View Full Version : A Vampyre, but not as you know it.

Jun 12th, 2003, 02:54:24 AM
-The doors swung open, an armoured, black-caped figure strolls in casually and strait up to the bar.
Tall, dark and hansome orders a heavy drink from the bartender before placing himself on top of a stool.
His armour is just visible beneath the black cape, the exception to his appealing looks being only the colour of his skin, the colour you'd expect from a corpse only his skin is still smooth and full of "life".

Alastor makes a "living" as a vampyre for hire, only he's not quite a vampyre. Infact no-one knows what he really is, not even him, although passing himself off as a "vampyre" tends to work.
In classic romantic styling, the waitress drops her glass-ladened tray but befor it strikes the ground, in a blur of movement, its in Alastor's hand, now standing up.
He, of course, returns the tray with a bow and a fanged smile before returning to his drink.

Despite his demonic lineage, he's here for the same reason everybody else is, to have a good, hard drink after a long weeks work. -

imported_Gerbo Lang
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:03:00 PM
An eerie silence entered the bar all the patrons went dead silent as a dark figure stood in the doorway. The patrons knew him well as of late, he hung around her allot talking with the owner Hera and her personal. Gerbo looked over his sunglasses at the pale man with a fanged grin.

Gerbo was wearing his battle gear plated armor vest, several weapons attached to his body, and then there was the strange black trench coat that blew in the non existent wind.

The man that sat before him had the skill of a vampire but not the smell of one. Perhaps he was genetically engineered or maybe he was another type of stinky undead. Gerbo didn't care because this would be Fallens last stand. Soon he would lie before the feet of the hunter.

"Good evening, I have been following you sir."

Jun 13th, 2003, 01:56:47 AM
-Alastor laughed, he could see what this man wanted, which was why he laughed.-

"Ha ha ha!!!
let me guess, vamp hunter right? Well, sorry to burst your bubble but I'm on your side...."

-He downed his drink in one.-

".......You see, I'm a hunter myself"

imported_Gerbo Lang
Jun 13th, 2003, 12:16:33 PM
"Ha you think I give a crap, only way your getting out of this bar alive is if the owner saves your butt. There's only one vampire I can't touch in this place and he doesn't have your name or look pale."

Gerbo Just grinned from ear to ear fangs bearing. This was this guy’s lucky day to die. This sort f vampire crap had to end here. Gerbo would split the man in half with out a care in the world.

"Today's your lucky day Vampire scum!"

Gerbo's Katana came out of it’s sheathe in a down word move; he stopped it about his mid section with the point pointing at Fallen. Gerbo stood there watching the Vampire ready to strike the moment the vampire made the slightest move.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 14th, 2003, 03:52:37 AM
OOC: Btw, Fallen's been removed from the system, he's kicked of.

Jason Dreggs
Jun 14th, 2003, 10:56:54 AM
Hey guess what, I'm sick of this stop starting crap you don't have okay to go on this is the second thread I have been in with in wich this has happened. So please don't post until someone says your characters are okay.