View Full Version : Caged Wolf (Combat)

Makoto Neo
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:00:30 PM
Makoto Neo, Sith Knight.

A name and rank, nothing more. It held no meaning to Mako, his skill being marked by two words rather than potential, but he minded the words. He paced down a empty street, not caring to keep his force presence masked, he urged for combat. A katana and lightsaber attached to his waist under a black sash, denim slacks and snakeskin boots below, a plain white shirt above.

The street was empty, devoid of anything living. Now and then a newspaper would flutter by, a dropped holo-device fall from the platform above, or a bird fly through. Combat grounds.

Park Kraken
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:20:42 PM
::Watching from a balcony on a building above the street, Alexander watched the Sith Knight look up and down the street, searching for any signs of life. He was clearly searching for a good fight. Well, let's see how he reacts to the peliminaries. Alexander gave his weapons a quick over: Stun Grenades, Class-A Thermal Detonators, a Blastech DL-44 Pistol, a Vibroblade, and one double bladed lightsaber. Arming three stun grenades, he used a force grip and push to position them over the Sith Knight, then he drops them. As they fall, Alexander jumps off the balcony, and falls torwards the street below::

Makoto Neo
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:47:40 PM
Mako felt a wavier in the force, a warning if you would. Acting instinctfully, he fueled his muscles with the force and dived forward quite a distance, covering his eyes with an arm as the objects hit the steel flooring.

Mako could tell the objects type from the following explosions, Stunners. Rolling up to his feet, he tuned his ears forward before lowering his arm. A sole figure stood in the previously empty street.

"That's not a good way to greet someone," Mako growled, his hand dropping just below the hilt of the katana, where the guard locked into the sheath.

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 12:32:45 AM
"Hmmm, I'm just making sure that you aren't a fake. My name is Alexander, a former Jedi Knight, now mercenary for hire. I do believe that I will be your entertainment for tonight. Let's see how good you are, hmmmm?"
::Alexander pulls out his blaster and takes aim at the figure lying on the ground. He fires three shots in quick succession.....::

Makoto Neo
Jun 11th, 2003, 10:43:41 AM
Mako chuckles, his hand flying up to the saber hilt tucked neatly under his arm. In a flash the ruby blade is ignited and flashing through the air with a thundering hum. The blaster bolts, no match for Mako's mind, were quickly diflected away.

"My name is irrelevant, but if you must know, you may refer to me as Neo," He barked, disengaging the saber for it's job was complete for the meanwhile..

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 12:55:14 PM
"Neo, eh? Looks like you can handle the lightsaber pretty well. And it looks like you have a good danger sense. But, I am not through testing you yet."
:: Alexander pulls out three Class-A Thermal Detonators, and tossed them into the air with a 5 secound countdown. He then pulls out a fourth, and tosses it into a the bottom floor of a tall building nearby::

Makoto Neo
Jun 11th, 2003, 01:58:50 PM
Mako flexed his mind, sending the three thermals up higher into the air while forming a barrier around his body at the same time. The fourth, the one sailing for the building, bypassed through his notice.

"The-" His words were severed off as the flyer's detonated..

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:39:39 PM
::The three thermal detonator's flew back up into the air, and detonated with feriocious force, blowing out the windows of all the nearby buildings, and sending degree flying everywhere. But, those were just the obvious threat, the distraction. With a thunderous explosion, the fourth detonator went off, wiping out the support structs for the front part of the tall building. With a good sized force pull, the structre started to fall over torwards Neo, with tons of Durasteel collapsing torwards him::

Makoto Neo
Jun 11th, 2003, 03:11:14 PM
Mako didn't notice right away, but when peices of furniture smashed to the ground near him he looked up at the building falling. His eyes widened in panic before his instincts took over, pumping every ounce of force he had in his body, Neo drew it all into his legs before running madly torwards his opponent, not caring weither the ex-Knight was preparing to slice and dice him on the spot.

