View Full Version : Fingers of the Hand: Table for Three (open)

Lord Vali
Jun 8th, 2003, 10:33:38 PM
Yog's was considerably busy today, as it usually was. The usual sounds could be heard. Food hitting the grill, people all chattering about. The busy atmosphere didnt leave much room for people to notice the door open, and a cloaked figure walking in. Before the guard at the door could say a word, Vali had already handed over his weapons and proceeded by, as did his two companion behind him. After a quick scan at the bar, they approached a booth near the back. Vali stepped back and allowed one of his companions to slide into the booth seat before he sat down, and the other sat across from them.

The trio looked as if they had just been through a war. Vali himself had what appeared to be bloodstains on his cloak, and what looked to be a bit of grey flesh, of sorts.

Vali glanced around the place, taking in the enviroment, before the server droid made its way toward the table...

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 8th, 2003, 10:39:00 PM
De'Ville's arm was hanging a little awkwardly, a bandage tied around her shoulder as she handed her blaster and lightsaber to the guard at the door. She almost laughed at the relative peace that the Jedi thought they held here...just because they took away weapons.

Anyone who was not a great fool would know that the Force itself was a weapon. But until it was en vouge to decorate with yslamiri backpacks, the fools would still be in danger from everything around them.

Vali was radiating menace as he stood aside to let her slide into the booth. She idly picked up the menu with the Force, and studied it, wondering what sajoi mice were.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 9th, 2003, 09:42:38 AM
The grey trench coated figure certainly wasn’t an unfamiliar face to the guards. He flashed them a fanged grin as he passed by, following his counterparts into the tumult that was Yogs. He slouched down into the booth Vali and De’Ville were sat at, yawning quietly as he looked over the menu.

“… Where is the raw meat,” he muttered to himself, shaking his head slowly in distaste.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:17:30 AM
De'Ville turned the menu in the Lupine's hand over with the Force, and he found himself staring at the Cizerack menu. "How is that for raw? I hear the servings are rather large though, you may not want to over do it." There was a tinge of humor to her voice.

Lord Vali
Jun 10th, 2003, 03:49:39 AM
Vali was pretty quiet. The earlier event of the night were still playing games with his temperment. Needless to say, the three people at the table were NOT Jedi, yet they carried themselves as such, which attracted just a little attention.

One man in the bar glanced over at just the right moment to be caught by the glare Vali was giving him from underneath the darkness of his hood, which left the mask underneath barely visible.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 11th, 2003, 03:08:39 AM
It looked as though you could order live mice and other small mammals to nibble on – Vega had never known that the Jedi could be so cruel to the little blighters! He turned over the options in his mind and finally picked something out – a bantha burger.

“Hey Vali,” he leant forward and lowered his voice a little.

“… You going to eat with that mask on?”

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 13th, 2003, 04:38:36 AM
De'Ville chuckled a bit at that remark, but quickly stopped, before Vali could get angry. "Gentlemen, if you would be so ...kind... I have to visit the little girl's room." Vali scooted forward as she climbed up on the bench seat and walked behind him, dropping lightly to the ground.

Her arm was catching a few stares, and she wanted to check the blaster burn in the mirror in the bathroom.

Lord Vali
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:38:10 AM
Vali smirked slightly under his mask as Lilaena walked off. Following her to the women's restroom would attract a bit more attention then they would have desired. He let Vega's remark go unanswered for now. It wasnt a great time for him to get into an insult fest with the lupine. It would be a bit difficult for him to take things in jest...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:16:45 AM
“You know, I thought we would have had someone bothering us by now,” Vega remarked as he glanced around – the bar wasn’t empty by any means, in fact there were plenty of lightsiders around. They all just seemed a little shy today.

“But then I suppose we aren’t exactly projecting the most welcoming image, are we.”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 16th, 2003, 04:25:08 PM
"Greetings dear Brother! I heard you needed someone to -- bother you?" A cheery voice echoed in the Lupines ears as the Jedi Knight Xazor Elessar made her way toward the table he sat at. Smiling and baring her elongated canines, the Garou Knight sat down beside him before wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. "It has been far too long." She said with a genuine glow in her bright cyan blue eyes.

