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Abagael Zellan
Jun 13th, 2003, 11:25:06 AM

Racks Body Piercing. Famous for the many mutilations of teenage body parts in the quest to adorn themselves with shiny metal spikes and balls. The structure had building code violation written all over it, but they’d never received any notice of warning. Credits could buy almost anything on Coruscant.

There was no real reason that Abagael was forking over cash at this place. She’d gotten a hankering for something different, maybe, but whatever her motive, she was here as a customer. The clerk didn’t like her. From under his eyebrows made up of metal bars, he stared with unhidden dislike. His whole face was a mess of earrings, and there were at lease two-dozen on his ears.

“You here to get stabbed?”

Abby looked at him blankly.

“Stabbed? Oh! Pierced, yes.”

He blew out a breath haughtily and pointed at a glowing sign that displayed the prices and a small exhibit of bars and sleepers.

“Pick a place an’ a ornament, then get on the table.”

She smiled nervously and glanced at the various studs, before selecting a small platinum bar with a tiny Panna blue bird shaped stone on the end. Abby pointed it out to the clerk, who was wearing a grime-covered nametag emblazoned with ‘Cru’. He grunted and motioned to a thick sheet of durasteel screwed onto two metal posts. The table. Gingerly she walked behind the counter and hopped on, trying to ignore the flakes of dried blood and other questionable spots.


Cru questioned bluntly. Abagael peeled off her jacket and lifted the hem of her blouse up. She pointed at her belly button, and Cru grunted. In his opinion it was an unoriginal choice; he seemed to be more daring, sporting chunks of metal all over his face and—Abagael didn’t doubt—his body.

“Lay down, don’t move.”

The thought of actually immersing more of her body than necessary on the table was revolting, but she clenched her fists and did so. There was a rough swabbing of her belly, and then she felt cold steel clamping down and stretching the skin out.

“Is this going to hurt?”

Cru shrugged, busy doing what he considered sterilizing. Abby watched with mild surprise as he came over with a long needle.
“Don’t you have like a…special gun or something?”

He shook his head and then was all business. Closing one eye he looked at the pulled skin carefully, pushing the needle back and forth as if aiming a dart. Abby was less than thrilled. Just as he pulled his arm back quite a distance, ready to go for it , she put a hand up.

“Wait! Wait, wait, wait…what happens if you scew this up?”

“I dunno. Try again.”

Before she could halt him, Cru had delved the needle through her skin and pulled it out, slipping the bar in effortlessly. For a brief second it burned and Abby flinched, but she was surprised that it really hadn’t hurt much more than an immunization. Slightly disappointed that her adventure wasn’t as adventurous as she’d thought it would be, she rose from the table and carefully pulled the soft silk of her shirt over her stomach. Cru was already waiting by the register. Abby slouched over to him and stuck a hand in her purse, pulling out the needed amount. She didn’t say anything about the extra charge, which she assumed was Cru’s way of getting tips. If he wanted to think he was smart, that was fine.

As she walked out of the red-lighted shack and into the bright Coruscant afternoon the Padawan sighed.

“That was pathetically lame.”

Jun 13th, 2003, 05:05:21 PM
Three thugs were out looking for a good time, when they saw Abagael walking out of the Body Piercing Shop. Two of them slip on brass knuckles and the last pulls out a switch blade, and they approch Abagael, and suround her quickly....

Thug2: " Gee boss.... What wees got here?"

Thug1: "looks like a cute young thing that happens to be in the wrong place right now..."

Thug3: "So who want to hold her, well I pound on her?"

Kyle Krogen
Jun 13th, 2003, 05:35:32 PM
Kyle was walking along a street when he noticed three brutes moving on a young woman

He ran toward them his lightsaber in his hand, He reached them and activated his Lightsaber and put it a few inches from the back of thug1's neck "leave her alone or I'll cut you in two"

Kyle used the force to move the other thugs a foot or two awat from the woman who looked very suprised at what had just happened.

Sergeant Dirka Burckharf
Jun 14th, 2003, 03:12:35 AM
Beat patrol – this brought back a lot of memories. It had been a long while since Commander Vymes had allowed her to patrol the streets, primarily because of a few incidents during the last patrol, but now she was finally back out on Coruscants streets – and what a day to be out!

Her keen eyes had been drawn to an unfolding scene – a young woman emerging from a tattoo parlor was flanked on all sides by burly men, one of which now had a light saber ready to behead him. She smiled a bitter smile – the lycanthrope was in uniform, so it would be hard to miss her.

“Coruscant Watch!” she barked out, voice filling the whole of the street effortlessly.

“All of you, hands up in the air where I can see them!”

There was a standard-issue blaster on her hip, but she didn’t appear to be concerned about arming herself with it.

Kyle Krogen
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:37:31 PM
Kyle was suprised by the sudden voice and turned his lightsaber off and put his hands in hands in the air but kept a close eye on the thugs and the girl.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 14th, 2003, 01:26:04 PM
Adriana walks around the street corner, having her mind set on a belly ring. She heard, through many friends, that Racks was the best place for a piercing. As she walks along, getting ready to turn one more cornering before hitting Racks, she starts to think about the events that has happened to her in the past week. Going into a daze, she turns the corner and barely notices the scene she comes upon. She notices that she about run into a woman in uniform, with a sudden stop, she jerks herself backwards to avoid hitting the woman. She looks up, surprised in what's going on.


She stutters as she takes a step back.

Abagael Zellan
Jun 16th, 2003, 08:47:10 AM
“Jesus frelling Christ!”

Abagael’s heart skipped a beat as, apparently out of nowhere, three very un-sociable looking fellows surrounded her. It was obvious that they weren’t just there to have a little chat, and it was confirmed by the exchange amongst them. It seemed however that fate or fortune were looking out for Abby, and within a few moments of the ruffians arrival, Watch was on the site. The woman took a shaky breath and nodded at the officer.

“Thank God.”

She glared at the three surrounding hooligans maliciously.

Jun 16th, 2003, 10:14:55 AM
Between the lightsabers and the blasters the thugs think it best that they drop their weapons and put their hands in the air.

Sergeant Dirka Burckharf
Jun 16th, 2003, 11:16:52 AM
“Alright – you three are under arrest for attempted assault,” the Sergeant barked out.

“And you – with the lightsaber – you want to explain why you’re brandishing that thing in public?”