Luck on was on Mako's side today. He jumped and slid across the flooring and was missed just shyly by the collasped building. Although he took no serious damage, his back bled from shards of glass from the impact and sliding across the ground.

"Gods be damned, your one resourcful bugger," Mako growled, shaking his head and looking over at the twisted wreckage. His hand dropped down to the katana again, wrapping around the cobra head that served as the pummel. He drew the weapon quickly, the blade humming loudly as Mako spun it dexteriously in his hand. Stopping the flat against the bottom of his forearm, Mako stepped back on his right foot, his left arm down in a L shape across his chest, the arm with the blade aligned parallel to his right leg, "Draw your weapon."

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 07:56:28 PM
"Hmmm, very impressive indeed. It seems you are a worthy one after all."
::With a flash of orange-reddish light, Alexander ingnites his double-bladed lightsaber, and charges Neo, slashing in at a high angle, with the other blade hanging low as a guard....::

Makoto Neo
Jun 11th, 2003, 08:37:22 PM
Mako blocked the high slash fluidly, his other hand snaking back to his lightsaber and her ignited it while pushing onto the ex-Jedi. He manuvered the saber to catch the lower blade as he pressed back. "This all you've got, a double saber with nothing behind it?!"

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 08:41:36 PM
"Hmmm, how about something under it?"
::Gathering his force energy, Alexander first uses it to set up a surprise for Neo in his cloak, then jumps up high, and comes down torwards Neo in a slashing blade attack::

Makoto Neo
Jun 12th, 2003, 12:15:59 PM
Mako deftly sidesteps to the left, crouching low and lashing out with the blunt side of the katana at Kraken's thigh. Before he even registered if the strike, Mako pushed himself out of the crouch and spun away, Holding the flat of the katana against his forearm, the lightsaber held out like a rapier.

Park Kraken
Jun 12th, 2003, 01:17:53 PM
:: The hilt of the katana strikes Alexander's thigh, causing him to pitch over forward. Alexander looks up at the lightsaber blade that is positioned so it will behead him, but he brings his second lightsaber blade around to block. With the force flowing through him, he brings the first blade to hit the katana, and uses Neo to somersault over him, and lands on the pavement::
"Time for another suprise"
::As he hits the pavement, Alexander rolls, then gathers the force beneath him, and leaps onto the roof of a nearby building. He winces as his left leg hits the ground. His present for Neo is now on the pavement, a series of 7 Thermal Detonators, one directly underneath him, and the other spread out a ways, in case he should be able to leap away from the one under him. The timers are all at one second, now counting down::

Makoto Neo
Jun 12th, 2003, 01:42:02 PM
Mako crouched down over the det. under him, enpowering his legs with his own power and that of the force. For a moment, everything seemed to slow down and his body sped up. He unleashed the caged power, propelling upward as the thermals dentionated.

His body was engulfed in the smoke and flames, for a moment it seemed that he was incinertated.

Lo and Behold!

Mako shot from the flames, his katana pulled back over his shoulder as he sped through the air at Kraken, with a scowl of anger only originating from the depths of hell itself. Mad? Naw, Mako was downright pissed-OFF.

Park Kraken
Jun 12th, 2003, 06:30:25 PM
::Alexander's jaw shot open as he witnessed a sight he never expected to see. The Sith Knight came out of the firestorm, though badly burned, more or less alive, and well. And he shot straight torwards him, Katana held high above his head, a mimick of Alexander's earlier strike. Rage burned in his blood, Alexander saw, but anger also boiled with his own blood.::
"So you survived. Now I am really pissed off. Now you shall learn why I was banished from the ranks of the Jedi."
::Alexander raises his hands up above him, and gathers force energy from the planet below him. Reaching out with the force, he calls on the forces of nature, one area of the force in which he was very talented. With a scream of rage, he summons forth the full fury of the elements. Fierce winds surrond him in a cocoon like shield, a violent twister of defense. Other winds lift tons of debris from the building, and the debris is hurled at Neo in a violent force storm.::
"Now you see my true power!"

