View Full Version : Suspicious activity or Thelma and Louise "The Golden Years"

Solomon Daenal
Jun 14th, 2003, 10:06:50 PM
For those of you who don't know - I work at a grocery store. At work there are signs EVERYWHERE in the back (the employees only sections) reminding us to watch for "Suspicious Activity." Well, what I saw tonight might qualify.

While I was stocking the baby supplies I noticed a pair of elderly women (guestimation: early 60's) coming up the aisle. Nothing strange except for the fact they had no buggy or basket, only a large purse-like bag between them. They kept right on walking up the aisle and around the corner. I shrugged it off, and went back to work. The time was about 10:00pm.

Fifteen minutes later, in the pet food section, the same two ladies pass me by. Still they had no buggy or basket and no items that I could see. Then they did something very odd. One picked up a can of dog food while the other huddled close to her, as both leered at the item. Mumbling something, they (almost simultaneously) looked to the left and right very quickly before putting the can back. Again I let the incident slip by.

Some thirty minutes later (somewhere in produce) the same two women walk past me, STILL carrying no items whatsoever. One took up an orange. They acted in almost an identical manner as with the dog food before putting it back.

As the night went on I would witness similar acts three more times involving the same two women. Once, when they saw my manager coming the other way, they quickly did an about-face and walked to another aisle.

When midnight rolled around I clocked out and headed for the door. Low and behold, I saw the same pair one last time, still inside, still walking around, still no items, and still casting nervous glances over their shoulders.

I considered telling a manager, but how do you tell someone you suspect two old ladies of SHOPLIFTING!!

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jun 14th, 2003, 10:10:48 PM
actually the old ladies can often be shoplifters, my sister used to work at a craft store and older women used to steal things alot, shoving it in their purses or like one lady who put some thread under her arms at her armpits and tried to walk out.....I myself have one caught one person in the act of shoplifting, our big stealer guy who was known in many BB districts but he booked it.....what sucks is we can't touch them, block them or nothing so they all get away with whatever they can grab.....so frustrating.....

Jun 15th, 2003, 05:01:45 AM
It's like that British Irn Bru advert! :D

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 15th, 2003, 05:03:15 AM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
It's like that British Irn Bru advert! :D

"Step away from the vehicle!" :D