View Full Version : The Tree

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 9th, 2003, 01:35:59 PM
OOC - <a href=http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7129>continued from here</a>

MERAS - Within the depths of Meras Forest, there is a stretch of woods where nothing green grows. At the heart of it is a hill, and upon the hill is a great tree, black and twisted with corruption. From it's branches hang the bodies of the damned. The victims of the Witch known as Sorsha Kasajian. The tree has become vampiric over time, slowly draining the life force of those who are brought here to sustain itself. Some are dessicated husks, and some are still dying. Only the crows are bold enough to approach, waiting to pluck the eyes from the dead.

Now Dae Jinn hangs from the Tree, as reward for her betrayal ::

<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/NPCs/misc/tree_big.jpg>

Dae Jinn
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:19:38 PM
A low groan escaped her as she was hung from one of the large thick branches of the tree, but she didn't regain conciousness. A trickle of blood crusts at the side of her mouth, the result of a vicious smack to the face with a lead pipe by Tirsa.

Her arms were stretched above her head, her bare feet swinging gently. Slowly, she opened her eyes, just enough to glimpse where she was. Her eyes closed quickly; something seemed to be draining her energy, making it hard for her to think, let alone keep her eyes open.

Jeran Conrad
Jun 9th, 2003, 06:28:45 PM
The smell was repugnant but at the same time it was like a home to him. Forest, a deep, musky smell that tickled his senses like no other. The man he'd interrogated had given him this information--Meras, they called the place--and that was all he had to go on. It was all he needed. His sense of smell was impeccable and, even for a deep, dank forest--he found that he could clearly smell Dae. . .though her scent was waining and fast.

Hang on Dae, I'm coming, he'd said into the wind. He had to leave Faith at the edge of an old brook--she'd have plenty to drink there. It was just too dense to ride through the rest of the woods. There were crooked, broken, wooden spikes jutting out in all directions, and he wouldn't make her trudge through it.

Unkowning of what type of resistance he would face, he wore his full equiptment--a coat of boiled leather armor and his riding leathers. Atop his head was a protective helmet and a thin jacket of mesh chainmail hung across his torso. It woudln't protect very well against sabers, but it would hold up agains melee from other weapons and hands and feet if he had to face multiple enemies. On his belt hung several pouches--some herbs and medicine for Dae in case she was wounded, some hutning supplies--and also clipped to either side were his twin lightsabers. Rarely did he fight with both of them, but if the occasion waranted it, he had both ready for maximum speed and damage.

Finally, he came to a patch of wood that seemed very close. Barely anything was growing on the outskirts of the grove and the black and brown twisted wood made almost a cage around it. Shoulder first, he broke through a few tightly tangled branches to reach a small clearing. At the middle of the clearing, a large, dark tree stood tall. It was darker than those around him and he could feel a deeply unsettling feeling eminating from the tree. Several. . .bodies hung int he tree, many long gone and picked over by forest life. But one still retained its color as it hung.

"Dae!" He called, his voice both relieved and desperate as he spotted her. He began to run to the tree. "I'm coming, Dae! I'll get you the hell outta here, don't worry." He was more than happy to see her, and emotion hit him as he saw her treated so terribly. She had warned him about Sorsha's punishments. What master would hurt a pupil so, he thought.

Andraq Novkar
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:50:09 PM
Jeran stopped, and was flung back by an unseen force, made to hit the ground rather hard, his mindset becoming unsettling. He had to be hurting from that. Andraq stood not too far from the tree, apparently the Jedi hadn't seen him. Andraq walked around the tree, though, moving forward. And as he got near, he felt it draw the life from him, his essence, and it felt...exihilirating! He closed his eyes, as if experiencing immense pleasure..

"Hahahha! It's you! We meet again, my old friend! KILL HIM...NOW!!

He winced a bit, the voices consuming him now. He laughed uncontrollably, and quite sadistically. He watched him as he moved his hand to his saber hilt, unclipping it, he held it as he began to move away from the tree, but he looked to Dae.

"Hm...Perhaps a new play toy....I'll have to speak with her about that. The fun we could have, I could beat you...And kill you!"

He laughed, but did keep his mind on the task at hand. He looked to Jeran, moving forward ever so slowly, much that like a predator, stalking it's prey.

"Fun fun we had then! Fun we shall have now, come dear!!!!"

He grinned as he ignited his lightsaber.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jun 11th, 2003, 04:52:13 AM
Dae slowly, and limply, began to swing back and forth, around and around, straining the ties that held her up to the great tree’s branch. Down below Arriana watched, staring into the mass of gnarled wood above almost hypnotized. She sat down against the bark and felt a breath of lethargy slip through her.

“Silly sis… “

A crow hopped up onto the trunk by Arriana, and pecked at the wood as the Sith Warrior giggled quietly to herself, beaning Dae in the chest again with a stone. She rocked back onto the tree and lifted her feet into the air, looking on with a grin as the Sha look-alike ignited a lightsaber.

Looking back up to Dae, she whispered, “Looks like your lover boy is gonna get it, sis.”

Jeran Conrad
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:02:21 PM
Fueled by a tenacity that Andraq hadn't seen before, Jeran rose from the brush he had been thrown into. Though slightly shaken, he was mostly unscathed, the thick armor he wore absorbing a great deal of the shock from the through. He had come prepared for a very brutal, bloody fight, and he would be victorious--he would be. There was no question about it--he had trained too long and too hard.

"I see we meet again, Andraq." He spoke directly to the insane man that stood a meter or two before him. His hands slid to his hip as he withdrew his lightsaber, igniting the deep, blue blade. It illuminated the area around him, casting a dark blue shadow on his face and body. His eyes were intense--more intense than Novkar had seen--and power coursed through him.

Quite simply, he was pissed.

"Stand down now and walk away with your life. This fight will not end like our previous encounter." He held out his blade in an offensive position The woman near Dae was of no concern to him at this point--unless she began to harm Dae. For now, she posed little threat. Instead, he struck out at Andraq with a powerful blow. The other caught the blade in defense, but found his balance knocked off with the power of Jeran's strike. While he was regaining it, Jeran leaned in with a strong kick to Andraq's chest, sending him backwards in the direction of a muddy puddle at the base of the tree. He quickly turned his weapon in defense toward the woman in case she would be foolish enough to attack.

Andraq Novkar
Jun 11th, 2003, 06:04:30 PM
Andraq had recovered from the kick, quite easily. It didn't have as much power, as Jeran had hoped. He grinned as he moved forward quickly, the force guiding and aiding his movements, thus putting him, right next to his opponent.

"Your right about that, runt!"

He lashed out at him with his lightsaber, aiming for his kidney. Jeran wasn't paying attention, he was paying attention to Dae, and the other woman, who Andraq did not have the pleasure of meeting. Andraq was angry. The voices were in unison.

Slay Jeran.

Jade Doment
Jun 13th, 2003, 06:02:17 PM
Standing there, looking up at the slowly swinging Daetana Jinn, once proud member of the Sisters of Chaos, stood another Sister of Chaos, Sith Warrior Dark Emerald Jade, and another apprentice of Sorsha Kasajian's.

Looking up at Dae with a rather evil grin, Jade speaks.

"Daetana. Our once proud Sister of Chaos. My, how the tables have turned. How did it ever come to this, huh, Sis?"

(Sorry for the late post, but havent been on in 3 days.)

Jesse Custer
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:53:50 AM
Through the forest, crouched behind a slight dirt raise, I look through a pair of dusty binoculars.

"My Lord, what a sight."

