View Full Version : Je ne peux pas parler de base.(open)

Rinpoo Chuan
Jun 13th, 2003, 05:57:46 PM
Or How I learned to Speak Basic, the Jedi way.

Sitting in a bar, which she didn't know the name of, Rin stared at the wall behind the counter, throughly creeping the bartender out.

The bartender, finally getting the guts to come over, asks,

"What'll you have?"

Rin cocked her head to one side,

"Je voudrais une bière anglaise de Corellian, et une tranche de gâteau svp."

She said in a voice that remined the bartender of a child.Of course the bartender didn't understand a word she had just said and shook his head before going to get someone else's order.

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 13th, 2003, 07:50:35 PM
Jezreal walked into the B&G handiing over her staff to the guard at the door and then makeing her way to the bar she noticed a young girk who was speaking some kind of broken basic

She walked over to the girl and look at the Bartender "will you get us two glasses of water" the man made some rude comments uder his breath and set two glasses on the bar and walked over to another costomer

Jezeal slid one of the glasses infront of the girl "here you can drink this if your thirsty" She hoped the girl understood what she said

She took a drink of her water waiting to see what the girl would do.

Rinpoo Chuan
Jun 13th, 2003, 08:34:21 PM
"Ampèreheure, l'eau, merci."

Rin smiled at Jezreal, and took the glass and held it up in a sorta toast.

"À trouver de gentilles personnes dans un monde des étrangers."

Corias Bonaventure
Jun 13th, 2003, 11:03:13 PM
At a nearby table within earshot of the two women at the bar sat a young man in a rumpled coat gripping a half-empty bottle of Dos Equis lager. He was more interested in the drink than company this evening, but he'd heard something from the bar that had caught his ear.

He had to listen closely to make sure the barroom chatter wasn't playing tricks on him, but he was sure he'd heard a language that had once been very close to his heart.

Turning, he gave the two ladies his best winning smile, raised his beer, and added, "Et à rencontres fortuites: belles n’importe la langue."

Corias Bonaventure rose from his seat and migrated to the bar next to Rin.

"Alors," he said to her, "pourquoi se trouve une fille comme vous dans une boîte comme celle-ci?"

Not wanting to be impolite, he tipped his head to Jezreal. Had to keep his options open.

OOC: Hope you don't mind, but I love French. I just hope I'm not butchering it on the way.

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:22:13 AM
Jezreal was suprised by a man useing the same lanquage as the girl, she smiled when he tipped his head "very nice to meet you sir My name is Jezreal Darkshard"

she motioned toward the girl "I do not know who she is yes maybe you could tell me what she's saying?"

Corias Bonaventure
Jun 14th, 2003, 08:53:31 AM
Corias was a little disappointed that Jezreal didn't speak the same language; Basic was so much less... romantic. But then, he still had the attention of two lovely ladies, and a unique opportunity to come to the rescue. In his own way, of course.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Darkshard," he replied. "Corias Bonaventure. And your friend thanks you for the water and remarks upon the wonderful serendipity of finding friends among strangers."

The wonderful thing about interpreting was that you could put your own spin on things. Of course, Rin had basically said that, but Corias found his version much more interesting than the direct translation.

Rinpoo Chuan
Jun 14th, 2003, 06:47:43 PM
Rin giggled at the man, "Mon nom est Rinpoo Chuan, c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer Mr.Bonaventure, et vous à Mlle Darkshard."

Sipping her water, Rin ran a hand through her short blue hair, touching the crescent hair pin lightly and smiling more warmly.

"Si ce n'est pas un problème, deux pourriez-vous m'aider à apprendre comment parler de base?"

Corias Bonaventure
Jun 14th, 2003, 07:58:25 PM
Corias was impressed; Rin hadn't missed the exchange of names even in Basic. But it seemed a tall order to ask someone you just met to help you learn a different language--"La langue de base," as Rin would call it.

What the heck. She had a cute smile.

"Un problème, Mademoiselle? Mais non, pas du tout, mais, bien sûr, il pourrait falloir du temps. Peut-être il faudrait que je t'achète une boisson."

Corias slapped the bartop. "Barkeep! One Corellian sunset for the young lady. How about you, Ms. Darkshard? You want anything besides water? Rinpoo Chuan here wants to learn Basic. Could take a while."

As the bartender shook his head and went about preparing the cocktail, Corias turned his charm back toward Rin. "J'espère que vous aimiez bien les couchers de soleil."

(OOC: Jezreal, if you want in on the French, this (http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn) is a pretty good translation site. Not great, but pretty good. ;))

Rinpoo Chuan
Jun 14th, 2003, 10:00:11 PM
"Je me pense . Merci beaucoup."

Rin smiled again and finished her glass of water quickly.