Makoto Neo
Jun 13th, 2003, 07:19:56 AM
Mako tucked himself into a fetal position, spining on his waist before slicing a slab of incoming duracrete clean in half. The katana he weilded sung in the wind, it's previous humming amplified into a roaring symphony.

Landing on the building which Kraken had, Neo fell to the flooring as a chunk of twisted steel flew over. Almost as if his body was made of water, Neo pushed himself up into a balanced one-handed balance. He twisted until his feet touched the flooring, the force flowing over his body and creating a 'no-zone' between his body and the furious winds.

Neo pointed the katana at Kraken, a feral gleam in the Sith's eyes, then charged, dropping the blade off to his right side as he did so..

Park Kraken
Jun 13th, 2003, 01:13:12 PM
::By now the twister had reached the sky above, which had become a dark enclave of stormclouds. When Neo charged, Alexander let himself Go. He simply vanished as Neo sliced through the air where he had been a moment before. The twister still raged on.::
::Alexander was now looking at a increasinly shrinking Neo below him as he carried upwards by the twister::

Makoto Neo
Jun 13th, 2003, 06:14:48 PM
OOC: Thank you.


Neo's force sense flared, instantly catching Kraken's presence right above him in the odd weather abnormality. Keeping a low crouch, despite the high winds trying to lift him away, Neo focused his attention on a steel sheet, roughly the size of a compact speeder and flat as it gets while still having some instructure capibility.

Switching his saber to his free-hand, Neo pointed his palm at the sheet and focused his concentration into the sheet. It levitated up into the air, and without much interference from Neo himself, began to twist and bend, screaming as metal should, in the wind.

Waving his hand, the Knight sent the bent piece right up the middle, the abnormal curvature of the bent metal letting it slide easily through the air, torwards the flying target: Kraken.

Park Kraken
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:38:50 PM
::Reaching the cloud cover, Kraken stopped, and used the force to hover there. A piece of sheet metal came right at him, with precison that told Kraken all he needed to know about it. Kraken smiled, then activated a small device in his cloak. A shield barrier surronded him, and deflected the piece of sheet metal. With that threat taken care of, Kraken reached deep into the well of the force, and used that energy to expand his self-created twister. It expanded to cover the entire block, and it's vaccuum potential was greatly increased. Kraken focused it's fury upon the building on which Neo was standing. The building began to seperate from it's foundation........::

Makoto Neo
Jun 18th, 2003, 04:46:54 PM
The building which Mako had been on tore apart under the fury of the high winds, yet the wolf-sith was naught in sight to see. To the uncautious, it would seem that the Knight had either died, fled, or was wounded in place. But that wasn't the case. The Dying and wounded parts, anyway.

Mako had lept from the building back down to the base platform, running with his katana held behind his arm with the blunt of the blade in the crevice of his arm and torso. He dodged a peice of fallen debris easily, as his mind formulated a sort of stratagy to a fairly equiped and equally adept force user.

He had lost his faulty saber back on the roof-top, which was good for his morale. Mako had a sickening urge to rid himself of the weapon, and thus he had... unintentionally! Sliding into a multi-story, sturdy, speeder parking lot, Mako cut the main power wire as he calmly walked deeper into the duracrete-steel structure.

The fallen jedi would have to quit his little scheme to get him now.

Park Kraken
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:03:29 PM
::As he could no longer see the Sith Knight, and the fact that the storm was draining a lot of his energy, Kraken held his hands together, and with a swift motion, swept them apart, dispelling the twister. He then left himself fall straight down. When he was at 100 feet above the ground, falling at 200 mph, he activated his magnetic repulsors, and came to a soft landing. Walking down the street, he activated his beckon call, and a Chariot LAV came floating down the street. It settled next to him. He reached inside, and drew out a number of weapons, and he arranged them into his coat. They included more Thermal Detonators, a Disruptor Rifle, and two DL-44 hand held blasters. He then climbed into his vehicle, and drove to where he felt Neo to be. He arrived at a speeder parking lot. He amplified his voice, and shouted::
"Neo, you coward. Come on out, and fight!"

