View Full Version : Forbidden Pleasures (Open)

Park Kraken
Jun 14th, 2003, 08:37:21 PM
The Forbidden Pleasures, formerly a MC-80 Heavy Cruiser, glided throught the blackness of space. Originally destined for the scrapyards, the ship got a new lease of life when the Empress Passenger Lines bought the ship, and renovated it as a interstellar cruise vessel. On this voyage, many different types of people can be found milling around, whether it be people who have booked passage, or people that are there for the pleasures, or both.
::As the ship drops out of hyperspace, a former Imperial Admiral, now retired, heads to the bar, and orders a drink. Tipping the bartender, and taking a glance around. He spots several individuals......::

Solomon Daenal
Jun 15th, 2003, 12:12:28 PM
“...and this one was given ta me by the assassin Darius Meth, maybe ya heard o’ him?” Solomon paraded the ghastly scar across his right bicep, intentionally flexing the enormous muscle, further impressing a trio of beautiful ladies at his side. “Yep, he managed to get off a shot, just before I cut his throat. Put up a pretty good fight. To bad for him, it wasn’t good enough.”

Daenal’s entourage lounged in a corner sofa. The brawny, red hared, behemoth had been keeping his lovely and oh so scantily clad audience entertained for more than hour with his reminiscing of past encounters and indiscreet displays of physicality. An unopened bottle of his favorite beverage, whiskey, lay on a small table at his feet, for if there were anything that would keep Solomon away from alcohol, it was the face of an attractive woman.

The furniture denoted the vessel’s atmosphere. Woven with gold and lavender then accented by solid cedar stems, the large couch easily accommodated its four occupants. Slow, smooth music whispered in the background, complemented by dimmed lights, setting the mood for all those aboard.

“OOO...” one woman cooed. “You must be a really tough guy.”

“Honey,...” he answered, “...I’m as tough as they come.”

Jun 15th, 2003, 05:25:46 PM
Rage, sitting in the next booth to the big red haired man that loved to boast, smirked to herself as she sat quietly sipping her drink. She was taking a little 'off-time' from her job and wanted to relax a little, maybe even has a some fun, before going back to what she loved the most...being a hitwoman for hire.

She finished her drink and got up. She glanced at her talkative neighbor and nodded to him, then moved to the bar to order another drink. She sat down on a stool, drumming her fingers on the cool surface of the bar as she patiently waited.

Solomon Daenal
Jun 16th, 2003, 08:49:55 AM
He stopped, mid-sentence, as Rage passed him by. His eyes followed the enchanting young assassin from her seat, across the dance floor, through a network of tables and chairs, coming to rest at the bar. Solomon’s already present triad of beauties became increasingly inquisitive, curious to know why their hulking Adonis seemed no longer captivated by their splendor.

A long, broad smile carved its way across his lips; all the while he devised some means of meeting this new girl. Daenal, in so much as he enjoyed certain conquest, found an added thrill with more difficult prey. Thus, taking up his bottle of liquor, Solomon ventured toward an empty stool adjacent to Rage.

By the time he reached the vacant seat, the tender had already returned with the lady’s drink.

“That’ll be…”was all the barkeep could say before Solomon forcefully interjected.

“Never mind the bill, boyo.” Slapping a few credits on the counter, he continued. “Her drink’s on me.”

Shrugging, the tender left them again while Daenal settled in at the bar. “So, what’s your name, sweetie?” He asked, with more than a subtle hint of flirtation.

Jun 16th, 2003, 11:17:12 AM
Rage turned to look at the voice who spoke and was half surprised to see the red-haired man sitting next to her. Her eyebrows rose and she leaned on the bar with her arms. She couldn't help but smile at his blatant flirtation.

"Well, I thank you for your kindness." Rage spoke demurely. "My name is Rage."

She turned to look at his harem back at the table he vacated and laughed.

"Your girls back there seem disappointed that you left. Aren't you afraid of breaking their little hearts?"

Rage quickly downed her drink, slamming the glass on the counter.

