View Full Version : Shall We Play? (Gideon Kell/Open)

Reese Vortex
Jun 13th, 2003, 04:29:36 PM
Reese stretched her arms up above her head, the gold gauntlets shining in the bright sun and stifled a yawn. People watching these days wasn't as exciting as it used to be. She stood from the railing she had been perched on for the past half hour and looked down either side of the busy street. Newly arrived in Coruscant, she had been hoping to run into someone interesting, as long as it wasn't a Jedi. Ever since she left her Jedi training about two years ago due to the fact that it bored her, she left to pursue her own style of training.

Reese looked down at her hand, smiling when the Force arced in her palm. She was neither Dark nor Light...she was just in between, liking it that way. It didn't matter to her who she made acquaintances with. As long as she had fun, that's all that mattered.

As she walked along the crowded downtown street, the double ended saber thumping against her thigh in rythm to her steps, Reese smiled to herself, hoping to run into somebody interesting and soon. She didn't know if she was itching for a battle or just a good time...she just wanted something to happen and soon.

Gideon Kell
Jun 13th, 2003, 11:01:26 PM
He watched her walking. They had run into each other at one time, while he hunted down a quarry. His contract stated any others in said company was to be brought in. And she was in the company of his target so that made her equally open to capture as well. Only he waited till now to take her.

He adjusted his helmet a bit then walked outer her. Keeping her in sight as she made her way through the Corusant streets.

Reese Vortex
Jun 14th, 2003, 08:31:56 AM
Reese stopped at one of the street vendors, looking over what she had to offer. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she knew she was being followed.

'Well, this just got a bit more interesting.' She thought to herself.

Reese continued to walk, taking her leisurely time in doing so. She couldn't help the smirk on her face. A small girl and her mother walked by her then and they both smiled at her. Reese returned the smile, stopping to pat the girl's small head with her hand.

'Let's just see who is following me.'

Reese took a deep breath and turned around suddenly, her eyes quickly scanning the street. They caught the glimmer of the sun bouncing off of red armor not too far away. Reese grinned.

"I recognize that armor." She whispered.

Gideon Kell
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:26:01 AM
He smiled under his helmet as his 'target' had spotted him. She wasn't as dumb as the others. She had her wits about her. He just kept on comin'. She had to know why he was here. Only one reason you'd see him, and that was for a bounty. True she was not as much as her friend she had before, but she did bring in at least half of what he was. And that half could mean something new or cute for Jadie.

He waited till he got within a good distance from her then raised his arm and pointed one of his gauntlets at her. A small hiss was sounded and a metallic dart flew at her.

Reese Vortex
Jun 15th, 2003, 05:00:55 PM
Reese ducked in time to miss the dart, watching as it sunk into the wall behind her. She looked at it for a moment and thought,

'Either this Bounty Hunter was not too bright or he just didn't know he was dealing with a Force user.'

Slowly turning back around to smile a little too sweetly at him, she tilted her head to the side and approached him.

"Well, hello again, Handsome." She purred. "Mind telling me why you are after me? I have not done anything to warrant a bounty."

Reese crossed her arms over her chest and stood there, waiting to hear that metallic sexy voice explain. For the life of her, she had no idea why a bounty would be issued for her.

Gideon Kell
Jun 16th, 2003, 04:29:10 AM
It was true. She was a force user. Didn't matter though, his kind has dealt with them before. He grinned under his helmet.

< Remember when I told you that one time about the company you kept? >

He asked in his mechanical voice coming through the speaker of his helm.

< Seems you're now guilty by association babe. And I aim to collect. >

He pulled his twin blasters out of their holsters and pointed them at her. Quick draw style.

< Now, you gonna make it easy on the both of us and come quietly, or do you plan on resisting and make it more interesting?>

Reese Vortex
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:26:43 AM
Reese blinked her white eyes at him, then grinned as he pulled his weapons. She brought her hands up and her fingers traveled lightly over the blasters.

"Guilt by association, huh?" Reese repeated dully. "Guess I better watch who I associate with, then."

Her fingers moved from the blasters to his guantlets, then up his arms to his chest plate. She could sense him wondering what she was up to and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Before we get into this, Bounty Hunter. What is your name?" She asked, turning to look at a few of the on-lookers that the two of them had collected. "My name is Reese Vortex. Pleasure to meet you.......?"

Gideon Kell
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:00:19 AM
He took a step back to distance himself from her. Still with the blasters trained on her.

< I know who you are. As for who I am, does it really matter? >

Gideon had a bad feeling this was probably going to be done the "hard way". Always was such with force users, and he hated damaging the "Catch".

< I really don't like damaging the goods. Especially when they look like you. >

Reese Vortex
Jun 17th, 2003, 10:18:01 AM
Reese let out an irritated sigh, brushing the black hair away from her cheek as she stared at the bounty hunter.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter." She replied, a sudden smile appearing on her lips. "And yes, Hunter....it will be done the hard way!"

With wink, Reese brought her hand up and an Force pushed the bounty hunter. Reese watched him for a moment, thinking to herself,

'Looks like I get some fun after all!'

Reese laughed throatily, turning to run into the crowd of people that now gathered on the streets as the evening fast approached.

