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Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2003, 07:38:55 PM
It's Easier To Run
By: Linkin Park

It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

Something has been taken from deep inside of me
The secret I've kept locked away no one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played

(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(If I could take all the shame to the grave I would)
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(I would take all my shame to the grave)

It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something more
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past
Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have
Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back
And never moving forward so there'd never be a past

(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(If I could take all the shame to the grave I would)
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(I would take all my shame to the grave)

Just washing it aside
All of the helplessness inside
Pretending I don't feel misplaced
It's so much simpler than change

It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something more
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

It's easier to run
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made)
It's easier to go
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(I would take all my shame to the grave)

* * *

The air was heavy with moisture and droplets of perspiration formed upon the forehead of a young woman. With the back of her hand she slowly whiped it away as she continued to walk through the dark alley. It was a very dangerous part of Coruscant, and unfortunatly, this Jedi Knight had found herself there. It was nightfall and, unlike the day, a lower caliber of people walked the streets. "How did I end up here? How could I get lost?" She questioned herself as she made her way down another back alley. The night vision that the Garou possessed was by far, top notch, as was her ultra-sensitive hearing. She used all of her senses to keep aware of her surroundings, but suddenly she made an awefully wrong turn.

There before her stood a group of men who's conversation she immediatly picked up. The Knight pressed her back firmly against the brick wall behind her and held her breath for a moment as the silver coins woven into her waist length blonde hair stopped clanging together. The Garou Warrior Braids which they adorned seemed to glow in the light that it caught, casting a rather odd appearance on the dark ground. Slowly she began to breath but the wind worked against her and caught her flowing white robes, pushing the material out into the alleyway. Soon loud footsteps and shouting was heard as the group approached her. They were yelling out questions for her to identify herself so that they could properly dispose of her before word of their meeting got out. With a gasp, Xazor was off and running quickly down another path with the men close behind her. The Garou's heart was racing and thoughts of shapeshifting crossed her mind for but a moment. She realized that it was not the best alternative to the situation, so instead, she attempted to loose the men by running as quickly as her Force enhanced feet would carry her. It seemed like hours but finally she lost them and in turn, had ended up in the darkest, dankest alley yet. She made not a move as she heard footsteps, but instead, she moved against the wall and came to a stop right at the edge of the next turn.

Lord Soth
Jun 14th, 2003, 10:28:17 PM
~Ah,...The agony of time...Slowly, yet surely as a darkened shadow, it move's steadily along the paved avenue’s of mortal life’s...In its daunting wake a familiar sound echo's as the haunting melody's of regret play's precariously in the mind's of those who are forced to reflect the bitter course they've left behind.~ Death Knight Soth

There it was again...The humming of a distant saber unleashed...No,...Not one...But two sabers to be exact. The blood curtailing scream’s and painful yelp's of Xazor supposed pursuer’s resounded a few block's away in her heightened senses,...One by one until all fell deadly silent. If she listened closely, the jedi woman would hear the faint pitter-patter of water hitting metal beam's and structured column’s that fell from the upper level's that obscured the Coruscant sky...The eerie creak's and groan's of this place mingled with the distant underworlds machinery as they chimed out of sync with the beating of her pounding heart.

This was a place that was long left behind, a grave yard of the past and a testimony to what once was...The disturbance in the force and the gentle ripple it made could not be heeded when the blanket of darkness covered its meticulous step's...

"The irony of it all...Wouldn't you agree Xazor?" Questioned a hollow sepulchral voice that resonated some distance away from her in the inky darkness of the long alley way.

"To escape to one’s safety,...To preserve your life only for it to fall into the hand's of death it's self!" The unnerving voice carried a tinge and note of mockery with it. Two thin red slits manifested in the blackness, wicked eye's that studied the female jedi Garou with hateful intent...

The sound of a lone body hit the moist ground at Soth’s feet with a sickening thud as he released it from his iron grasp. The gurgling gasps of blood faded slowly as the unfortunate victim exhaled his last breath and the Death Knight stepped closer into the dim artificial light that flickered around them.