Makoto Neo
Jun 19th, 2003, 10:04:33 PM
"Come into the Wolves' Den, for I will not be a shooting gallery for the cowardly likes of you, you who hides behind a squall and coat of weapons," A voice boomed back from the dark parking lot, "Don't bother with your explosives, they will not work this time."

Park Kraken
Jun 19th, 2003, 10:11:11 PM
::Hmmm, a wolf's den, eh? Sounds interesting. Now let's see, weapons for a wolf's den, den, hmmmmm........ After selecting a few odds and ends,::
*OOC: You messed me up, I was supposed to be playing the Character of Alexander!!!*
:: Alexander stepped out of the vehicle, and jogged into the duracrete structre. Having refreshed himself with a force relaxation technique, Alexander was once again fully ready for combat::

Makoto Neo
Jun 19th, 2003, 11:25:04 PM
As Kraken entered the lot, Mako calmly strolled out from behind one of the many supports. His boots clicking loudly in the silent, open, structure. His katana rested in his right hand, the blade angled to the ground, and flowing with his movements.

"Brave for a ex-jedi," Mako commented lightly, "Are you ready to end this little charade?"

Park Kraken
Jun 20th, 2003, 04:57:37 PM
::He heard the words, and turned to the source. There, Neo stood, having just emerged from the support column. Alexander smiled, a withdrew a sword from his cloak, then tossed the cloak aside.::

"I recognized your Katana. I knew I had seen similar weapons around. Lucky for me, I had one stashed away in my speeder. As for your question, yes, I am ready to finish this."

::Upon finishing his words, Alexander took a deep breath, and used the force to start one of his tricks. He glimmered, then breifly disappeard. Then he appeared, but he was not alone. Spread out along the duracreet in front of Neo now stood 10 Alexanders. Then there were 20, and finally, 30. They stood, encircling Neo, with their Katana's held at the ready::

Makoto Neo
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:21:22 PM
Mako smirked, he knew the simple parlor trick that Alexander had preformed. Only one of the ex-Jedi could harm him physically, the rest were just there for distraction.

Sliding his right foot back, Mako held the flat of his katana flush with his right arm, the tsubu pressing into his wrist lightly, and motioned with his left hand for Alexander to begin..

Park Kraken
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:12:32 PM
::Alexander waved his arm, and all but two of the apparations had vanished. He then charged, using the force, swinging his katana low, aiming for Neo's left leg::

Makoto Neo
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:33:56 PM
Mako steadied himself as the two charged, his katana swinging back and forth before it dropped down to his left. As his guess was correct, the blade meet steel and the false image passed right through Mako's flesh harmlessly.

Without even missing a beat, he chambered his right leg and shot out with a vicious snap kick to the side of Kraken's face..

Park Kraken
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:46:09 PM
::Neo guessed correctly which of the illousins was the real Kraken, as he knew Neo would. Now it would be interesting to see what he did in retaliation. He now saw Neo's right leg heading straight torwards his face. Alexander swung his head back to clear Neo's boot, and as he did so, his own feet left the ground, with his weight pressed onto Neo's blade, driving it into the concrete, and pitching him forward. Alexander started to execute a backflip, and brought his right leg up torwards Neo's chin, intending to snap his head upwards, then break his neck with his left leg.::

Makoto Neo
Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:01:54 PM
Mako spilled the force into his muscles, swinging his neck to the left and down while his shoulders twisted just enough for the wolf to hook his right arm over Kraken's shin. He planted his left hand onto Kraken's kneecap and heaved the ex-jedi back up into the air as Mako collasped backwards into a roll. The added momentum sent Kraken flying in the opposite direction as Mako regained his footing slowly..

