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Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2003, 05:38:43 PM
By: Linkin Park

I am a little bit of loneliness a little bit of disregard
Handful of complaints but I can’t help the fact that everybody can see these scars
I am what I want you to want what I want you to feel
But it's like no matter what I do, I can't convince you, to just believe this is real
So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here cause you want what I've got

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

I am a little bit insecure a little unconfident
Cause you don't understand I do what I can but sometimes I don't make sense
I say what you never wanna say but I've never had a doubt
It's like no matter what I do I can't convince you for once just to hear me out
So I let go watching you turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here 'cause you’re all that I've got

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(Hear me out now)
(You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
(Right now)
(Hear me out now)
(You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
(Right now)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

(I can't feel the way I did before)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)
(Time won't heal this damage anymore)
(Don't turn your back on me)
(I won't be ignored)

I can't feel
I won't be ignored
Time won't heal
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored

* * *

It was a dreary day outside with torrential downpours. The rain pounded the streets and sidewalks of Coruscant nearly forcing everyone inside. Groups and crowds of beings were the norm for this bustling city, but at the moment, it resembled nothing of the sort save for one lone figure that walked through the deep puddles of standing water. Ground traffic was quite difficult, but as the woman looked above her, the air was a buzz as usual. With a smile, despite the conditions, the Jedi Knight continued on until she reached the Coruscant Intergalactic Spaceport or, CIS as it was known throughout. Upon entrance, the Garou Knight raised the hood of her flowing white robes and pushed it to her back allowing her waist length blonde hair to spill out. The Garou Warrior Braids adorning her head had silver coins woven into them which clanged together softly with each step she took.

It was nearly ten minutes before Xazor reached her destination, but she did. There sat a beautiful ship, sleek and black in color. Upon both sides were big, bold words in silver, "Freedom I". Her signature was beneath it in smaller silver lettering. This ship was a Dragon Cruiser and her prized possession. With a bright smile upon her face, the Knight approached an attendant who stood waiting near the spacecraft. "Greetings Ms. Xazor -- all of your belongings have been safely stowed away. All has been taken care of and currently, an excellent pilot and crew are running maintenance and security checks." The man smiled all the while he spoke. All of these things made Xazor feel reassured and she knew that the journey that lay ahead of her would be a safe one. "Thank you Kirk -- I knew I could count on you." She bowed and walked away from the man to stand her post before the enormous cruiser. "Only time now -- only time." She said softly as she glanced to the crono upon the wall. The Jedi Knight was expecting a group of fellow Jedi to join her on a mission to Saladores, a lone planet on the Outer Rim. Its economic situation had gone south when a new government was implemented. Needless to say, the rule was just that -- rule and the people were subjected to harsh treatment. Subsequently, they were subjected to harsh conditions. What they needed was love, compassion, and people who understood what suffering meant. This was the job of the Jedi -- but not only would the people's needs be met emotionally, the government would be over thrown and one under the NR would be established. The Jedi would be bringing freedom to those in bondage, hope to the hopeless, love to those in suffering, but most importantly -- they would be establishing their own identity while helping others to do so.

Jun 15th, 2003, 02:02:02 AM
The rain was cool upon his face. Yet even the silliest of people knew that drenching your body would leave openings for sickness. The smell of the rainsoaked air was fresh...fresh as when this world was new. The dura-plastic robe that adorned the Old man, kept him dry as He walked along the lonely streets. The sights and smells that he relished in were that whitch most would put off as a nuesance.

passing a building, Niccademas streached forth his forse awareness, and a presence rebounded so strong that his curiosity caused him to press on toward this being.

All things in the force are possible as long as the truth and peace is the goal. Entering this building, a presence like none other that dwelled in the light, shown a way that was unhampered. Those that stoped to question him were sent away with a feeling of peace. Arriving at the hanger bay the door closed with a swoosh behind the Jedi.

When the woman that embodied the force signature her felt turned, Niccademas held a hand up in a greating geasture...

"Hello there!"

Syrius Cline
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:02:16 AM
"Lovely day for a stroll," Syrius bit out through clenched teeth.

The sky was opened up and it's liquid was assualting the ground. From a skyscraper Syrius might look down on it and call it poetic--maybe. Down here though it was a footpain the size of the Kessel Maw. Water had a odd way of trapping itself on the lower levels. With the overgrown architecture that was the hallmark of the city planet, it was a slowly raising flood. Which meant soaked feet, which meant pruning, which meant footpain, which meant anger and hate. Oy. Now he was back in the Jedi mindset, couldn't shake it now adays.

Still had his cigarettes though. Sure, he'd quit yesterday but that was his new trend, his new habit. Quiting and taking it up again.

"Stupid, silly, rain. Ought to kill that weatherman. Dry skies my hide."

The cigarette remained scarcely lit under the pulled over hood. He actually liked his current style. Long flowing Jedi cloak under a leather jacket and over a t-shirt. Looked like a monk/hoodlum. Smashing.