Gideon Kell
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:45:02 PM
Skidding to a halt on his backside, Gideon got up quickly with an iriitated growl. His blasters still in hand, he ran after the beautiful maiden. As the crowd grew in number, he decided to take the fast route. Igniting his pack, he soared above them and spotted her taking a turn not too far away. He landed on his feet and hit the retros again, he lifted into the air and traveled the distance which wouldve taken him a little onger and probably would end up losing her.

But there she was, running as he came back down. He took off after her and as she turned to take another alleyway, the wall near her head erupted in a series of a dozen mini explosions as his blasters sent out energy bolts to her. That ought to rattle her cage a bit to slow her down.

Reese Vortex
Jun 18th, 2003, 08:15:00 AM
Reese actually laughed as the wall exploded above her head. She ducked to avoid the pieces of wall that were falling and spared a look over her shoulder at the bounty hunter.

"Is that all you've got?" She laughingly daunted, turning back around and heading into one of the nightclubs on the main street.

Inside, Reese made her way through the back to the lift that took V.I.P.'s up to a private lounge. The guard opened his mouth to say something, but she found his mind weak to manipulate. He moved out of her way, even went as far as starting the lift for her. Bowing her head lightly at the guard, the lift took Reese up to the second floor and her eyebrow raised in commical surprise.

"What did I just step into?" She laughed softly to herself, stepping off the lift. "My, my, my. This could get real interesting, really fast!"

The second level of the club opened it's secrets to her as she looked around. She sniffed, the unmistakable aroma of an illegal substance was strong in the air. Walking, she couldn't help the smile on her face as she found patrons in all sorts of compromising positions doing things that weren't meant to be seen in public.

"I like this place." Reese murmured, taking in the fabric covered walls and floors lined with over stuffed pillows. She kept walking until she came upon curtained 'stahls'. The eyebrow lifted higher as she could hear sounds coming from them and she giggled.

"Oh, this place is too much." She chuckled. Her eyes caught sight of an empty stahl and she ducked in there, closing the curtain quickly.

Gideon Kell
Jun 18th, 2003, 03:56:12 PM
He made his way through the club and to the back where the elevator she took was. With a little "arm twisting" the so called guard held his face where Gideon hit him a couple times as they went to the floor Reese had gone. The doors opened and Gideon walked in and he stuttered in his steps at what he walked in on.

< What the frell is this? >

He stepped around bodies in peculiar situations and made his way to the back. He came upon the cutained stahls and walked along the outside. He came upon the one she had entered and he moved the curtain aside and slowly crept in, his blasters pointing forward.

Reese Vortex
Jun 18th, 2003, 09:35:17 PM
Reese had shrunk against the wall, watching as the hunter walked in. Before he could turn around, Reese reached up and slipped his helmet off of him, surprising him. She used the Force to yank the blasters out of his grasp and into the next room.

She walked around to face him, her eyes widening in surprise.

"My, my...I was right to call you Handsome, wasn't I?" She murmured, her eyes roaming over him in open appraisal.

Gideon Kell
Jun 19th, 2003, 03:56:09 AM
He stood there looking at her, his dark eyes narrowed.

"Woman, what're you doin? You lead me me here and now oggling me? "

He shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm here tryin to get a bounty and youre here tryin to get a booty."

He laughed. She was a knock out all right, and if he didnt have principles, he'd have taken advantage of the place and the woman. But she was business, not pleasure....too bad.

Reese Vortex
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:06:42 AM
Reese smiled back at him, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms over her chest. She brought one leg to rest her foot up against the wall, the dress parting at her thigh to fall away from her leg. She drummed her fingers on her arm, her eyes still on him.

"What can I say?" She laughed softly. "I'm a woman who knows what she wants." Reese shrugged her shoulder, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I didn't lead you in here to get a 'booty', as you put it." She grinned. "I came in here in hopes of talking to you. If, and that is a big IF, I turn myself over to you, will you tell me who put the bounty out on me? I know the why part. I just want to know who."

Reese stayed against the wall, tiliting her head to the side, her eyes looking directly at him. 'By the Force he's good looking!' She thought to herself. She couldn't keep the smirk off of her face as she continued to watch him closely.

Gideon Kell
Jun 19th, 2003, 09:37:14 AM
He stood there watching her. She didn't seem the type stupid enough to try anything rash, besides, he was a pretty fast 'draw' when he had to be.

"Alright, you want to know who is after you? Fair 'nuff question....usually people "know" who is after them, and that usually ends up pretty ugly in the end. You however, are hiding in a ........ very interestin' establishment actually oblivious to whom it is that has got you pegged."

He clasped his right hand over his left in front of him, in a relaxed position, and canted his head to the left.

"The same people after your friend has put anyone else in said company as a desired target. So, you're worth at least a quarter to half of what he had on his head. And the ones who're lookin for him are the Imps. Now what they want with the likes of you is beyond me, but they sure want him bad enough."

Reese Vortex
Jun 19th, 2003, 01:18:36 PM
Reese listened to him, soaking up the information. She let out a sigh of annoyance and moved away from the wall, running her fingers over the closed curtain.

"Covenant was not my friend." Reese stated, knowing it would do no good. He couldn't take the bounty off of her head. She felt compelled to tell him though. "I had just met him that night in the bar. We were both a little anxious to find some excitement. That's it."

She looked over her shoulder at the bounty hunter and shrugged.

"See, that is why I am so confused that someone put a bounty on me. How they even found out who I was just stupifies me."