Park Kraken
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:31:48 PM
::The ship completed offloading passengers at the Coruscant station, and onloading the new ones. The ship just made the jump into hyperspace, destined for Sernpidal, then onto the Corporate Sector.::
I wonder if the Imperials will give us any trouble Kraken wonders to himself, I do have several outstanding warrants for my defection.....
::Having shook the thought away, Kraken pays the bartender, and walks off to the nearest Sabaac table with his Jawa Juice...::

Solomon Daenal
Jun 17th, 2003, 03:31:59 PM
Solomon appeared a bit puzzled by her question; however a quick glance over his shoulder prompted him to remember those left behind.

“Oh, them.” A smile returned. “I wouldn’t worry ‘bout them, darlin’. A smile and a flash o’ the old python here…” he flexed the right bicep “…and they were beggin’ for a place in my bed.”

Sliding his whiskey onto the counter, Daenal gazed into Rage’s eyes.

“But you don’t seem like that kinda girl.”

Jun 17th, 2003, 05:32:09 PM
Rage watched as the other man she had noticed at the bar turn and leave. Something about him seemed different. She shrugged it off and then had to bite her lip to keep from rolling her eyes at the over abundance of male testosterone Solomon was throwing her way. She enjoying having a man just like any other warm blooded female and wasn't going to let an opportunity slip by her, IF she found her type of guy on this ship. That's what this time off was for, right?

Rage smiled over at him, her eyebrow raising at the size of his bicep. 'Frell, who was she to pass on a bicep like that? ' She laughed to herself.

"Well Sol," Rage said, turning her million watt smile upon him. "You're right about that. I'm not like those girls."

Rage lifted her eyebrow again, returning Solomon's stare with a smirk playing on her lips as she added slowly,

"I don't beg for anything."

Solomon Daenal
Jun 17th, 2003, 06:01:36 PM
“I wouldn’t doubt that for a second.”

Daenal’s overtures had been sent and received, but the effects of those implications were yet unknown. Therefore, he opted to change the flow of conversation in hopes for future opportunity.

“But enough ‘bout them.” Solomon leaned back, calling for a glass from the tender. “Let’s hear ‘bout you.”

A glistening, cylindrical shot glass skidded to a halt. Taking it in one hand and the whiskey in the other, he slipped a thumbnail under the bottle’s lid easily catapulting the cover from its home.

“So what line o’ work you in?” He inquired, while pouring himself what would undoubtedly be the first of many drinks.

Park Kraken
Jun 18th, 2003, 05:48:49 AM
**Suddenly, the liner lurches, and comes to a screeching halt. Everybody is thrown forward, except for those that had obstacles in their paths.**
::Kraken picked himself up, and glanced around. He then made his way to the viewport, and glanced out. He saw almost nothing but white, the white of a Imperial Star Destroyer. He began to visibly tremble as the captian of the liner came on the intercom::
"Passengers, please do not panick, this is a Imperial raid. Again, please do not panick."

Jun 18th, 2003, 07:30:53 AM
Rage smiled sweetly at Soloman and before she knew it, she was off the bar stool and landing on the floor with a resounding 'thud' as the ship shifted.

"Passengers, please do not panick, this is an Imperial raid. Again, please do not panick."

"Oh great." She muttered to herself. "Nothing against the Imperials," She said to Solomon. "But they would pick now to make their raid."

Rage grabbed the bottle of whiskey Soloman was playing with and poured herself another drink. Downing it like the last one, she leaned against the bar and looked at him. She tilted her head to the side and brought her hand up to run her finger tips over the length of his arm.

"If you must know, Sol, I'm a hit woman." Rage answered, winking at him, trying to gage his reaction. Most men she told usually high tailed it out of her sight. That was her way of seperating the 'men from the boys'.

Solomon Daenal
Jun 18th, 2003, 11:15:49 PM
Once Solomon righted himself at his seat, he began to hurriedly scan the room. He committed every exit, possible weapon, place of cover, and any other useful detail to memory. Daenal had become so engrossed with this task he had scarcely given any attention to Rage’s answer. Then her soft, pleasing touch at his arm brought the burly man’s focus back.

“An assassin, eh?” He managed a slight grin. “My kinda woman. It’s a shame I won’t be with ya much longer.”

