View Full Version : A Comedy of Encounters: Letters and First Introductions (Xazor)

Jun 10th, 2003, 01:12:27 PM
Jedi...that was all he saw. Jedi sitting the bars drinking, enjoying each other's company, and frolicing in various ways to their own destinies.

They hardly acted, rather...reacted to their own mistakes. If they lived their life in peace, it wasn't because they didn't try...more like they tried and failed to make their lives worth something.

And now he was here...delivering a message to someone who affected those who he considered his allies (and perhaps friends and family).

His cloaked shielded his gray face, but his blue eyes watched for everything. He had a visual description of the woman he was looking for...but his eyes had yet to see her.

A walk up to the bar, pay for a drink...water, a sip, then a glance around the bar area.

"I am looking for Xazor Elessar. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find her would you?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2003, 07:56:05 AM
It was a quiet day -- busy, yet something was about in the air. Padawans were busy training, Knights and Masters kept there students in check, while others rested in Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. The door creaked open and a dark figure entered, then made its way toward the Bar where he ordered something and then put forth a question.

"I am looking for Xazor Elessar. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find her would you?"

The words barely left the man's lips in hushed tones, but the sensitive ears of a Garou on the other side of the Bar picked up his request. Slowly she rose from her seat and pushed back her lengthy blonde hair. The silver coins woven into her Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly, just audible to those in the nearby location. With each graceful step her crimson red robes clung close to her sculpted figure save for the sleeves and the ends which flared out and appeared like fire upon an Autumnal leaf. Suddenly and quietly she came to stop just behind the dark one.

"You seek Xazor Elessar? If so, turn around and you shall find her." The woman spoke gently and in a manner which resembled not what she once was. The Garou was calm and instead of jumping to conclusions about the man's intentions, she decided to listen to what he had to say. The Jedi Knight bowed respectfully to the stranger after she spoke and then rose to her full height once again, though she realized that even while sitting the man towered over her five foot six inch tall figure. Smiling toothily, the Garou decided to have a seat at the bar, upon which she ordered for herself a glass of water. "What service may I be of to you?" She questioned, obvious to those that knew her that a change had occured in the young woman. Silently she sat, then, awaiting his answer.

Jun 11th, 2003, 12:44:23 PM
Wargrave turned, the armor and costume he wore becoming apparent.

"Greetings Xazor," his voice was about the same, with a slight accent to his Basic.

"It has been far too long since we have met."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2003, 11:28:49 AM
Xazor smiled as Wargrave turned to face her. Something about him was familiar, but she could not instantly put her finger on it. Something inside of the woman told her that indeed, that had met before -- but where, she could not recall. "Damn accident -- probably wiped out a memory of someone else who's important in my life." The thought drifted through her mind but she quickly pushed it away.

"We've met before? I'm sorry -- I seem not to recall. It is nice to see you -- again, I suppose." The Jedi Knight said with a hint of shakiness in her voice. With an inward sigh, she put on a smile and took a sip of her water before setting the fogged glass back upon the bartop. "What is your name, my lord? You seem to have mine down." She added a light bit of laughter to ease any tension that surrounded the pair at the moment. Something drifted in the back of her mind at that moment that perhaps his intentions were not so pure.

Jun 12th, 2003, 11:32:38 AM
This was a new development. A very new development.

"Yes we have met," he placed a maroon envelope on the bar in front of her.

"If you will excuse me...I must run. But...read that. It might help you find what you're looking for."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2003, 11:37:51 AM
Xazor lofted a brow at his response but shook her head and sighed. "I wish I could remember -- I've lost a lot due to an accident I had several months ago. Memories, abilities, and other things seem to have gone out the window." Part of her thought this rather amusing, but the fact that she had lost so much to a Vampire made the woman sad and angry at times.

"Thank you -- I think." She spoke as her thoughts were interrupted by the man placing an envelope upon the bartop. Her eyes took in its maroon color -- a rather pretty color, she thought. Soon he rose from his seat and nearly vanished before she could say anything else. "Good -- bye --" The Knight said a bit brokenly, her hand offering a wave as she did. Slowly her eyes went back to the envelope and her hands soon followed to it. Curiosity got the best of her and soon the Knight opened the message.