Reese looked to the ground, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I know you have a job to do, Bounty Hunter, but I can't let you take me in. I can't be put into the hands of the Imperials. "

Gideon Kell
Jun 19th, 2003, 05:29:40 PM
He stood there watching her. She seemed to actually be telling the truth. He could let her go if he wanted to, he didnt need this bounty really. It was more to keep in practice and up to par. He walked to the next room and came back with his blasters in their holsters. Picking up his helmet he placed it on his head, all th while she watched him.

< look... come quietly and maybe....just maybe I could be persuaded. But you have to past a test >

His mechanical voice came over his helmet speaker. He walked to the curtain and gestured for her to go with him.

Reese Vortex
Jun 19th, 2003, 09:30:16 PM
Reese stood there looking at him for a moment, trying to decide what to do. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth and watched as he held the curtain open. She could continue the chase, but that would only get old and she was really starting to like him. Letting out a sigh, Reese squared her shoulders and lifted her head high and looked at him.

"As you wish." She whispered. "But you will tell me your name before I go anywhere, Bounty Hunter."

Gideon Kell
Jun 20th, 2003, 04:10:25 AM
He stood there thinking about it. It wouldn't harm a thing if she knew.

< Gideon Kell. That's my name. >

He jerked his helmeted head to the elevator. His ship and test awaited her.

Reese Vortex
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:12:11 AM
"Gideon Kell." Reese softly murmured, nodding her head. She smiled up at him. "I like it. It fits you."

As the two of them walked, making sure not to step on anyone's limbs or vital parts on the way out. She stayed at Gideon's side, walking silenty. From time to time she would glance over at him, wishing his helmet was off so she could get a clearer idea of what he was thinking. Her own mind was racing. She groaned inwardly, knowing the Empire would be giddy to have a Force user in their hands.

'And Gideon, what of this test he talks of?' She thought to herself. She found that strange indeed, but she would do it to prove her innocence and hopefully be let go.

Gideon Kell
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:19:37 PM
They traveled the airways in a speeder, and approached the spaceport. He led her to Bay 87 and to his ship. It was one she had never seen before since it all was custom made for him. The only one like it.

< Alright we're here. >

He said as he ascended the rear ramp. Once they were inside he slid into the pilots seat, took his helmet off and pointed for her to take one of the thre rear seats. He turned back and began pre-flight prep work. As Reese turned to the right because she felt "eyes" on her she met face to face with a angelic face of a little girl. Curly blonde hair, unlike Gideon's straight dark hair, she had brown eyes like Gideon, and unlike Gideon's brooding face, she sported a smile.


Was all the little girl said with a casual wave of the hand. She couldnt be more than six standard years old to Reese's assesment. She held what looked to be a snack in her left hand, and the hand she waved at her, was now on Reese's lap with about half of her upper torso.

Reese Vortex
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:39:59 PM
Reese laughed, reaching down to pull the beautiful child onto her lap. Her eyes roamed over her, taking in her soft face, her pure innocence. Holding the child close to her, she smiled softly when she felt her arms wrap around her and hug tightly. Reese breathed in the scent of her hair and let out a sigh. She opened her eyes to find Gideon watching her and she lowered her eyes to the floor, then back to the young girl.

"Hi there, Little One." She smiled.

The little girl blinked, as if seeing Reese's eyes for the first time and Reese laughed softly. To take her attention away from her eyes, Reese held out her palm.

"Want to see something neat?" She asked in a conspirital whisper. The little girl nodded eagerly and Reese summoned the Force in her hand, letting it arc in different heights in her palm. The little girl squealed in delight and Reese couldn't help but laugh openly with her.

Jun 20th, 2003, 11:23:08 PM
She clapped her hands at the trick Reese had just performed. She bit into her waffer and smiled at the woman.

"I'm Jadie."

She said with a bigger smile. She offered Reese her waffer to share.

"Your eyes look funny" She said bluntly. Gideon chuckled at that and Jadie turned to look at him.

"Well they are...*turning back to Reese*...Are you sick?"

Reese Vortex
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:39:07 PM
Reese laughed a little more, then shook her head.

"No, Jadie. I am not sick." She smiled. "I'm well...I'm just different."

Reese chanced a look over at Gideon, puzzlement apparent on her face about the whole situation. Gideon wasn't giving her any answers yet. 'Just as well.

' She thought to herself. 'All he thinks I am is just another credit or two in his pocket.'

Reese turned back to Jadie and smiled at her.

"Jadie is such a pretty name. My name is Reese. It is a pleasure to meet you, Little One."

Jun 21st, 2003, 01:14:02 AM
"Reese? That's a nice name too. Is......*she leaned closer to the force user and whispered*.. is daddy mad at you??"

She asked innocently as to why she was on the ship with them as they never have anyone else with them usually. She nibbled on her waffer again, her big brown eyes looking up at Reese.

Reese Vortex
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:58:50 AM
Reese had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. Ah, to be young and innocent again. She coughed to clear her throat and then turned her white eyes to Gideon.

"I don't know, Jadie. Why don't we ask him?" Reese said, a smirk appearing on her lips.

Jun 21st, 2003, 11:47:57 AM
She turned her head to look at the man sitting at the controls getting the ship ready for take off.

"Daddy.....r'you mad at Reese?"

The man didnt answer her, just kept working.

"Daddy!!" her eyebrows furrowed and she threw her waffer at the bounty hunter's head, which it bounced off and flew off to the right side. She held her hand over her mouth and laughed.