His face contorted, blending an odd mix of hatred and cheerful anticipation.

“Ya see - me and Imps don’t get along very well.” Reaching to the right leg of his rather bulky combat trousers, Solomon drew a custom built pistol-grip blaster from its holster strapped at the thigh. “Ya might wanna take some cover. Things are about ta get messy.”

Jun 19th, 2003, 01:25:49 PM
Rage grinned at him, not being much of a fan of either the Rebels or the Empire herself. She just went where the money was. Her hand reached down to pat her own blaster strapped to her thigh.

"Would you like some help?" She purred, her fingers itching to get on the trigger.

Park Kraken
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:18:20 PM
::Explosions could now be heard as the Imperial Stormtroopers forced their way into the hangar bay areas of the ship. Kraken reaches inside his trenchcoat, and pulls out a Flechette launcher, his favorite weapon against large numbers of enemy troops. These fletchette rounds were a special armour piercing kind. At that time, a man, wearing a security uniform of the ship's security detail, came through the door::
"We need any and all men and women who are armed to come with me. We must fight off the Imperials, they aren't here for the booty, they want to kill everyone."
One man spoke up: "Then why didn't they just blow the ship up?"
Another man spoke up: "Because these are the ships of the warlord Trian. He wants transport ships of any kind for his new campaign against the NR."
::Upon hearing this, and knowing he was probaly dead anyways, Kraken stepped forward::
"I will come with you. I am dead in any case"

THX 1138
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:47:38 AM
THX 1138 emerged from the still smouldering hatchway into the hangar bay of the Forbidden pleasures.
He was a competent and ruthless NCO. But he was completely obedient to the Empire, as all Stormtroopers were. His blaster rifle muzzle was pointed directly ahead of him. His briefing had been precise, to locate one Kraken, a former Imperial admiral. A defector. The liner could not be destroyed, the warlord Trian needed them, so it was turned over to the Empire's elite shock troops to handle.
THX 1138's soldiers cautiously crept forward, wary of an ambush in the relativly small corridor leading to main passenger areas. His comm bust into life, it was Captain Selcon, " Find Kraken, he is in the main passenger area."
The stormtroopers finaly reached the end of the corridor, the lock was sealed, no problem. One explosive charge was placed on the airlock and then in a burst of sparks and debris, the lock was shattered, the troopers leapt through, THX 1138 would have great pleasure in obtaining this traitor Kraken. He raised his blaster and went in with his troops.

Solomon Daenal
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:41:41 AM
"Because these are the ships of the warlord Trian. He wants transport ships of any kind for his new campaign against the NR."

After the officer’s announcement, the towering Daenal looked back to his lovely acquaintance.

“Well, seems like you don’t have much of a choice.” He said with a humored smirk.

Suddenly, a horrific explosion tore open a door way at the far wall. The deafening crash so traumatized many of the passengers they fled into hiding, leaping under tables and behind furniture. Many innocent tenants had the great misfortune of being to near the detonation and were quickly cut down. A gaping fissure was all that remained, providing several Imperial troops opportunity to storm the passenger area.

Solomon raised his firearm, leveled its twin barrels toward the onslaught of Stormtroopers, and then squeezed the trigger. His blaster, being shotgun in nature, let fly a twofold crack of thunder culminating in a hail of high velocity plasma shot. Tilting the gun to its side, he ejected a used plasma cell from the chamber and was ready for a second volley.

THX 1138
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:58:52 AM
The first troopers through the breach began shooting indiscriminately into the civilians, when two point men fell, from a plasma shot. THX 1138 rolled combat style across the floor, firing as he rolled. He paused long enough to see a large red headed man, bigger than most humans he'd ever seen, fire a lethal volley into the tightly packed stormtrooopers. He snapped up his blaster to his chest , and his finger squeezed the firing stud.