"Coruscant Intergalactic Spaceport. Better have a giftshop that sells dry socks."<hr>
Now that he was out of the rain, his soaked clothing seemed even more bothersome. With the rain atleast it felt like everything was in equal standing. Now he was like a wet dog out of the rain... not too far off actually, depending on which ex-girlfriends you listened to.

He spot the sleeky craft in mere seconds. Kind of hard to miss. The lights reflecting off of the polish made a striking sight to behold.

"Missed a spot," Syrius joked about the wax job as he approached withen hearing distance of Xazor, which wasn't nessacarily close. The girl could hear a fly chewing on a dust bunny. "Master, couldn't spare a towel could you?"

Agden Ithrin
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:10:21 PM
Agden didn’t mind rain. He didn’t mind it at all. It was refreshing and left him feeling alive from hundreds of little drops that fell on his skin. Still, however, he had his hood pulled up. He had learnt long ago that seeing such a tall, tattooed figure wandering the streets made the Watch suspicious – he was fairly certain since his days in the drug dens he’d gotten himself a permanent file within the Yard.

Even the staff in the CIS were a little wary of him when he pulled back his cowl, revealing striking blue-white eyes and pale skin. Out of habit he brushed one hand back over his head, feeling the relief of the horns beneath his fingertips.

“There a Xazor come in here today?” he asked, full well knowing that his Master was already here.

“Yes, sir. She is by the Freedom I, just this way.”

With a helpful hand from the clerk – whom he read the lips of surprisingly well – he found his way to where Xazor and two others were stood. He tugged his black robes more firmly around his body as he approached, and nodded to Xazor feeling as though he’d caught her gaze for a second.


Giddion Horn
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:20:40 AM
Giddion smiled. He simply loved the cool feeling of rain upon his face and the fresh, wet, flower scented breeze as he walked. It however was not the only thing that made him feel good. Giddion was once again a within the Order something of which he had left a long time ago and even now, half a century after his mistake, he was allowed to venture with the Order on missions of peace. A great feeling indeed.

Allowing himself to breath in the fresh air one more time he decided it was about time to enter the CIS and meet the rest of the departing group. The padawan pulled his hood fermly down over his head and ventured into the CIS grounds to meet with a group of CIS staff. Directing him in the right direction Giddion gave them a smile before trecking towards Freedom I. Noticing the waiting group Giddion donned a wide smile amd bowed low to them all.

' Padawan Giddion Horn at your service Lady Xazor...' He smiled once again before taking in the breath taking sight of the cruiser. ' Tis' a lovely ship m'lady...' He grinned.

Cassidy Williams
Jun 16th, 2003, 09:27:20 AM
One person at least, was thoroughly enjoying the weather. Cassidy hated rain, but the excitement of the impending activities was enough to make even the grayest of moods brighten considerably. And so she took her time, not exactly dawdling, but not hurrying either.

The young Padawan wasn’t wearing the Jedi attire that had been provided once she’d made a home at the temple. Cassidy rarely, if ever, did. She didn’t like the outfit, preferring her worn jeans and oversized t-shirts to anything else. But the girl had packed extra tunics and her robe in the canvas bag she carried on her back, along with books to last a good deal of time.







And so, banging and splashing with gusto through the puddles, the girl made her way to the spaceport.


By the time she arrived Cassidy was soaked to the bone, spluttering even as she entered the building. Her hair was plastered to her face and dripping profusely, and she left a large trail of water as she scampered over to Xazor and the others, waving enthusiastically.

“Hi Xaz!”

Formalities were not something that the Padawan took into consideration, and she simply beamed a smile upon arriving at the group.

“Hi! Got my stuff all ready…isn’t it nice outside?”

Leten Snat
Jun 16th, 2003, 09:57:12 AM
A rustling noise comes from a dumpster not far from the 'Freedom I'. and Xazor and the others hears the voice of one of her newer Padawans comming from inside the dumpster....

"Wow look at all this COOl stuff!!! Like, if I could get this stuff to the salvage yard I could get an easy 10 creds!..... Like, why would somebody throw this stuff out!"

The young boy pokes his head out of the dumpster, and looks over to where the people are gathering.... He calls out....

"Am I needed over there right now? or can I collect up some of this stuff over here?"

Chaos Alexander
Jun 16th, 2003, 10:21:13 AM
::The hover cycle ran full speed in and out of traffic. The sight caused many heads to turn. Very few people had seen a hover cycle able to fly this high. It had taken many many credits to modify the engine to allow it.

Rain rolled over his rain coat and helment. The grey and black paint became a blurr as he bobbed and weaved. Soon he came to the space port. He parked his ride and made his way inside. He took off his helment and tossed in his backpack. It was painted to look like a demon head, and it even had parts of the sides raised and painted to look like horns. Unlike many of the others, He was not dressed in robes. He was in wide legged black jeans, combat boots, a black shirt, and a black trench coat.::

"Sis.....I mean.....Master, is there room for my bike in your ship?"