"Hey!! Jadie!!"

She looked at Reese with a sour expression.

"He's a big ol' meanie at times he is."

She said nodding.

"I am not."

"You are too!!" She sticks her tongue out. Then smiles back at Reese whispering.." He is too"

Gideon Kell
Jun 21st, 2003, 12:02:53 PM
Gideon turned in his seat to glare at the little girl. And brought his finger up as he spoke to her sternly.

"Now you cut that out missy. I am not "mad" at Reese ok? It's daddy's job to get people like her. And just becuse I don't answer you right away, doesn't mean I'm not listening, it means I'm busy. Alright?"

She nodded and leaned against Reese after her scolding. Gideon turned around and was smiling, looked like Reese may be let go after all. Jadie was the test, and so far the force user was passing with flying colors.

Reese Vortex
Jun 21st, 2003, 12:35:43 PM
Reese felt a little agitated by Gideon's use of the term 'people like her' and turned to wrap her arms around Jadie, trying not to let the hurt show that she was feeling.

"Your daddy's right, Jadie." She smiled softly. "He's only doing his job right now and can't be bothered."

She could still see the pout on the little girl's face and Reese ran her hand over her curly hair.

"But I tell you what, I'll keep you company until your daddy is done, ok?"

Jun 21st, 2003, 04:20:00 PM

She smiled and hugged the woman.

"Daddy? If you aren't mad at her, why did'ju bring her?"

Gideon turned in his seat to look at her.

"Well hon, she needs a ride somewhere and it's on the way to where we're going."

He turned back and she smiled at Reese. Perking up a bit.

"See? He's not mad at you.....we're just givin you a ride."

She hugged Reese. "I like you."

Reese Vortex
Jun 21st, 2003, 04:29:53 PM
Reese just sat there watching Jadie. This little girl was a wonderment. She couldn't get over how wonderful she was. Reese smiled at her, remembering her own mother before she died and let out a heartfelt sigh.

"I like you, too, Jadie." Reese whispered hoarsely. "Why don't we go in back and play if you want so we don't disturb your daddy."

Reese moved to sit up then stopped, turning to face Gideon.

"If that is ok with you, Gideon?"

Gideon Kell
Jun 21st, 2003, 04:42:59 PM
He turned again to face them, she could see a grin on his face.

"Sure no problem, and Reese? You just passed my test. The next spaceport you're free to go."

He nodded to her and turned back to finish the prefight prepping. Jadie was his test, she had a funny uncanny way of knowing who was good and who wasn't. He had a feeling Reese checked out but wanted to be sure. And as soon as Jadie said those words of "I like you" That was it....all he needed to hear.

Reese Vortex
Jun 21st, 2003, 04:49:22 PM
Reese stood as Jadie pulled on her hand to go into the back. She stared open mouthed at Gideon, in shock. He sat there grinning at her and she started to laugh. Jadie was pulling on her arm rather insistently and as Reese walked backwards out of the cockpit, she said,

"Thank you, Gideon."

An idea was forming in Reese's mind as she went to play with Jadie. An idea she would discuss with Gideon before the next spaceport.

Jun 21st, 2003, 07:57:07 PM
Pulling the woman to the rear cabin, Jadie lets go and runs to the far wall. She goes on tip-toes and presses a red glowing square. It changes to green and part of the wall slides up to reveal a droid. Humanoid and seems to be an old model battledroid. Jadie claps her hands and yells.

"Wake up Syph! Wake up!"

The droid powers up and walks out of the storage compartment.

[ Hello Jadie..... How are you today? ]

"I'm fine, this is Reese.....she's a friend."

[ Greetings Reese....I am Syph. Master Kell's sentry. Pleased to meet you ]

The droid walks a little and stops near a corner. He watches the two as Jadie goes skipping a few steps to Reese.

"C'mon Reese, Let's play"

She takes her hand and pulls her to the storage where a bunch of books and toys are kept for her.

Reese Vortex
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:06:36 PM
Laughing and smiling, Reese happily sits on the floor and pulls Jadie onto her lap, grabbing one of the books and begins to read her a story. She glances up at the Sentry, almost swearing that he was enjoying the story just as much as Jadie was.

Reese quickly glances back to the cockpit, her mind wondering a bit about Gideon, then she catches herself and softly laughs, going back to reading Jadie her story.

Gideon Kell
Jun 22nd, 2003, 04:43:16 AM
He finally got the all clear to leave. The Double Cross dusted off and ascended into the heavens. He got the ship on course and set coordinates for Corellia. He waited till they were where they were supposed to be then hit the jumpdrive. In a split second, the outside froze, then blurred into a caleidescope of stars. He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

Reese Vortex
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:31:54 AM
Reese looked down from the story she was reading to find Jadie sleeping peacefully in her arms. She smiled, feeling her heart melt for this little child. Putting the book down, she gathered Jadie and got up as carefully as she could as the Sentry moved to clear off the bunk for her. Reese smiled at the Sentry as she placed Jadie on it, reaching for the blanket. Tucking it around her, Reese placed a kiss on her forehead and then turned to walk back to Gideon, finding him with his eyes closed, resting.

Reese smiled, reaching out to softly touch his shoulder. Gideon's eyes opened and she sat down in the seat she previously had.

"Jadie fell asleep while I was reading to her." Reese laughed softly. "I, uh, I want to thank you for setting me free, Gideon. I don't know how I can ever repay you for that."

