View Full Version : Shrine Rules......(FAQ)

Empress Ashiva
Jun 13th, 2003, 01:19:43 PM
[COLOR=red][B] "~ It is a violation of our FAQ's of the Shrine and the Coven to run a Vampire Char. that is in any way related to the Shrine or any of its members without the express permission of the Shrine Council. As all other forums here at SWfans we respect the individuality of each group. Please respect ours. If an RPer is found in violation of creating a Vampire Char. related to the Shrine or any Shrine member without permission or admittance here at the Shrine by the whole Council, appropriate action will be taken and reported immediately to the SWfans Admin's. ~"

***This also pertains to Newbie Vamps and current members that leave the Shrine /Coven as stated above***

1. First and foremost please remember there will be NO turning others without the express permission of the Council. It is an automatic banning if you do so and your Character will not be acknowledged as being a Vampire. No one below a Knight is allowed to turn an applicant. The Council has the right to deny or admit the applicant without reason given. If you have a question or a grievance please contact a council member or post in the ooc forum.

2. There will be no flaming allowed. If a post is made that the Council or member feels is inflammatory it will be removed. If there is more then 3 warnings on this point the flamer runs a risk of being banned from this board. * We also reserve the right to "Ban" any member , at any given time without reason given....*

3. To any member if you have any questions please ask in an aim or in a ooc post. If you need help of any kind or feel you are having a problem contact any one of us and we will try to the best of our ability to take care of it.

4. There will be no attacks on other factions in the Shrines name unless it is passed through the Council. One on one attacks are permitted and at the rpers discretion If you feel the need to RP a large scale attack on a faction please remember to ask first.

4. New members that are not turned. You may request who turns you. But do not feel slighted or that it is an ooc issue if you are turned down by the one you requested. Some of us are on apprentice overload at times and have to give you to another Master to be turned. It is in no way a reflection on your person ooc or IC.

5. If there is a grievance against another member here please take care of it in email or aim and not an ooc in threads. All that ooc's accomplish in threads is to ruin them. If you must post your grievance please do so in the ooc forum or talk to an unbiased member of the Shrine. All of the Council is at your disposal to talk to for any matter.

6. GOD MODING is not allowed. Though we are have a little more leeway here at the Shrine with our vampiric powers we ask that it is not taken to an extreme. We base our char on Anne Rice books and keep it at a low level. When you do post off of the Shrine board please do so without over utilizing your vampness back it up with Sith magic if possible. The one who opened the door for vamps to become a part of Star Wars worked long and hard to do so and to make us all legitimate characters here. We would prefer to stay that way and not be taken for God moders. Master Saurron of the Coven worked to long to have it trashed by foolishness. :) If you have questions as to what is allowed or what our limitations are do not hesitate to ask any one of the Council. Feel free to contact Alana at Alanastormcloud7 her aim and she will gladly go over what can and can't be done and what we as vampires are subject to.

7. Remember to have fun everyone. This is a game, please do not take what is done IC personally. See you on the boards...