Park Kraken
Jun 20th, 2003, 04:50:18 PM
::Seeing the stromtroopers flowing through the door, Kraken hit the floor, and raised his flechette launcher, looking for a good shot. He watched as one of the mercs fired several plasma cannon shots into the ranks of the stormtroopers, dropping several troops. Seeing four Imperials heading for the bar, Kraken knew his opportunity had arrived. He lifted his heavy launcher, and fired. Three of the Imperials were lifted off their feet by the high velocity shrapnel, and slammed into the wall. Recovering from the shock of the explosion, and emboldened by the actions of the mercs, and defector, the civilians, and various other mercs, Bounty hunters, or assassins drew their weapons, and opened fire. The once peaceful room was now a firestorm of lethal poportions.::

Jun 20th, 2003, 05:13:42 PM
Rage let out a whoop of joy as she began firing her blasters at the incoming 'intruders'. Her eyes went to Soloman's gun, admiring at it as it left quite a bit of damage in it's wake.

"I've got to get me one of those!" Rage yelled over the loud roar of weapons being fired off.

Rage's attention was caught by the man she had noticed before firing a launcher and a grin appeared on her face.

"Ho baby...now that is what I am talking about!" Rage chuckled, nodding towards him, then quickly went back to firing at the troopers as they stepped through the door.

"Now this is a vacation!" She laughed to Soloman.

THX 1138
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:53:50 AM
The passenger area had descended into a mele. Blaster bolts were flying everywhere. THX 1138 had been thrown onto the floor by a large explosion of shrapnel to his left. He realised the situation was almost out of control, at least ten of his men were down.
"Situation report!" He yelled into his comlink. The reply came;
"We've lost at least six men, another eight wounded sir"
THX 1138 was now crouched behind an overturned sabacc table with four other men. Snatching a look up, he noticed a power converter in the ceiling, he shot it out, plunging the area into darkness. Not for the Stormtroopers though, their visors switched to high definition infa red, this was a momentary advantage.
THX 1138 leapt up, issuing orders, "A squad, take out that merc, B sqaud, secure the exit!" He felled a Merc nearby, then noticed a core of resitance, two men and a woman, but one of the men, even in the dark he knew from his briefing. Admiral Kraken. Motioning his squad, he charged toward the group, who were by now laying down a random fire.
Beneath his visor, he smiled, you are mine now traitor.

Jun 21st, 2003, 03:35:45 AM
IQ's main circuit came alive as the juice powering his power cell had shut off. After a check of internal drives, his basic operating hardware clicked to life. The first thing he could hear was the loud roar of gunfire and explosions below him.
His first of many processes was to his master, the other to innocents, the last to how he was going to get down there. After a quick calculation, the answer to his question seeming so childlike and fanciful that he laughed at the thought, the best robots can laugh of course.

* He stands up, Interchanges his main weapons to the admantium saw's(his favorite), unlocks his legs so his arms are parallel with the floor, disengages his gyro stabilizers, sending his torso spinning. He begins to cut through the floor ( his childlike answer), ready to bring everything he has down upon the intruders for disturbing his Master Rage*o_O :crack

Park Kraken
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:10:38 PM
::Glancing around in concern, Kraken starts to pull back to the wide double doors. He clicks a comlink in his coat, and the doors blow inwards, revealing four men in black uniforms. They come in, with heavy repeating blasters, and mini-rocket launchers, and begin firing with deadly precision at the Imperial troopers. Of the squad that had been charging him, more than half had been cut down. Then, Kraken sights something new coming through the doorway the Imperials had blown in. Darktroopers!::

Jun 21st, 2003, 11:19:33 PM
Rage stops firing her blaster for a mere second, watching in awe as the Dark Troopers come in to view.

"What the frell...?" She asks. Looking over at Soloman and then back to the other man. Smirking, she makes her way to his side while the firing continues.

"I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say that this has to do with you?" Rage asked, tossing her blaster aside for something a little more hefty...she looks around and finds one of the blasters that belonged to a fallen Trooper. Grabbing it, she laughs and begins to fire away.

'Kat ain't gonna like this!' She laughed to herself, thinking of her friend and boss.