The woman glanced across the table at that moment and realized that there was someone else in Vega's presence. With her head canted to the side, the youth-filled Garou who's age was around thirty years, giggled slightly at the sight of the stranger's mask. "And who is your friend, my Brother? He seems a bit -- shy." She continued smiling, completely unaware that he too was a Darksider, or the fact that Vega was not even her Brother. The biggest surprise, though, would be when Lilaena returned from the ladies' room.

Lord Vali
Jun 17th, 2003, 05:22:24 AM
"You never told me of your sister....Brother..."

Vali glared over toward the woman for a moment. His voice was gruff, with a bit of bass to it. Apparantly she found him funny, which was curious.

The last thing he was expecting was a warm welcome.....

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 17th, 2003, 05:24:15 AM
De'Ville stood in front of the mirror, gently easing off the bandage and taking a look at the blaster scorched skin underneath. It didn't look paticularly pretty, and it was very sore and painful. Her studies in pain suppression had paid off long ago, however, and the pain wasn't what bothered her.

The blaster bolt seemed to have clipped her collarbone as it went through her shoulder, and she was having trouble moving her arm. She'd have to have medical attention later. But it wasn't life threatening by any stretch of the imagination.

The batca pill Vali had crumbled into the wound was already helping it to heal. De'Ville started re-bandaging her wound, glad that she had the bathroom to herself for the moment.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 17th, 2003, 06:27:54 AM
Vega embraced his sister warmly, grinning a moment whilst his face was out of sight. Once Xazor was sat back in her seat the Lupine smiled softly, giving the Garou’s hand a light squeeze.

“This is Vali… he works with me. We’re here on a break from our current assignment,” he replied, casting the cloaked darksider a brief glance.

“So we thought we’d drop in for lunch. Can you recommend anything I might like?”

Kelt Simoson
Jun 17th, 2003, 02:52:33 PM
Taking a seat was a rather difficult operation in a very crowded Bar and Grill but after a few moments of glancing around Kelt found a free stool up against the bar. Glad of the feeling of finaly sitting down after a long training session he ordered a fruit juice and sipped it steadily...clearly the drink was cool and refreshing and Kelt was very hot. The body heat from everyone did little help.

In the event of looking around for a seat he caught sight of the darksiders table but took little notice,horrible as they were he would not press his jedi authrority on them for no good reason. And certainly not for mearly sitting for a drink.

Though he would keep a fair eye on them...

Turning to view them again he saw a blonde woman...Xazor. he turned back to take a sip but instantly whipped his head back around.


What was she doing over there?...were they causing trouble?

Kelt turned his body fully around on the stool now to watch intently...if she needed some help with darksider trouble makers, it would be the perfect excuse the eject such menaces.

He hoped however she was okay...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2003, 03:01:01 PM
Xazor smiled at Vali after hugging Vega tightly. "He's not spoken of me? Perhaps you're new to working with him." The Knight suggested before turning her attention back to Vega's question.

Xazor thought for a moment before realizing that she should naturally suggest her own favorite meal on the menu. "You know what? I think you'll really appreciate a roasted Chicken breast sauteed in red wine. It is delicious and larger than the raw meat they offer." She smiled and looked to Vali.

He was a curious fellow -- he didn't talk much and seemed quite angry. He was dark and the Jedi Knight realized immediatly that he was a darksider. Xazor cast Vega a questioning look, but realized that with the big heart he had -- he was probably practicing tolerance for the Dark One. With a glance about the room, the Garou caught sight of a friend and smiled at him. "Hey Kelt -- you want to join my Brother and I for a drink?" She questioned through the Force, knowing that Kelt would make things interesting. She had not seen him in a few days and did not know if he knew Vega or not.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:55:23 PM
With a wince, more from habit than from actual pain, and De'Ville gently patted down the strips of synflesh she'd affixed to her wound. Now, other than the slightly charred hole in her shirt, she looked half-way presentable. She quickly and efficiently replaced the tiny emergency medpack onto her belt, where it was effectively hidden.

