View Full Version : Empire

Telan Desaria
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:37:36 PM
I want permission to IC use your shipyards. Imperial military ships will be in and out of the Corellian System and the system will gain much firepower vis a vis a garrsion.

This will increase my IC shipbuilding capacity, and with the fabled Corellian shipyards under my control, I can hit the NR/GJO in earnest.

This will not affect the Sith Order as an rp group.

IC, it would be more of a business transaction. In exchange for useage of the dormant shipyards, I protect the system from any and all aggressors.


Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 9th, 2003, 11:04:15 PM
We will think about it, but here are some conditions for you to think over.

1.) Our own techs will install the computer, which will have TSO Slave controllers Hardwired into the system. Nothing short of taking the entire ship into a drydock and stripping the insides will get rid of it.

2.) Each ship can be self destructed at any signs of an hostile take over, foreign or domestic.

3.) You will not meddle in the Order's Politics, and we shall not meddle in your command of the Imperial Order's Fleet. Unless invited.

4.) The Existing Fleets of TSO will not be drafted into the Imperial Order Fleet, but continue to exist as Personal Fleets/Home Defense Fleets of The Sith Order and her territories.

5.) You will give us all infomation concerning any military actions taken with the joint Imperial Order Fleet, and we will contact you whenever we need you to carry out an attack.

6.) Your group will become a division of the Sith Order.
As when Palpatine ruled the Empire, the Imperials will once again have the backing of the Sith.

These are the terms that we shall present if we decide to accept your offer.

Telan Desaria
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:47:49 PM
I agree with the following stipulations.

1. IC - Desaria is the most staunch Imperial to wear the uniform. He is to be given the access codes, Only him, and a few key members of the Order leadership.

2. Command will take no action regarding the destruction of my ships without consulting the me first. Some things are to be expected, and destroying them while its crew can still be rescued is militarily wasteful.

3. The Armed Forces of the Galactic Empire will not interfere in Sith politics or any interior matters unless asked to.

4. The Empire will not impress any Sith operated Vessel into service. However, in the situation that both forces are present for a defensive action supporting the Corellian shipyard complex, the ranking Imperial officer will assume command unless a Sith naval officer has military seniority.

5. Intelligence, IC and OOC, as well as military strategies devised by Imperial High Command will be shared exlcusively and unabashedly with the Sith Order Council and its members.

6. We will gladly execute the wishes of the Sith Order insofaras they pertain to complete resurrection of the Empire as a military power. In no way will military operations be subordinated to the whims of a Force-quest. If, however, a system needs to be pacified and its conquest serves a strategic goal, the Order may request the Empire do so, it shall.

Adendum - Falling thus unilaterally under the Order mandate will be the Imperial Inquisitoriate, a division of the armed forces specifically tasked with the elimination of the Jedi. They will retain their ranks and military hierarchy (IC) but can be used at your discretion.

Note - this is to ensure that when I appear at the Rebels' door with a massive fleet, and they contest my IC ability to support it, I can point to a map and say I control my independent yards on Thyferra and Trebizond as well as Corellia!

Pending your approval of my additions, I agree. The other members of the Sovereignty shall follow my orders, and are appropriately inconsequential in their stance on the issue.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 16th, 2003, 06:08:42 PM
Regarding number 2: The reason for the slave control and ability to destroy the ships comes from a past histroy of betrayals by commanders in the Order. We do not wish to see our ships turned against us, and if we can not retake the ship, we will destroy it.

Otherwise, the deal is done. Welcome to the future.

Telan Desaria
Jun 17th, 2003, 04:04:33 PM
There will be no treachery on my part. The deal is done.

Lady Vader
Jun 17th, 2003, 04:31:06 PM
And that, as they say, is that. >D

Telan Desaria
Jun 17th, 2003, 06:19:11 PM
You may all now bask comfortably in the radiant light of the Empire. Our troops protect your citizens, and our Destroyers orbit above. Enjoy, bask, and gloat!!!


*runs off to build ships*

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 17th, 2003, 10:21:09 PM
Actually, our Home Defence Fleets orbit above Correllia itself, the other planets, knock yourself out in the guarding and such.