View Full Version : We need to put an end to this...

Lord Soth
Jun 12th, 2003, 06:29:32 PM
Ok....This is the problem right here...As you will see in the link listed below is the profile page of the CHR named "Fallen." This is also "Dar'Knight" who is currently being discussed in the SWfan's locked forum for G'moding. In "Fallen's" bio you will note that he claim's to be a "Vampyre" for hire. I'm going to send him a kind PM telling him that if he wishes to become a Vamp he need's to run it by us first. We need to put an end to this once and for all by requesting a "Stated Rule" in the FAQ saying that all must seek approval of membership before making a Vamp CHR. Perhaps one of us can PM Ogre and request a written FAQ rule on this rising concern on our behalf here at the Shrine.

If there's someone among "us" here on the Council that has any good tie's with the head Add's and diplomatic skill's to help see this through,...Please step forward...lol :) I believe it would be in our favor and in the long run as well to nip this in the bud now...


Thank's :)

Lord Soth
Jun 12th, 2003, 07:04:19 PM
Below is the PM I sent to "Fallen" regarding his "Rouge Vampyre Character."

Hey bro...We have a little problem here concerning your CHR "Fallen." I wanted to let you know that the "Vampyre Linage" has been RP'd for some "Four RL year's" now in painstaking detail which in turn is the only true source of the Vampire's family Blood Line on all the SWfan's board's. The "Father and Mother" of all Vamp's are actual player CHR's and the genealogy there after as I've stated above has been solely claimed to the Shrine/Coven RP member's.

I don't what you to think I'm trying to ruin your fun at RPing with this PM, however I must ask of you to kindly relinquish your "Rouge CHR. "Fallen" as it dose not fit our "Linage Story Line" nor have you taken the time in asking for permission or admittance at the Shrine to do so.

I would suggest to you this: Reading the FAQ and listed rules at the Shrine of the Damned then putting in an application in the ooc forum where it will then be reviewed and voted on by the current Shrine Council. If you are interested in running a Vampyre, this would be the right approach. All Rper's seeking to run a Vampyre would come in as a "Mortal" and if accepted, would be "Turned" at a later date once an “accepted applicant” has chosen his/her "Master."

As you probably know by now, we at the Shrine are much like the "Cizzerack Clan" in regard's to "requested memberships." :)

Thank you for your time...

Soth Nuevole :)

Let me know what your thought's are on this guy's...:)

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 13th, 2003, 03:24:45 AM
Access ban the shit outta him.......Ive dealt with him once here, and once as Silus through PM...

He ignored my advice both times....

If he doesnt get the fuck outta here soon, im seriously gonna get nasty

Lord Soth
Jun 13th, 2003, 05:10:51 PM
Below my PM here are three PM's that "Fallen" has sent to me in responce.::sigh::

Re: Soth here...

Lord Soth wrote on Today 02:00 AM:
Hey bro...We have a little problem here concerning your CHR "Fallen." I wanted to let you know that the "Vampyre Linage" has been RP'd for some "Four RL year's" now in painstaking detail which in turn is the only true source of the Vampire's family Blood Line on all the SWfan's board's. The "Father and Mother" of all Vamp's are actual player CHR's and the genealogy there after as I've stated above has been solely claimed to the Shrine/Coven RP member's.

I don't what you to think I'm trying to ruin your fun at RPing with this PM, however I must ask of you to kindly relinquish your "Rouge CHR. "Fallen" as it dose not fit our "Linage Story Line" nor have you taken the time in asking for permission or admittance at the Shrine to do so.

I would suggest to you this: Reading the FAQ and listed rules at the Shrine of the Damned then putting in an application in the ooc forum where it will then be reviewed and voted on by the current Shrine Council. If you are interested in running a Vampyre, this would be the right approach. All Rper's seeking to run a Vampyre would come in as a "Mortal" and if accepted, would be "Turned" at a later date once an “accepted applicant” has chosen his/her "Master."

As you probably know by now, we at the Shrine are much like the "Cizzerack Clan" in regard's to "requested memberships."

Thank you for your time...

Soth Nuevole

~His responce to my PM below~

Fine, alright I'll pull this one out.

It's just I want a vampyre really badly but the shrine is notoriosly slow in responding to new recruits so I tried to save time.
Oh, well, I'll try again someother time.

2.I just thought, what if my "rogue" character is a vampyre hunter who survived an attack? Would that be alright?

3.Or even, fallen is not a vampyre but a kind of vampyre sub-pecies bred to hunt vampyres, what about that?

Lord Soth
Jun 13th, 2003, 05:58:48 PM
This is what I sent him back...

~ It is a violation of our FAQ's of the Shrine to run a Vampire Char. without the express permission of the Shrine Council. As all other forums here at SWfans we respect the individuality of each group. Please respect ours. It is common courtesy and good manners to ask first before you run a Char. species that has already been well established. *Any "Rogue Vampire Char. or Sub-Class Vampire" will not be acknowledged or tolerated. If an RPer is found in violation of creating a Vampire Char. without permission or admittance here at the Shrine by the whole Council, appropriate action will be taken and reported immediately to the SWfans Admin's. ~

Lord Soth
Jun 13th, 2003, 06:20:48 PM
Darren, your warning’s are well noted as he's been warned now by Taylor, Alana and myself...If "Fallen and Chr.'s" continues to disregard our warning’s and continues to avoid the proper avenue’s of an "Admittance Application", weather it be through ooc or RP in the proper forum as the FAQ and rules state, then we here should make a move to vote on this matter…I know this guy has enough savvy and intelligence to do the right thing...Meaning, read the "FAQ's and rules in any given forum before creating a CHR...His assumption and blatant disregard to our warning’s and rules are wearing very thin on my patient’s and if we call a vote on this matter...If it persists, then I'll be forced to throw a vote of "Yes" against his CHR.'s account's here at the Shrine...