Lilaena hoped that the synflesh would stay stuck onto the burnt area, because she didn't have any more. However, it was not a permanent fix, only a temporary one until they could get to the Madeline.

One last look in the mirror, and the Dark Jedi walked out of the women's refresher, and into the bustle of the Bar and Grill once more. She headed for their table.

Lord Vali
Jun 18th, 2003, 03:18:57 AM
Vali glanced over in time to catch Kelt staring at them. Even though his face wasnt really visible, due to the mask and the hood over his head, it was apparant that he was making eye contact with the Jedi.

It took a minute for Kelt to realize that Vali was glaring back at him, but even when he did, Vali made no attempt to divert his eyes. Hearing Xazor invite the Jedi to the table brought a hidden smile to his face.

He looked over toward Xazor for a moment, and kept his silence. He didnt really have much to say, and what little he had wouldnt be appropriate at this point in time. Without a glance to the side, or a word, Vali stood up to let Lilaena sit back down, as she had just arrived...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:16:32 PM
“Alright then, I’ll have that.”

Glancing up he saw Lilaena was coming back and quietly, subtly, sent a protected message to her and Vali giving a very brief word or two about Xazors perception of him. He remained all smiles on the outside of course.

“You two don’t mind my sister eating with us, do you?”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 18th, 2003, 04:47:05 PM
Xazor turned her attention from Kelt and her eyes seemed to magnetically attract themselves to Lilaena. A hard lump formed at the back of Xazor's throat as she realized that her Brother was dealing with a few nasty Darksiders, but the woman pushed the thought aside and figured he, again, was practicing tolerance. The Knight rose from her seat and bowed to Lilaena before sitting back down beside Vega.

"Lady Lilaena -- it's been a while." The Garou stated flatly before turning her attention back to Vega. "Good choice, dear Brother. I know you'll enjoy it." She said with a gentle smile, at least hoping he would like her choice for his meal.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 18th, 2003, 08:07:07 PM
A figure in a concealing Jedi robe abruptly stood from the bar. "I mind," he said.

The lightsaber Athona clinked at his belt.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 18th, 2003, 08:35:54 PM
De'Ville scooted past Vali, back into her seat, and felt a buzzing sensation in her mind as Vega spoke, introducing Xazor as his sister. He was probably trying to explain himself via telepathy, but such an effort was useless around Lilaena. She merely cocked an eyebrow, and looked for a droid to take her order.

And then he stood up, deeply shrouded in robes, with a familiar lightsaber on his hip. She couldn't see his face, but she would know that man anywhere. Her heart jumped in her chest, and then plummeted to her feet as her face took on the appearance of stone, her unblinking eyes not leaving the shadow underneath the hood of the cloak. Of all the gin joints in all the world...

She'd been under the impression that he was visiting his grandfather on Chandrila, but apparently her sources were not to be trusted. A muscle in her jaw tightened, and she didn't hear Xazor's words to her.

Lord Vali
Jun 19th, 2003, 03:39:19 AM
Vali's glare slowly turned to Tondry. He wasnt quite sure who this man thought he was, but his delusion was seriously annoying. Beside him, Vali could tell that Lilaena was a bit uncomfortable, which was a bit strange. There wasnt much that could shake De'Ville.

"Your opinion is irrelevent, go back to the bar, sir."

Pierce Tondry
Jun 19th, 2003, 09:22:28 PM
The robed figure took a deliberate step forward, clearly snubbing Vali's demand that he return to the bar. "Lilaena De'Ville," he said in tones that brooked no dispute. "You're wanted on charges of murder and treason against the New Republic. Do you intend to submit to Republic justice for an official inquiry?"

Lord Vali
Jun 20th, 2003, 04:51:13 AM
"Sir, you're clearly insane..."

Vali stood up, face to face with Tondry.

"Im not Lilaena De'Ville..."

His gloved fist met with his gloved palm, and he methodically cracked his knuckles.