I've followed this character, Jeran. I don't know how in the world he even knows where Dae is, not that I even know Dae, though I reckon she's the one strung up, but I'm supposed to help him apparently. Atleast that's what the bearded feller wanted. Nice outfit, I might stick around with them, they seem to be doing honorable work. Though I'll have to decide that as I go.

Now, I've pegged the one hanging as my objective. Saving girls is a hobby of mine anyway. Killing, maiming, and dismembering her captures are another one. But there's no excuse for striking a woman and it seems that's all this outfit is made up of.

Wait, no, that one pale feller is just long haired. That's a relief. Gawddammit, he's taken...

This is not a good situation. I might have to think my way out of this one instead of charging in and throwing punches... Ah hell, that won't work.

"God be with me."

Slowly I make my approach. I won't be seen for a good five minutes. Though I'm told these people can "sense" you. I reckon I can't rightly stop that, so I don't worry about it.

Jeran Conrad
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:23:42 PM
Without turning his head towards Andraq, Jeran sensed the attack and threw his saber in the way of it. With a loud crackle as flashes of light blinded his surroundings, the blades met. With scary agility and strength to boot, Jeran threw the saber away from him with a strong block. The attack was strong--stronger than their last encounter. But Jeran was not shaken.

"Novkar!" he said, now turning to face his opponent. His eyes shown through the shadow of the helmet like two burning beacons. "I will not ask you again. Do not let what honor you have left be taken from you with such company. I am here for one reason only, and it is not to engage you in combat." Jeran held his saber in defense, still slowly making his way to the tree. At his first chance, he would cut Dae down.

With their past history, Jeran respected Andraq. The man was troubled--there was little doubt about that. But that alone did not warrant cruelty from Jeran. He had one goal--to free Dae. There was no other. He didn't want to kill anyone, nor did he plan to. But, Force commanding, he would.

Dae Jinn
Jun 16th, 2003, 11:46:12 AM
Her eyes opened into thin slits as she glanced down at her "sisters". She spat in their direction.

'Frell you.'

Jade Doment
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:59:47 PM
Jade pulls out her katana in a whisper of steel from the sheath on her back, touching it to Dae's throat lightly, not even close to piercing flesh.

"Remember, you brought this on yourself, Daetana, by going to see Master Sorsha in first place."

She places the blades tip on the grond, and leans on it slightly.

"Just be glad she has other plans for you at the moment.

I however will be around in case we are under attack, if anyone comes looking for you."

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 17th, 2003, 12:56:39 AM
There were times when going over the top was justified. When you had to make a stand, come out of seclusion, come out of shadows and make a stand. To appear to the Galaxy, draw a line in the sand and say No more. There were, simply put, times when you had to put on your fist of iron and smash someone in the mouth.

This time, they were goign to find out that the name may have changed, the methods change, but the same iron fist hidden in the silk glove could hit every bit as hard as it used to. You dont hurt friends of his and think you could walk away.

He knew the challenge he was about to walk into. He knew about Sorsha and her brood of vipers. He knew that they would mee t head on one day and today, whether she knew it or not, that even if Vipers have fangs and were fast, cats moved even faster and had claws as well as teeth. Cats were the ultimate predators - they killed fast without mercy, in silence. Without regret. Without staying their paws for even a millisecond. When a cat struck, it did so to kill.

The metallic body armour rattled a bit as he thrust the short Jedi Knife into it's sheath. The Sith had ways to make weapons that reflected their evil, so too could the Jedi - and on him was that knife, forged with the help of the Light Side, a blade that burned hot when it came in contact with the Dark Side. The sword on the other side of his hip was nothign special, just a regular blade. A quite normal spring steel hand and half sword. True he could use a Jedi art on it so it would resist a sabre, but that was pretty much it.

It was the sabre in his hands that was worse. Longer and strangely shaped, with a sword like hilt, it was named Athona and in his hands, it became a weapon to truly fear. Thousands of years ago, forgotten Jedi arts were placed on it, to turn it into a weapon that would stop a Sith from ever sullying it with touch, thought or power, an ancient weapon from a different time. A weapon of deadly intent and purpose.

It was now drawn in front of his face and ignited, the first stage burning blue in the murk of this evil domain. It was a challenge to the evil Mistress of this place and a warning to others to be fearful of him. Jeran was here to free dae. Marcus was here to make sure no one stopped Jeran from doing so. Conrad had tried to persude Marcus not to come, but the fact was, Dae Jinn was now a friend.

and there was no way he was goign to allow a friend to suffer at the hands of the Sith Witch for a second longer.

His boots crunched on twigs as he moved past Jeran. The dark sider whom Jeran faced, he knew he could bat aside easily. But that wasn't whom he was challenging. That was not the reason he was here. If they chose death by getting in the way of a Jedi Master on the warpath, that wasn't his problem - they would be belted aside.

"Come to me Sorsha" he snarled. "It is time we danced again. Face me if you dare - Once you faced me as Turbogeek, now face me as I really am! Elessar challenges you if you have the ears to listen, wit to comphrend and courage to come forth!"

Jun 20th, 2003, 04:52:11 PM
The sun had slowly dipping beyond the horizon, casting dim light and dark shadows in the dead forest. To Nevlonniel, the forest was a sad sight. She was used to greenery... lots of it... and to be confronted with this kind of death angered her.

She turned to Sylos'delka, who stood just behind her, silent and watchful, nodding in his direction. No words needed to be spoken as they both silently and stealthy moved through the forest, not a branch or dried leaf crunching beneath their steps, coming to a slight hill with a short cliff at it's end, making it look as though it'd been cut in half by a huge sword.

Down below, their keen eyesight allowed them to see the gnarled twisted tree, and hanging from it was Dae.

While Sylos stood to one side, watching their backs, Nevlonniel quietly pulled out her bow from around her shoulder and slid an arrow from it's quiver. By this time the sun had fully set and whatever insects that plagued this dead forest began to chirp.

She set the arrow on the bow, and pulled back the string, aiming towards the binds that held Dae to the tree. Now that the sun was gone, and she was standing still, her ability to become invisible at night took effect. At least until she moved again. She stood in that position, her arrow aimed at the rope suspending Dae.

She used what Force powers had been taught to her by Marcus and the others of the Lost, masking the arrow and it's soon-to-be travel.

Satisfied with her aim, she let the arrow fly. The sudden movement from her arm made her appear again briefly until she fell still, rendering her invisible once more.

The arrow silently sailed through the air, guided slightly by the Force and masked. It's flight took it past several trees on it's way down, coming into the clearing around the vampiric tree, and embedding itself in the rotting branch where the rope held Dae.

Dae fell to the ground in a heep as the rope was sliced apart, and the tree groaned at having been pricked by the intrusive arrow.

Nevlonniel watched on, not moving. Not yet. She would not reveal her position until she felt she was needed further.

Dae Jinn
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:09:24 PM


Suddenly Dae was on the ground, free from her bindings and free from the draining effects of the tree. She coughed hard, curling up into a ball weakly. Her head swam as she tried to focus her eyes on her surroundings. Jade and Arri sat close by, Jeran and some..man were fighting...Elessar was entering the clearing.

She remained still on the ground, her body not having the strength it seemed to move at all.

The Vore
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:29:46 PM
:: Marcus was greeted by a blood chilling shriek as a glowing sphere of enegy exploded behind him, scoring his back as the blast knocked him down.

Nevlonniel felt a hiss in her ear as another Vore decended upon her from above.

The creatures were man-sized, and spidery, but unlike any species in the known galaxy. They moved on three legs, and it seemed as though they were summoned straight out of hell.

Sorsha's laughter echoed through the forest as the trap was sprung ::

Jun 25th, 2003, 02:28:32 PM
It was possible the fowl creature had seen her brief appearance once the arrow had been set loose, or perhaps it was headed for Sylos'delka, who was standing behind Nevlonniel and unable to become invisible like the feamles of their species could.