At that precise moment, a bone chilling coldness fell over Xazor form as the Death Knight allowed her to feel the signature of his essence she had long forgotten…It was none other then the loathsome Death Knight of the Black Rose…Soth Nuevole!

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2003, 11:53:33 PM
Xazor gasped as she heard screams and through the Force pain coursed through her very veins. She winced and outstretched her hands, releasing a wave of serenity through the invisible energy field around her. Suddenly her arms fell as she heard a familiar voice enter her mind. The message was as ominous as the thick smell of blood nearby. Her nose picked it up immediatly, even before the man in the shadows spoke.

"Who is the one who graces the Darkness?" She questioned, her voice resounding down the ally. The slow dripping of blood to a pool below could be heard nearly in time with the water droplets upon the pipes. Suddenly the hidden stranger dropped a body which caused Xazor to step back slightly. She was not afraid, nervous, but untouched by fear. It was then that her question was answered as a Vampyre stepped forth from the depths. The Garou should have known -- she could smell his presence, yet ignored it. "Greetings, Master of The Shrine. Far too long has it been since we've spoken."

The woman kept her bright cyan blue eyes upon his face as she bowed in a courteous manner, a gesture of peace and her respect for his power. Rising to full height once again, she attempted to forget about the rank smell already coming off of the dead body not too far from her. Though no human would have sensed it, she did -- she sensed far more than most sentient beings. Xazor's eyes picked up waves of heat off of small living organisms that rested nearly a half a mile away or more. She could, in clear weather, see for miles. At the moment, though, she was slightly restricted in night vision, but could see all she needed. "Though these men sought to bring me harm, you needed not destroy them -- though I nearly consider it a favor or a pardon, on my life's behalf. Thank you, though I would have rather faced them than to have them die." It was a cordial attempt to show the Death Knight that she was not looking for a fight but had simply lost her way.

"I know not how I came upon this place -- and despite our drastic differences, it is good to see a familiar face." She said with a smile and a slight laugh, but soon both faded as the stars fade into the morning sky. It seemed, almost, that with Soth's presence, everything around them was getting darker and darker by the moment. A hard lump formed at the back of the Garou Knight's throat and a knot manifested within her stomach. She, again, was not afraid -- but being in a dark alley with a Master of The Shrine, a Vampyre, was not something that she had been wishing for.

Lord Soth
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:02:56 AM
Her subtle words were less then amusing...Soth thought to him self as he slowly approached her from the inky veil of darkness behind him, his ruby lip’s curling at the corner’s as they formed into a leering smile. Obviously, this was a feeble attempt on her part to keep the peace between the killer and the prey…This was exactly what he had expected of her...Often this was the frequent conversation that the Death Knight heard from the soon to be deceased individual before he took their life. This in turn was followed by the annoying pathetic pleas and begging for one’s life once the killer had unmasked his ugly intentions. Nevertheless, he would bide his time for now and let the fateful story unravel in its own time…He would grant her that much.

With a stately stride, Soth made his way boldly over to where Xazor stood, running his left talon hand along the surface of the semi smooth wall as he moved closer. Tiny spark’s cascaded from the tip’s of the lethal silver appendages and the eerie scrapping that admitted from them only added to the coldness the young jedi woman felt in her being.

The Death Knight let out a sinister guttural laugh shortly after the Garou expressed her thankfulness and gratitude at Soth’s unexpected presence. The Vampyre was now within her space, closer then she ever anticipated him being…The sweet fragrant aroma of roses permeated the area about them as he locked eyes with her. His dark blue pool’s seemed to be devoid of all feeling and life, soulless and as deep as the abyss it’s self.

“Do you realize the dangerous implication’s of being here alone Xazor?” The Death Knight questioned as he leaned into her exposed ear and spoke. Xazor could feel the breath of death upon the delicate flesh of her neck as Soth traced his unsettling words down its length.