Jun 16th, 2003, 11:32:49 AM
Ebony had found out about this mission, she had decided to join. To start making up for the darkness in her past. She's a humanoid cat with black fur. A black belt which matches her fur holds her lightsaber at her side. She is not confident yet of her own safety to go without it. She may have claws, but they do nothing against a person who is attacking you with a lightsaber.

The rain matches the mood she's been in recently. Because of the rain though, she is wearing a black hooded cloak, the hood raised to keep the rain off her face. Normally, she only wears her black belt, and on occasion a black jumpsuit, though she is completly decent due to her fur.

She had been following Xazor from a slight distance since she wasn't to sure where she was going, and Xazor seemed like an ideal person to follow.

Upon reaching the ship, she drops to one knee infront of Xazor and bows her head slightly before standing again.

"Greetings Knight Xazor, I'm wondering if I may be allowed to accompany you on this mission."

Ebony under her cloak, has a small bag which she's got a bit of clothing in for this.

Sene Unty
Jun 16th, 2003, 12:18:39 PM
The black robed figure walked silently around the puddles as fat drops of water splashed against him. Under the hood Sene Unty smiled at the sight of the Coruscant Intergalactic Spaceport that sat in front of him. Around his shoulder he held a small bag that contained his possesions; a lightsaber and a few extra clothes. Nothing much, but all was necessary.

With a nod of his head he walked up to the nearest staff member and spoke:

"Freedom I."

The man nodded and pointed. Nothing more than a formality of course. Sene knew where it was, but he was always so cordial about his actions.

He walked to the hanger and saw a large group of padawans around his former master, Xazor Dawnstrider....or rather Xazor Elessar as she was now known. Curious how much things had changed...

For a second he hesitated. Maybe he shouldn't be going. He wasn't the kind of person who liked to meet new people, and he seriously doubted that anyone would know who he was on this trip other than Xazor.

With a shrug he decided that his personal feelings came second to the liberation of the people of Saladores.

As quietly as possible he approached Xazor and removed the hood from around his head.

"Hello Xazor....long time no see huh?"

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 16th, 2003, 03:29:40 PM
At CIS Spaceport, a quiet, deep rumbling rolled through the sky. A black shape shot through the clouds, the rain beating off of its armored fuselage. Turbolaser turrets jutted from her superstructure, their long barrels looking vaguely like horns. The ship, a massive private starship named the Black Dawn, cruised into the spaceport, shooting through the open bay doors and violating at least 30 separate landing restrictions. The occupants inside grinned as men came running towards the Dawn, waving their arms in protest of the fast entrance.

One of the turbolaser turrets swiveled to point at the spaceport officials, and suddenly the men were running backwards as fast as possible. The gunner burst out in laughter that rolled across the comm-links. The landing ramp finally lowered, sliding down to land on the durasteel floor with a muffled "clunk". A figure stood in the doorway, shrouded in shadows from light within the ship. Nobody could make out his face, but one thing was for sure: he was immense. At least 7 feet tall, he must have weighed 250 kilos. The shrouded figure strode down the landing ramp, each of his steps making a metallic "clank" when they touched the floor. As he moved into the light, it was revealed that his size wasn't entirely based on human proportions. A hooded black cloak, as dark as night itself, covered the figure from head to toe. As he walked, occasionally the hem of his robe would pick up, revealing a durasteel-tipped boot.

He finally reached the other padawans, and threw off his hood. A jagged scar running down the side of his face contrasted sharply with his blonde hair. Green eyes sparkled behind a half-smile. He pulled the cloak back behind his shoulders, revealing a suit of powered armor. A bright yellow lightsaber was visible banging off of his hip. No medals dotted his armor, but 3 gold stars were visible on each shoulder, clearly marking him out as a New Republic Fleet Admiral. Small servomotors whirred in each of the bulky armor's joints, compensating for his movements. He was Lion El' Jonson, padawan of the Greater Jedi Order.

Something crackled in his ear, from his commpiece. One of his crew was laughing his balls off. With a casual grace, Lion grabbed his Heavy Blaster Pistol and bounced three shots off the Black Dawn's cockpit window. He grinned.

The pilot shook his head and gave Lion the finger, then took back off, shooting into orbit. Lion smiled and walked over to the gathering of Jedi.

"Mistress Elessar. It's nice to see you again, Xaz. How have things been?" he asked, holding out one of his armored guantlets. On a second thought, he pulled his hand back. Xazor probably wouldn't want to shake hands with something that looked like a can opener.

He looked up at Freedom I and drew a sharp intake of breath.

"Xazor, ma'am, that's quite a ship." he commented, admiring the cruiser's smooth lines.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 16th, 2003, 04:32:43 PM
Xazor smiled to herself as slowly but surely her Padawans, friends, and her own Brother began to arrive right on time. With giddy greetings and warm handshakes, the Knight was feeling better and better about the mission as time went on. She did not expect, though, that two of her best friends would be joining her.