Never the less, Nevlonniel's elven-like reflexes were quick and deadly accurate as she immediately, upon hearing the hiss, whirled while pulling out an arrow and letting it fly. She'd barely finished coming to a stop from her whirl when the creature let out a roar as the arrow pierced it's scales.

It landed in between Sylos and Nev, both of which move out of it's way. But, it was not dead.

It stood and shook itself, grabbing the arrow and pulling it out. Apparently it's heart wasn't in the usual place for most humanoids. But then again, could this creature even be considered humanoid?

At this moment, the question didn't really matter. The more pressing agenda at hand was that the creature was angrier than before and advnacing quickly on Nevlonniel, who had by this time leapt into the forest and gone still to confuse the creature. She became invisible.

The creature leapt into the forest after her and then slowed it's pace, sniffing for where it's prey had gone.

Jun 25th, 2003, 07:28:05 PM
It was demon spawn, plain and simple Sylos thought as he summoned his power. He had never, in his long life, seen a creature such as it, but he had fought its type before.
Ahead of him, the creature was still sniffing around, oblivious to the Blood Mage.

Single track mind, what a useless creature...
A flash of light, a pain filled squeal echoed through the forest.
The creature was pinned to a tree, a red glowing lance through its shoulder. The creature was still struggling.

"M'lady, would you do the honors of finishing this unnatural freak off? It's heart is located in the lower back area, where the torso meets the lower body."

Lady Nevlonniel wouldn't have to ask how the Blood Mage knew of the hearts location. For she knew, that the moment Sylos's Magik had touched the living blood of the foul monster, he would know.

Jade Doment
Jun 25th, 2003, 07:47:33 PM
Jade heard her Master's laugh nearby and stands up, grinning evily.

"It starts. Yippy Skippy."

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:54:33 AM
At the appearance of the Vore Arriana clapped, letting out an encouraging whistle. Her spirits were dampened a little, however, when she heard Dae dropping down from the tree behind her. Sighing under her breath she hopped up and, shoving the traitor over onto her back, straddled Dae.

“Looks like the cavalry has arrived for you, Dae-dae,” she grinned, shifting back and forth as the pinned Lost groaned beneath her.

Jun 26th, 2003, 11:53:07 AM
"With pleasure."

Nevlonniel stepped from behind a tree opposite where the creature had been pinned, arrow at the ready. After a split second for aiming, she let the arrow fly, it's sharp point cleaning going through the fowl beast where Sylos had indicated the heart was, going completely through, only to be stopped by the tree it was pinned against..

The creature yelped loudly as the arrow pierced it's scales and then it's heart, falling silent a few seconds afterwards.

The minute the creature was dead, the glowing lance evaporated, having been a creation of ancient magik and the Force.

Being too heavy for the single arrow to hold up, the creature fell forward, snapping the arrow, and lay dead on the ground.

She turned to Sylos, and smiled. She rarely smiled, but when she did, and in the midst of battle, it was enough to make any being nervous.

"If it's a fight they want, then it's a fight they shall receive."

She turned and made her way back to the inclined cliff where she'd let the arrow fly that had freed Dae from the vampiric tree.

Dae was still lying on the ground, but this time she had an unwanted visitor straddling her, keeping her from moving.

Without a second thought, both Nevlonniel and Sylos readied their respective attacks, and aimed... Nevlonniel letting three consecutive arrows loose and directed at the evil woman's back, while Sylos unleashed his own creations of Force magik.

Andraq Novkar
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:52:12 PM
Honor. Andraq looked to Jeran, his eyes loosing that glaze that always held them in thrall. He stared at Jeran for those few moments, and he felt Elessar pass. But, he called out for his...master?...Andraq's goal was to keep Jeran away. He narrowed his eyes, beginning to laugh, that all familiar glaze returning..

"Honor means nothing! Nothing means nothing! She means everything! EVERYTHING! DIE!"

Would he understand what he meant? That when he said 'she', he meant Sorsha. One who controlled Andraq. He grinned sadistically, moving in like a hunter stalking it's prey. And then he spun inwards, stopping, letting his blade jab forward in a stab towards his chest..

"Time to die, dear!"

Jade Doment
Jun 26th, 2003, 08:04:05 PM
Jade heard a loud thud and turns to see Dae on the ground. She then sees Arriana straddle her and walks over there to her.

Pulling a lightdagger from a hidden pocket, Jade kneels down and holds the single black blade to the traitor's throat.

"Move, and die.

But lucky for you, I can't do that unless Master Sorsha gives me the order.

But I don't have to kill you to kill you.""

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:43:40 AM
The Force tingled in the back of her mind. Think fast.

Arri shoved Jade away and fell – painfully – down against the tree. Her hands remained on her former sisters’ body however and she pulled the limp frame right on top of her. In the same arc she sat up slightly and embraced Dae, effectively creating a human shield – if they wanted to get her, they’d have to go through their quarry first.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:04:39 AM
WTF was that thing?

The knife at his side was out in a flash and flung with inhuman speed and deadly accuracy - it speared the chest of this... whatever hthe hell it was. He stretched his hand out, summoning the knife back to his hand even as the creature fell - the blade glittering in between blood stains even as he regained his feet.

"Oh no Sorsha... your not going to distract me with your little play things. Come and face me, you coward!"

The second stage of his sabre ignited - the blade shimmering, then beginning it's colour strobe, even as it grew warm in his hands, reactign the sher presence of the Dark side here. This place was saturated by it. He could almost taste it, it revolted him.

"Or are you going to throw more of your pets at me? Do you like watching them die?"

Jun 27th, 2003, 12:33:34 PM
Nevlonniel cursed in her native tongue, an almost musical, poetic sound even if it was a foul word. She'd seen the evil woman twist and use Dae as a shield, making the arrows new target the very person she was attempting to rescue.

With her free hand, she stretched it out and twisted it to the side, then brought the palm upward. The arrows changed course abruptly in mid flight, one "twanging" against the tree's trunk, another going wild past the clearing in the forest beyond, but the third found a suitable mark. While Dae's body did indeed sheild the woman's vitals, her shoulder had been exposed due to Dae's slumped form.

The arrow went into the evil woman's left shoulder with a wet crunch, cracking the end of the colar bone on it's way in. The arrow itself was not poisoned in the sense of physical poisons. But it was ingrained with light magiks, and would be quite aggrivating and painfully hot to a dark sider.

Jade Doment
Jun 27th, 2003, 03:41:30 PM
Jade stodd back up and brushed herself off, her lightdagger now deignited and forgotten in her hand.

"What do you think you are doing? What the frag was that for? Do you have any i...." and was cut off in mid-sentence as 2 arrows went whizzing past her.

Finding the person, she snarls, and at the moment sends a fireball at the archer with deadly force.

Jun 28th, 2003, 02:25:49 AM
A red shield springs to life inbetween Nevlonniel and the Dark Sider's fire attack. The flaming ball impacts against the shield with a small explosion. Flames wither across the shield before dying out. With a wave of his hand, the shield disappears and the Blood Mage Sylos'Delka, guardian of the Lady Nevlonniel grins. He was enjoying this.

Jade Doment
Jun 28th, 2003, 05:09:22 PM
Jade rolls her eyes in utter annoyance.

"Gods, it's bad enough having these jokers around, but damn. Dont they get a hint that they are NOT WANTED HERE?

What do we have to do to them to get them down and stay down?"

She charges up 2 more fireballs and sends them flying once more, again at the archer and this time, her guardian as well. There is no way he can stop both attacks. One of them is going to be hit with it. She made sure of that.