THX 1138
Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:48:12 AM
THX 1138 had been thrown to the floor by a heavy weapon exploding near his left leg. He looked down at his leg, it was intact and there was no pain, he could move it, so he could still fight. Looking up he could no longer see Kraken, there was now a pall of smoke hanging over the area, with blaster bolts flying furiously through the grey smoke.
His comlink crackled into life;"Commander, reinforcements are coming in. Hold down the hostiles and maintain fire suppourt for the Dark Troopers."
"Affirmative sir."
THX 1138 ordered his men to begin pulling back to the upper ring of sabacc tables, it would provide a base of fire from which they could cover the reinforcements.
He laid down a withering covering fire on the mercs, felling three with his blaster rifle. He turned and fell back to the base of fire. He had at least twenty men left out of thirty, the mercs had taken out all of A squad apart from himself. Now the reinforcements came in. A full squad of Darktroopers now strode into the passenger area, their grey body armour making them seem ghostly in the smoke and the dark. They plunged imediately into the thick of the fighting, the stormtroopers watched in slight awe as the Darktroopers, oblivious to the lasers, began shooting into the mercs. THX 1138 allowed himself a tight smile, Kraken would not escape, there was no way out now.
Turning back to the enemy, he began shooting, confident that this was the turn of the tide.

Solomon Daenal
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:29:09 AM
Solomon was vehemently gunning down the remaining Stormtroopers when numerous Darktroopers stepped into view. The tenacious ex-con had encountered these mechanized slayers once before and enjoyed no thoughts of doing so again. However, his hand was forced when the poignant realization that the Imperial killing machines were moving toward Kraken, and more importantly – Rage.

“Rage, get down!” He opened fire on the nearest of the units, sending a volley of plasma into the droid’s torso then a second to the head. Neither assault proved effective.

Daenal angrily tossed his blaster aside, drawing, in its stead, a menacing combat knife from a boot hilt. Time stood against him, as he desperately charged across the floor, spring boarded from a table, and landed astride the trooper’s back.

No sooner had the enormous man straddled his foe, than the Darktrooper began to fiercely attempt to buck him off. Solomon held firm, latching to its head with all his might. Raising his dagger, he forced the droid’s head ever so slightly to the side, exposing a small region just beneath a protective helmet. Daenal then drove the nine inch blade home, piercing the inner hull.

A barrage of electric bolts coursed through the melee weapon, sparks flying in all directions. The trooper convulsed violently and smoke billowed from its upper body. Finally the sizeable monster fell with a hollow thud.

Removing his knife, Solomon kept mindful to seize only the protective hilt, when he noticed the droid’s blaster lying, free only a few feet away.

“Hello.” A devious smile emerged.

Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:38:17 AM
Rage heard Soloman's yell and she looked over at him quickly, then turned back around, grabbed Kraken and dropped to the ground as a barrage of fire came their way. One thing she was going to do when they got out of here was give that big red head a kiss...or maybe kidnap him for the weekend.

"Soloman!" She yelled, "Get over here, we need to get out of here now!"

Park Kraken
Jun 22nd, 2003, 10:12:50 AM
::Kraken felt someone grabbing him, and he felt himself hitting the floor. Glancing over, he saw it was that Rage character who had pulled him down::
"Hey, easy on the merchandise!"
::He heard the conversation between Rage and a crazy merc who had destroyed a Darktrooper with a precision knife stabbing. He couldn't agree more with Rage. He ordered the Human replica droids, his hired bodyguards, to fire large quantities of MA-1 Gas into the Dark Troopers ranks. The Gas corroded Armour, and Metal at the same time very quickly, as well as blinding sensors, and sight. A Dark Trooper charged through the gas, and one of his bodyguards fired a large restraining bolt at it. As it hit, the Trooper stopped. Kraken ordered it to protect him. It turned around, and charged right back into the Gas cloud. He then pulled Rage off the floor, and motioned her torwards the double doors at the other end of the room.