“It is well known m’lady,…That a wanders curiosity often result’s in a “Dead End” in these parts. And yet,..You of all people expect me to believe that you somehow lost your way?” The Death Knight finished softly as his whispered word’s continued to hover over her sensitive ear.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:20:34 PM
Xazor watched as Soth slowly walked toward her. The way he seemed to saunter was nearly seductive, yet the Garou did not fall into his subtle trap. The Jedi Knight turned her head and looked toward the other wall of the alley, noticing to her left there was a dead end, and to her right -- was a Vampyre. He moved in closer and closer until she could smell the sweet scent of roses and feel his cool breath upon her skin. He whispered in her sensitive ear before moving slowly down her neck, all the while breathing death in and out of his nostrils. The Knight bristled for a moment before slowly inching away from the Vampyre.

It was not a quick pace, nor very noticeable -- yet Xazor moved toward the dead end with no hope of an escape. She knew she would have to be creative this time. "You and I both know that I am not alone -- you're here, yes?" She questioned with a smile, this time, allowing her eyes to fill themselves with his lifeless ones. She sighed internally, attempting to imagine what he was like as a human, before he was turned immortal. It rose a question in her mind and she decided it would not hurt to ask. "My lord -- what were you like, I mean -- before you were turned? Were you as, well -- attractive, as you are now? Or more so, if that is possible?" She was not lying, for he was something to marvel at, yet, Xazor's heart was taken and by no means did she mean the words she was saying past anything but face value. She shifted her weight uncomfortably and eyed Soth with a seductive look in her eyes. It was curious, yet -- innocent in the same. "You're the first Vampyre that has taken the time to actually speak to me. I find that very, very appealing." She laughed softly, standing still now, pressed against the wall.

Lord Soth
Jun 23rd, 2003, 11:43:58 PM
Soth's eye's lifted to meet Xazor's as she carefully slipped from the wall then into the darkened alley behind her. A smile played at the corners of his ruby lips, matching hers as she informed him that she was not alone. The Death Knight studied her every move, yet her words did nothing to curb his darker intentions. It was what her eyes held inside that gave her away, the hint of panic under their surface that was evident. The scent of her perspiration was also strong on the stagnant night air of Coruscant, a familiar fragrance that now betrayed her...So many questions, so little time...Nevertheless, Soth would entertain only one of them...

"You're the first Vampyre that has taken the time to actually speak to me. I find that very, very appealing." Xazor exclaimed as she managed to distance herself a few paces away from the Death Knight. Soth moved slowly in stride to the mouth of the alley, blocking it with his body as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Appealing?...Clever girl." A low sinister laugh escaped Soth as he lowered his arms to his sides. The bass of his laughter echoed then finally dissipated in the tangled web of mammoth structures that surrounded them. Soth knew well what Xazor was attempting to do. Stroking the vanity and pride of what she truly thought his nature exuded, but the Death Knight was no fool.

"Perhaps I will be your last Garou,..My master had plan's for you young one...But unfortunately, that all end's here with me." At that precise moment, the jedi woman felt a powerful wave hitting her, pressing her body tighter to the wall she was already against. The constricting energy that surrounded the young jedi was not painful, nevertheless, it held her fast for a purpose. Soth was already becoming increasingly annoyed and irritated by her subtle mind games, how Xazor was taking him for granted... This would prove to be quicker demise and end for the Garou if she didn't come up with something better...And fast!

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:50:24 AM
Xazor smiled as she was pressed against the wall. She bared her own set of elongated canines for which she took great pride in. "You know that I can do things that would give me a rather -- unfair advantage, me being Garou and all." She said softly, her gaze coming to rest upon Soth. At this point, she was not afraid, nor worried -- in fact, she knew that she would live through this encounter so she had nothing to worry about. Around her neck was a silver chain with a golden ring upon it, a gift given to her by a dear friend some time ago. Any and all Darksiders who looked upon it could be blinded for several minutes by the intense light that was emitted by the ring. That, coupled with the Dawnstrider's Light would be no match -- at least, for a while -- for a Vampyre -- even one as powerful as Soth.