At the last minute, lightning and water infuse the fireballs, making them even more deadly, and even more aviodable.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:34:55 AM
Arriana collapsed backwards – dropping Dae, who presumably must have hit the ground, because there was an uncomfortable thud sound. She clutched her shoulder and winched, hissing loudly as she tore the dart out of its moorings. It wasn’t bleeding so much as it was burning, that’s not to say however that her shoulder wasn’t becoming damp with blood.

She had no means of healing it and so did what she knew would hurt but keep the wound closed – ignited her saber and passed the hot core over her skin for an agonizing moment. With her sleeve rolled up the scarred skin was clearly visible, simmering. Luckily the hit had not been on her strong arm, allowing for her to take her next course of action.

Springing up off of the trees trunk, she moved past Jade and towards the direction from which the arrow had come – using the Force to vault herself up into the air, saber blazing.

Jeran Conrad
Jun 30th, 2003, 04:05:14 PM
Originally posted by Andraq Novkar
Honor. Andraq looked to Jeran, his eyes loosing that glaze that always held them in thrall. He stared at Jeran for those few moments, and he felt Elessar pass. But, he called out for his...master?...Andraq's goal was to keep Jeran away. He narrowed his eyes, beginning to laugh, that all familiar glaze returning..

"Honor means nothing! Nothing means nothing! She means everything! EVERYTHING! DIE!"

Would he understand what he meant? That when he said 'she', he meant Sorsha. One who controlled Andraq. He grinned sadistically, moving in like a hunter stalking it's prey. And then he spun inwards, stopping, letting his blade jab forward in a stab towards his chest..

"Time to die, dear!"

"THEN YOU WILL DIE WITHOUT HONOR, ANDRAQ!" His fury was unmatched as he saw Dae cut loose, activity around her growing. He only had one goal--to get to his love. To get to her and hover over her. To protect her, nurse her wounds, kiss her tears. He felt the others--Marcus, Nevlonniel, Sylos'delka, and Jessie. He was glad, as this would have ended up in a massacre without their help.

Thank you, friends, his mind released the message like a beacon of light into the minds of his friends. His attention turned back to Andraq immediately, his mouth contorting into a growl as he made the decision: he would kill Andraq if he stood in his way for one second longer.

Jeran's saber shot forward, twisting, parrying the blade and sending it away from Andraq's body. He rolled his own body backwards, brining a hard elbow to Andraq's chin. Then, spinning fully, he came back to face Andraq, his blue saber coming in a slash across the suprised man's left arm.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 30th, 2003, 04:27:14 PM
:: The bodies of the Vore phased away as they died, returning back to shadow as Marcus was struck with a bolt of Force Lighting ::

"I'm right here, Marcus. You want me ... come and get me." :D

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/anII/an2_23.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR2.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Dae Jinn
Jun 30th, 2003, 04:32:34 PM
Dae hit the ground, again, with another loud thud. Her head was still spinning as she raised herself to her elbows.

"For frells sake...." She thought, shaking her head clear of any remaining drowsiness she felt. Digging her nails into the dirt, she started to slowly crawl, dragging her weakened legs behind her, away from the chaos going on around her.

Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 30th, 2003, 04:55:18 PM
*This day was long awaited. Nathan knew that, the others knew that. Nathan knew they were there, but they were clueless on his presence. No one knew, besides Sorsha, the sister of his Master, Ogre. There was no worm thing in his mind controlling his thoughts, unless you counted his 'Father's' dead spirit. Oh no, this was a tie that bound families together. Nathan did not consider himself to be apart of the Mal Pannis family, nor even a whacked out branch extending from the family tree. He was an apprentice to Ogre, and thus, an ally to Sorsha.

And now it was time. The Jedi Master, Marcus, the man the entire galaxy heard of, whether it had been in the guise of Turbogeek or not. Nate knew of him, and had seen him once or twice a long time ago when Snack, as he was called back then, was just starting his Jedi training. He was a powerful man, and one not to be taken lightly.

No wonder why Sorsha had called for his aid in this dance.

The lightning streaked from the Sith Witch's fingertips to Marcus. It did not last long, only to grab his attention. Whether the Jedi Master stopped the lightning or not, Nate knew not. For at that moment, he moved coming around on Marcus's backside.

For once, the spirit in his head grew silent. Probably smirking to himself either at Nate's stupidity or Nate's courage. Taking the hilt of his dual bladed, twin sabers quietly, he took aim. The small of the Jedi's back was the target. He positioned his hands near the edge of one of the hilts, holding it like a baseball bat. He wound up, took a step, and swung.*

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 1st, 2003, 09:09:10 PM
Cloaked within the shadows of the forest, she had waited ... watched ... and commented on the fight mentally to keep herself occupied until called on. Her target had come a long time ago but her Sister had wanted her to stay put until the proper time.

Which was now.

Nathanial would not be heading into the fray alone as Dalethria dispersed the darkness surrounding her that kept her presence from the Jedi. Her Husband's Apprentice had decided upon the high ground... it only made strategic sense to go low. The probability of Marcus escaping without a scratch was next to nil.

Her weapon came to life and with graceful strides, Dalethria brought her sabre down low in angle. It would cover more of the Jedi Master's body and steer clear of Nathanial's... Last thing they needed was to run into each others weapon and she was making quite sure that did not happen.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:22:57 AM
His hand came up, almost without thought as Sorsha fired the Lightning. The energy twisted and deflected, sparking and flaring into spot fires as it hit the ground or the dead trees.


He didn't pause, for he had learned how to trust the Force when it warned him. Up he went liek a rocket, just as he got attacked from two seperate directions. A graceful backflip, then a landing several meters beyond the male, coming down on one knee as he did, sabre held upright.

Ah, so there were more coming to the party?

He held the sabre low, behind the hilt in one hand, the other coming up with the palm outwards. If Dalethria was here, that suggested Ogre might arrive too. While he was confident of his abilty to match one - or even two of the Sith Masters in battle, three was pushing his luck. Personally, if Ogre was here, it would advisable to grab Dae and run as frellign fast as they could.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 11:00:54 AM
Nevlonniel hadn't even twitched at the first fireball attack, as Sylos deftly took care of it. The second one, however, was more difficult not to bring one's full attention to.

The elven-humanoid quickly reacted, ducking and rolling out of the way. While her roll was quick, the edge of the sphere coming towards her still grazed part of her left arm as she went down for the roll. It stung the skin, making a slight sizzling sound. She grit her teeth against the pain, continuing with her intended plan.

As she rolled, she brought her bow close to her, and with her free hand reached up and pulled another three arrows from the quiver. She was already aiming with the arrows tucked into the bow when she came out of the roll into a kneeling stance. The minute her momentum had stopped, she let the arrows fly, each one spreading out to encompass different areas of the Dark Sider that had attacked them. No doubt the dark Sider would be able to avoid most fo the arrows... but one might just make it through and hit it's mark

Once the arrows had been let lose, she brought her right hand to cover the wound on her left arm, squeezing it tightly to stop the bleeding, and chanting something while utilizing the Force. The bleeding stopped after a second, and her Force ability through her hand began to cool the burning sensation.

She stood, lloking to where the arrows were headed, and over to Sylos as he took care of his own problems, all the while thanking the moon goddess that the fireball had grazed her bow arm as apposed to her arrow arm.

Jade Doment
Jul 3rd, 2003, 03:35:25 PM
Jade had been moving on when she sensed something flying towards her. She stops and sees 3 arrows coming at her at full speed.

The first two she dodged, the last one hitting her shoulder, burying itself inside. She yelps loudly in pain, but notes that it didnt go all the way through her shoulder.