Reese shifted uncomfortably as Gideon just continued to watch her and she decided to go back to a more safe topic.

"Jadie's a beautiful angel."

Gideon Kell
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:37:18 PM
He nodded to her.

"Don't thank me, thank Jadie....she was my test. For some strange reason she can tell if someone is good or bad, if she hadn't said "I like you" you would be handed over to the Imps. That told me you spoke the truth about jus' meeting that Covenant person."

He turned back then stopped, he looked back at her and smiled.

"She is an angel isnt she? There's something about her thats special, I'd like to know what gift she has, in time I guess."

Reese Vortex
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:46:00 PM
Reese smiled and nodded in agreement.

"If I am over-stepping my bounds, just tell me, but who watches her while you are out on a bounty? Does Syph watch her?"

Reese bit her lip, her idea finally coming around. It was now or never.

"The reason I am asking is that I really don't have a home anywhere and if you were in the market for, say, someone to take care of Jadie, I would love to."

Reese suddenly turned red from embarrassment and thought that she probably sounded like a total idiot.

"Uh, never mind...you probably take good care of her. Anyone can see that. I'm, uh, I'm gonna go back now."

Gideon Kell
Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:00:00 AM
He laughed and waved his hand to her.

"No... don't be silly. I do take care of her by myself. I don't like the idea of her being left with someone else. If something should happen to me, Syph knows what to do and where to go. As for you not having a place to stay, I know of someone who can help you. When we reach Corellia, I'll get you a trasport to Coruscant and she can help you. Mind you, she is a hardliner at times and can be a royal pain in the toosh....spoiled brat....but she's good people, you'll be in good hands ....trust me."

He smiled and nodded to her.

Reese Vortex
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:09:37 AM
Reese clenched her hands at her sides and wanted to scream. Apparently he didn't realize what she was saying. She ran her hands through her hair and then sighed.

"Forget it, I give up. Like you would go for it any way." Reese said, turning on her heel to head back to Jadie's side.

Gideon Kell
Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:27:29 AM
He watched her walk back. He shook his head, and got back to watching the blurred stars outside. He shrugged his shoulders and leaned back, then after a few minutes closed his eyes to rest.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:35:54 AM
When she got back to the rear cabin, Jadie was sitting up rubbing her eyes. Syph was in his spot in the corner keeping watch, and the little girl yawned. She smiled as Reese walked in front the front. Then her smiled faded as she felt her mood.

"You're mad aren'tcha?" She watched the woman and scratched her head. "I c'n feel it..is daddy being a meanie again?"

She stretched her arms out with a another yawn.

Reese Vortex
Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:53:41 PM
Reese laughed and reached down to ruffle Jadie's curls.

"Oh Jadie, I'm not mad at your Daddy." She smiled. "He's just a little oblivious to the obvious."

Reese smiled and settled herself next to Jadie on the bunk.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:59:09 PM
She looked at the woman with a puzzled look.

"Oblifus? What's an oblifus?"

Sh eclimbed onto her lap and folded her hands together, as she looked at Reese with total bewilderment on the words.

Reese Vortex
Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:09:59 PM
Kissing the top of Jadie's head, she thought for a moment on how to explain what it meant.

"Oblivious, Jadie, means that someone cannot see what is infront of them. Like your Daddy." Reese added on at the end without meaning to. She laughed softly.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:42:35 PM

She said, but not trully understanding fully. well...maybe a little. She looked at her again.

"Why d'you say daddy cannot see in front of him? What doesn't he see?"

Her head cantered to the right with that question.

Reese Vortex
Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:41:41 PM
Letting out a deep breath, she closed her eyes and then opened them again.

"Jadie, let's just say that I was trying to tell your daddy something and he didn't catch on." Reese smiled lopsided at her. "I should have been a little more clear on what I was talking about to him."

Reese chewed on her bottom lip for a moment and then looked at Jadie.

"I need to talk to your Daddy for a moment. I'll be right back."

Reese kissed her forehead before depositing her back on the bunk to play with her toys and walked back into the cockpit. She walked up behind Gideon and turned him around in his chair. She placed her hands on her hips and looked at him.

"I'm offering my services as a partner with you...or...to take care of Jadie. As you know, I have no home, no job...nothing. I want to repay you back for your kindness and it is the only way I can think of doing." Reese stopped for a moment to take a breath. Gideon opened his mouth to say something and before he could say no, she continued, "Think about it, Gideon, a Force user on your side. How could you go wrong?"

Gideon Kell
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:37:38 AM
How could I go wrong? Tell that to Charal He thought to himself. The offer was indeed tempting. She did like Reese, and Reese did seem to be genuine, but how would he explain that to the fiery redhead back home? Naw, he'd be better off walking nekkid into a nest of Vornskyrs, than facing her.

"Reese, I would gladly take you on as her nanny, but there is a little complication that goes by the name of Charal."

He held his hand up as she went to speak.

"Maybe I can talk her into doing this, I actually need someone to watch her and I can't leave her with Charal because she runs a bar. As of now till I get word otherwise you're hired."

He turned back to the controls to let her take in the words of "You're hired".

Reese Vortex
Jun 25th, 2003, 07:35:57 AM
Gideon turned around before he could see the mega-watt smile Reese was wearing. She laughed and leaned over the pilot's seat to hug him. Gideon stiffened in surprise and she placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, Gideon. You know Jadie will be in good hands." She promised. Reese kissed his cheek one more time and then moved away.