Let’s hold out just a tad bit longer and see what happens…The ball is now in his court.

Or…As I like to say it…Strike two!

Jun 13th, 2003, 10:42:02 PM
I am perfectly willing for him to create a new character who I will take under my proverbial wing.

Fine, alright I'll pull this one out.

It's just I want a vampyre really badly but the shrine is notoriosly slow in responding to new recruits so I tried to save time.
Oh, well, I'll try again someother time.

You guys were fairly quick to me. It's nice he's trying t'save us time and all...but his chars are coming out way to fricking powerful imo

Jun 14th, 2003, 01:32:23 AM
what I (upon Alana's approval) plan on sending Fallen:


Well...since you'd like to be a vampyre so bad, I thought I would volunteer my services to you as a trainer/master. However, there is some ettiquette and protocol to follow before getting turned.

For one, you'll have to submit and OOC application for admittance into the Shrine. Every character has to do...I did it...so did the others in the Shrine.

In your Application you will need to specifically ask for me (Laroque) to be your master.

After that, we'll do RPs for two weeks (let's make two RPs...active RPs) of real time...the Council will vote about letting ya into the Shrine...and then I'll turn ya.

Then we'll go from there. Hope that sounds palatable by you, because that's honestly the only way you'll be able to RP a vampire on the boards.


Alana Stormcloud
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:00:52 AM
That sounds good to me Tay. Also if possible a good strong warning on god moding his vamp if he is accepted. We already have so many probs with our vamps as it is and to have someone use it as to strong of a char would be a bad thing for us. Hopefully he read the FAQ and knows to explain as much as he can through Sith Magic.

Also a warning if he makes a vamp and it was for just the sole purpose to make it and leave then he will not be acknowledged by the Shrine and will be banned from the Shrine. Something like that. I am usually very fair minded and will give anyone a chance but something about this guy unsettles me. The fact he says he is new and yet says we are notoriously slow at responding to new members, and the fact he was warned about the vamp thing but still rped it out.

Under your care Tay I can go for this because I know you will put up with no crap, and may be able to salvage this guy. He is a good rper and may end up doing ok. So I say lets vote on him and if the council goes for it then let’s give him the trial period of rping as a human here, and see how it goes.

My vote is yea on the trail period.... :)

Lord Soth
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:06:18 AM
Sound's good to me...If he really wants to play a Vampyre and his intentions are good, honest and he can respect our rules and current member's (Without G'modding and busting in on thread's) here, then I suppose we should give him one last chance to prove himself...He's made a lot of peep unhappy, myself included. However, he does have potential and with the proper guidance from Laroque ooc and RP wise,...Well he might shape up...If not,...We'll ship his ass out in an iron box and to the bottom of the Roon sea!...

I will tell you I'm hesitant on this, but I believe all avenue’s should be exhausted before permanent banning...I know I'd what it myself if I was in his place...Its really kinda up to him now and how serious he wants to be with this...If everyone else is kool with it, I'll give my dark blessing...I'm just thinking in term's of the best interest’s of the Shrine and her member's. :)


I'll second the "time trial" period...

Jun 15th, 2003, 12:30:09 AM
I think he's been warned enough...if he has sense...he'll wise up. Right now I want to establish communication with him.

A few good PMs, see if he's interested, then we'll go from there.

I don't blame anyone for getting 'unsettled'...maybe he's a former collegue of Jamel or summat?

Or...he could be a former/current Coven member maybe....who know.s

Virrana'h Tei
Jun 15th, 2003, 10:25:01 PM
I think we should wait on letting him in. He needs to settle down with one character and just do that.

He's like a ping-pong-rper. He makes me dizzy.

Today hes a Vamp - tomorrow he's a smuggling outfit of 4 people (see SFF for proof)

I say, wait on him a little first.

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 17th, 2003, 05:57:01 AM
Or we could just access ban the shit outta him :)

Ok ok.........I know im being anal, which hopefully seems a bit out of character for me.

Ive just given up on establishing communication with this guy, and giving him chances for that matter....

I told him his Vamp/Ciz/human character was impossible (in my PMs to him under my Silus account)....he told me I was wrong.....so I sent him here

If it takes a whole forum to make him listen, then Im not dealing with him. If you guys wanna let him keep access, thats fine by me.

But if he steps outta line, its his ass....

Lord Soth
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:52:37 PM
Hand's Darren a shit load of fresh paint ball's...

"Here,...I have a strong feeling he won't bro...Maybe one,...Well, a few between the eyes will knock some sense into his butt."

Sothie then whip's out his 2003 specialized repeating, rapid firing, laser guided, ass crack'en paint ball gun...Look's sideways at Darren…:huh

"Why...You thought you were the only one that had one?...K-Mart...$49.95 after rebate." :)