Reaching up, she mutters in her native Daemunian language as she yanks the arrow out, causing blood to flow.

Her hand glows a sotf white as she closes the main artery that would have caused her to bleed to death.

"Oystala!" she curses.

Jul 5th, 2003, 05:34:52 AM
The arrow in Dark Lady Jade's hand was suddenly yanked away, slicing a neat line across her palm as the arrow flew back toward the forest, called with the power of the Blood Mage.
Sylos's own hand flashes out and grabs the returning arrow in one swift movement.

Using his thumb, Sylos gingerly touches the sharp blade of the Elven Arrowhead. His eye's close as he concentrates.
Using his thumb, Sylos smears the Sith's blood, feeling it, absorbing it through his own skin.
With it he finds her, he knows her.
Turning, he spies his ward. He notices the injury sustained on her arm. Sylos's eyes narrow.

"M'Lady Nevlonniel, I wish permission to use the Bondage through Blood spell. I wish to extract retribution."

Jade Doment
Jul 5th, 2003, 04:16:09 PM
Jade knows exactly what is being done with the bloody arrow, and laughs loud enough for all to hear her.

Her blood is a kind of liquid fire. Whatever it touches, it burns, badly enough to cause major injury, much like acid.

If one were to use Blood Magic or such on her without her knowing it, it would burn through the intended spell, go back to the caster, and inflict major damage on them. And they would not suspect any such thing.

Standing up, firy blood drips from the cut on her hand, causing the grass around her to catch fire.

Jul 7th, 2003, 06:08:04 PM
Nevlonniel looked at Sylos as he called the arrow back to him, rubbing a ealing pad on her arm where the fireball had scorched her skin. The pad cleaned the wound and progressed healing. It would be a little stiff for awhile, but usable.

At Sylos' request, she looked down at the evil woman, noticing the dead grasses around her catching small flames as the blood from her hand dripped down. Finally she looked at Sylos, speaking to him in their native elven tongue.

"Not yet. Let her not see the attack coming."

She looked back at the woman, who's laugh was now dieing as she eyed them expectantly.

"Let her not know what you plan."

She smiled, her eyes becoming slits.

"Instead, send her an icey surprise..."

She turned to look at Sylos, still smiling.

"Send the Ice Phoenix."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 8th, 2003, 02:58:02 PM
"I can feel your heartbeat, Elessar ... and your fear. You can run, and you can die, anywhere you like!"

:: 3 more Vore appear and greet Marcus with a high pitched keening ::

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center bgcolor=#000000><center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/is/is41.jpg></center></td><td valing=center bgcolor=#000000><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/sorshaR2.jpg></td></tr></table></td><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/v.gif width=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif width=12></td></tr><tr><td background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/h.gif colspan=3 height=12><img src=http://meras.org/forum/images/blank.gif></td></tr></table>

Andraq Novkar
Jul 8th, 2003, 03:55:01 PM
Andraq realized what happened after the hard blow to his chin. The world seemed to change colors, he lost all thought for a second. And then that pain, the pain only the voices could invoke on his mind brought him back. Telling him to move, get away, dodge. And he looked towards the saber that was so close to his left hand. And he moved that hand away with speed. But the saber was still coming foward.

Andraq moved his body to fall back all the way into the ground and mud. This made Jeran go off balance, his saber extending to far. Andraq saw his moment, with a sadistic grin. He moved his feet to kick Jeran's, causing him to fall on his back, right into the mud.

Andraq got to his feet, and moved in for the kill, his saber raised, and now coming down to the ground, to go right in to his face.

Jade Doment
Jul 8th, 2003, 07:24:59 PM
Snarling softly, Jade steps into one of the darkest shadows there and vanishes within them, allowing them to give her some protection, and hide her from sight. She also masks her Force signature and presence from all there, except Arriana and Sorsha.

Now it seems as if she had vanished completely.

I will let them come to me. They wish to die, it will be their decision to do so by coming to me.

Jade had long stopped her hand from bleeding, so as not to give away her hiding place by flaming the grass.

The Vore
Jul 10th, 2003, 02:41:45 PM
The trio of newly spawned Vore make a clacking beeline for Marcus. One hanging back from the others curls a ball of energy within its talons, launching the sphere at the Jedi Warlord, while the other two leap at him with scything limbs.

Jeran Conrad
Jul 10th, 2003, 05:59:42 PM
Originally posted by Andraq Novkar
Andraq realized what happened after the hard blow to his chin. The world seemed to change colors, he lost all thought for a second. And then that pain, the pain only the voices could invoke on his mind brought him back. Telling him to move, get away, dodge. And he looked towards the saber that was so close to his left hand. And he moved that hand away with speed. But the saber was still coming foward.

Andraq moved his body to fall back all the way into the ground and mud. This made Jeran go off balance, his saber extending to far. Andraq saw his moment, with a sadistic grin. He moved his feet to kick Jeran's, causing him to fall on his back, right into the mud.

Andraq got to his feet, and moved in for the kill, his saber raised, and now coming down to the ground, to go right in to his face.

Jeran bit the ground hard, his teeth gnashing as he cringed from the fall. The mud splashed around him as the puddle was jarred loose, brown gunk sliming everything in range. He could feel the grime seep into clothes and armor, as well as his mouth, making it gritty wit dirt. But he didn't have time to think about where he was. It was time for action, as he saw the whir of Andraq's blade fly toward him.

Rolling to a crouch, he sidestepped the slash, reaching in with his left hand to grip Andraq's right. Using his momentum, he pushed upward, throwing his weight into the grip, sending Andraq flipping forward with his own momentum. He made a full flip, landing with his back into the mud.

Both warriors had shoved each other to the ground, with that fact was clear that neither was going to give up easily. At the thought of Dae suffering, insticts kicked in, and Jeran became enraged. He did not wish to leave here until he tasted Andraq's blood.

Immediately, Jeran's saber went towards Andra's body. He spun low, a sweeping slash at the man's torso as he lay in the mud.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2003, 05:30:28 AM
Three more of the beasts!

"Fear, little viper?" he retorted out loud, "No, even I have limits. The best warriors know what theirs are"

His hand came up and tripped one of the Vore straight into the other's blast of energy. The third one he threw the knife at, burying the steel between it's eyes.

Jesse Custer
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:14:36 AM
Now I'm mad. I've faced these kinds of freaks before, just in different forms. It all boils down to people getting off on the dark things in this life. I've faced demons, I've faced witches (though in their more mortal form), and I've scalped long haired nancy boys. I'm not out of my depth any more. I realise now this is just a different form of wrong to be righted.

I march in, maybe foolishly, but I don't give a damn anymore. Maybe all these moron macabre freaks will stick on the others. My eye's on the prize. Two fists form out of my hands as my cigarette falls to the side of my mouth, bitten into place.

"Come on ma'am," I call, over my distance, towards the lady in the damsel in distress role. "Calvary has arrived."

Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:22:40 PM
*Nate really didn't expect to hit the Jedi Master with his swing. It was too clumsy of an attack, even if there were other attacks coming in. His eyes caught glimpse of Dale as Marcus jumped out of the way, her eyes fierce and focused on her target, which was his own.

Nate followed the flipping man, never wanting to take him out of his vision. That would be a mistake. As Marcus's saber ignited behind its hilt, Nate's came to life from both ends, the orange blades humming with awesome energy. He thumbed a switch near the center of the hilt, disengaging the two twin sabers from contact with one another. Both blades spun in his hands as he made a better gripping of the two, one to a more comfortable grip. The three other Vore creatures attack, and Marcus easily picked two of the three off.