The Knight looked down at the ring and smiled to herself before her gaze trailed up to meet the eyes of the one standing before her. She had many tricks up her sleeve, and indeed, she would act quickly. Just behind Soth, the woman focused her mind and closed her eyes. She breathed in silent words that Soth could hear. "Le no tu vila que -- le no tu vila que." She spoke softly, over and over again. The words were of her native tongue, the Speech of Gaia. She was communicating with nature, all around her. She called to it, beckoning it to help her. In that very instant, just behind the Vampyre, four spiny roots shot out of the ground. The ground beneath their feet shook and rumbled as the roots suddenly grabbed hold of Soth, wrapping themselves around both of his arms and both of his legs. The needles upon their lengthy green expanses stuck deeply into his flesh, ripping and tearing with every movement he made. The Knight opened her eyes and continued speaking the quiet words as she watched the vines entangle Soth.

Lord Soth
Jul 7th, 2003, 05:57:16 PM
A crooked smile pressed across the Death Knight's ruby lips as he heard Xazor's strained word's of magic upon the dank night air of the alley. Soth continued to hold and control the welling power's that prevailed against the Garou's stricken form, pressing her tighter and yet tighter at every subtle movement, every labored breath taken in and expended by her. The constricting pressure intensified almost immediately as the first of her arcane words spilled from her lips. As if by unseen hand’s, Xazor arm's and leg's splayed apart as the stone wall behind her seemed to fight the advancing momentum of the surmounting forces she was trapped between...

Even as the snaking vines latched onto the Dark Knight’s powerful build, he wavered not in his cruel intentions towards the jedi. A grimace of pain flashed across Soth’s mind, however it was one that he found himself easily ignoring. She would simply have to do better then that…The facet’s of power that the Death Knight possessed were seemingly endless and yet more hauntingly still was the apprehension and notion of a relentless drive of evil that encompassed Soth’s blackened heart. Anyone who was fortunate and lucky enough to escape the clutches of the chaotic Vampyre knew this of him when encountered. And even then, Soth would never forget, often time’s hunting his lost prey down until the deed was finally sealed in their blood.

When presented, it was often the smallest thing’s in life that so many over looked and took for granted, the tiniest of detail’s that the Death Knight himself caught from his unwary foe…A slip of the tongue, a simple stray gesture or the telling story that glimmered behind ones eye’s when he peered inwards…Indeed,…Soth had seen the young jedi's attention stray to the silver chain with the gold band about her neck. Obviously a token of her past, one that Soth would use against her when the right time presented its self.

As the long sharp needling thorns found thier way through the thin crack's and crevices of the Vampyre's armor, Soth quickly traced a complex sign of Sith magic upon the air with his freed hand. The strapping vine's that bound his leg's and lower torso faded and withered as the spell took it's effect on the earthy tendril’s.

Soth's narrowed gaze fell on the glint of silver and gold around the woman's supple neck line. With his already outstretched hand, the Death Knight summonsed the band of gold and chain to him as it tore from her neck with a simple low snapping noise. A scoffing laugh filled the alley way as the crushing pressure’s resided then dissipated around Xazor’s aching body.

“Navosh enus nue-buea!” The Death Knight shouted sharply as a pitch black curtain of darkness fell over the alley way in that instant, a condensed mass of blackness that not even the keenest of senses from the oldest of Garou’s could penetrate. It now seemed that the Death Knight and the cherished ring of gold were all but gone…So it seemed.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 15th, 2003, 09:52:37 PM
Xazor gasped slightly as she was released from the terrible hold -- and the ring and necklace were ripped from her neck. Out of instinct, she reached up with a hand to feel that it was gone, and in its place was her cool skin. She then remembered something, something that would save her and could potentially save the ring. Just as she was thinking about this, though, everything went dark -- and Soth disappeared.

"La na ueva illuminosas!" The woman called out in her native tongue and suddenly an intense, blazing light of golden yellows shot forth from the ring. It glowed in a small area at first until it engulfed the entire area, casting away the darkness that the Vampyre had called upon.

ooc: sorry so short -- I didn't have a ton of time. :(

Lord Soth
Jul 16th, 2003, 12:40:22 AM
This was precisely what the Death Knight had anticipated from the lone woman, waiting for the right moment to drain the ring of it's power's at hand. The large facetted sapphire jewel that sat within arcane Sith amulet about Soth neck ebbed and pulsated with an unnatural cobalt glow. Swirls of the darkest blue hues lofted gently around Soth’s silver talon as he held the device firmly in one hand while holding the gold band in the other, turning his head from the focal radius point as he closed his eye's from it's blinding effect's.

