View Full Version : Looking for a room[mate] (Ka' el Darcverse)

Jun 12th, 2003, 01:01:31 PM
-Still somewhat frustrated, Jandor continued to search the endless corridors in search of a room.
A fellow Padawan had brought to his attention a free bed somewhere in the area but the directions were somewhat efficiant.
After endless searching he found what he suspected might be the place he was looking for.
He knocks on the door.-

"Hello?.....Anybody home?....."

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:14:10 PM
"Why don't you stick your FRELLIN' Head in the Afterburner!!!! Got less brains than a Jedi Learner!!!"

The sounds that followed what sounded like the dying shrieks of a Corellian Banshee, sounded like someone was taking a lightsaber to a chalkboard.


The thunderous bass line could be heard through the door that Jandor was knocking on. Suddenly the portal to the room whooshed open. Before Jandor was Ka' el Darcverse, the tall, athletically built padawan learner of Master Figrin D'an, standing in his Galvyn Stien boxers and a Novis-blaster guitar slung over his shoulders.

The roar of his stereo in the background was near deafening, but at least the painful chords of the novice guitar playing was silenced for a brief moment.

"Hey you must be Jandor! What's up?! I'm Ka' el but you can call me "K" if you like," The 17 year old Padawan shouted to his new roomate. He smiled as he motioned for Jandor to come one in. Taking off "Beulah", the name of his guitar, he placed her lovingly on her stand and then walked over to his stereo to turn it off.

"Death Star Pilots,you like?" It took him a few seconds to readjust to the normal sounds of peace and calm. The room wasn't horrible for a typical teenager. Most of his clothes were either in his hamper or in a pile close-by. There weren't any dishes anywhere, though a few empty cans of Dr. Fizzy were strewn about. The holo-projector was on, turned to GSN, Galactic Sports Network which was playing a rerun of the BlasterBall Galactic Finals from 3 years back.

"Master D'an told me you'd be moving in with me this week, I cleared out all my stuff out of your room. Need any help with your luggage?"

Jun 13th, 2003, 01:37:34 AM
-Jandor stood with a smile, a small rucksack throen over one shoulder was all that he carried.-

"No,...it's alright thanks, I think I can manage."

-Jandor walked in and looked around a bit, appreciating the natural habitat of the teenager. Being, himself, about 23, Jandor kinda grew out of that phase but he was still a guy and understood only to well the life of a bachelor.-

"Heh, heh.....and yeah, I'm not much of a music fan. I never heard much as a kid so I can't really judge.
But I have to say, Jedi dancing along to "death star pilots" seemss almost ironic."

-He said in jest.-

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 13th, 2003, 08:19:55 AM
"The name is a under the table reference to Rogue Squadron," Ka' el chimed in with a smile. He noticed the simple napsack that Jandor carried.

"Ahh a refugee Jedi," Ka' el said with a nodd; "You should fit right in with the rest of them."

Ka' el wasn't prejudiced against the other Jedi who came from ther lives to be trained in the Force. He was simply proud of the fact that he had been raised by the order in the style of the Knights of old. A tradition that seemed to be attempting a resurgance.

"Well make yourself at home, there's leftovers and Fizzy in the fridge and the game starts in 30 minutes some I'm gonna order a pie, you want one?"

Jun 13th, 2003, 09:29:56 AM
-He laughed. With a joking tone, Jandor had to ask.-

"Umm... need I ask whats IN this pie?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:51:20 AM
Ka' el looked at Jandor strangely for a moment and then replied with a sort of "WTF" tone; "Ummm pepperoni, sausage, cheese, peppers, garlic, you know a pie?"

Ka' el shook his head at the fact that Jandor didn't understand his slang term for pizza.

Jun 13th, 2003, 10:30:46 AM
-Jandor smiled at his own "in" joke.-

"Oh, a PIZZA, yeah sure..."

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 17th, 2003, 06:43:31 AM
"So who you rooting for?"

Ka' el asked with a bit of curiousity.

"I like the Sabers, but that's just me."

Jun 17th, 2003, 10:15:32 AM
"I gotta admit, we don't get to watch much sport back where I came from, 'least not that kind anyway."

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 18th, 2003, 02:06:05 PM
"Ahh well there is no time like the present. Have a seat, the Sabers are facing the Rancors for the Coruscant Cup. Supposed to be one of the best games ever," Ka' el was doing his damnedest to be friendly

Jun 19th, 2003, 02:53:39 AM
"Okay, uh, so how do they play? I mean how doees this game work?"

-He asks as he sits down to watch it.-