View Full Version : The mystic art of Weather Control

Straffe Stormrider
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:47:31 PM
After had had begun training with his padawan friend Lion, Straffe decided to continue his training with the weather. He had gone to the archives to research this ancient myth and found out that only Jedis from the old times know how to use it. It had been a usefull peice of information since he didnt know any other Jedi who knew this. It was Straffes duty to master this technique so that he could be remembered.

He stayed in an open feild of the academy to grasp it better. The last bit of training they didnt complete was making a Rain storm. They managed to make mist and smoke but didnt get to making rain clouds. Straffe sat on the ground in an indian position and closed his eyes. He formed a dome of mist around himself to feel more relaxed.

His heart started to pump faster as he was excited to try to master something not many know of. He began speeding up the molecules in the air to make it warmer. He had remembered that it took both hot and cold air to make a stormr and that they have to merge. Straffe had only a slight trouble making the air hot since he only had to speed them up, the tricky part was slowing them down to make it cold.

He focused hard as he tried to do both things at the same time. The Force grabbed each molecule in a seperate part of the air and slowly lslowed them down. Sweat started to form as he focused really hard. Straffe didnt care if he used his body to the max, he was determined to learn this technique.

Straffes energy was depleting fast as he controled to different things at once. After minutes of focusing on both small parts of air, he decided that it was time for them to form into one. The parts of air that he was merging wernt very big but big enough to make a difference.

He slowly pulled the two together and focused as he felt the molecules mixed together. It was an almost instant reaction as a cloud infront of Straffe became grey as it started to drizzle little drops of water.

Straffe smiled as it was a small feet but at least it was in the right direction. He let go to take a rest but didnt expect to use alot of energy on this movement. He quickly colasped on the floor as his body couldnt take much more

Straffe Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2003, 09:37:48 PM
Straffe awoke to find himself in a small rain shower. The water droped lightly on his skin as it felt refreshing. He slowly got up and blinked a few times as he tried to remeber what happened. A flash hit him as he remeber what he created. He smiled as he started to dance around, waving his hands in the rain.

It was the first step in the right direction. His next task now was to create a storm. He needed more training to figure out how to make enough electricity to conduct lightning bolts.

Straffe stood still with his eyes closed. Water rolled down his face slowly from the rain. He focused and the rain stopped and the clouds turned from grey to white as they dissappeared. He needed to find a master who deals with electricity so that he can combine the two together

Straffe Stormrider
Jul 4th, 2003, 06:26:35 PM
After speacking with master he learnt how to make lightning. It will prove to be a difficult task but he wont give up.

Straffe returned with a new viguer to prove himself worthy. after having a good rest, he began what he always did. He heated up one part of the air molecules and cooled another part. He had a bit more difficulty this time because he made the area bigger. When he felt ready he began to merge the two.

The air combined and clouds formed as rain started to shower down. He made more of an effort this time in makeing it greater because he knew the bigger the better. The clouds grew darker and thicker as the rain came down. It wasnt a heavy storm but a good shower to make you drenched. After he stopped useing the force and let nature control the storm so that he could concentrate on the lightning part.

The air was cold as the water rolled down his face. He closed his eyes and focused. He started to make the friction between the clouds become more intense. After about 20 minustes of creating friction he heard his first thunder clap. A white light filled the air and a loud boomed filled after. He accomplished a minor lightning strike. He smiled as he looked over at the metal rod he place. It was incinerated.

The storm grew dull as it stopped raining and the sun came out again. It was a beautiful sunset as his training was complete for the moment. He knew that if his storms were to become stronger and greater that he would need more training