"You have one of three choices. The bar...a mental institution...or the third. It's safe to assume you dont want to go with the third..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:00:45 AM
She looked at the exits, neither one of which were favorable. For the kitchen, she'd have to vault over Vega and Xazor, and for the door, it was going through Pierce. She'd rather tangle with a krayt dragon. Lilaena slowly brought her feet up onto the bench seat, ready to move. Move where she hadn't quite figured out.

But if Xazor decided that she was going to get more involved with this, then at least she'd have someone she could fight through. Her eyes tracked back to the refresher. There was a window in there, of course. But that was so cliche.

Vali stood up, and cracked his knuckles, and she felt a surge of relief, coupled with shame and guilt. Relief that he was going to help her out, and shame that Pierce was bringing it upon himself to bring her in. For half a second she wanted to surrender, and then she thought about what might happen to her after...and fear over took her.

Then anger, that Pierce would do this to her, now, after everything they'd been through together.

A sharp pain lanced through her shoulder as her concentration shattered, and she gasped lightly, figiting, and ready to flee.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:11:29 AM
This was definitely not a good situation.

Vega’s jaw tightened as the prospect of his little trick being revealed. He looked between Lilaena, Vali, Pierce and Xazor somewhat frantically and tried to smooth out his panic with a smile towards the no doubt puzzled Garou Jedi. A sharp inhalation and he began to rise up out of his seat slightly.

“Is there really any need to make a scene here…”

Kelt Simoson
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:17:57 AM
' No there is not...' Kelt said ' This can be settled calmly if miss De'Ville agrees...' Kelt simply said as he paced up beside Tondry. He had been watching the whole tme and he would not let Tondry stand alone in a matter such as this. Kelt touched the hilt of his saber in warning and looked directly towards De'ville and then Vega.

He was ready if this was going to kick of badly.

Lord Vali
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:09:21 PM
Vali glared at Kelt for a moment, then back at Tondry. He had a few different escape scenario's planned, none of which would be easy, especially with Lilaena wounded. He glanced over his shoulder for a moment at Vega and Xazor, then back to Tondry and Kelt...

"Go back to your drinks, both of you. Dont make things hard on yourselves..."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:29:36 PM
"Lilaena -- I need your help -- in the bathroom. Ladies business, if you please." The woman looked sternly at Kelt and then to Pierce before turning back to the Darksider. "Please excuse us -- this is an emergency and it can't wait." The Knight cleared her throat and got an uncomfortable look on her face as if to express a hidden grievance.

She shifted out of the booth and eyed Vega curiously for a moment before turning her attention back to Lil, canting her head to the side, motioning toward the bathroom. The woman held out her arm to give aid to the injured Darksider in hopes that she would accept. "Please, Lil -- for -- old times sakes." She smiled and looked to the men, laughing slightly. "Only you, a woman, would understand this. I think -- oh my god -- it's running down my leg!" The Knight whispered through clenched teeth, obviously uncomfortable with the situation she was 'dealing with'. "Please!?" She shrieked, moving toward Lil, thinking of what she would do if the woman rejected going with her.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:21:36 PM
De'Ville turned her head towards Xazor, and stared at her a little blankly as the Jedi Knight urgently begged her to go to the refresher with her. Was it going to be this easy?

"Uh, sure, Xaz, I will go with you..." Lilaena put her hand out and let Xazor pull her out of the booth behind Vali who was still standing facing off in front of Kelt and Pierce.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:19:58 PM
"Thank you -- I can't go alone!" She said in her best whiny and urgent voice. Her eyes seemed to glass over as she looked at Pierce and Kelt with a sigh of desperation. "Do either of you have a credit? I just -- ah! I can't wait for that! We'll be right back but this is -- an -- emergency!" By now the Garou had everyone's attention. Several people laughed and pointed as she shrieked her way past Kelt and Pierce. It seemed as though she was going to explode with all of the noise that was coming from her.

