View Full Version : Celebrations! (first "Dauntless" crew then open)
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:03:31 AM
-There a slight noise outside, a group of guys having a laugh.
The doors swing open and in walks a tall, sure man.
He heads strait for the bar before shouting out behind him to his incoming crew.-
"Hey guys! Corellian whiskey all round, on me, whadda you say?"
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:11:09 AM
-In walks a slim, blonde with a single cybernetic optic. He enters alking backward as he talks to the crew behind him.-
"Damn, remember the red one! That was CRAZY!!!"
-There is a top-notch marksmans blaste rifle over his shoulder, it would be more eyecatching if it wern't for the heavy repeater on Kanners back.-
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:15:03 AM
".....Yeah, but what about the blue! that was preety mental to.
And yeah boss, whiskys all round, sounds good to me..."
-The short, erie bald figure walks in talking to Jesse before shouting back to Kanner. A bizzare piece of headgear adorns his head, it may well draw attention away from the two slug pistols on his thighs but that is not it's purpose.-
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:18:54 AM
-The Vong walks in, not typically dressed as a Vong, instead more like his fellow crew.-
"...Yeah, but you gotta admitt the black one RULES..."
-He has two master crafted laspistols holstered to each side, and a carbine on a shoulder strap, but it is his species that seems to catch peoples attention.-
"Yeah Boss, I hope it's better then that crud back on tatooine!!"
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:21:22 AM
-Jesse gives Kanner a hand to bring all the drinks back to the table. They all sit around and share a (rowdy) toast before setteling down a bit.-
"So, skip, how much did we get on this one?"
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:24:15 AM
-With a "friendly" snarl the Vong adds to the inquiry.-
"Yeah, it BETTER be good for the stuff WE went through."
-He's still nursing the bandaged blaster wound to his left arm.-
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:59:31 PM
"I'm bored, where are all the hotties?"
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:00:58 PM
"Dammit Jess! Is that all you ever think about!!"
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:03:18 PM
-Tyzen laughed.-
"Take it from the psychic, that's really ALL he thinks about, 'cept for shooting stuff of course......"
Jun 17th, 2003, 06:45:04 AM
"But I gotta agree with Jess on one thing, I was expecting this place to be a little more active. Strange....."
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:07:10 PM
-The Chiss enters through swinging doors. Her dark hair flows over her blue-skinned face, her red eyes spotting her crew as she walks to them. Behind her follows two others-
"Hey guys, sorry we're late, the aft array took longer to re-calibrate then expected."
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:09:29 PM
-Following close behind is the blonde human, she beams a smile at Jess, her brother, before sitting down to join them.-
"So, we miss anything important?"
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:11:46 PM
-In her usuall subtle manner Kirana sat down silently at their table.-
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:58:44 AM
It was his turn to work the bar that night, and Ezra was wiping the bartop down when they walked in. They looked like they were just in to have a drink and a little good time. And what a place to have it but here. He got some glasses ready for their orders. His hair was pulled back into a slick ponytail, he wore a red swashbuckler type of top with leather pants and boots. His sleeves were rolled up and the dimly lit atmosphere of the place hid his pale skin pretty well.
He leaned against the rear counter, watching the group for a bit, then deciding they weren't any trouble, continued with his work at bartending.
Jun 18th, 2003, 06:39:32 AM
-Jesse watches the bar tender a momment, his artificial optic picking up things others couldn't see.-
"Hey Ty, you gettin this?"
-He says to his psychic friend.-
Jun 18th, 2003, 06:41:27 AM
"Yeah, tastes like a vampire to me but I don't think he's hostile.
No, he definatley not hostile."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 18th, 2003, 04:31:03 PM
Her throat was dry. She had been dictating memos for the last hour and half - some were to prompt delinquent accounts into paying up, some were verbal notices that 'while we have enjoyed mutual and satisfactory business dealings in the past, it is now in our better interest to decline your latest proposal', etc.
Daiq strolled up to the bar, tossing a quick but tired smile at Ezra while running her gaze over the loud group at table #5.
"Gimme a Corellian whiskey, Ez."
As he grabbed a glass and filled her order, she jerked her head towards the table.