Reese walked to the back to find Jadie playing and she grinned at the little girl, reaching down to stroke her head. Jadie looked up at her, offering her a genuine smile.

"Jadie," Reese said, sitting on the floor next to her. "Who is Charal?"

Reese knew if she ever wanted a truthful answer, ask a child. And Reese definately wanted the truth on this 'Charal' woman.

Jun 25th, 2003, 08:55:16 AM
The girl looked up and smiled. Her angelic face lighting up as Reese spoke the name.

"Daddy and her kiss alot."

She gets up off of the floor and runs to her, then climbs on her lap with a doll.

"I want her to be my mommy. She's nice like you."

Reese Vortex
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:36:49 PM
Reese sighed, laying her cheek against Jadie's head.

"I'm glad she takes good care of you." Reese smiled, then frowned. Apparently this Charal and Gideon were close. Stroking Jadie's hair absent-mindedly Reese whispered to herself,

"Wouldn't you know it, I find I guy I like and he's taken. Just my luck."

Reese looked down at Jadie with a wan smile. Placing a kiss on the little girl's cheek, she excused herself to go sit next to one of the transpereteel windows and stare out into the space.

Jun 26th, 2003, 02:40:28 AM
She slowly walked up to the now depressed force user. Her face showed concern as she carried her dolly in her arms.

"Why'r you sad Reese? Did I make you sad?"

Reese Vortex
Jun 26th, 2003, 07:31:46 AM
"Sad?" Reese repeated, looking down at Jadie. "Oh sweetheart, no. You have not made me sad. Just something I have realized is all."

Reese leaned over and lifted Jadie up to sit with her so she could look out the window. A comfortable silence fell between woman and child and they sat at the window while Reese softly stroked Jadie's hair.

Gideon Kell
Jun 26th, 2003, 10:34:26 PM
Gideon appeared at the opening to the rear cabin and he smiled at the sight of the two near the window. He cleared his throat and both looked at him.

"We'll be coming out of hyperspace soon, and then its a short run to Corellia. Might wanna get stuff ready to disembark."

He tapped the wall and disappeared to the front again.

Reese Vortex
Jun 27th, 2003, 07:36:17 AM
Reese stared at the empty space that Gideon had been standing at and then she blinked, looking down at Jadie.

"Come on, sweetie, we've got things to do." Reese smiled.

Jadie hopped off her lap and the two of them went to work. Reese looked up at the Sentry every so often to find it watching the two of them carefully. She found the hair on the back of her neck rising from this, mainly because she wasn't used to being watched like that. It apparently didn't bother Jadie and Reese guessed she would get used to it.

"I hope." She muttered.

Jun 27th, 2003, 09:25:15 AM
Skipping around the compartment they were in, Jadie was putting her toys away and humming a song. She was also playing with Reese at the same time, skipping by and tugging on her dress or something that would end up with the force user chasing her and capturing her in a big hug bringing a hearty laugh from the child.

Reese Vortex
Jun 28th, 2003, 09:27:59 AM
Reese laughed as Jadie continued to pull at her dress as they cleaned the toys up. She looked down to see the saber on her hip and immediately grabbed it before Jadie could. She didn't want to take any chances and walked back over to where Gideon sat.

"I need to place this somewhere out of Jadie's reach." Reese smiled, locating an overhead compartment. She reached up placed the dual ended saber there, making sure it stayed in place before she closed the compartment.

A sudden jerk with the ship caught them both off guard and she went flying into Gideon's lap at the controls. Her arms immediately went around his neck to support herself and she turned to look at him, a little embarrassed.

Gideon Kell
Jun 28th, 2003, 09:52:24 AM
She fell onto his lap and he caught her before she could roll off into the controls. He looked at her to make sure she was ok, and noticed she wasnt moving to fast to get off either. He being a male, also had him slow at first with removing her from his lap. Then Charal came to mind and he helped her up and asked her.

"You ok?"

He made sure she wasnt injured or anything.

Reese Vortex
Jun 28th, 2003, 04:49:06 PM
Reese hid the smirk that played on her lips as she moved off of Gideon's lap. She noticed he didn't help her off right away and she had to keep from laughing. She was now way too curious to see what the woman in his life looked like.

"Sorry about that, Gideon." She said in a too soft voice by his ear.
"And yes, I am ok."

Reese caught and held his gaze, daring him to look away. After a few moments, she smiled again and turned, sashaying out of the cockpit.

Gideon Kell
Jun 28th, 2003, 10:10:51 PM
He watched her leave the pilot station and he turned to look out the viewport. Shaking his head he thought to himself that girl is going to be the death of me yet.

Reese Vortex
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:52:25 AM
Reese couldn't help but smile as she checked on Jadie before settling herself down for the landing. Gideon was interested, she could tell, but the other woman was keeping him from it. Letting out a sigh, Reese drummed her finger nails on the arm rest of the chair, her mind going all over the place.

She needed to go on a shopping trip at the next port. She needed more clothes to bring with her and a few personal essentials. Opening one of the gauntlets on her wrist, she made sure the credits were still hidden there and smiled. All the money she had were hidden in her gauntlets and no one had dared to try and take them from her.

"Will we be landing soon, Gideon?" She asked from her seat behind him.

Gideon Kell
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:31:05 PM
He didnt turn around, but answered her.

