View Full Version : Wardancer

Jun 12th, 2003, 05:29:10 AM
-In the large room stands the lone Padawan, feet together, eyes closed, his arms pointed 45 degrees downward on each side, each hand gripping and pointing the lit lightsabers strait down, his eyes closed, his ears open.

Green in his left, purple in his right.

When the program begins, a lightsaber wielding robed figure, a hologram, appears in the corner of the room, running strait for Jandor.
Before the attacker reaches half the distance, another hologram appears, then another, and another, and another.....

Jandor feels the air around him grow thinner and thinner before he feels he could jump through it with ease, with the head height horizontal blow of an attacker, Jandor backflips to avoid, a rapid counter blow decapitates the attacker.
Simultaneously he fights off the small team of holographic Sith.

As the hours pass, the holograms coming and going by the dozen, Jandor exerts his own style, it's gracefull, elegant moves executed so smoothly, so effortlessly and so quickly.

Jandor allways had a talent for combat, no, more then just a talent.
Jandor was a natural whos childhood trainning was a matter of life and death.

His style was much more akin to a lethal dance then the more minimalisting moves of a typical Padawan.
He moves, jumps and flips with aid of the force, moving as if the air thickens before he kicks off in mid air.

As he fought off the non-existant attackers, his constitution didn't falter once, his relentless concentration refusing to let down.
He had lost count of how many bodies should adorn the floor.

When level 1 of his custom program had finished, he stopped for a break, sitting down on the floor, he only just noticed the figure who had walked in.-

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there,................how long have you been standing there?....."

-He awaits an answer as he takes a swig from a water bottle.-

Jun 13th, 2003, 09:44:22 AM
"Half hour. You handle your weapons well," Kueller stepped out of the shadow. "Jandor." Kueller smiled.

Jun 13th, 2003, 10:37:39 AM
-Jandor stood up to grab the towel from the hook on the wall.-

"Well thank you.
I didn't become planetary champion and win my own freedom with luck you know."

-He said with jest.-

"Care to join me in a little one on one?
Or maybe you would prefer the co-op program that I've written?

Theres nothing like laying the smack down on some Sith to unwind a little tension, you know?"

Jun 13th, 2003, 01:46:32 PM
"Yeah sure." Jandor was about to pass him a sabre but he put his hand up, "Not for me. I prefer practise without a weapon."

Jun 14th, 2003, 03:32:08 AM
-With a nod of approval, Jandor responds.-

"..Unarmed...hmm....I respect that."

Jun 14th, 2003, 06:28:04 AM
"I will fight with my hands. And evasion is a favorite of mine. I will fair well."

Jun 16th, 2003, 01:09:28 PM
"How about a little co-op then?"

-Speaking more generally, Jandor addresses the machine.-

"Holo-jecter, program JT-1, level 2, begin."

-A jumbled group of axe-weilding ruffians appear surrounding them.-


Jun 16th, 2003, 01:10:42 PM
"Proceed." The holograms instantly shot out of the computer.

Jun 16th, 2003, 01:27:51 PM
-And the carnage began.
The flurry of swings in Jandors direction were met by defleting lightsaber blows followed by the odd decapitation. Jandor leaped high into the air, backflipping and landing outside the tight group. Taking them from the outside, Jandor removed a few more.
But the more they removed, the more that appeared in the corners.-

Jun 17th, 2003, 01:06:23 PM
Kueller dived and rolled between two swinging axes, got up and elbowed the two warriors in the face, turned and did a double knee kick to both of them.

Jun 17th, 2003, 01:42:59 PM
-Sweeping up one, Jandor sends him across the room with a swift roundhouse to the chest.
He sweeps another with his blade, removing his legs, and plunges the other blade through his chest before the holo-corpse falls to the ground and disappears to make way for the next.-

Jun 18th, 2003, 09:42:28 AM
Kueller narrowly missed one of Jandor's sabres and landed deftly on the shoulders of a holo sending it instantly towards the ground.

Jun 19th, 2003, 03:54:30 AM
"Oops, that was a little close..."

-An axeman ran toward him, his arms raised into the air, A scissor action from Jandors blades removed arms, head and all.-

".......but THAT was closer..."

Jun 19th, 2003, 09:55:46 AM
Kueller was being pursued by two axemen. He ran toward the wall ran up and over and knocked them both out with a single strike.

Jun 19th, 2003, 09:59:54 AM
-Jandor was in the middle of three sword wielders when a little flashing light and a buzz came from his belt.-

"Pause program."

-He instructed. He removed the box from his belt and read the display.-

"Ah, Sorry Kueller gotta fly, I'll catch you up later."

-He grabed his things in the corner before running off through the doors.-

"Sorry again..."

-He shouted on the way out.-