View Full Version : Proffesional hunter

Jun 9th, 2003, 06:49:03 AM
-The smokey back-alley club was quiet that night, only a few strageling party goers still dancing, and a couple of die-hard regulars passed out on the bar, and the occasional smugler drowning his sorrows.
The huge figure stooped to enter the club, all eyes on him immediately.
His long black cloak covered most of the intergrated bio-armour beneath but clearly not enough to avoid attention, the shean of the organic metal reflecting slighty under the dreary lights.
His artificially enhanced legs walked him to the bar but he stopped halfway.
He already had everybody attention so he went ahead and asked, in a piercingly inhuman metallic tone he inquired.-

"I seek someone who goes by the name of "Covenant", can any of you enlighten me as to his immediate whereabouts at the present momment?"

-Despite the simple request his words were shockingly cold, like ice griping their spines.-

-A dribbiling patron lifts his drool-marinated face from the bar top to ask his own question.-

"Whah's Ii tu yu? Bownty hunta ryei?"

-Sharply turning his head to the drunkard, the metallic predator throws his emotionless gaze right into his face, his machine-laced voice again filling the air addresing the whole room.-
"That is not of your concern,.....Now answer my question."

"What's it worth to you?"

-A trembeling voice emanates from the corner.-

-The metalloid changes direction, now intent on his next source of information. With a sense of omnipotence and urgency the machine-man walks over to the potential informant, threateningly picking up the pace to show his tunnel-visioned determination.
Having approached the lone speaker the others at the table run away exept for two burrly looking types, probably pirates or smugglers.
The Interogation begins with the inhuman arrival grabbing the little mans neck and lifting him so that there eyes matched level, his feet dangling four or so feet above the ground.
With malicious intent, the words seem almost to burn the hunters malevolance into the terrorfied human.-

"The question is, what's it worth to you......"

-The two muscleheads pause with the display of the metalloids determination before reacting. One reaches for his shortend vibro-axe and takes a swing.
The hellish gollem, sweeps his left arm upward, and seamingly without any effort, the axe wielder flies clear across the room striking the wall with great force and the unconscious viking impersonator slumps to the floor.
The other reaches for a blaster and takes a shot but the artificial senses, reflexes and motivators pull the steel gargoyles head clear of the bolts flight path.
A second blow sends the other man tumbling into the wall imediately behind him, the cheap material breaking away, the beaten gunman landinging in the store room on the other side, this one diddnt survive the blow.-


-A voice emanates from behind, in the door way stands a new comer.
The machine drops the scared fool, who by now had passed out from the tight grip around his neck.

The machine reared his demonic head, the red glow of his eyes coming to rest on the newest arrival to the scene.-

"Why?,.....Have you information to offer me?'

-He speaks while slowly approaching the new one, his eyes already analysing the next potential informant.-

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:27:19 AM
"I can't say that I do."

The old man enters the bar.

"However, your method of questioning leaves much to be desired."

Park Kraken
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:04:33 PM
As he was sitting in his lonely corner, smoking a Cigarra, he, Kustenov, one-time merc for a now extinct group known as Red Hand squadron, watched the scene with interest. This, thing with a metallic voice had just strode around the bar, and was demanding information. He was determined, and skilled, but that was all Kustenov could give him credit for. Maybe this old man will teach him a lesson, hmmmm?

Jun 10th, 2003, 12:56:47 PM
-The metaloid could only pick up minor anomalies in his scans of the newcomer, nothing to suggest the Sith in him. However, he could see the lightsaber on his belt.-

"And of what concern is this to a force user?
That is unless, you have some information, do you have information on my target's where abouts?"

-As he spoke he took long, cautious strides toward the old man. He was always cautious with force-users although the invisible energy fields over his metalic exoskeleton allowed even lightsaber swings to be blocked, even caught and held.
It was the potential of Sith reinforcements that prevoked caution in the artificial hunter.-