View Full Version : A New Experience

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 13th, 2003, 07:45:39 PM
Jezreal walked into the training room looking at everything since this was her first time in the training grounds, She wished to train her skills in the force and in fighting

The seventeen year old wore her white dress with purple symbols and her white and blue cape and she held a silver staff, she took her cape off and laided it on a bench then she took her staff and did a few practice attacks

She looked around the room hopeing someone would show up to herp her with her skills.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:29:41 PM
Maxim happened to be walking the grounds. He recognized Jez from the recruitment center, but this didnt necessarily show on his features. His scowl continued and as he approached, only because she happened to be in the path he was walking, did he nod in some semblance of greeting.

He was dressed simply in black, his blaster and lightsaber on him, always prepared for any sort of conflict - be it real or training. He was actually hoping to find Odin, perhaps, or the Warlock. Or one of his friends.

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:45:51 PM
Jezreal turned around and faced Maxim "well Hello again Mr Vasilijev, are you here for a spar or just walking around?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Jul 1st, 2003, 12:52:46 PM
Maxim’s scowl deepened.

“Maxim is fine.” He half growled in response to her. She was nearly his age for crying out loud – she didn’t need to act so darn formal.

But he did stop walking and turned to Jezreal.

“I was looking for someone…” He added, finally answering her question.

“But I probably wouldn’t turn down a spar. Something I can help you with?” He offered, though his tone of voice sounded gruff and as if he were offering out of a sense of responsibility. In rality, it was simply his way of behaving around those he didn’t know all that well – semi reserved and most often, rather cocky.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 5th, 2003, 11:40:03 AM
Je'gan knocked lightly on the door and coughed politely. "Excuse me," he said. "I'm new to the Palace, and I was trying to find my way around when I heard someone mention sparring. Would either of you happen to have any experience with hand-to-hand? Or perhaps pointers on using a lightsaber? As you can see, I haven't started instruction on how to use one yet." He gestured to the length of white cloth that wrapped his waist over a slick black, hooded robe. The hood was currently down, revealing a slim, pale face and shoulder-length black hair. The look on his face could best be described as avid interest.