View Full Version : And the Girl Wandered In....

Ida Knoe
Jun 13th, 2003, 01:20:13 AM
The 7 year old girl Ida, was out for a walk when she came across the TOS recruting area. The girl thought the place looked interesting so she snuck in. The place was dark and she couldn't see anybody around, so, being the trouble maker she is, she when to look around.

To any skiled force user, it was plain to see that this girl had untouched force potental.

She sees a statue that catches her attention, so she walk over to the statue and starts to climb it to get a better look at the face....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 13th, 2003, 07:03:40 AM
Laughter came from behind the girl. And it came from one who was roughly twenty something years of age, with dark hair and dark eyes and a tanned face that typically formed a scowl. At the moment, it was lit up in amusement despite the fact that this person was trespassing on Sith Order property.

He recognized her for what she was, a young girl with a curious mind. And he didn’t blame her one bit. Heck, he’d have probably done the same thing at her age. If not worse. He had been a hellion – and not much had changed about him over the years.

“Ugly looking guy, wasnt he…?” He commented from behind her.

Ida Knoe
Jun 13th, 2003, 11:37:55 AM
Ida quickly hops off the statue and spins around to face the man standing there... putting her hands behind her back, she gets an "I didn't do anything " look on her face.

"Ummm.... Ummmm.... Hi.... I was just looking.... I didn't do anything wrong did I..."

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:08:11 PM
"Banestone wouldn't of appreciated being called ugly..."

The cold voice of Dyzm cut in from behind. His boots striking up sparks from the ground as his long strides brought him up next to the statue. He offers it a slight bow before turning his gaze to the girl, he watches her for a second before nodding once and continuing.

"Actually, what you have done is pretty amazing.
I would like to know how someone so young made it past the security primeter without triggering a single alarm. A cat couldn't of done better."

Ida Knoe
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:21:47 PM
Ida turns her attention to the new man in the room....

"I..... Well..... Ummmm ..... It .... I guess I got lucky.... I was just out for a walk and I saw this place, I want to take a closer look. So I walked along the side of the wall and saw a hole at the base of the wall that I was just small enough to slip through. So I came in and started to look around..... If I've done anything wrong.... didn't meen to..."

Ida knew that she intended to sneek into here and knew that trespassing is wrong. But most people are fooled by the inoccent little girl trick, and don't see the trouble making little monster that is really there.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:58:46 PM
Maxim was a proud kid, and being chided didn’t sit all too well with him. But he was intelligent and certainly smart enough to know to keep his mouth shut around Dyzm. And so he did, his cheeks flushing the slightest in a mixture of anger and humiliation.

He released a sigh that hinted at resentment. One day, some day, he would be something more than an apprentice. One day he would possess the power that Dyzm possessed.

He looked on for a moment in curiosity as Dyzm addressed the little girl, and then turned to leave, intent on heading on his way. Clearly the master could handle this girl and do with her what he chose.

Perhaps Maxim would see her around. Perhaps not.

Jun 17th, 2003, 04:45:15 PM
*As if on que, Iesis meandered out of a hallway as Dyzm mentioned the word "cat". Corellian Sand Panthers were large felines to begin with, but to the little girl, the cat would seem enormous.*

*Iesis stopped at the end of the hallway, sitting, and eyeing the group with keen yellow eyes. The cat's eyes looked from Maxim to Dyzm and finally settled on the girl. The pupils thined into slits as a big pink tongue ran over the dark jowls.*

Ida Knoe
Jun 18th, 2003, 11:32:43 AM
When Ida sees the Large cat glare at her.. she slowly backs away from it closer to the statue....

"Ummm... Nice Kitty.... Please don't eat me kitty..."

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 18th, 2003, 02:21:48 PM
Maxim gave Iesis a quick glance. He’d spent plenty of time in the presence of the panther. Afterall, she did belong (as much as a panther could belong) to his master, Lady Vader. He had no doubt that she would let him pass by if he so chose, but instead he stopped, interested, if only faintly to see what might happen next.

He didnt have any crazy urge to see a girl devoured by a rather large cat, but often, where Iesis was to be found, the mistress was not far behind.

Lady Vader
Jun 24th, 2003, 03:50:23 PM
*Maxim's thinking wasn't far off as LV stepped out of the very same hallway Iesis had just emereged from. Her hand reached out and stroked the cat's large head, gently massaging it, and regarding the young girl. She smiled somewhat coldly.*

She's already had her meal.

*She took on a more serious tone.*

Why have you come here to the Order?

Ida Knoe
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:16:01 AM
Ida Looked toward the lady near the cat.... She was defenatly afrade of all the people that are showing up.

"I...I was.... Just... just looking around.... I thought this place looked neat.... I didn't meen any harm.... I just wanted to look..."

The force obvously flows strongly through this girl, and obvously she doesn't know that she has any powerother than that of trickery..

