View Full Version : It's that time of the year again.......

Park Kraken
Jun 14th, 2003, 05:33:43 AM
It's tourist season in florida. I don't know how many of you live in Florida, or the US even, but for those of you planning a vacation in Flordia, I just might want to warn you about a few things:
1) Weather: In addition to the Triple H factor: Hurricanes, Humidity, and Heat, we have thunderstorms. And there is no safe place to stay that won't be hit by thunderstorms daily. We have 2 Seabreezes. In the afternoon, T-storms start along the two seabreezes boundary, and work their way inland until: BOOM. They collide, massive Severe Storms erupt, and the rain comes down in buckets. My town is already halfway to the Average of 7 inches of rain for June. And their is the lightning, hail, high winds, so on.
2) Road Rage: The crazy people from all over come down and piss us off. The other day, some guy driving a white pickup in the right lane said to himself, "Oops, there is my bank, I think I'll very suddenly and without warning cut across two lanes of incoming traffic to get to the bank." We almost T-boned him on the driver's side.
3) The crowds. The masses. Hang onto you wallet, DO NOT keep it in the back pocket of your pants. NO NO
And if anyone else wants information, just ask and I'll see if I can answer it.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:26:51 PM
There are about a zillion Floridians who post here. I promise you I do not exaggerate ever.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:31:58 PM
They all know. The hat is old. And you are on the West coast, where the chance of a hurricane is lower.

Miami has the worst drivers in the nation, only fielding competition from Boston.

Really, you should lurk more.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:43:28 PM
I'm am Floriadian! LoL~ who else is? huh, Mr. Smart Evanar? =op
besides Kracken...

Pierce Tondry
Jun 14th, 2003, 04:29:13 PM
One of the Admins is for starters...

Sameer Aryan
Jun 14th, 2003, 05:11:48 PM
The people that started the site were, so a lot of their friends got involved, that explains why there are many of them here (or so I read somewhere :)).

Oh, and you forgot the first week of March when most Quebecers come to Florida!

Park Kraken
Jun 14th, 2003, 08:30:20 PM
The last time I visited Miami, my impression was a dump with a lot of people living in it. (no offense meant).

Morgan Evanar
Jun 14th, 2003, 08:35:58 PM
Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
The last time I visited Miami, my impression was a dump with a lot of people living in it. (no offense meant).

None taken. Miami is a second/third world city with first world services. Its only part of the US by technicality. I'm setting aside every other paycheck so I can cover living expenses while I go to school fulltime elsewhere in the state. Eventually.

Park Kraken
Jun 14th, 2003, 08:53:27 PM
I am a railroading buff, and I love model railroading. The port areas of Tampa that I have seen are soooo atractive to model a railroad with the purpose of running operating sessions. I want to do it in N scale, so I can squeeze more stuff into a small space. Problem: EXPENSIVE!!!

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 15th, 2003, 06:43:15 AM
i dont know morg, houston traffic is something to get through. when i first got here, i kid you not; i saw more accidents, fenderbenders, stalls, and people pissing off other people in a week's time than i've seen in like, 5 months in cali. i had a lady tell me the problem here is that about 50-60% of the drivers here are mexicans who cant speak english, but still drive whether or not they can get a license and insurence. im not racist or anything, but it does kinda piss me off to know that basically, we've got uninsured, unlicensed people who cant speak english driving everywhere. ive already been run off the road twice, cut off more times than i can count, and almost rearended cause some moron drives waaaay to close to my bumber at 75-80 mph.

oh, and lets not forget. just about half the cops out here are crooked. lovely, no?

Jun 15th, 2003, 09:03:25 AM
Try living in California with the S.F. Bay Area traffic. *groans* talk about bad! What sucks when it comes to traffic accidents is the 'lookey-loos' who slow down on either side of traffic hoping to see something grizzly. :x Going through that is enough to make anyone mental. o_O

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 15th, 2003, 09:31:47 AM
i did live in cali.

just moved from that area about 2 months ago. used to live in sac-town, and went to la and sf all the time. trust me. cali traffic has nothing on houston traffic.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 15th, 2003, 09:38:00 AM
Hey, sounds like here with more of a mix of Latin America in general, and less Mexicans.

Houston is bad, and it might dethrone Miami pretty soon.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:03:18 PM
Wow, I had no idea. That's pretty kewl. FL driving is bad becuz all the tourists that don't know where they are going, the retired that can't drive and the dumb teens who think they are invisible! erg...

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 15th, 2003, 04:15:31 PM
Invisible drivers!? :eek


Morgan Evanar
Jun 15th, 2003, 04:27:19 PM
Originally posted by Adriana Nakita
Wow, I had no idea. That's pretty kewl. FL driving is bad becuz all the tourists that don't know where they are going, the retired that can't drive and the dumb teens who think they are invisible! erg... I've driven all over Florida, and all up and down the east coast, including the NJ turnpike, which is terrible. Been through rush hour in: NJ, DC, and Boston

Miami has equal traffic, but easily the worst drivers. Lost people are no big deal, stupid teens aren't everywhere, and old people are slow. Known factors. And if you think those are problems, SR 826/ SR 836 would eat you alive during rush hour.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 15th, 2003, 08:38:49 PM
Has anyone ever driven in Orlando on I 4 during rush hour? I haven't driven in it myself, I'm to nervous, but I've been in a car on I 4 and it totally suxs, barely any moving, nose to nose, people cutting in and out, we've almost gotten hit several million times! I meant invincible... sorry... I was posting in a rush and not paying attention to what I was writing....

Jun 15th, 2003, 08:44:26 PM
I have. Its tricky, but not worse than anything else in particular.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 16th, 2003, 12:03:25 AM
I've never been anywhere else, so I wouldn't know...

Silus Xilarian
Jun 16th, 2003, 04:21:36 AM
I hate driving through traffic in my truck...

It doesnt bother me much when im in my Civic though. Its got good brakes, and handles MUCH better than my truck. If some idiot comes at my Ranger, im pretty much a sitting duck. If im in my Civic, ive got a decent shot at dodging them. And a pretty good shot at catching back up to them afterward to throw something at them...>D

Adriana Nakita
Jun 16th, 2003, 11:39:08 AM
you have a civic?! that's like my favorite car... what kind is it?

Sene Unty
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:39:33 PM
I live in Miami....just thought I would say that since someone asked....didn't they?...

Adriana Nakita
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:43:30 PM
I asked who else lived in FL....

Park Kraken
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:21:48 PM
My sister lives on the East Side of Orlando near the end of the East West Expressway. Almost everytime we go up, espically Friday and Saturday, we come to a standstill, but there isn't a wreck or anything. Traffic is just getting clogged up because of people slowing, changing lanes to get to their exits when you approach the Disney World area on I-4. I avoid most of that, and the downtown traffic by taking the 417 Toll road out. A little expensive, but It's worth it.
The worst driving I have ever seen would have to be Tampa Driving, in the Ybor City area.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 17th, 2003, 02:00:37 PM
The worst driving I have ever seen would have to be Tampa Driving, in the Ybor City area. Your lack of experince is speaking for you. Hialeah would eat you alive.

Jun 17th, 2003, 02:10:23 PM
PC, scenic route. Not that I'm claiming much mastery of Oldistan's roadways, but that one is a nightmare.

Park Kraken
Jun 17th, 2003, 04:30:12 PM
Beer bottles littering the streets, people swerving back and forth like drunken haggards..........

Sene Unty
Jun 18th, 2003, 09:02:46 AM
I love Hialeah....HIALEAH!