THX 1138
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:28:50 PM
THX 1138 was, which was strange for a hardened soldier, astounded. His force had been cut to peices by a few mercs! A single Darktrooper now emerged from the smoke and started shooting into the other Darktroopers. They returned fire, blowing the droid apart, they carried on into the haze. Suddenly they started melting and falling to the deck. THX 1138 signalled into his comlink, "All troopers follow me."
He and his remaining men turned and charged down a side corridor, just as the gas reached their positions, he was cut off from Kraken now. Another trooper rammed home the blast doors, sealing out the gas, THX 1138 took a moment to think of what would be happening in there. The remaining sentients and droids would be destroyed by the gas, it had some very nasty side affects on sentients, in some cases causing their blood to literaly boil, causing death.
He again called up the control on board the Imperial Star Destroyer Acheron , "Sir, we have taken heavy losses, the darktroopers are down, the passenger deck has been flooded with gas. Kracken has escaped sir."
The voice of the controller came back to him, "Understood THX 1138, fall back to the secondary hangar bay for evac."
Motioning his troops they ran to the secondary hangar bay, gunning down several security personel on the way. The troopers reached the bay, where an assult shuttle was waiting. They pilled on board. THX 1138 turned around, he hated failure, but this time their adversaries had been lucky, Kraken would be found sooner or later, the Empire did not forget it's enemies, ever.
THX 1138 marched up the ramp as it drew shut.
The shuttle turned away and cruised back toward the Acheron .

Park Kraken
Jun 22nd, 2003, 05:51:35 PM
**In a point in space not far from the Forbidden Pleasures, space begins to wave as ships emerge from hyperspace. NR ships, responding to a distress call sent from the Forbidden Pleasures, arrive and engage the Star Destroyer, and Interdictor cruiser sitting there. A NR Nebula Star Destroyer, and three Assault Frigates tackle the Acheron while the Starfighters attack the Interdictor. The Imperials, seeing as to how their attack has failed, would rather destroy the Mon Cal liner now than capture it. A wave of TIE Bombers, escorted by Fighters, and Interceptors, is launched, and makes it's way torwards the Liner.**
Captian of the Vessel: "First, I want to congratulate you all on a job well done. But we aren't out of this yet. The Imperials have sent a force of fighters and bombers to blow this vessel out of space. For those of you mercs who have starfighters docked in our rear bays, please scramble, and help defend our vessel."
::Kraken races down the corridors into the rear docking bay. He stops by his ship, a TIE Defender with NR markings, and climbs aboard. His bodyguards climb into their respective fighters, and together they launch::

Solomon Daenal
Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:46:50 PM
“Sorry, Cap.” Solomon spoke. “I’m no fighter pilot.”

The red hared merc shouldered his souvenir, the large Darktrooper weapon he had recently acquired, and headed across the hangar to a gunboat he had on loan from Brask.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:55:10 PM
*The floor gives away and falls to the floor, carring IQ with it. The initial shock of the ride wears off as he sees people entering fighters. Several woman are crying as a massive red-headed giant enters an experienced gun boat, showing signs of battles won and lost. Several explosions can be seen outside of the force field holding this part of the ship pressurized. Thats when a familiar face can be seen. He runs over to it bowing on one knee.......*

<- Master Rage. How have you fared?->

Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:17:22 PM
Rage coughed from the smoke, bringing her hand up to wave the dust away only to find a robot kneeling before on one knee. She raised her eyebrow at the wording, 'Master Rage' and turned to look around her to see if it had been talking to anyone else.

"Oooookay." She said, bending down to grab it around its arm and pull it to it's full height. "We'll discuss this weirdness later, we need to get out of here before this whole rig is blown to bits."

Still holding on to the robot, Rage makes her way out of the bar and follows the same path Soloman took, taking a guess they had docked their ships in the same area.

'I hope I get off of here in time.' Rage thought just before an explosion hit and she was thrown into the next wall, falling to the floor unconscious.