"Sene! It has been far too long!" She exclaimed with a grin. Her former Padawan, now Knight of the Greater Jedi Order, had decided to partake on this journey. With a hint of laughter, Xazor quickly hugged the boy -- no, man, now -- before pulling away. Silence swept over the group for but a moment and then suddenly she caught sight of another who was quite unexpected. "Lion! I had no idea that you'd be comin' along!"

It seemed, at that moment, that all formalities had been dropped. Xazor ran over to the Padawan, a very close friend of hers, and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck -- pulling him in for a close embrace. "How have you been? Man, we're going to have too much fun together, you know that, right?" She laughed and pulled away for a moment to look at him. It had been a long time since they'd seen one another, but it looked as though that the two craziest pilots of the GJO were back at each other's sides. "I'm glad ya like the ship -- she's a beauty, and a great ride. I'm sure that my hired pilot won't mind you taking over for a while." The Jedi Knight winked before realizing that she had become too informal and now, all were staring at her. Upon clearing her throat, Xazor smiled and resumed her calm state of being.

"We shall wait for a few more moments and then, we will pack up and take off."

Leten Snat
Jun 16th, 2003, 04:58:21 PM
Not having gotten a yes or no from his Master Leten thinks that Xazor may not have heard him so he asks again....

"Am I needed over there right now? or can I collect up some of this stuff over here in the dumpster? There's some nice stuff over here!"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:13:05 PM
Xazor quickly turns her head to view her Padawan in the dumpster. With a curious expression, she looks back to the group before turning to him once again.

"I think it would be a wise thing for you to join your fellow Jedi over here, Leten. And Ms. Williams -- I advise you to change into your Jedi robes at this moment -- you're soaked." The Knight said with evident disapproval. Her stern gaze softened immediatly, though, and the smile she wore before appeared upon her lips. She was not angry with Cassidy, nor Leten, but she knew that there was a time and place.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:17:49 PM
Lion grinned, almost invisibly, at Xazor's momentary lack of formality. Nope, she hadn't changed at all.

"One of my friends over in New Republic Intel picked up on this mission. Madam Winter, in fact. She suggested I go along. If you're going to set up a new government under New Republic Rule, you'll need an official representative. I figure a ranking fleet officer is a pretty official representative, no?" he asked, glancing pointedly at his Admiral's stars.

Lion itched to take a little joyride with the Freedom I...it'd been too long since he had flown himself anywhere. He heard a voice over to his left and swiveled his head ever so slightly. His jaw dropped open in momentary disbelief when he noticed the man in the dumpster.

"One of your padawans, Mistress Xazor?" he asked, chuckling and pointing over his left shoulder at the man. Trash was flying everywhere.

Sene Unty
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:20:13 PM
Sene smiled as Xazor brought him in for a hug. It was nice seeing her again. As she pulled away he brought the hood of his robe back over his head, hiding both his face and the smile that seemed to cling to it.

While the sight of Xazor brought a smile, the sight of Lion almost made him laugh. It wasn't that he didn't look good, just that he hadn't seen him in a long time. They had only met briefly, but his memories of that meeting were sweet...

Sene simply acknowledged him with a casual nod, before turning to the ship. It should only be a few minutes and then they would be off....

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:23:02 PM
Lion nodded back at Sene and then shook his head at Teran's suggestion.

"Calm, Master Jedi Teran. Mistress Xazor was given overall command of this mission, and I intend to follow her orders. I respect her decisions, and I think you should too, sir."

Lion thought of something and dug into his pocket to retrieve a small chip. It was flat and circuits ran across its shiny surface. He tossed it to Xazor, who caught it without even looking. She then tossed a questioning stare his way. He shrugged and explained.

"Mistress Xazor, that's my high command security chip. Slot this into your communications console and set it to broadcast the code on that chip. It'll get us out of Coruscant, no questions asked, no beaurocratic crap involved. One of the benefits of rank." he said offhandedly.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:34:10 PM
He was very quiet. The footsteps couldn't be heard and the rain added to the way the noises he did make blend into the background. Being a darkish day, the cloak he wore gave him a natural disguise that he used to full effect - he wasn't seen as he ducked out of the rain and onto the craft that was designated Freedom One.

And now for a quick change......

A few minutes later, the pilot of the of the craft came down the boarding ramp. A nattily dressed tall man, with a trimmed beard and hair tied back in a pony tail. The uniform he had on was well tailored and showed he was one fit man.

"Excuse me Madam Elessar" he said in a cultured and calm voice. "I am your pilot for this mission - Captain Tom Cruise is my name. Your ship is now ready for boarding and takeoff. Will there be any last changes to the flying schedule?"

She looked good, did Xazor. He hadn't seen her since that hell on Harrvii. Hadn't heard a thing about what she had been doing. Hadn't heard.... anything. Even the Life Bond was quiet. He didn't even known she was alive until he had seen the duty orders. Thence, with a bit of hacking magic, he had reassigned a new alias into the crew.