"Yes, we are on final approach."

The spaceport loomed in the distance and was comin up fast. Gideon manuevored the Double Cross into its approach vector and headed for one of the docking bays.

Jun 30th, 2003, 10:52:25 PM

The little girl clapped as she watched the spaceport come into view as they went in for the landing.

"This's my fav'rite part!"

She laughed as Gideon settled the craft down with a slight shudder and a jolt. She laughed harder and clapped as Gideon chuckled.

Gideon Kell
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:40:48 PM
They had arrived in the main part of the city. Not like the cities of Coruscant mind you, but Corellia had its cities. He had taken them in his speeder to the one spot he needed to be. It was a nice night club and bar called Charal's and who but his lady ran the joint. It was a place where not only the ritzy hung out, but also the normal riff-raff you'd see in any club. Thats why She had a couple bouncers, and boy were they huge.

Gideon walked with Jadie inhis arms and Reese following behind. The bouncers greeted him on the way in and he told them Reese was with him. As they walked through the foyer, Gideon gestured for Reese to find a table for them. And took Jadie to see Charal. As she looked up from serving a drink, Jadie jumped down from Gideon's arms and ran over behind the bar to greet the woman she missed while he went on his current mission. He approached the bar and smiled at the redhead as she held the little blonde in her arms.

"Hello darlin, miss me?"

Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:21:23 AM
Call it what you want - female intuition, a gut feeling, psychic abilities. They all had the same end result: Charal knew Gideon was coming home.

Extra care had been taken when she dressed for work this night. Hair coiffed with tendrils hanging softly at her face, makeup applied with more than the usual care and a long side-slit black skirt with silky blouse topped off her attire. Not the normal uniform when serving drinks. Charal had smiled at her reflection. It was her bar and she could wear what she wanted.

Charal ran a tight place. Her waiters were polite and respectful to the customers, the 'tenders knew their recipes and the bouncers knew how to 'bounce' and never hesitated to do so.

A large circular bar commanded the center of the room, its wood and chrome polished to a bright sheen. Wood panels with inlays of chrome adorned the walls and perfectly complimented the polished marble floor, replete with its own series of wood and chrome inlays. The brushed chrome ceiling of the bar cast back a blurred reflection of anyone who cared to glance up. The 'brushing' had several benefits: it prevented anyone from using the ceiling as a mirror to catch a glimpse of how many credits were in the till and the same for the spying of assorted jealous girlfriends/boyfriends/husbands/wives.

No shananigans allowed.

Charal had just slid a frosted mug of ale down the countertop to a waiting regular, when she glanced up. Gideon and Jadie! Slipping beneath the wooden partion of the bar, the little girl threw her arms around Charal's legs in a tight hug. With a laugh, the redhead hoisted the child up in her arms as she looked over Jadie's blonde curls.

"Hello darlin, miss me?"

"Just as I do everytime youre gone, Gid."

Still holding the girl, Charal leans an elbow on the bar as her green eyes slide over to the female just settling down at a table
across the room. Lofting a brow, she swings her gaze back to Kell.

"I see youve brought along another stray."

Reese Vortex
Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:36:50 PM
"I see you've brought along another stray."

'I heard that you frelling.......' Reese bit her mental tongue and settled into the booth she picked out. She looked around the bar and nodded in appreciation of its atmosphere. Out of the corner of her eye she watched the exchange between Gideon and Charal. She smiled when she saw the happiness glowing off of little Jadie.

Coming to a conclusion, Reese let out a sigh and leaned back into the seat, playing with her gauntlets. Who was she to try and interrupt something that makes Jadie that happy?

'I'll just have to ignore my attraction to Gideon and concentrate on Jadie and find someone else.' Reese thought to herself, then added wryly, 'Good luck.'

Reese looked around the club, really wanting to keep Gideon off of her mind by finding someone else to spend time with while she was not looking after Jadie. There were a few prospects, but none had caught her eye just yet.

'Hmmm....guess this isn't the place for me.' Reese thought, shrugging her shoulders.

Dorian Gray
Jul 5th, 2003, 10:59:50 AM
Dorian bit back a grimace as he walked into the bar, the lowlifes begging for credits or food...he would never get used to. Since leaving his home planet of Geona, Dorian found the life of a bounty hunter quite exhilarating and often rewarding. For a time, he worked solely for the Hutts, but that grew real boring, real quick.

Walking to the bar, he noticed the armor of another bounty hunter and realized him to be of the Mandalorian race. Bounty hunters were a dime a dozen these days and it was always an interesting race to see which bounty hunter would get the big prize first.

Dorian ordered a drink, nodding to the other man as he did so. He turned, looked around the bar and noticed the beauty with the white eyes.

'What do we have here?' He asked himself, paying for the drink and slowly sipping it, watching her carefully. She looked...lonely. 'I can remedy that. He thought with a smile.

The date pad on his hip bleeped at him and he looked down at it, getting the notices of a few new bounties and his eyebrows drew together when the beauty's face appeared. He read the brief description and came to the conclusion that the amount on her head wasn't worth even chasing her. Dorian typically went for the hard core bounties, the one's he knew he would get a good chase out of. That's the reason he was in the game. Not the money, but for the chase. He was pretty well off in his own right, wouldn't have to work, but he chose to. He needed to be kept busy or else his mind would drift back to his past....