"Whats their story?"
Jun 18th, 2003, 05:15:08 PM
Sliding the glass to her Ezra smiled.
" Ohhh just looks like a crew coming in to unwind. They don't seem to bad. You look tired. Busy day in the office?"
He asked as he straightened up bottles under the bar counter.
"In fact, they just strolled in right before you showed up. "
He poured her another glass as she had downed the first one quickly.
"Easy there tiger, these things are known to make you wake up in unknown places."
He winked at her as he cleaned the bartop with a damp cloth. Bartending was quite fun, he loved doing it.....maybe he found his nitch here at the SFF other than being the watchdog and bouncer, and body guard...although the body guard thing he also liked.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 18th, 2003, 05:32:09 PM
"I hate dictation! But the last time Hera did it....well, it didnt go so well. Her usual wording is along the lines of 'pay up or we'll kill you'."
Hera wasnt really as bad as what Daiq let on but she gladly handed it over to her friend when Daiq offered to do the job. It was one less worry for Hera to deal with and as all members of the SFF team knew, a 'happy' boss meant the crew got to keep their butts attached. It was a fair trade.
Flashing Ez a quick grin over the rim of her second glass, Daiq downed it then pushed it back in front of him for a refill.
"You think I cant hold my booze?"
Jun 18th, 2003, 05:39:32 PM
Ezra laughed, and poured another.
"We'll see how well you hold your booze when you've had a few more."
He leaned back against the back counter and watched the group at the table. Waiting to see if they were gonna order drinks or not.
Jun 19th, 2003, 03:05:07 AM
"Jess, your up."
-Said Kanner, instructing him to get the drinks.-
"Yeah, yeah."
-Jesse strolls up to the bar, he trys his hardest not to stare, he's never actually met a vampire before.
He does his best to address the bar tender in a friendly manner.-
"Yeah, umm..............What you got that could get a group like ours hammered real good?"
-He tries hard to ignore the fangs, and the skin tone, and the room temperature body heat.
Jun 19th, 2003, 03:22:14 AM
Ezra looked at the blonde guy with a "hmm" expression. He knew something was up with him but didn't feel like it was anything to worry about. He grabbed a bottle from the wooden rack above his head, and poured the glasses he had set for them when they were ready to order.
"I got the stuff right here. Tylosian rum, one of the hardest rums you can suck down. This'll put hair on your chest as well as other places you never knew you could have it."
The vamp laughed along with Daiquiri who sat there downing some corellian stuff. After pouring the drinks he helped the guy take the drinks to their table. He placed the drinks in front of the women first, being its only right and well mannered for women to be served first. Then he got the others their drinks as well.
Was all he said as he went back to the bar and to the conversation with Daiquiri.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:59:12 PM
If the truth were known, Daiquiri really didnt drink much...or often. She was usually the one who got everyone else home safely or tucked into bed for what remained of a night of partying. The trick was to make the others think she was guzzling as heavily as they were. Keeping one hand wrapped around the glass then taking a refill after every third or fourth sip had worked every time so far.
Tonight, Daiq wasnt sipping. Tapping her empty tumbler on the bar, she gestured for Ez to fill'er up again while leaning more of her body against the bar.
"I think tha' girl ove' there is eyein you, Sunshine."
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:48:10 PM
Ezra snickered and rolled his eyes.
"Pahhlease, She couldn't handle me. No woman here could."
He smirked mischievously at her. And filled her glass again. He turned and began straightening up the back counter a bit.
"You know, I've never seen you drink like this since I've been here. Deciding to let your hair down a bit I take it?"
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:57:36 PM
It was meant to be a 'raspberry' but the small sip of whiskey that was in her mouth went spraying out, all over Ezra's clean, shiney bar top. Laughing, Daiquiri wiped away the dribble trickling down her chin with the palm of her hand then wiped that off on her pant leg.
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:05:16 PM
He laughed at her and cleaned up the mess, he reached over smiling and wiped her chin dry with his cloth.
"You uhhh, missed a spot."