Without so much as a hesitation, Nate followed the advice of his 'Father'. He ran towards Marcus, his sabers drawn and ready. Nate came in from the Jedi's side, the saber in his left hand slashing violently horizontally, aimed to take the Jedi's head off. Marcus easily ducked and brought his own saber up to block the second of Nate's, which followed the exact path of the first.

The moment those two connected, the Dark Lord slashed downwards with his left saber towards the Jedi's feet. Marcus pushed off and blocked that slash. Nate used what momentum he had been given by the push off on his right saber to pivot on the balls of his left foot to spin himself around quickly, throwing his elbow out to Marcus's face.*

The Vore
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:35:48 PM
:: The remaining Vore gives a keening screech as it fires another energy attack that explodes in a brilliant flash as it hits Marcus ::

Dae Jinn
Jul 16th, 2003, 09:54:26 PM
Dae had managed to crawl a far distance away from any fighting, finally pulling herself onto her knees. Her head turned as soon as Jesse called out to her. She barely recalled who he was, only that she had seen him around Dexs on one of the rare occassions she was there. A friend of Scruffy's, perhaps? She wasn't sure.
"Come on ma'am. Calvary has arrived." He called over to her. She shook her head, gesturing to her legs. They were still suffering from the effects of the Tree, and she wasn't sure she could walk, let alone run to get away.

Jesse Custer
Jul 18th, 2003, 02:51:55 AM
Hmm? Oh, her legs. I reckon she's tired. That's understandable. Can't wait for her to rest though. I could fight these folk and maybe even walk away from it but I know I'm best serving my part by getting her away from this place. Something tells me these others have more intimate a knowledge of things that go ugly in the night.

"Alright, then."

Sticking my hands out to her I grab her waist. She's as light as she looks. Good. She's easily lifted over my shoulder.

"Speak to me, honey. Can you do that still?"

Jade Doment
Jul 18th, 2003, 05:53:30 PM
Jade finally comes out of the shadows and strikes Jesse hard in the chest area, sending him flying back and dropping Dae with a hard thud.

Not caring how bad Dae was hurt from the drop, she walks over and grabs a handful of dark hair with her good hand.

"Thought someone would save you that eaisly, did you, Daetana?"

Jesse Custer
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:12:28 AM
...What the hell?...


<font color="red">"Let her go,"</font> I said with my 'Word'. A power of persuasion greater than anything I personally have ever witnessed.

She doesn't even flinch. I feared that would happen. She must be immune. Yep, she's a Force user. Here goes nothing at all.

"Listen up. You go around doing this, I can tell. You enjoy hurting people. Because no one else could do all this and not give a damn unless they enjoyed it. Which means you're a sick preverted bitch."

I clench my fists. Sure I'm scared. This is a deadman's bluff.

"So, do one decent thing and let her go. Now. One chance."

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:45:23 AM
I'm having a hard time wording this right, so take my action to be grabbing Nataniel's elbow and swinging him in fromt of the Vore's blast coming in my direction.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:00:21 AM
Just as Jesse spoke with his Word, a young woman appeared standing behind him. Her long blonde hair was done up in braids and they were gathered together in a pony tail at the back of her head. The silver coins woven into them were bound together tightly and made no sound. It seemed as though she merely appeared, but that was the beauty of deception. The Jedi Knight had been watching the situation unfold, and at times, it was difficult to stay put -- and now, she had to act.

Dae was a member of her team, and teammates always stuck together.

Immediatly Xazor drew her lightsaber, Love and ignited it. From the shiny black hilt two blue blades shot forth and hummed gently in her right hand. "Let her go now." The Knight spoke to the one who was holding Dae by the hair. She stepped forward in front of Jesse and set her stern cyan blue eyes upon the woman's face. "Be warned -- if you do not, then you shall not live to see the light of another day." The Garou smiled and bore her elongated canines. The wolf inside hear heart reared its head but she fought it despite her urge to change. For a moment she merely stood there but soon a transformation took place and her eyes became dark and slightly slanted. They were wolves' eyes and they glared at Jade.

"You haven't much time, Dark One -- let her go." The words echoed in the woman's ears as Xazor, an expert Mentalist, began poking and prying at her mind. She dove deeper and deeper into her thoughts and emotions, finding the point of persuasion that she needed. It was there she planted a 'seed' telling her it would be best to let Dae go.

Jade Doment
Jul 21st, 2003, 06:41:35 PM
Laughing loudly and manically, she shakes her head, holding out her hand, palm facing them.

"Sorry, but I got strict instrustions from Master Sorsha. If I don't obey her, she will literally have my head."

The cut on her paml opens up and having liquid fire for blood helps right about now. The grass catches fire and rises so high up, it blocks the two Jedi's view of them. Then for extra measure, her palm still outwards, she Force blasts them both back into a huge boulder behind them.

"Dark is more powerful than light. You should try it."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 22nd, 2003, 05:32:26 PM
Xazor rose to her feet as she gasped to catch her breath. The pain in her back seemed to crawl through her muscles, but she blocked a good deal of it with the Force. Noticing that the situation had worsened, the woman decided it was time to call upon the Force and use the abilities that she knew she possessed. "Un lle otiume -- un lle otiume." She called out to nature around her, and it heard. Closing her eyes, the woman continued repeating the words of her native tongue over and over, until suddenly the ground began rumbling.

It caught everyone by surprise for a moment as they watched the ground begin to break apart. Suddenly then, four large spiny vines shot forth from the depths and wrapped themselves around Jade's arms and legs. They gripped tighter and tighter until the sharp spines were digging into and cutting her flesh. The fire was a bad thing, but it could easily be taken care of thanks to the wind. "Un lle ventricium -- un lle ventricium!" She called out once again, feeling a surge of power run through her veins. Soon a light rustling of leaves could be heard, and then, a gentle breeze began to blow. It did not take very long and in an instant, a great wind had brewed up and was now beating down the fire, enough so that Xazor could catch glimpse of Dae.

"HOLD ON!" She yelled out to her friend as she ran toward the small fire. The wind whipped her robes around her body and grasped at her hair. It pushed her from side to side occasionally, but she persevered and pushed on toward Dae. The plants were keeping Jade busy enough, and would not let go -- not even for a Lightsaber strike. There was a secret to beating them though, but that would take her until she tired out to find. The Jedi Knight jumped through the remaining flames and came to rest on the ground with a sore ankle. Grasping it for a moment, she breathed in, but inhaled the smoke and it sent her into a coughing spell. "I'm -- coming, Dae!" She called out and rose to her feet once again, grabbing the woman off the ground and lifting her into her arms. It was then she took off running toward Jesse. Two Lost Jedi holding Dae was better than one, she knew -- and so she hurried, passing through the smoke and flames once again, this time burning her leg slightly. She winced in pain but pressed on, hoping to reach the safety point. She would not be letting go of Dae anytime soon, though, and planned on fighting this battle until the end.

Dae Jinn
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:16:30 PM
The next thing Dae knew, flames were rising up between her and the other Lost Jedi. Then the earth opened up and vines whipped out, grabbing Jades' arms and legs, causing Dae to drop roughly to the ground.

She rose to her knees, crawling away from Jade, but keeping her distance from the growing wall of flames. Suddenly, a gust of wind rose up, forcing the fire down. Xazor came through the flames, picking up Dae and quickly returning towards Jesse. Dae winced as they passed through the flames, but pushed Xazors' chest lightly.
"I can stand...just..let's get out of here.." She coughed as the Jedi set her on the ground. She wobbled unsteady at first, but was soon making her way towards Jesse, Xazor leading the way,

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 23rd, 2003, 03:49:14 PM
Marcus' attention was on everything but her. As usual. Why was it that people kept forgetting about her? At least that left him quite open for attack.

