View Full Version : Quiz for anyone

Park Kraken
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:07:24 PM
Here are a few ship questions:
1) How many ISDs were destroyed in the Ram's head mission?
2) How many ISDs did the Empire build?
3) How many ISDs made up Thrawn's core Star Destroyer Fleet?
4) Name those Star Destroyers.
5) How many Star Destroyers did the Imperial Remnant have at the start of the Vong Invasion?
Here are a few Character Questions:
1) Who did Mara Jade marry?
2) Who captianed the Iron Fist?
3) Who found the Dark Woman?
4) Who killed the Dark Woman?
5) Name one Emporer's Hand, besides Mara Jade.
I'll start a Smart One/SW Nut point count for my quizzes. Whoever has the most points at the end of each month will be declared the Star Wars Smart One/Nut, and will (permission pending by moderators) gloating rights.

Telan Desaria
Jun 11th, 2003, 04:49:32 PM
1 - Not sure
2 - 25,000 of all types at its height. 1,000 available for offensive operations, 1000 in various states of disrepair and refit, remainder engaged in static/sector defense positions
3 - 5
4 - Judicator, Chimaera, Stromhawk, Death's Head, Peremptory
(plus 12 Strike-class Cruisers and 22 Carracks)
5 - 250

1 - Luke Skywalker
2 - Captain, unsure. Flag officer - Vice Admiral (self appoint GA) Zsinj
3 - ?
4 - ?
5 - ?

Additional question
Name the four Imperial I -class Star Destroyers which served with Admiral of the Fleet Daala while garrisoning the Maw.

Admiral Zahn
Jul 12th, 2003, 09:46:26 AM
The Answer to Number 5 of the Character Questions, Telan Desaria is: Roganda Ismaren.