Park Kraken
Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:28:14 PM
::Alexander had intended to complete his backflip and land a full 15 feet from Neo. But because Neo propelled him skyward with his throw, and had twisted out of the path of his foot, with thus meaning that his momentum would not be slowed by his boot hitting Neo's chin, Alexander landed a full 25 feet from the Sith Knight. As he landed, Alexander wiped the sweat off his forehead, and stood up straight. He then addressed Neo::
"You are a formidable opponet indeed. It is a shame that we have to fight each other. We would make a great team."
::Alexander then sheathed his saber, and waited for Neo's reply::

Makoto Neo
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:29:51 PM
Mako dropped the point of his katana. His face sliding into a emotionless, blank, stare. "I share no alliance with one being, Ex-Jedi, nor will I ever, the answer is no."

He lifted the tip to point at Alexander, "I will give you the option to flee now, take it or leave it, I could care less." With the singed fur, the slightly spread patches of blood from the inferno, and the blood dripping from his back, Mako's word seemed wise to heed.

"If you choose not to leave, then we shall finish this. Now."

Park Kraken
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:45:59 PM
"Hmmm. Let those words be your epitath Sith scum. If you will not join me, then you will die. Prepare for one of my best Katana techniques. You probaly won't see it coming, but if you do, rest assured, I promise it will be over quickly."
::Putting his hand on the hilt of his katana, Alexander leaned forward, and concentrated on letting the force flow through his body, his muscles, his bones at increasingly rapid speeds. Then, he screamed, a battle cry, then disappeared, right before Neo's eyes.::

Makoto Neo
Jun 23rd, 2003, 08:08:03 PM
Mako's eyes widened in surprise, but feral instincts cut in before anything else. He crouched down low, spreading out his force sense.

'Damnit, I don't see him.. Mako thought quickly..

Park Kraken
Jun 23rd, 2003, 11:14:45 PM
::Then, suddenly, Alexander appeared right in front of Neo, no more than a half a foot away. He channeled everything into his arm, then used it to draw his Katana with lightning speed, and swinging it outwards, the katana batted aside Neo's blade, and swept in straight torwards his side. Alexander saw the blade enter the flesh......::

Makoto Neo
Jun 24th, 2003, 12:44:52 PM
Indeed it entered flesh, but halted suddenly. Mako had wrapped his vice grip around the tsuba of the katana, basically holding it it there. He felt the katana quiver in his side, but his gaze locked onto Krakens.

"That was a mistake," He growled, yanking the tsuba torward himself, while at the same instant, yanking the katana out of the Ex-jedi's hands with unseen force. The blade slid slightly further into Neo's side, but he pulled it out soon after. From the wound, a sort of black-lumpy blood trickled out, running down the wolf-kind's leg.

Mako dropped the blade and fluidly slid into a reverse roundhouse, nailing Kraken on the right half of his face..

Park Kraken
Jun 24th, 2003, 07:07:03 PM
::As the roundhouse connected, it propelled Alexander backwards. He landed on his knees 5 feet from Neo, and spit the blood out of his mouth, along with three of his molars. He straightened, then used the force to call the Katana to his outstretched hand. With a swipe through the air, he removed the blood that had stained the sword. He sheathed it, then removed his lightsaber,::
"Draw your saber(s). We should finish this the traditional way, the way of the Jedi, light or dark."
::Igniting his double-blade, Alexander gathered the force to himself, and charged::

Makoto Neo
Jun 24th, 2003, 07:18:35 PM
As Alexander spoke, Mako ripped the bloodstained shirt from his back and tied it tight around his waist and over the deep wound. The slice seemed to have hit his kidney, which was spilling out soem sort of bile from it. Without medical attention within the next hour or so, Mako guessed he would'nt make it.