He leaned back against the counter and tossed the cloth on his shoulder. Crossing his arms he slowly shook his head as he had never seen her intoxicated before, and she was pretty funny.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:27:25 PM
The grin she flashed was shameless. What was a dribble here and there among friends? Raising her fourth glass, Daiq silently toasted Ez then knocked back the contents in one smooth swallow.
Her intentions were to smack the empty glass back down on the bar but somewhere between the downward motion of her hand and the counter, her hold on the tumbler slipped and it shot out - zipping past Ezra's swift but late grab - to drop and shatter on the floor behind him.
"...........................................ya shoulda grabb'd tha'. Now see wha' ya dun?"
Even in the fuzziness of her mind, she knew that it had been her fault but it tickled her to think otherwise. Wagging a finger close to the vampire's nose, she grinned.
" 'eras guna git ya now."
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:01:20 AM
He stepped forward to clean the mess and Daiquiri started to fall sideways and he caught her. She was leaning against him and smiling, and his breath caught. She was so close and it would be so easy for him to lean forward and kiss her, but he swallowed hard and just looked at her.
"Nace catch 'ere Ezzzzz."
" Thanks, I uhhhh..... dont look at me like that Daiquiri."
He stated as he was fighting the temptation.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:09:43 AM
"I can' hep how I look....I wuz born like th's."
Laughing again, Daiq tried righting her position and succeeded only in slipping through Ezra's grasp and straight down onto the floor, her head bouncing off the bottom rung of a barstool.
Opening her eyes, she looks straight up into the brown of Ezra's, who was now hopping over the countertop and bending down to pick her up.
"Wheeeeeeeeeeeee...........a ride!"
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:19:06 AM
Picking her up, Ezra carried her to the entrance behind the bar.
" You didn't break anything in that fall but your pride, but being you're drunk you won't notice. "
He laughed at her giggling her head off and he carried her through the door and into one of Hera's offices. He placed her on a small two seater and leaned her back gently.
" Here, sleep it off Daiquiri. I'll b eoutside tending to the customers. I'll be back to check on you ok?"
He shook his head as she smiled and nodded. He went back outside and regained his composure. Smiling at the patrons as he cleaned the area.
" Ohh she's fine. Just a bit too much is all. Enjoy the drinks."
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:39:59 PM
Daiq closed her eyes and they promptly snapped open again. Something was.....wrong. Why was the room spinning? Her eyes tried to follow the ceiling but that only made the spinning worse.
The 'loveseat' that Ez had laid her on wasnt the most comfortable and Daiq turned slowly on to her side .................... *thump* Her head hit the floor first then the rest of her body followed in a gangly slide off the seatee.
Daiquiri was passed out before her body came to a full rest.
Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:02:11 PM
Coming back in to check on her thirty minutes after he put her in the small office, he seen her crumpled on the floor. Standing there with his hands on his hips, he shook his head slowly and smiled.
"If Hera could see you now."
He stepped up to her side and squatted to slide his arms under her. Standing back up he cradled her in his arms and he walked off to her quarters so she could get some better rest in comfort and in her own bed. They maybe friends, but Hera may not like it if she came in and seen her sprawled out on her small two seater all drunk like she was.
"Ok, let's get you to your quarters shall we?" he rolled his eyes as the scent of whiskey waffed up at him. "Wooo! note to myself, no more letting you get bombed."
He said to her as he laughed and trudged down the coridoor with her.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:04:27 AM
Her head rocked gently in the crook of Ezra's arm until he turned a corner and nearly tripped over one of the work droids that was polishing the floor and cleaning the walls. A fast two-step prevented their collective tumble, with Ezra giving the droid a soild kick to its caboose as they passed.
Muttering vampiric curses under his breath, he paused upon reaching the doors to Daiquiri's quarters and paused as the doors slide open. Entering the room, Ezra carefully re-adjusted her weight, turning her just 'so' before laying her down on the bed.
Untieing her boots, he pulled them off, placing them neatly beside the matress then re-arranged the pillow beneath her head. Still smiling, he moved to the closet and grabbed the spare blanket, spreading it out neatly over her prone form.
Satisfied that she was as comfortable as he could possibly make her, he turned and headed out the door, glancing over his shoulder at the now snoring Daiq.
"Music, it isnt."
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