View Full Version : One, Two and Done.

Xero Valin Hyme
Jun 9th, 2003, 01:38:52 PM
His steps were slow and deliberate, echoing through the stairwell with a dull thud while smoke poured from both his mouth and the cigarette that he kept cradled in his hand. The metal belt he wore around his waist clang a song with each step he took, while his deep red eyes remained vigilant behind his circular black sunglasses.

Xero Valin Hyme was on a mission.

Xero Valin Hyme was always on a mission.

Far away he could hear the sounds of passing vehicles and the everyday life of a Coruscant afternoon. He didn't listen. They were of no concern at the moment. He was a predator searching for his prey, and that prey lay on the fortieth floor of the Apartment complex he was in.

The steps were nearly endless as they spiraled up into the sky. Forty floors. Piece of cake.

His breath was coming in short rasps as he prepared for the encounter. It takes a special something to be a killer. To store away any sense of right and wrong to do the deed. Xero Valin Hyme had that ability. He had been doing this for ten years.

He was now facing the double doors with red lettering indicating that this was the fortieth floor. Reaching into his long black overcoat he brought out his two blasters and checked the power. Full charge.

Take a breath. One. Two. Three.

One black steel toed boot shot out and slammed into the door. With a crash it opened and he sped in to a long hallway. On the far end a fat man with a diry white shirt turned around in confusion. A guard.

One shot to his neck ended him.

He was moving down the hallway now with frightning speed. He didn't need to read the door numbers, he had scoped the place out enough already to know every number by heart.

4017. With a side shoulder slam he knocked the door of its hinges and found himself assaulted by the smell of flowers. He ignored it and focused his attention on the skinny green Rodian that starred at him from behind his oak wood desk.

For a second nothing happened.

On one side sat Jerac Verr, a spice dealer with a bad reputation for slicing fingers of those that didn't give their credits on time. On the table in front of him sat a pile of spice straight from Kessel.

On the other side stood Xero Valin Hyme, hit man for those with alot of money and a grudge. In his hands he held two turbolasers, fully charged and begging to be fired.

And just like that the second was over. The guns spat out their fire while Jerac attempted to duck. It didn't work. The shots caught him on the head burning two holes into his brain. With a sickening flop the body fell onto the table, sat there for a second, then went to the floor.

Xero Valin Hyme didn't stay to watch. He quickly turned and walked back into the hallway, down the stairs, and out into the Coruscant afternoon.

"Once again you astonish me Mr. Hyme with your abiltiy to get even the seemingly impossible done. Getting Jerac alone is no small task....you must tell me how you do it...."

The voice from the comlink was boisterous, almost on the verge of laughter. Xero Valin Hyme wasn't smiling. He was standing on a street corner about two miles from the apartment complex, about an hour later. Around him darkness was growing as dusk approached.

"The credits?"

"Oh yes Mr. Hyme, back to business. Yes, yes, the money has been sent...."

"Good." Xero Valin Hyme went to deactivate the link when the voice shouted quickly for him to stop.


"A job. Easier than Jerac. One two and your done."

Xero Valin Hyme frowned. This was too quick. He was usually given a two week layover before starting again. Something was up...

"One of yours?"

"No.", said the voice on the other end. "But its a big payoff from an outside contractor. Real hush hush. No one important. Lke I said, one two and your done."

"Why me?"

"They requested you. Knew I had that contact so they came to me. All the information can be sent to you in two hours at the usual drop point."

Xero Valin Hyme was quiet for a second. Big payoff's were usually just that; big. He could use the money, and it was a quicky. One two and done. Cake.

"Okay I'll look at it, but no promises."

Before the voice could response the comlink was off and Xero Valin Hyme went home.