View Full Version : A serious proffesional

Jun 9th, 2003, 05:48:48 AM
-The huge figure ducked to enter through the door into the room. His long black cloak covered most of the bio-armour beneath but not all of it, the organic metal glinting in the low light.
His enhanced legs stroll him to the bar, the enhanced crimson glow of his eyes scans everything in sight.
He approaches a figure at the bar before starting to ask his questions. In an inhumanly metalic voice he asks.-

"I am looking for someone, perhaps you can aid me to his whereabouts.'

-His voice emanates from within the metal mouth, from behind sharp metal teeth.-

Jun 9th, 2003, 09:34:36 AM
Ezra who is looking pretty drunk, leaning forward on the bartop, slowly turns his head at the question from the stranger.

" Hmmmm?? Looking for someone?? Found one me thinks"

Then he starts chuuckling as he turns back to lazily bring his glass up to his lips to drink, spilling a bit over the edges. Then he places it back down and raises a finger at the person.

"You know.....*burp*.......I - I'm lookin fer someone tooooo. Only thing....is...... I - I can't remumber who it is......heheheahhahahaha.....re - remum - remember yeah remember."

He leans his head on his hand propped on the bartop.

" What.....*burp* ....does this person look like?? Or better yet...heh..... got a name? I know Everyone here!"

He says with an exaggerated swing of the arm taking in all of the bar. Hmmmm black cloak....always with the black cloaks. That tailor must be rich by now, he thought to himself.

Jun 9th, 2003, 10:03:36 AM
-The steel gollem takes slow, small steps as he approaches Ezra. His glowing red optical sensors taking in any and all details, no matter how small, on multiple frequencies.
The machine again opens his mouth to speak with the metallic voice.-

"......I am looking for one who calls himself Covenant.........."

-His cold words are devoid of any emotion exept for a tone of malevolance. It would seem that if it weren't for this job he would probably be tearing apart everything in sight.-

".......He's the last remaining Khijnselerakt, about 7" tall, white hair, green eyes......."

-His eyes almost conduct his harsh tone, his determination fuelling the ruthlessness.
The metalloid was aware that his potential informant was a vampire and so was cautious but even so the abilities of a single vampire were no match for a machine. He was concerned, however, that, with allies, this vampire may just be a problem after all.
So this cybernetic gargoyle proceeds cautiously.-

".........I understand he was here a few days ago, presumabley someone here spoke to him? Perhaps maybe learned of where he might be headed?"

Jun 9th, 2003, 09:30:20 PM
Ezra's eyebrows furrowed. He leaned closer to the ....whatever it was. Clearly it must not be a man.

"Ahhhh wha-a-a-at??? Khi....Khizermanackawatzit???

Shaking his head and casually doing the same with his hands.

" No....no, never heard of one before. How....however *burp*.... A guy with that descri....description came in here days ago."

He leaned over pass the metal man and pointed to the door.

"Brought trouble......with 'im he did. Couple skrags came in and started a who-o-oole big ruckus. And that guy ran out that.....way.. *burp*"

He leaned back against his hand looking at the metallic hunter nodding his head.

Jun 10th, 2003, 02:36:45 AM
-The forged dragon monitored what little their was of the vampire's vital signs, looking for any abnormalities and found none.-
"...mmm, Yes..............You speak the truth."

-He averts his eyes towards the back door and analyses it, also to the doorframe and floor around it, he can see the bloodstain that others cannot.-
"And this troublemaker......did he remove any of his persuer's?........"

-His scanners cross referencing the chemical sequences with a multitude of databases.
His metallic voice once again interogating his vampirian informant, although he already knew the answer.
The machine was testing to see what this person would say, to see exactly where his alegance really lied in this particular persuit.-

"........any IMPERIAL persuers's?...Perhaps an elite Impirial team?"

Jun 10th, 2003, 02:50:33 AM
His eyes squinted in confusion.

"Imperials? what the frell is...a - an Imperial?? Soemone came in ....and...chased him out there. Now if th- that perrrson had a friend .... and jusso happens that friend.....pulls outta gun....*burp* well you get the....ide-idea."

He leans closer and gestures for the robot to come closer with a beckoning of his finger. Then he whispered.

" This isn't...a ...place to....show your.....piece. You could...get...huurt. shhhhhhh"

He brought his finger up to his lips as he hushed the metallic man. Like it was a secret.

Jun 10th, 2003, 04:40:36 AM
-The harshness of his words fades, the tone instead reflecting deep thought.-

"...mmm...I see."

-Deciding that the intoxicated nightkin might be a little hazy about the event he considers asking others.
Analysing the microscopic blood-splatter patterns on the walls, invisible to the naked eye, he can see the stains have hollows, like shadows, of people who were standing around the executed Imperial officer when he was shot.

He was thinking aloud, deliberatley, so that those who heard him may respond and interject with more information.-

"...Hmmmm.......Humanoid, possibley female, fired the weapon, blaster pistol............smaller humanoid, possibley male, stood close by..........."

-The machine can clearly see the death of the Imperial was not Covenant's work, not his style. And this evidence shows it wasn't the vampire either but instead a humanoid female was the shooter.
He returns his inquisition to Ezra.-

"So this gun-totting arrival, the one who was shot in the head, who shoot him? Perhaps SHE might be able to aid in my search."

-The artificial demon begins a preliminary passive sensor sweep of the room to try and identifey and locate any possible suspects and/or witnesses to the incident.-

Jun 10th, 2003, 09:01:20 AM
Ezra looked at the A.I. with confusion again.

" She? All I know, i-it couldv'e been an alien who did it. we get alo- lot here you know. "

He gestured to a stool next to him.

"c'mon....park it and let's ..... drink. I am almost to wh..where I want to be.....totally bombed-eded. hehehehe."

Jun 10th, 2003, 12:49:02 PM
-If the machine could've arched an eyebrow he would've, but he couldn't and so he didn't.-
"I do not drink..........alcohol........"

-He was also aware of the possibility that as the night progressed so to might the vampires memmory recall.-

"....However I shall acaompany you should any other potential informants arrive."

-He said as he sat on the bar stool, although his ridicuolously large stature put his head awkwardly heigher above the others sat at the bar, by a good two feet or so.-