Lady Vader
Jul 2nd, 2003, 06:20:07 PM
*LV frowned as the girl tripped over her apologetic words, looking from Dyzm to Maxim. The girl definitely had some Force potential, and was so open, it would be almost too easy to educate her in the Sith arts.*

Tell me... do you have any place to stay?

Ida Knoe
Jul 3rd, 2003, 11:06:59 AM
"Umm.... Umm.... I have a room at the homeless shelter... Umm.. Why do you ask?"

Ida looks at the others wondering what they wanted with her...

Lady Vader
Jul 16th, 2003, 07:25:40 PM
So... you have no family?

Ida Knoe
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:27:10 PM
Ida chuckles slightly...

"If I do have one out there, I'll kill them for what they put me through, just leaving me all alone..."

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 18th, 2003, 04:00:22 AM
"Then that shall be a goal we will work on."

Dyzm, walked over and stood in front of the child.

"But I warn you now, you will work for your keep. Joining us will not be a free ride. Of course, we do not expect you to show productivity for the Order until your education is complete.
You will be given basic education and you will also learn the mastery of the Force. Serving and growing. You and those like you will be the future of the Sith.
Tell me, do you accept?"

Dyzm's piercing blue eyes seemed to bore into the girls mind.
A lighted seemed to ignite within his eyes, for he already knew the girls answer, he kept his silence though, her spoken answer would seel the bond.

Ida Knoe
Jul 18th, 2003, 10:24:58 AM
Ida gets a slightly warry look on her face...

"So... If I get you strait... than it meens that you are offering me a place to live... Food... and an education... so that I can 'be productive' for you once I have been taught with this force stuff... So What's the catch."

OOC:HELLO!!! I'm still waiting!!!

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 4th, 2003, 09:22:57 PM
"The catch is that you remain loyal to those who have given you such an opportunity."

This voice came from Maxim, the apprentice who had remained there in the room, watching, as he had learned to do in the presence of those who were his elders.

"Its a small price to pay." He added, speaking sincerely from a position of one who knew. Lady Vader had been the one to take him in and make him her apprentice. From her he was learning to become what he had always sought to be. From her had had learned that a family is not always born of blood, but of something else - of the special bond between master and apprentice. Between those who shared a common goal - the goal of the Sith.

(ooc: Dyzm is out for a few weeks, I think, but maybe we can grab LV. Either way, I can finish this with you if you need. And I'd be happy to get you started on some training threads until we can find you a master.)

Ida Knoe
Aug 6th, 2003, 10:32:28 AM
"Does being loyal to them meen that I can't do my jokes on the people here? I Like playing my jokes... I guess that would meen I would also have to give this back.."

She says as she holds out part of the jem coated decoration that was on the statue that she was climbing...

"...Right?.... Well I guess, as long as the food is better than the stuff at the soup kitchen, and I get a soft bed.... I guess I could except... But only under those conditions! "

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:02:08 PM
Maxim has stepped forward and accepted the jem covered decoration. As he did so, he tried to hide the expression of amusement. It was absolutely something he would have done at her age and he couldn’t help but find it funny – only, he wasn’t so sure Dyzm or his master would. And these were two that he sought to impress.

“Practical jokes are one thing….” He stated quietly, “Fighting or cruel jokes….” He gave a brief glance at his master as he said this, for she had spoken with him numerous times on his uncanny ability to get into heated….debates….with his brethren, “Is frowned upon.”

He handed the decoration to Lady Vader and then turned back to Ida.

“The food is alright…..” He replied with a small smile, “And the beds are soft enough.”

He gave a questioning look to Lady Vader and Dyzm, and with their seeming approval, he outstretched a hand to Ida.

“Want to come with me and pick out a room?”

Ida Knoe
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:33:45 PM
Ida smiles....

"I guess so... Could you also show me around the place? It's big enough I dont want to get lost..."

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 6th, 2003, 02:14:28 PM
He nodded in assent.

“Yeah, I think I could manage that…” The young Sith replied.

This concept was entirely new to him – dealing with children in any capacity. Once, at school, he’d been involved in a reading project – going into elementary schools once a week and reading to a first year kid – but that was about the extent of his experience with them. Perhaps this girl would teach him a thing or two.

He gave his master a quick glance. He was to meet with her later that evening in regards to his training and gave her a respectful nod. And then he and young Ida began their journey into the halls of the Order.

OOC: If you want to begin new threads in the palace and the rest of the order, feel free to do so. If you want to start one looking for a room, I’ll join in. Or any other thread for that matter.

We’re short on masters right now, I think – and I’ll run it by LV to be sure she’s cool with it, but if you want, I should be able to take you on as an apprentice of sorts to get you started on the basics at least so you have some training. Also, feel free to post in the training grounds and others can help you out as well.