Not a word or a sign of recognition, m'lady... we'll talk later. But I thought you could do with a hidden ace up the sleeve. Will that be fine with you?

Xazor Elessar
Jun 16th, 2003, 09:31:52 PM
Xazor smiled gently as she eyed the handsome stranger approach her and address her by name. Suddenly she was very well aware of who he was and this caught her a bit by surprise. Knowing better than to make a great deal of this in public, the Knight's heart swelled internally and she allowed her immense feelings of joy and love touch Marcus through their Life Bond.

"No changes shall be made, sir. I trust that we are all in good hands." She said with a hidden wink. Xazor turned to face the group so it would look completely inconspicuous when she and Marcus spoke through their Bond and immediatly he greeted her. The words touched her mind but moreso her heart as he spoke.

"I can't believe you are here! Of course it is fine with me, but I feel as though I shall be spending all of my time in the cockpit rather than in the living quarters with the others." She spoke softly in his mind while pretending to be on watch for any late Jedi that wished to join on this mission. "Yes, we shall talk later my lord -- I have so much to tell you." She smiled toothily but allowed no one else to know that she was speaking to someone.

Cassidy Williams
Jun 17th, 2003, 08:55:00 AM

Cassidy looked at her sister in protest and then sighed, yanking the robes from the bottom of her bag with distaste. She excused herself to the refresher, and it was only a few minutes before she emerged, nearly tripping over the hem of the Jedi outfit. There was a slight scowl on her face as the Padawan joined the group, but she made a go at smiling.

“I feel like an idiot in these Master.”

Cass lifted her bag off the floor and onto her shoulder, unimpressed. Her wet clothes were jammed in with the rest of her items now, but kept safely away from the books, of course. After all, the literary experience was not something the girl took lightly.

Leten Snat
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:25:21 AM
Leten ducks back down into the dumpster, then a moment later the 13 year old, sruffy looking boy hops out of the dumpster shoving a coil of slightly frayed wire into his back pack. He dusts off the rest of the garbage, that found it's way onto his clothing, off his person and walks over to the others.

The boy both look and acts like a street boy that makes his living off of salvage, and most would have a hard time beleaving that he is a student of Xazor's. He looks up at his master...

"Master... Why am I here... I know almost nothing of my power... the only Lightsaber I have, is a broken one I found in a garbage can... and unless you need a Salvage expert, I can't see why you need me on this assginment?"

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:35:02 AM
Lion smiled as Cassidy's comment.

"You think you feel like an idiot? I'm wearing something that looks like a can-opener...luckily, I get the stylish black cloak." he added, winking. Something crackled in Lion's commlink: a garbled transmission from Military Command, deep in the Imperial Palace. He turned away from the others and listened to the message.

"Admiral El' Jonson, this is Colonel Redjacq. You read, sir?" came the voice.

"I'm here, Colonel. What's happening?"

"Sir, we just got a report from the cruiser Badanov. They've picked up something in their sector. Sensor scans were inconclusive, but they weren't taking any chances. An A-Wing squadron was launched to recon."

Lion nodded. "So, what did the squadron find? An asteroid? A space station? Half the blasted Imperial fleet?" Lion joked.

The Colonel didn't laugh. "That's the problem, sir. They haven't returned yet. It was a fairly long range mission, but they've been gone 8 hours. Badanov dispatched an SAR team, but they're wary: There's been 5 pirate sightings in the past week."

Lion shook his head. Something just didn't add up.

"There's no way a group of pirates could take down a whole squadron of A-Wings without them getting a signal off first. We're looking at something big, Colonel. A Lancer Frigate, maybe. Or...are there any reports of Ssi-Ruuvi battlegroups in the area?'

"No, sir. Captain Pellaeon's report three years ago suggested that he had crushed their homeworld."

"Nevertheless, make sure anything that's sent out isn't vulnerable to Ion Cannons. If this is as big a problem as it seems to be, we're gonna need some sting in the area. Get the 9th detachment to deploy to the Badanov's sector. I've got a mission to go on. Command is delegated to Captain Selayar, aboard the cruiser Avatar. Don't bother me again unless it's damn important, Colonel."

"Yes sir. Sorry sir. Redjacq out."

Lion turned and walked back to the group, pulling out his commlink and turning it off. He had bigger things to worry about...like this mission. He turned to Xazor and sent her a message via the force:

Xazor, I'm not speaking out loud, because I don't want to undermine your authority, but we probably should get going now. Vice Admiral O'Bannon is bringing his battlegroup through Coruscant space within the hour, and I don't quite feel like dodging Mon Cal cruisers. Are you expecting anybody else?

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 17th, 2003, 11:17:55 AM
*Natia, dressed in her light blue dress with a darker blue cloak, the hood up in order to keep the rain off her face. Hooked to a blue belt, slightler darker then her dress, is a lightsaber. In one hand is a walking stick, and perched on top of the walking stick is a snow owl. There is what seems like an intense fire in her eyes as she approaches her Mother's ship.

