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Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:21:41 PM
Homework. Was there anything more foul? At the moment Finrod Ar-Feiniel could think of nothing that topped it. As he stared glumly down at the Intro to Astrophysics text, the boy sighed and wondered for the millionth time why he’d insisted on continuing with his extracurricular studies, despite recently making a commitment to the Jedi Order. It baffled him as to what he had been thinking; responsibility had taken over his brain, he supposed, and Finrod wished again that it wouldn’t happen so often.

“I don’t get any of this tripe! It’s pure rubbish!”

He didn’t say it to anyone in particular. It just helped to voice his frustration. The little datapad that was used to enter in his calculations and answers was a mess of scribbles and scratches, evidence of his growing confusion with the assigned problems.

Finrod was a different looking child. He wasn’t handsome, but he wasn’t ugly either. Just unusual; His ears stuck out from his head, which was covered with a downy white-blonde fuzz that passed for hair, and his eyes were rather large considering the size of his cranium. When he walked, the boys feet turned in, and he was forever tripping over his own tows because of it. But for all his unfortunate physical attributes, Fin was a happy—if not too mature—child.

“Bloody blasters! I can’t take much more of this lot!”

The nine year old flung his hands up in despair from his seat in the Bar and Grill. He had taken to the place and enjoyed spending his afternoons here. He could often be found in a discussion with an adult, his preferred companions, tucked away in a booth somewhere, and quite content with it too.

Alas, today was not being so kind to the Padawan.

“Dash it! It just doesn’t make any kind of sense!”

Sameer Aryan
Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:41:32 AM
Sameer entered the Bar and Grill after his first training. As soon as he got in, he heard a child's voice, complaining about something. The tall young man looked around, trying to find that particular person.

His eyes fell on a young boy that looked very confused. Sam walked towards him and looked down at the boy's work. The child's scribbles looked like some sort of homework.

"What's wrong?", Sameer asked softly.

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:52:57 PM
Finrod was not surprised when he heard the voice. In fact, he did not even look up. He merely flung his hands out, motioning at the text and datapad.

"I've got to do this astrophysics homework for school. It's not even Astrophysics, it's pre-Astrophysics, and I don't get the lot!"

He scowled.

"I don't see why I even need it. It's just a bunch of rubbish anyway."

Sameer Aryan
Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:22:03 PM
Sameer laughed at the boy's comment.

"They know what you need to know and what you don't need to know; that's how they pick what to teach you and what not to teach you!"

Sam sat down beside Finrod and looked at his face. He seemed pretty upset.

"Tell you what: take a break and have some ice cream! Maybe you're overworking yourself!"

As a droid passed by, Aryan ordered a sandwich and some orange juice for himself, and a chocolate sundae for Finrod.

"So when is your homework due?"

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Aug 21st, 2003, 03:01:27 PM
"How can I be overworking myself when I haven't done any..."

Fin paused, contemplating how crabby he actually was. Everything the boy did was calculated, right down to his use of profanities (which was rare, at best).

"Bloody work. I hate it."

He shoved the homework roughly, half of it falling to the floor below with a clatter.

"It's due t'morrow. Maybe--"

The lads facce brightened.

"Maybe I can jus' tell the proffesor that I died, and that the Jedi brought me back to life, an' that I was too tired to do it after that!"