Pivoting on her foot, she tripped up Marcus with her right leg and swung it back around, kicking up a cloud of dirt. Nathanial was tossed about in the process, landing on top of the Master Jedi, and luckily the Vore missed him ... And Marcus too.

Ah well.

Standing more straight and defensively, Dalethria eyed Marcus and winked at the Master Jedi before clamping down on his throat with the Force. Hard to fight when you couldn't breathe. Hopefully Nate, being so close and all, would take the opportunity to take a cheap shot at him ...

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 23rd, 2003, 03:58:39 PM
:: Sorsha folds her fingers in kuji-kiri and invokes a chant that withers the vines holding her disciple :::

"Let them run!!! We have Marcus Elessar instead!!!!

Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2003, 04:12:54 PM
Xazor let Dae go, and she led the woman to safety -- but stopped dead in her tracks at Sorsha's words. It was then that the Jedi Knight could feel Marcus's pain through their Life Bond. The link they shared was quite unique and through it, they could experience many things -- unfortunatly, one of those was pain. Her heart stopped as she realized what was happening to him, so instead of following Dae and the others, the young woman turned around to face the adversaries. Her eyes then met those of the fallen Jedi Master.

"Noooooooooo!!!" She yelled out and ran toward him but could not advance for fear of being overrun immediatly. She gazed at Sorsha and then back to the others with racing thoughts and panting breath. The woman knew what she needed to do, and did not hesitate in doing so. She allowed the wolf in her heart to take over -- and in that instant, many changes began to occur. She arched her back and then fell to her knees as her eyes changed even further than before. A thick grey coat seemed to sprout immediatly and large, sharp nails shot forth from her changed hands. In place of normal appendages were buff arms and legs with paws, rather than feet and hands.

The change took but a minute and now, instead of a beautiful young woman standing before the foes, a large muscular wolf rested upon its haunches. Growling in deep, low tones, the Jedi Knight bore her teeth and snapped at the enemy from a far. Her grey fur bore light white and dark black markings, unique to her family. The Garou continued growling as a bit of light caught the flecks of silver in her deep blue eyes as she began advancing toward the crowd around the Jedi Master. Her stature was no longer delicate nor dainty, and instead of being a small framed creature as was typical of normal wolves, the Garou was a large being nearly four and a half feet in height when on all fours -- when standing, almost seven. She was intimidating and could rip and tear through steel.

With hardly any time wasted, the Jedi Knight took off toward Marcus, ready to attack the one atop him -- not thinking of preserving life at the moment. She was moving in for the kill. "No one attacks my Father and lives." She thought to herself and pushed harder, using the Force combined with Gaia's power to enhance her speed. It did not take long for her to get within good range before she pushed off from the ground and lept right toward Nate, ready to take him out.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2003, 05:55:29 PM
OOc : Quick reminder, only the Lost knows my real name - thanks :)


IC : Also hard to control choking someone when one of your allies is thrown into you, hard, as Marcus did with the Sith on him - he used the Force to throw him directly at Dalethria and break her concentration.

" EVERYONE!! WE ARE LEAVING! NOW!" he yelled, rolling back to his feet. As he did so, he picked up a small stone, aimed, then threw it at the last Vore. The distance was enough to give him time concentrate and to cause the stone, just as it reached the Vore, to detonate like a grenade. Given more time, that trick could be used to create some highly powerful effective explosions. Right now, there wasn't that time.

Although....... he did have a whole bucket load of other tricks he could use.....


Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2003, 08:41:09 PM
Xazor growled as she jumped over Marcus and landed on the other side of him. The Sith were breaking up and Marcus was winning his own battle now. He instructed everyone to leave, but it did not appear as though he was leaving. "Not without you I won't!" She protested through their Life Bond and made it even clearer by rushing at the Jedi Master and shoving her snout between his legs, forcing him onto her back. "We'll work together or both of us will go."

The Knight was still very moble, even with Marcus upon her back, for she now could carry at least three times her own normal weight. She smiled a wolfish smile and spun around, her tail whipping at anyone standing in the way. With a loud howl, the Garou Knight was ready to act -- or flee. Either way, they could make a great escape with a vehicle such as she was.

Jade Doment
Jul 24th, 2003, 10:21:00 AM
The native Daemun hits the ground after the vines let go of her. She was about to invkoe her own earth power that would have taken control of the vines.

"Let them run!!! We have Marcus Elessar instead!!!! Master Sorsha had said and she points her finger at Xazor.

"Consider yourself lucky, foolish Jedi whelp. But dont worry, I am not done with you yet, not by far. We will meet again, Xazor, I feel it."

Then, with a wave of telekinetic power, she blasts Xazor right back into the same boulder she was blasted before, but makes sure Marcus isnt touched.

Jul 24th, 2003, 04:17:59 PM
Sylos didn't even have time to impliment his next attack when Marcus' words rang clear through the dead forest.

As much as Nevlonniel hated to leave one of her comrade, she also knew how to follow orders and what was prudent.

She turned, at the same time calling out to her guardian in their native tongue.

"Sylos! We're leaving."

The blood elf looked disappointed, but he didn't hesitate, turning to follow Nev back into the dead wood.

They both headed down the hill to where Dae was just emerging, finally free of the Sith's grasp. Nev beckoned Dae to continue going, as she and Sylos would cover their back.

Jesse Custer
Jul 27th, 2003, 01:42:28 AM
Though I was merely helping the lady along before now, I believe this is the time for urgency. I hook my arm under her furthest arm, hoist her up, and catch her under the kneecaps with my other arm.

"Come on, they've got it. Just let your mind relax..." I dip into the Word now, maybe my power of suggestion can help her. "<font color="red">... but stay awake. STAY AWAKE.</font>"

I don't know what condition she's in but I reckon it's always a good idea to stay alert and not drift off in these situations. You never know if you'll wake up again. I just hope she took my first suggestion to relax her mind, thus leaving my suggestion power to do it's work instead of it bouncing off her mental defenses. Maybe it wouldn't matter anyway, if she can't concentrate very well right now to put up a defense in the first place.

Jeran Conrad
Jul 27th, 2003, 09:58:59 PM
Before Andraq could react again, Jeran fell back. It was under Marcus' order and his alone that Jeran regained control and called off his attack. He wanted Andraq's blood--he wanted to spill it all over this wretched tree and everything that came with it. But his Master's order was the voice of reckoning, reasoning, and command. He was a Lost, and a subordinate to Marcus.

Of course, the only thing on his mind more important than his beef with Andraq was Dae's safety and well-being. With that in mind, he sent his gaze towards Jesse. Another member of the Lost, Jeran trusted the man. He was his comrade, and if Marcus trusted him, so did Jeran.

"Jesse!" He yelled above the sounds of battle that continued to rage. Making his way over to Custer, he immediately withdrew one of his heavey padded gloves, touching his fingers to Dae's face as they continued to escape. His eyes examined her closely--she was beat up, but she would be ok. Those cowards!, he thought.

You're going to be fine, my love. I'm here--we're all here. You're safe now. With that, he continued by her side.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 29th, 2003, 12:15:32 PM
:: A volley of shuriken whistle through the air, riddling Xazor's side. They were silver, and they bit and burned inside the lupine's wounds ::

Xazor Elessar
Jul 29th, 2003, 01:14:40 PM
ooc: For a side note, I'm not Lupine -- I'm Garou. :)


Xazor growled as she rose to her feet with Marcus atop her back once again. He was gripping her hair tightly, but not tight enough. "Don't worry about hurting me -- hold on!" She spoke through their Life Bond when suddenly a volley of shots slammed into her side. With a deep howl of pain, the Garou spun around to see Sorsha standing with her band of Dark Ones. She growled deeply within herself as her eyes blazed with the fire of revenge.