"Je comprends de base, mais j'ai du mal à parler. Trop complexe, pourtant trop simple"

Corias Bonaventure
Jun 15th, 2003, 05:42:34 PM
"Ah, je vois," Corias replied. So she wasn't altogether unfamiliar with Basic. To Jezreal, he explained, "She says she understands Basic; she only has trouble speaking it. Oh, here comes the barkeep."

The bartender returned and presented Rin with a dark, caramel-colored beverage in a champagne glass topped with an orange slice. He tapped the rim of the glass, and the liquid tumbled into a spiraling spectrum of vivid color--dark, autumnal red at the bottom, and a luminous golden-yellow at the top. Corias nodded approvingly. A Corellian sunset was a bit of a pricey drink to buy for a girl he just met in a bar, but he was feeling uncharacteristically generous today.

The drink would start out like any of a myriad of simple fruit drinks--clear, sweet, with a tantalyzing tang in the aftertaste. But as you delved down into the red, the flavor grew deeper, more exotic, more complex, with shades of vanilla, hazelnut, and a spot of rum--not enough to make Rin doubt her host's good intentions, but enough to give her a surprise. If Corias were a little surer of his cash flow, he probably would have gotten one for himself; it was one of his personal favorites.

Leaning over the bar, he asked, "You sure you don't want anything, Jez? May I call you Jez?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:50:53 PM
Jezreal smiled "sure you can call me Jez, I'll take a glass of scotch" She looked around the room and then back to Carias "so what do you do for a living Carias?"

Corias Bonaventure
Jun 30th, 2003, 01:01:24 PM
Scotch? For some reason, Corias hadn't thought a cute girl like Jez would ask for something that hard, but he guessed appearances could be deceiving. He only hoped she wasn't planning on having too many on his account.

"Barkeep," he ordered, "scotch for the other young lady."

As the barman went off to fill his order, Corias picked up his Dos Equis and moved to the other side of Jez. "You familiar with planetary prospecting?" he asked with a smile. "It's sort of like being a frontier explorer. Even with civilizations from here to the rim, there are plenty of undeveloped planets that nobody really knows anything about. That's where I come in. Corporations pay guys like me to fly to uncharted planets and scan for exploitable resources. If you find a high-resource world, you get a bonus."

He took a quick swig from his beer and smiled. "I've been from one end of this galaxy to the other. Take it from me; there are some wonders out there beyond your wildest imaginations."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jul 17th, 2003, 10:43:55 AM
Jez took a swig of her drink "your job sounds adventures, does it pay good to do what you do or is it mainly for your own interest to take up such a dangerous job?"

Corias Bonaventure
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:39:27 PM
OOC: Ack, sorry for leaving this thread unattended so long. Been a busy week. It looks like Rin isn't around anymore, but, if she chooses to rejoin the thread, we can just pretend she was being very quiet...

Corias shook his head and exhaled deeply--Jezreal was free to interpret the gesture as she saw fit. "Well... it has its ups and downs," he replied, bringing his gaze back to level with hers. "It's like panning for gold. Sometimes you get lucky and strike it rich, sometimes you get left with nothing but an empty stomach and a ship maintenance bill as long as your arm. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything..." He rolled his eyes to lend that remark the weary sarcasm it deserved.

"The one perk I can't argue with," he said, "is running my own business. I'm my own boss, I set my own hours, and I get to meet the most interesting people."

Corias smiled meaningfully at his drinking companion. "So, what do you do, Jez? For a living, for fun, whatever."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:12:35 PM
Jezreal bit her lip "I am a Sith Aprentice" she looked at the floor "you probubly dont want anything to do with a sith."

Corias Bonaventure
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:11:51 PM
Jez probably couldn't have taken Corias more aback if she'd sucker-punched him. It probably was just his luck that the first cute girl he'd met planetside who'd started paying attention to him had turned out to be an initiate in an order dedicated to spreading chaos and destruction throughout the galaxy.

"Ah..." he said awkwardly, looking for a convenient way out of an uneasy conversational jam. Force users as a rule gave him the willies, even though he wasn't sure whether their powers were real or just a bag of tricks.

"I guess it depends on the Sith," Corias attempted lamely. "I mean, just because one or two bad apples subverted the Republic and held the galaxy in the iron grip of a tyrranical dictatorship for a while doesn't mean that all Sith... er..."

He took a quick swig of his Dos Equis and tried again.

"You don't really strike me as being too proud of the fact," he surmised. "I'm sure you've got to have a reason for being with them. So, what's the attraction for a cute girl like you?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Jul 30th, 2003, 11:33:57 AM
Jezreal blushed "I joined them becuase I like having the power to defeat my enemys, thats if I ever have any" she looked up "but I dont want to spread chaos, I simply want to be with people who are like me" she smiled sweetly.