View Full Version : Happy,happy ME:):)

Jun 9th, 2003, 07:59:00 PM
Well have you ever had a dream?Soemthing that you alway's wanted to do?You think about it every now and then ,you put it on the shelf for awhile only to bring it out when you are feeling down?Well I have to say I have been a lucky ,lucky man. I'm not the brightest I'm not the hardest working but I have been lucky. I have gotten to do Just about everything(within reason) that I have ever wanted to do. I played pro soccer (short time ) but played. I acted and did some modeling (cool but no big deal),and a few other things I'm alway's wanted BUT ain't proud i did,but none thel less I did them.

well I will finally get to fufill a dream of mine I have had since I was 10 yrs old. It started when I first saw JAWS. I alway's thought it would be so cool to live on an Island and be a fisherman.Well as July 1 that dream comes true.

I tell you it will be so different from the way I am use to living. First let me tell you MAINE is cold.The first month I was up here the avg temp was like 15 degrees.And imagine this winter on an Isalnd with the wind blowing WHOAAAAA COLD!!!!!! well cold for a southern boy.Now the Island is a 15 minute boat ride from the main land, no getting to the auto and drivong to the market.The Isalnd has about 150 people during the summer(and I really think they stretch that number) and 35 during the winter YIPPPPEEE!!!! No people to get on my nerves, of course those thoughts TOTALLY go agianst my wanting to spend my time getting closer to God and getting rid of my distaste for what I feel the people of this world have come to(myself included)But i'm working on that.
Of course Lobster fishing is going to be Long hard smelly work,but hey I use to be Buff,maybe it will help me be so agian. AND Of course If I ever get back to my house In N.C and get my mac and camera, it would be a great place for me to film a low budget Horror flick:angel

So Guy's Gals.If you are ever up this way and you want to stop by here's the Island I'll be on. Now keep in mind It ain't fantasy Island But heck, it's close enough for me:rollin

Of course there is room at the house we are renting for over nighter's.Of course there is also a long story on how we got to rent the house , but i'll leave that for when I can explain it better.

Jun 9th, 2003, 08:02:46 PM

Jun 9th, 2003, 10:36:20 PM
Wow, that's great :). I don't know if I've ever had a dream like that - most of mine are long term goals - but I can appreciate how great it is that you go for what you want.

Dae Jinn
Jun 9th, 2003, 10:37:39 PM
Oooo, pretty :lol

That's really neato, Buff. :)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:11:44 AM
Awesome! Reminds me of the Vashon Islands!

I envy you dude, I have would love to have a house on the water/island.

Jun 10th, 2003, 05:09:44 AM
You shoulda stayed down south and become a Shrimpin' boat cap'n.

Jun 10th, 2003, 12:00:47 PM
That's awesome Buff - hope everything goes well in the fishing world for ya... Dress warm...