"We'll all meet again, Darksiders!" She called out through the Force, touching each of their minds. The pain she was feeling was incredible now and it was difficult to walk, much less run. Despite all of that, the wolf took off running after her fellow Lost and she reached the point of safety. By now, her natural healing powers were in full power, even stronger now while she was in her changed state. They were fighting off the effects of the silver shuriken. Xazor would be fine, as would Dae -- it would merely take some time to heal.

The Garou looked down at her front right leg as she came out into the dead woodland and stopped. With a gasp, she nearly collapsed as the sight of bare bone and immense blood came into view. She was injured very badly and the pain increased tenfold at the sight. "Marcus -- I can't -- go on." With a sickening feeling, the large beast creature fell over onto her better side and collapsed in an unconscious state. Her body shut down to protect her from further trauma that the event could cause.

Jul 29th, 2003, 01:22:15 PM
Nevlonniel turned at the sound of the whistling and saw the sharp weapons headed for one of her comrades. Without thinking, she reached up and plucked an arrow from it's quiver, aimed, and shot it towards the sailing blades.

The arrow came into the path of some of the shurikan, but was shattered as some of the blades went through. yet it was enough to slow their momentum and divert from their target.

Alas, only a few shuriken were slowed or stopped by the single arrow. The rest made it through.

She saw the Garou stagger and fall, causing her to halt. Should she follow orders and continue to guard Dae's retreat, or aid her comrade?

She cursed. While she hated to disobey orders, she would not leave a fallen comrade alone.

Looking about the hill she was on, she spotted a tree that was losing it's bark and tore off a piece. Using it as a surf board, she stood on it and "surfed down the short hill, at the foot which Xazor had fallen.

Reaching Xazor, she leapt of the bark which continued in it's momentum, and knelt beside the Garou to help her up. Though Nevlonniel was slender, her frame was solid and strong, and she hefted Xazor to a standing position.

"Come. Don't look at the wound."

"Focus on getting our family out of here... including yourself."

Somewhere between her surfing and getting to Xazor, Sylos had joined her and was covering her retreat.

Jade Doment
Jul 29th, 2003, 07:07:27 PM
(Sorry xazor, how can you still have Marcus after the post I made, and I quote:

Then, with a wave of telekinetic power, she blasts Xazor right back into the same boulder she was blasted before, but makes sure Marcus isnt touched.

Impossible, if I did that move to have Marcus still holding onto you, IMO.)

Jade laughs nastily and jumps up and down, excited by how this little jaunt is going.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:03:49 PM
OOC: I know and I recognized it, so when I posted, I said he got on my back again. I do quote:

Originally posted by Xazor Elessar
Xazor growled as she rose to her feet with Marcus atop her back once again. He was gripping her hair tightly, but not tight enough.

That's clear enough, IMO.


Xazor rose to her feet with help from Nev, but it wasn't enough. She was waving in and out of consciousness. She felt sick to her stomach and in fact, had no desire to move. The pain was incredible and the wounds on her side were dirty and just plain aweful.

"I -- can't." She stated simply but in a weak tone in the Elven one's mind. Something told her, though, that she needed to get going. Despite the fact that she was about to pass out again, the Garou pushed herself to walk and so, with labored breath, she did.

It was a long road uphill, though, and for several moments, they stalled and she nearly fell over again. With a groan, the Knight winced and growled deeply, applying all of her remaining strength to the effort of making it up the hill toward the dead wood. Just as the brigade did so, the Knight collapsed one final time. She was out like a light and for good reason. Pressure from walking on the exposed bone had caused it to snap and now, she was dealing with a broken arm.

The pain that surged through her body in that instant was enough to knock a Bantha out, and she took the fall hard. "I'm sorry." The thoughts lingered in the minds of those around them and now, she could do nothing. Xazor would recover, but not on her own. It would take team work to get the massive wolf to safety but they were capable -- at least, one could hope.

Jul 30th, 2003, 01:45:31 PM
Nevlonniel wasn't one for showing emotion, but she did so this time. With a determined effort, she picked Xazor up bodily.

"I'm getting you out of here one way or another."

They had nearly made it up the hill, but now with Nevlonniel carrying Xazor, the going was much slower. Thankfully the elven-being had sure-footing, and each step was careful and precise.

During the time of carrying Xazor, Nevlonniel had to ask Sylos to take the Garou. Though the woman was slender, her strong compact body was hard even for Nev to carry all the way up. Sylos, being of larger build woud have no problem.

"Sylos... take Xazor to the others and do not stop. I will watch our backs."

Andraq Novkar
Aug 1st, 2003, 02:44:29 PM
It was as if time had stood still for Andraq. He was about to raise his saber and ignite it, to block the oncomming onslaught. But the Jedi- Jeran, had run away. Andraq laid in the mud for moments more, before slowly standing. He looked around, wondering what had happened that had caused the area to become..barren.

He looked for Sorsha and found her, he clipped his saber to his side, extremely silent, especially for the lunatic. He stayed quiet, calm, in the same spot.

As if waiting for an order.

OOC- excuse the lateness please. :x

Aug 9th, 2003, 04:33:12 AM
I'm getting you out of here one way or another

"Good, cause we're leaving together."

He was running bloody hard, following up Nev and Sylos. "We are not leaving anyone behind, am I clear? No-one!"

He picked up a stone and began to concentrate on it. This would take a bit of time... "Guard me for a moment. I need to cncentrate for a few seconds"

OOC : Excuse my latelness and stupidity for replying as the wrong account :x

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 12th, 2003, 09:21:46 AM
:: Sorsha raises a hand to hold everyone back from pursuit. Marcus was upto something, she could sense it. Reaching out with her mind, she instructs one of her spies to follow the Lost Jedi once they break orbit from Meras. It would follow them, cloaked, back to their little hideaway ::

<center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/NPCs/misc/sh_scout_shaded.jpg></center>

"Let them flee, I want to see where they go to hide themselves."

Aug 12th, 2003, 06:43:03 PM
Sylos continued up the slope with Xazor, following his mistress' instruction. In the meantime, Nevlonniel guarded their retreat and Marcus as he prepared one last attack.

Though what he was going to do with the stone was beyond her. Never the less, she kept her bow at the ready.

Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 13th, 2003, 08:16:14 PM
*Oh, this is going to hurt...

I'm not the one that got you into this, remember...

When the Jedi Master took hold of his elbow, and wrenched it around, Nate had no choice but to turn so that he felt less pain. And the first thing he saw was a ..thing of pure energy soaring his way.

The freller's using me as a shield!

He closed his eyes, and found his balance to be off, as he, and seemingly Marcus had been knocked off their feet. He landed on top of the Jedi Master and opened his eyes. Both seemed rather confused, but a note in the back of the Dark Lord's head told him to make the best use of this time.

Instead of going for the straight choke hold, he wound up to take a nice right hook to the Jedi's face, and felt a danger sense ripple over his body; a warning through the Force. Nate glanced up and to his side, and saw a beast of a wolf thing charging his way. It leapt, and as soon as he could muster any bearings, Nate found himself flung off the Jedi Master.

The beast harmlessly jumped over Marcus, leaving Nate on his back, wondering what the frell had exactly happened. He slowlly got up, watched as they began running, and saw Sorsha throw up her hand to stop any followers.

During the fuss, Nate's saber had fallen. It now traveled through the air until it was once again in his hand, the cold metallic surface soothing on his bare handed skin. Nate's cold eyes stayed focused on Marcus, who had slowed down from his traveling group. Something was up.*