Tightening the makeshift sash, Mako drew his good saber from his belt. Igniting the shimmering dark-red blade, Neo swung it down as Alexander charged, as the ex-Jedi neared, Mako dropped his blade down and caught the upper blade with his own saber, spinning off it like a duelist. Wincing as his wound was pulled and contracted, Mako snapped his blade back up as he gained a few feet off the ex-Jedi.

Park Kraken
Jun 24th, 2003, 07:35:59 PM
"That is a nasty looking wound. And look at the way it is affecting you. Here, let me cauterize it for you."
::Drawing his double-blade to a defensive stature, Alexander used the force to pluck five more lightsabers from his belt, and ignite them. Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, and Green blades added their color to his own double Scarlett blade's color. Using the force to guide them, Alexander sent the blades after Neo::

Makoto Neo
Jun 24th, 2003, 07:42:09 PM
With a quick wave of his free hand, Mako dove deep into the force and unplugged a little part in the flying sabers. Four of the five blades fell dead, and Neo simply battled the fifth away with a quick flip of his wrist.

"I may be wounded, but I am not out of the game," Mako barked, sliding his left foot back, hooking his left arm behind his back and brandishing his saber en garde .

Park Kraken
Jun 24th, 2003, 07:51:35 PM
"Ohh, but you may as well be."
::With Alexander gathering the force to his hand, he threw a right hand punch. The punch stopped a good 8 feet from Neo of course, but the force gathered like a ball of energy in Alexander's hand didn't. It crashed into Neo's stomach, driving the Sith Knight backwards::

Makoto Neo
Jun 24th, 2003, 08:00:41 PM
Mako took the blow squarely, but the force only sent him back a few steps. Standing back erect, Mako drew the force around himself this time, concentrating on a single point. “Until the last card is dealt, I will always be in.”

He extended his right hand from behind his back, a black orb about the size of a baseball floated mere inches above it. It had no depth, nor shape, but it seemed to solidify within seconds of being revealed. The sphere tapered to a spike, then exploded from Neo’s hand toward Alexander. He would have nothing short of a mere heartbeat to think, unless he wanted that spike embedded in his shoulder…

Park Kraken
Jun 24th, 2003, 08:37:07 PM
::A piece of loose duracrete came up from the floor and intercepted the spike, shattering both. Alexander turned his attention to the roof, and focused the force there. Suddenly, the roof collapsed, sending tons of duracrete pouring down on Neo's head::

Makoto Neo
Jun 24th, 2003, 08:43:52 PM
Makoto collapsed back upon himself, spreading his hands out and summoning the force to them. A force-sheild of sorts sprung to life around the warrior, but the concrete poured around him still. It steadied for a few moments, then Mako exerted his force potential and practically blew the chunks away.

Recalling his saber to hand, Mako snapped the blade alive and stepped through the rubble at Alexander, a killers smirk on his face, the force on his shoulders, and pain at his side.

Park Kraken
Jun 24th, 2003, 09:13:19 PM
::Alexander quickly used the force to deflect the hurled chunks of Duracrete out of his path, then gathered the force to himself to charge Neo one last time, the top portion of his blade aimed for Neo's neck, and the bottom blade aimed for Neo's left leg::

Makoto Neo
Jun 24th, 2003, 09:23:03 PM
Instantly Mako's katana jumped to his hand. He brought his saber up to block Alexander's strike for his neck, while his katana dropped to save his leg. Sparks flew, illuminating the dark parking lot.

"Continuing this duel is pointless," Mako growled, holding his ground easily, "If you agree, we will part and call this a draw."

Park Kraken
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:56:44 PM
"That was my intention. If my last charge wouldn't have worked, then I would broken off the duel. Here, take this."

::Alexander pulls a medpac from his side belt, and tosses it to Neo. Shutting off his blade, Alexander turns his back to Neo, and starts to walk away, but then he stops....::

"By the way, if you ever want to finish this duel, you know how to contact me (::Uses two fingers to tap the top of his head::). Get better, get back to full strength. A draw for now, until next time."

::Turning back around, Alexander saunters off into the night::