As Xazor is looking for any late comers, she would spot her, walking at a steady pace, but no expression on her face. Her eyes are constantly going to her surrondings, and observing ppls body language as they move about. It has been awhile since she had been on a ship. But this time it's going to be with family, even though there are others that are there as well. Her Mother, her Aunt, as well as her Uncle from what she can see. Perhaps there are more, perhaps not.

It is taking every ounce of willpower to keep her walking at a steady pace and not start running to hug her Mother, though she does allow a slight smile to touch her face as she keeps walking, absolutely delighted to see her Mother again. She hopes desperately that Xazor will pick this up through the Force so she knows just how much she wants to be with her. Just how much she wants to be a part of her life.

Upon reaching the group, she smiles a bit more and nod her head to her Mother and says in a soft voice*

Hello Mother, I hope you will allow me to come along on this mission with you.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2003, 04:01:33 AM
"Yes, we shall talk later my lord -- I have so much to tell you."

a bow was the acknowledgement for the spoken and the unspoken words between them. A slight mental groan as he turned away (Oh no, not Lion.... he remembered that other trip that turned out to be so much fun... not) and a slight mental cheer seeing Natia. Rather unfortunate his grand duaghter probably wouldn't see through the disguise - but the bedraggled cat, running like a black streak for the starship and the wink he gave her was probably hint enough to let Natia start wondering at least.

Back in the ship, he shook his cloak and then began to use it to dry off his wet hair. Stig complained in a rather loud insistant voice his displeasure at the right soaking he had got.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up cat. Your the silly thing that decided to come"


"Well... I dont know, do as you usually do. Sleep on the alluval dampers!"

"Mew? Meooow"

With that, the cat trotted off to find the warmest part of the ship while Marcus went forward to the control deck, shaking his head atd the cat curse.

Yes, cats could swear. It was usually based on calling you the product of a sexual liasion between a bird and a mouse. The more foul mouthed cats would suggest you were a mouse freller directly.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 18th, 2003, 09:28:44 AM
"Oh my Kami-Sama..." Lion exclaimed, upon walking into the ship. "Damn, Mistress Xazor! This thing must've cost more than a planet!"

He rapped his knuckles on the wall and was rewarded with a quiet "clank".

"Hear that, everybody? Solid Durasteel-Alloy Walls. Costs a fortune, if you can find it." It was at that moment he realized that nobody really cared, so he shrugged, muttered "their loss", and clanked around a corner to look for the lounge. It was five minutes later that he realized he was alone and quite lost.

"Er...can anybody hear me? Hello?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2003, 11:57:18 AM
**Poledra spreads her wings and leaps into the air, and flys off after the cat, which she recognizes from an earlier time, hooting softly**

*Natia gets a slightly puzzled look on her face as Marcus gives her wink before disappearing onto the ship. Something about his posture though tells her that she knows that man. That and the wink that he gave her. And then theres the cat that Pol decided to fly after, not really worried though that Pol would do something to the cat, but just to be on the safe side, she whistles, calling Pol to her*

**Poledra circles for a moment before flying back to Natia and landing on the perch on the walking stick before hooting once more**

Jakob Burton
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:27:36 PM
The rain drenches everything, including Jake. But due to the deeply hooded and waterproofed coat, Jake remained somewhat dry. The crowds were concentrated around the overhangs protecting them from the rain. Jake, on the other hand, walked from the alleys, where the runoff from the buildings could drench someone. But fortunately, everything, not just the coat, was waterproofed, so it made things a little better. Seeing the back door of the hangar, Jake slowly and quietly slid in. He and Chaos had the same taste as of late, for every piece of clothing on him was black as well. Jake flung the raincoat off of him, flipping it to fling off the smatters of water to fold it into a pouch. He flung his small, black duffle bag from his shoulder, unzipping it to put the raincoat in the bag. Similarly to Chaos again, he decided to pull out his black trenchcoat and slid it on, but for no other reason than the slight chill in the air. Done with that, he walks to the small group, standing in the back, wondering what in the galaxy could be so important that this many Jedi were needed.

"What's goin' on?"

Syrius Cline
Jun 19th, 2003, 12:32:05 AM
Syrius, still utterly drenched, yelled to Xazor's human friend, Tom Cruise.... What kind of a name was Tom Cruise? Poor bastard.

"Hey, Tommy, fetch me a towel will ya!" Syrius shouted, unaware of the man's secret identity. Unaware that he could very well get hammered into the ground for that.

He casually took down his hood. The cigarette was still lit.