Dorian shook his head quickly, banishing those thoughts as he continued to watch her at her table. He noticed her eyes going over to the man at the bar talking to the red and realized she must be with him. She didn't look too particularly happy at this point. With a grin, he moved away from the bar with his drink in hand.

The duster he wore hid the weapons of his trade and he patted his hips to feel the blasters there. An unconcious move on his part. Walking to her table, he waited for her to look at him with those beautiful eyes and when she did, he smiled softly at her. He knew he suddenly had the attention of the man at the bar.

"Hello Beautiful. Mind if I sit with you?" He asked, noticing the wariness come over her lovely face. "All I am after is someone to talk to for a spell, that's it. My name is Dorian."

A quick look confirmed the other bounty hunter had his eyes trained on him as he continued to talk to the red head at the bar and Dorian took another long drink from his glass, turning to give the dark haired woman all of his attention as he slid into the booth next to her.

Reese Vortex
Jul 6th, 2003, 08:55:46 AM
Reese watched as he sat down, a little cautious. The look in his eyes as they darted to the bar and then back to her. The hint of mischief in his eyes suddenly had her smiling at him.

"Well Dorian, my name is Reese and it is a pleasure to meet you."

Reese demurely turned her head and her eyes cast their way to the bar to find now all three of them watching herself and Dorian closely. She shifted in her seat and turned back around to face him.

The two of them began to softly talk amidst the loudness of the bar, letting everything else drone out around them. Reese smiled, noting it was nice to have someone else to talk to right then.

'Not to bad on the eyes, either.' She thought to herself, letting her eyes roam over him appreciatively.

Gideon Kell
Jul 7th, 2003, 12:53:57 AM
Gideon only smiled at Charal as she addressed Reese's pressence. He reached over and gestured to Charal to "come closer" with his finger. When she did he kissed her and held that kiss for a few. He brushed her cheek with his thumb and laughed.

"Actually she has been hired to be Jadie's nanny. Jadie likes her and they are good together. Plus she's a force user. And remember the strange little traits that Jadie shows? Im hoping Reese can show her something. If it is sensitivity to the force she has, Id like her to try to learn to use it. She could be a great bounty hunter someday with that kind of skills behind her."

He turned around to see another fella sitting at the table. He turned to Jadie and seen her looking at the man strangely, like she didnt want him around Reese and that made him smile. He looked at Charal and winked.

"You know, I really missed you..... And you look outstanding!" he said while looking her over. "Honey, you spoil me you know that?"

Dorian Gray
Jul 7th, 2003, 07:20:42 AM
Dorian watched Reese closely as they talked. He smiled when he seen her face light up as she talked about her new job.

'Aaaah, I see now. Dorian thought, his hand coming up to scratch his newly shaven chin. 'The girl's nanny.

There was something else different about Reese. They had been sitting there for quite awhile now talking and enjoying each other's company and there was just something about her that was striking him as different. He just could not put his finger on it.

Dorian placed his elbows on the edge of the table, leaning closer in. He just could not get enough of her eyes. The pure whiteness of them enthralled him and he would do what ever it took to keep her looking at him. The only other time he ran across eyes like her's was when he was a kid and he and his parents visited a friend of their's.

'Frell, that was, what....fourteen years ago? He calculated and his eyes dawned with recognition. 'No way....it could not be her.

"Vory?" He said aloud, watching as her face froze.

"What did you just call me?"

"It cannot be." Dorian laughed, remembering the summers he would spend with her family. 'Vory' was the nickname he had come up with her due to her last name. He had always liked it better than her real name.

Reese Vortex
Jul 7th, 2003, 07:26:13 AM
Reese stared at him, her mind suddenly doing back flips at the mention of a childhood nickname given to her by someone close when she was about ten years old. She stared at Dorian for a moment, as if matching the face of the adult to the kid she remembered always chasing her around trying to steal innocent kisses.

Reese suddenly laughed, throwing her arms around Dorian.

"I cannot believe it is you!" Reese squealed, hugging him tight. She released him, placing her hands on his shoulders to look into his eyes. "Wow, you have grown up, Dori."

She watched as he grimaced at the nickname she had used as a child to annoy him and apparently it still worked.

"Sorry, I won't call you that anymore." She chuckled. "The last time I saw you was right before my parents.......frell, Dorian, what are you doing now?"

Dorian Gray
Jul 7th, 2003, 07:30:59 AM
Dorian threw her a smirk, then looked down at the table for a moment. His hand reached out to take her's and he clasped it in his.

"I am a bounty hunter, Vory. And I know of your bounty."

He didn't even have to look at her to know her expression had changed to that of utter shock.

"Vory, do not worry. I am not going to haul you in." Dorian reassured her, his thumb stroking the back of her hand, watching her relax. To the lighten the mood, he grinned cheekily at her. "You yourself have grown up quite a bit!" He playfully leered at her, making her laugh.

Jul 9th, 2003, 11:28:09 PM
Charal watched the pair with a sceptical eye.

Instead of some smooth talking hunter trying to pick up the young woman with tired and worn out lines, it now looked like 'old home week' with the two hugging each other with familiarity.

The bar's owner glanced at Gideon. Her tone was dry as she spoke.

"I think Id be running another check on Miss Hotpants before you turn her loose with Jadie."

A shake of her head spoke volumes as she turned to fill a rather large drink order.

"Youve got a big heart, Gid but you dont always think things through before you act. She doesnt look so 'lost' to me now."