Immediately after the last gasping word “illuminosas” escaped Xazor's lips, a brilliant glorious flash spanned over the general proximity and area where the two foes stood in combat. Like a radiant light house beacon atop a weather torn cliff, the stark white ray’s shot sky ward’s, exposing everything within its luminous path, then suddenly dissipating almost as soon as it was born. Xazor briefly caught a glimpse of Soth before the talisman snuffed the holy light then funneled its magical properties into the artifact. A strobe of blue effect quickly ensued, then all fell black once more as Soth moved a few paces from the place where the young jedi had seen him last...The once magical properties that the golden ring harbored were now completely vanquished and drained, forfeited then stored within the ancient Sith amulet that Soth's former master Exar Kunn's had bestowed upon him long ago.

"Vos nue-vea celsi oblivion" Were the sudden chilling words from the Death Knight as a blast of crystalline particles tore at Xazor's exposed flesh almost instantly. The intruding brunt of the frigid blast sent Xazor reeling backwards until her body slammed hard into the already freezing stone behind her. Like countless tiny little glass razor's, the sub temperature crystal's bit at her painfully until blood formed and oozed in contrast upon her livid skin, freezing as soon as the crimson stain touched the icy air. The "cone of cold" seemed to weld the jedi to the very spot she had fallen to. The deadly spell that shot fourth from the Death Knight hand began forming thick clear layered sheet's of hardened ice about her lower extremities as she lay half propped in a heap at the end of the alley way.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:34:19 AM
Xazor growled low and deep as she witnessed the fate of the ring she bore. "I'm better without it." She concluded, not allowing anger to touch her soul. It was no matter, and the Knight refused to give into his attempts to anger her. For a moment, all was silent -- until suddenly, the woman was being pierced with tiny shards of ice. It became embedded in her skin and ripped and tore at her heated flesh. Soon her lower extremities became encased and she was rendered helpless.

Warm blood flowed from various wounds, most notably, the large gash she had acquired upon her forehead. It was deep but her own Garou healing powers, coupled with slight aid from the Force, began working on it immediatly. With blurred vision, the Jedi Knight lowered her eyes to view the damage down by the ice which now held her captive. Xazor noted a great deal of blood loss had occured -- and this was evident by the fact that the ice casing was now almost completely crimson in color.

She felt helpless, but not hopeless -- not yet. "The Force is my ally -- in it I shall find the strength I need to survive." She thought to herself, and those words gave her the determination to fight for her life -- to fight with everything she had. Closing her eyes for several moments, the woman quietly tapped into the Force -- into nature. It heard her silent cries for help, and Gaia -- the One she served -- smiled upon her broken body. "Yal no vae rasis solares. Yal no vae rasis solares!" Xazor called out in a voice filled with power and strength.

In that very moment as the last words left her lips, a great flash of light and heat ruptured forth from her chilled hands. Like a tidlewave, it engulfed the surrounding area, including the ice around her. Pieces seemed to explode from their base, and they shot out all around her. It would be a close one for Soth, who would have to pull something extraordinary to completely avoid every shard. The remaining ice simply melted in a split second, freeing Xazor. The heat warmed her body in an instant and recovered homeostasis within her cells. She rose to her feet, unsure and unstable at first, but soon she was standing with simply a hand propped against the wall.

"DAWNSTRIDER!" The Knight called out and outstretched her hands in the direction she felt the Dark One. Immediatly, a ball of bright, burning energy surfaced within her hands and shot rays all around the two foes. The light could never be permanently extinguished, nor stolen from the woman, for it was a gift to her family from Gaia -- and it was a seed planted within her soul. The light was blinding and powerful, wrapping itself around Soth and shrouding the Knight in a protective glow for several minutes. "He can play with shadows -- I can play with light." She thought to herself and allowed the rays to continue stretching forth, touching everything they could. In that instant, the Light being emitted by the woman wrapped its burning tendrils around Soth's wrists and ankles, dragging him to the opposite wall and pressing him against it. "Two can play that game." She said with a smile.