"Hey, Master, I trust you enough to go wherever without explaination but I'd like one all the same. So, where the heck and what the heck are we doing?... If I may ask," Syrius said with a lopsided grin, taking immense pleasure in openly smoking his cigarette despite Xazor's vehiment disaproval. Regualr rebel he was.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 19th, 2003, 05:34:57 PM
::Alexander made his way to the Cargo bay as a crew of men loaded his biek and 5 very large crates.::

'Careful with those! If you had any idea what is in those, you would be a bit more careful! I want them to the side where they can be accessed with ease. "

::When they were done Alex walked out and looked around. The ship was big. Very large indeed. He didn't even want to guess how Xazor got the money for this. Slowly he made he way to his room.::

Agden Ithrin
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:38:57 AM
The Zabrak felt at a bit of a loss for what to do. He was having difficulty catching what most people present were saying – lip reading or telepathy was his only way of communicating and most people didn’t realize this. It was only when he got a good look at someone when they were talking that he could tell what exactly it was they were saying. Drifting about a bit, up and around the ship, he pushed his hands into his pockets and began to whistle to himself – quietly loudly.

Giddion Horn
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:25:56 AM
Giddion since he had arrived never let his broad smile slip, not once. The old Jedi had follwed (for a bit of light entertainment) Alexander up to the cargo bay to watch them load his bike and a few other things of his fellow Jedi's posetions.

'Careful with those! If you had any idea what is in those, you would be a bit more careful! I want them to the side where they can be accessed with ease. ' He heard chaos say.

Giddion laughed gently to himself and patted the man on the back in a frendly manner. ' Calm Yourself sir they will look after it i can assure you...' He smiled gently and then stuck out his hand as if the shake hands with Chaos.

' Giddion, Giddion Horn. Padawan. And you are?' He wanted to make friends and of course being the up front man he was he would be making th first moves. Breaking the Ice as it were.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:50:26 AM
"Hey, Tommy, fetch me a towel will ya!" Syrius shouted, unaware of the man's secret identity. Unaware that he could very well get hammered into the ground for that.


Oh yes, he was going to pay for that one all right. Verbally.

"Since when was I your slave boy Jedi?" Marcus snapped back. "Get it yourself, you have legs"

With that, he turned on his heel and went straight to the contro deck. Now, this was a much larger ship than his own Razor, but the deck wasn't too big, enough for a few people to sit at the controls. The layout was standardish, the differences didnt take too long for an experienced pilot like him to work out. A few minutes later of preparation found the power cells come on line, with the motors beginning to wind and warm up. A slower igntion sequence than his own ship had, but not bad.

"This is Captain Tom Cruise speaking" he said into the tannoy. "We'll be taking off in five minutes. Please observe the no smoking signs, make sure your luggage is stowed and you have a seat and a seatbelt for our take off. In the case of emergency, place your head between your knees and kiss your butt goodbye."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:18:49 PM
Xazor knew very well what was going on in Lion's world. Her ultra-sensitive hearing was certainly not just to hear what her neighbor's were doing at the Order. Nodding, though giving no verbal recognition, the Knight looked to the gathering Jedi. "Alright everyone -- we're heading out. This is it, so find a place on board. There are plenty enough rooms for all -- some of you may wish to double and that is fine also. Be sure all of your personal belongings are either in storage or are on board with you." She said and began moving the group toward the entrance to the large ship. "Thanks for heads-up, Lion -- we'll get a move on quickly."

Aware of the game that Syrius was playing, Xazor moved in closer to her Padawan and quickly grabbed the cigarette from his mouth, putting it out in the palm of her left hand. "This kind of behavior will not be tolerated, Padawan. Shape up, or ship out." She gave the warning in hushed, but stern tones before properly disposing of the cigarette.

5 minutes later

Everyone was onboard now and the ramp to the ship was closing behind the last passenger, Xazor. She looked about at her fellow Jedi and smiled as each went off down different corridors to find their own rooms. Slowly she paced toward the cockpit where she found Marcus at the controls. "We're all set, Captain. I do believe that we have everyone. All is clear when you're ready to go." She said with a smile, though the message that Lion had sent to her replayed in the back of her mind. "We have a situation and we need to get out of here -- fast. I don't feel like having a military run in today." The words softly touched Marcus's mind as Xazor strapped herself to the co-pilots seat with the safety harnesses. "Let's kick it." She said with a smile, attempting to remain cheery so to not raise suspicions about the impending military action.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:53:31 AM
*Natia gets herself seated in a seat onboard the ship. There is only one person that she knows on the mission, though she has a feeling that she knows another. The pilot. She has secured her small bag of things, and her walking stick in a safe spot, but still easy for her to get to. Poledra had moved from the walking stick to her shoulder. She will find herself a room soon enough, but first to leave planet, and then, she will wish a moment to talk to her Mother, but that can wait for now*

Chaos Alexander
Jun 22nd, 2003, 10:51:17 AM
::Alexander looked at the man's hand. He took it with his organic left hand and gave it a firm hand shake. He sniffed the air softly taken in the man's scent.::

"Alexander Dawnstrider, Jedi Padawan as well. I am willing to bet that my sister Xazor is both of our masters."