Park Kraken
Jun 23rd, 2003, 05:01:12 PM
::Launching out of the docking bay, Kraken looped around the vessel, and sighted the trio of TIE Bombers that had made the attack run on the Forbidden Pleasures, dropping her shields, and damaging the launch bay. Assigning two of his bodyguards each to go after the right, and left bombers, Kraken settled his sights on the center bomber. He had a targeting lock, and fired. Four scarlett bolts of energy left his cannons, and lanced through the spar connecting the two pods of the bomber. It broke in half, then detonated. The other two bombers broke in different directions, with the one on the right being destroyed almost immedialty by a missile. Looping around, Kraken took stock of the situation. The NR Fleet was heavily engaged with the Star Destroyer, with both sides taking considerable amount of punishment. One of the assault frigates drifted out of line, it's engines crippled, with numerous fires consuming it's decks. The Star Destroyer had lost most of it's shields, and most of the weapons on it's bow had been knocked out. The Interdictor has since fled the battle after numerous torpedo waves had collapsed it's shields. The NR starfighters were now converging on the Imperial ships assaulting the Forbidden Pleasures. If they could keep the fighters off of her for another few minutes, then the starliner could make the jump to hyperspace. Gritting his teeth, Kraken switched to missiles, and set his crosshairs on a trio of TIE bombers setting up for a attack run on the Starliner......::

Solomon Daenal
Jun 23rd, 2003, 10:45:35 PM
He stood, there at the foot of his docking ramp, patiently awaiting his lady fare. Solomon was unsure as to whether she had safe transport from the vessel and a fully loaded gunboat would certainly supply such a need. Yet, she never came.

Moments hung onto to their brief allotments of time, stretching into what felt like hours. Concern blanketed his visage, as he sought Rage out but did not find her. Without warning, the liner lurched to its side, reeling from a devastating attack. Daenal, flew into action bolting back to the corridor which adjoined the hangar and lounge.

“Rage!” His call went unanswered. “Rage!” Again, only silence welcomed him.

At last, he found her. The captivating young assassin lay unconscious against a wall. Just as Solomon knelt to aid the fallen woman, he noticed a suspicious droid hovering close by.

“That’s far enough!” He barked, drawing the nine inch blade from its hold. “Who the devil are you!?”

Jun 24th, 2003, 12:52:19 PM
Moaning, Rage moved her head to the side and opened her eyes, seeing the droid still there. She groaned, hearing movement on the other side of her. Turning her head slowly, she smiled when she saw Soloman kneeling beside her with his weapon drawn.

"Hmmm...my hero." She smiled, winking at him. Looking back at the droid, she smirked. "You better answer him before we're blown to bits."

Rage looked around Solomon and pouted when she saw her beloved ship crippled beyond repair.

'Just my luck.' She thought to herself.

Park Kraken
Jun 24th, 2003, 06:59:57 PM
::As Kraken swept around the starliners hull, aiming for a TIE bomber that had just tried to drop a missile into the Pleasures, which the bomb had been blown up prematurly by his wingman's laser cannons. Suddenly, his rear sensors blared. A pair of TIE Interceptors had dropped into position, and started sticthing his rear with laser fire. His shields dropped, and his hull was damaged before his bodyguards managed to drop the Interceptors. He half crash landed into the rear bay, crushing a gunboat sitting there. It looked to be fully loaded. He ran away from the wreck, which caught fire. Seeing no other operable craft in the bay, he headed down the corridor torwards the escape pods. On his way there, he came upon a trio of people, one of which was a droid. The two humans he recognized from the earlier fighting. He stopped, staring at the people pointing blasters at one another.::
"Come on, this is no time for a comitte. The ship is in dire straights, and probaly won't make hyperspace before it is destroyed. We have to get to the escape pods."
::He knelt down by the rage woman, and examined her injuries::
"We may have to carry you."

Jun 25th, 2003, 12:31:15 PM
Rage looked up at Kraken and nodded. She tried to stand and found her legs buckling underneath her. Pain shot through her right leg and she realized she had broken it.

"Ok, carry me it is." Rage sighed, hating the feeling of being helpless. She looked over at the droid and then at Soloman.
"Leave the droid be, you can dismantle him later if you want. Right now I really want to get off this ship."

Solomon Daenal
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:25:07 PM
With a sneer at the droid and a nod of compliance for Rage, Solomon sheathed the dagger before gently lifting the wounded assassin into his massive arms. He cradled her, being sure to support the injured limb. Once in his capable embrace, Daenal followed Kraken deeper into the ship’s belly.

“Hey, Old Timer!” He called, beckoning the Admiral. “Do you really think we’re gonna make it past those Imp fighters in a handful o’ busted escape pods?”