Walking forth with the light still burning, the woman called upon the Force for full power and strength -- then she sent it pressing against his chest, stomach, and neck -- holding him tightly against the bricks behind him. "You are powerful, but so am I. It was unwise for you to think it be my day of death, my Lord." She said with a grin as the strength of the force against him intensified. Though he was a large man with a great amount of strength, the pressure being applied to him felt like a ton of cement came crashing down upon his chest. It was not a crushing force -- not yet -- but that could be changed in a hurry. She stood there in the light, completely exposed as well as Soth. Now he was in her hold and found himself caught between a rock and a hard place.

Lord Soth
Jul 16th, 2003, 05:27:53 PM
A long and foreboding silence hung between the jedi and the Death Knight. A wicked grimace curled then played at the corners of Soth's lip's as he looked on Xazor with a curtain satisfaction at what he had just done. Within moment's, the young woman had called to the aid of the force, freeing herself from the icy tomb that once held her fast...The crystal shard's exploded in an outwards cascade towards the unsuspecting Death Knight where they then bounced harmlessly off the ebony powered armor. Nevertheless, the left side of Soth’s exposed face felt the tearing sting as he tuned away just in time. Blood spilled effortlessly from the fresh facial wound’s as Soth growled in protest. Xazor had managed give him a taste of his own medicine…

Infuriated, Soth cursed at the thought, still clenching the talisman of Exar Kunn in his tightening grip before he turned back to face Xazor. Suddenly a brilliant light spilled fourth over the Death Knight in pressing waves that physically pushed him back a few paces from where he stood. Once again Soth shielded his eyes in vain from the new light that shown even brighter then the golden band had produced earlier. Within millisecond’s, the Vampyre found himself pinned against a wall much like he had the jedi only moment's before...The awkwardness of his now prone predicament only fueled the hate he felt even further. An evil hot red glow resonated from his eye's as he slowly turned his attention back to the approaching female...Soth noted a curtain pride and arrogance in the Garou feature's as she neared him...Nevertheless, this boisterous attitude would be short lived...

Dominos due Vancoush! The Death Knight snapped as his triggering words of power echoed in Xazor's mind as well as the surrounding area. Soth's mind cleared of all that was about him physically as he delved deeply into the black abyss he called upon. The manifesting power’s that were stored there were now his for taking! The aid of the Dark-Side instantly weaved and mingled with the magical properties of the ancient amulet within it, rapidly expanding outwards from the Death Knight's prone form was a kinetic sphere that immediately dropped the crushing field that Xazor had created.

The dark ball of energy quickly engulfed the jedi woman before she could react to its deadly sapping touch. Thick tendrils of violet lighting gripped her, snaking methodically around her and shaking Xazor to her very core as it pulled her slowly upwards from the wet cobblestone causeway. With excruciating pain racking her stationary body, Xazor could hopelessly feel the very life force that she called upon being robbed from her person. Her life’s essence as well was now being transferred directly to the Death Knight as he fought to regain his blurred sight. Coupled with his own regenerative abilities and the life force energy that was being swiftly robbed from the Garou, it wasn’t long before Soth fully recovered and his sight was restored to him.

From the protective kinetic sphere, Soth’s fierce gaze drifted once again to Xazor who was now some ten feet in mid air. Some of the lovely golden locket’s that framed her delicate face now ran in stark streaks of the purest white. Not only was the youthful jedi prematurely ageing at a frightening pace…The hand of Death was staking his claim upon her…She was dying!

The Death Master was now quite confident that this powerful spell against his adversary would leave her found wanting. And even if she managed to break its terrible hold upon her, there was little doubt in Soth’s mind that there would be much fight left in her after it was all said and done…

“Give into your hate Xazor…Submit to me now,…And I will spare you from the agony of your mind and body…” The Death Knight said smoothly, his word’s carried a curtain inviting lull to them as he shook his outstretched hand towards the convulsing jedi.

“Join with me and I will show you the error’s of your way, the hypocrisy of the order you now serve…An order I too once served long ago.”