::He looked back at the crates.::

"I have....important things in there. I don't trust many people. People just can't be trusted now adays. I'm sure you know what I mean."

::At that time he heard the annoucement to strap up.::

"Why don't we go and get a seat and finish talking there. That way we don't find ourselves slammed tot he wall."

Leten Snat
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:10:50 PM
Leten walks on to the ship after he see the He has been ignored yet again... He finds a small dark corner on the ship and curls up there.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:17:46 PM
"Allright. Lets see what this bucket of bolts will do... Coruscant Control, this is Captain Cruise int he freedom One, requesting permission to take off"

"Control, permission denied. Priority military traffic in your area"

What the....?

Marcus gave xazor a knwoing glance, before his voice changed. "Control, did I hear you right? Permission denied?"

"Yes you did"

"You have five seconds to consider a new career" Marcus suddenly snarled in a remarkably different voice. "Id clearence is being entered and if you delay, you will be lucky to be ranked high enough to shovel poo!"

The id was put into the transmitter and 4 seconds later the chasened controller gave them clearence and priority flightpath. "amazing what the name Tohmahawk can do" he said, voice returning to the one he was using for Cruise. "It makes troubles go away for some odd reason. Right, here we go"

The replusor lifts came on, lifting the ship clear of it's dock. Surprisingly, Marcus ddnt then rip for the heavens, but instead began a slow and measured rise. He made 10 km before switching to sublights, Freedom One accelerating away upwards.

"Get me the co-ordinates for the jump to hyperspace, I want to make the jump as soon as possible"

Syrius Cline
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:38:22 AM
Syrius, now buckled, looked at the floor beneath him. A puddle formed from his soaked clothes. Damn bastard pilot, can't extend any curtesy. Xazor, putting out his cigarette in her hand. Show off.

"Who decides on the name 'cruise' as their name sake? When they handed out last names, did his ancestor raise his hand and triumphantly shout 'cruise!'?" Syrius muttered to himself, blaming everyone but himself for his downfalls, barely audible to those with normal hearing range.

He found himself seated next to Natia.

"Hi there. I'm a true novice, so I wouldn't know, but are there some super drying technuiqes employed by the Jedi when they just waded through one and a half feet of flood water?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 23rd, 2003, 10:29:19 AM
*Natia nods her head to Syrius as he takes his seat next to her*

Hello there. And I'm sorry, I don't know of any drying techniques other then a good old fashioned towel.

*Natia wonders slightly at Syrius asking her if there are some super drying techniques*

What's your name??

*Natia makes a mental note at the puddle forming at Syruis's feet and notices a small puddle forming at her own feet from her rather wet cloak and wet owl*

Jakob Burton
Jun 24th, 2003, 03:26:51 PM
Jake has a seat in the back......as usual. He did that a lot in his formal schooling days.....Being a bit hungry, he goes into his back, small enough to fit on the floor underneath his chair in a secured manner, and pulls out a box of popcorn cheekin (which is more or less an alien form of the common chicken) and pops a few in his mouth, chewing on the battered pieces of meat and swallowing. He washes it down with a little bit of Correlian Whiskey. Then, as he looks bored into the crowd of people trying to find a seat, he sees the back of his cousin Chaos' head. Grinning slyly, Jake takes a single piece and throws it, grinning even wider as the projectile hits its mark, smacking Chaos right in the back of his head. He then tossed one piece into his mouth to masticate on it in wait for Chaos to react.

Sene Unty
Jun 25th, 2003, 07:51:06 AM
Sene doesn't bother with anyone; he simply makes his way to a room, throws his possesions on the small bunk, and sits down. He exhales softly as he closes his eyes and drifts into a jedi meditation.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:34:43 AM
Lion finally wandered back into the lounge, having to had freed himself from a closest he had been stupid enough to get stuck in upon takeoff. He spotted most of the others lounging around, trying to occupy themselves by playing cards or fiddling with stuff on the wall. It appeared that a couple of them were trying to get to sleep.

"Not a bad idea, actually..." Lion thought to himself, recalling Chief Mendez's words during basic training: Sleep can be as potent a weapon as a blaster...

He trudged over to one of the seats, collapsed into it, and closed his eyes.

Damien Steele
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:14:34 AM
[Pretend this is Xazor :D]

Xazor laughed as Marcus forced his way into being granted permission. "Never fails, does it?" She questioned with a grin. Once he questioned her about the coordinates for hyperspace, the Jedi Knight nodded and quickly brought up their destination route on a computer screen. The coordinates, as well as a key sighting map, was right at her fingertips.

"Here you go, Marcus -- the coordinates you need as well as the layout map for the journey to Saladores." She said with a smile. For a moment, the Jedi Knight turned around and looked down the hall to see several of her comrades resting, sleeping, playing games, or meditating. This brought a smile to her face as it seemed as though everyone was well prepared and looking forward to the mission.

Turning back to Marcus, she smiled. "It's so good to see you again." She grinned warmly and allowed her eyes to shift out the window.