Park Kraken
Jun 25th, 2003, 04:14:37 PM
"Well, I figure one of two things. First off, before I crash landed on your gunboat, I saw on my screen where a whole host of Rebel fighters were coming this away. Seems now that they finished with the Interdictor, that they will come and try to preserve the liner. Second off, if there is more than one escape pod left over, then I will set up a diversion."

::Reaching into his coat with his free hand, Kraken withdrew four class-A thermal detonators, and smiled. Reaching the escape pod racks, he gestured to a large escape pod, enough to fit 8 people comfortably. He walked inside the pod, then settled Rage onto a couch. Heading back into the bay, he went into a smaller pod, and planeted the charges, then ejected it. Running back into the pod, he said::

"Is everybody ready?"

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:39:07 AM
Rage grimaced in pain, then looked over at Kraken and nodded her head.

"Let's get the frell out of here!" She said, fearing the ship was going to blow at any minute. She thought of her ship and rolled her eyes, knowing Katya was going to lecture her for two straight days about it. Maybe more.

Rage looked over at Soloman and grinned,

"Hey, Big Boy...little help here?" She asked, struggling to sit up and strap herself into place before the launch.

Park Kraken
Jun 27th, 2003, 03:40:31 PM
::Kraken whipped out his comlink, and spoke into it::

"Defender 2, update please."

"This is Defender 2, Defender 3 has been lost. Most of the Imperial fighters have been destroyed. NR starfighters are on scene, and are assisting us in anyway possible."

"Good, we are about to eject in an escape pod, number 311. We need you to keep the Imperial fighters off of us for as long as you can."

::Putting away the comlink, Kraken walked back into the pod, and prepared to jettison. Why do I get the feeling, that we haven't seen the last of that stormtrooper, or theAcheronas of yet?. Shaking off the feeling, Kraken settled into the seat, and announced::

"Jettison in 1 minutes"

Jarek T'chort
Jun 27th, 2003, 06:02:18 PM
Jarek Tchort, operating number THX 1138 stood on the bridge of the Acheron . Captain Selcon stood in front of him, his face a mixture of a frown and a grimace. Selcon turned to Jarek;
"How was it possible, commander, for thirty Imperial stormtroopers and fifteen dark troopers to be decimated by a couple of mercs and aliens!"
Jarek held his tounge, for a moment, then he spoke.
"Sir, we encountered heavy resistance, the mercs were armed and employed a toxic gas which destroyed the Darktroopers and which made it impossible for the squad to detain Kraken, only RAD troopers could have survived in there".
Captain Selcon calmed down slowly, his face turning different shades of red to finally white.
"Well, the homing beacon was placed by our agent, we will track him to where ever he runs to."
A blast shook the bridge, a nervous looking petty officer ran up smartly to the captain.
" Sir, we are sustaining damage from the New Rep....I mean Rebel taskforce."
"Very well, recall our fighters and take us into lightspeed." Murmered Selcon, his eyes narrowed in defiance at the rebel vessels pounding at the ISD.
Jarek waited, finally Selcon turned around, "Commander, debrief your men if you please, you will be called on when we reach Krakens destination. Dismissed."
Jarek turned sharply and headed for the turbolift as the Star destroyer turned into it's hyperspace vector.

Park Kraken
Jun 27th, 2003, 08:02:22 PM
::The escape pod jettisoned, and was soon picked up by a Rebel Assault Frigate, the Swift Liberty. Kraken stood watching on the bridge of the frigate as the core on the Forbidden Pleasures went into meltdown mode. First, the ship lost power, with all lights going out, with a dozen fires illuminating the ship, including two massive ones, one in the forward hangar bay, the other in the rear. Then, a massive explosion shook the liner. A inferno of a fireball engulfed the ship, then faded, leaving two blackened chunks of hull drifting apart from each other.::

*Note: As far as I am concerned, that is it for the FP thread. Unless anybody wants to post some aftermath storyline. I am already planning a sequel to the FP, including more Imperials, maybe adding a Jedi or two if anyone wants to, but other than that, more or less the same*