . .well, chaotic." He had his guesses as to where she was from. He had studied the planets well, and he knew his geography.

"I'm happy for you and Jeran," he said with a smile. "You have my best wishes."

Dae Jinn
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:16:57 PM
"Thank-you." She felt her cheeks flush a little and she laughed, brushing a stray strand of hair back behind her ear. "Someday soon, I hope you'll get a chance to come and visit us, maybe for dinner or something. I'm sure you must be busy, with Jedi..things."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 25th, 2003, 03:41:51 PM
"Busy, yes," he replied. "But never too busy to visit friends and family. I would love to come to dinner." He smiled again, finishing his coffee. This visit had been pleasant, and he was happy to have met her. He could see how he could care for such a woman--a good-hearted, loving girl.

Dae Jinn
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:54:26 PM

She finished her own drink, taking some creds from her pocket and slipping them onto the table to pay for her drink. Standing, she bow her head slightly before returning her eyes to his face.

"I'm sorry, but I really must be going -- I have some things to attend to in this part of city before going home. It's been a pleasure meeting you Terran, and I hope to see you again soon."

imported_Terran Starek
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:52:52 PM
"It was my pleasure," he said, pushing the credits back towards her. He smiled. "About dinner--you definitely know where and how to find me." He referenced the way she had greeted him today. It was obvious Dae shared something in common with Jeran--she knew how to track down her 'prey.'