"Please -- forgive me! I know -- you need her -- right now, but -- this -- can't -- wait!" Her words were completely broken as she pulled Lil from the booth and seemed to nearly drag the woman along toward the refresher, unstopped by the men and any others that wished to get in their way. "We'll be right back, Kelt -- Pierce, I promise I won't let her out of my sight!" The Knight called in a squeaky voice as they neared the refresher door. She placed a hand upon the door handle and slowly, but surly, began opening it. Now, all they had to do was step inside and Xazor could get help with her -- personal problems.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:40:33 PM
Why Lilaena, specifically, Xazor? What's your game here?

"Actually," he told Vali. "I don't think I'm thirsty anymore. I'll go ahead and leave you two to your meal."

At that, he turned and began walking away from the booth towards the front door. Lilaena would be moving to escape and Pierce intended to have all the exits covered.

There would be no escaping justice.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:28:02 AM
De'Ville was dragged into the 'fresher by the clearly insane Jedi, and began to wonder what exactly Vega had done to his 'sister.' Was she really his sister? Or was she just simpleminded?

The 'fresher door shut behind the two women, and Lilaena jerked her hand out of Xazor's. "What the frell are you trying to do? I know as well as you do that you have no personal emergency. If the men knew what to look for they'd know too. What game are you playing?" Lilaena looked at the small window, and then began checking the stalls. All empty.

Lord Vali
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:55:31 AM
Vali stood and watched as Tondry walked out the front door. As soon as the door shut, Vali followed, and collected his weapons. He quickly concealed them inside his cloak as he stepped out of the Bar and Grill.

As he stepped through the door, he sent a thought to Vega..

If she comes back from the bathroom, lemme know...

He walked out in time to see Pierce, and quickened his pace to catch up to the Jedi.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 21st, 2003, 04:05:11 AM
Left alone now with only the Jedi Knight Simoson, Vega slouched back down into his seat. This certainly hadn’t gone as he had expected it to. Something was getting at his mind, and his nervousness was showing visible in his drumming his fingertips against the table.

“Well… this is… certainly… an eventful… day.”

Kelt Simoson
Jun 21st, 2003, 06:22:01 PM
Kelt had his suspicions about the whole ordeal but before he got out another word everyone had got up and left him and blonde "gentle"man awkwardly with eatchother. He looked around rather bewildred at the speed everyone had taken to move and then looked back at Vega whome he had seen in here once or twice before.

As if they had been friends for a long while Kelt pulled the seat Vali had been sitting on and leaned back in the chair surverying the darksider. ' A Van-Dervled correct?...blonde hair...shifty eyes...unmistakible...you have to be Vega?' He smiled towards the daksider but inside his mind he still searched the man for some sort of clues...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:59:51 PM
Xazor eyed Lilaena as she ripped her hand from the Garou's. "Game? I don't play games -- I'm trying to help you." The Jedi Knight looked around for a moment before turning back to the door. There was a lock plate on the side that only the janitor had access to, but if they were to be sure no one followed them, Xazor would have to jam it. Quickly she removed her lightsaber from her belt and ignited it. Two blue blades shot forth from each end of the hilt, creating a gentle humming noise and a blue aura about Xazor. She twirled the saber around once before slamming one blazing blue blade into the panel. Sparks shot out from all directions and singed the Jedi Knight's arms until she pulled away and disengaged her weapon. "There, now no one can come in."

A smile appeared upon Xazor's face as she clipped her saber back to her belt and turned to face Lilaena. "Look -- you think there is something wrong with me, I know it. I'm a mentalist -- I can read your thoughts if you do not know how to guard them very well." She said softly, looking to the window. This would be a great load of work, but she knew it would work, eventually. The Garou ran toward the window and looked out, seeing nothing but knowing better. "It appears as though we are surrounded on the outer perimeter of the building -- but I know others ways of getting out of here -- I've been in your shoes before." The Knight bent down and began digging through the garbage can until she found something that would help her: a bag of bath beads that had been thrown out by someone. Quickly she tore open the bag and threw it in the can, then took the handful of beads and blew them out the window. Just as they touched the air, she began working with the light and with the minds of those outside. Suddenly two swarms of sharp daggers appeared. In each swarm there were at least one hundred blades. The unsuspecting would wet their pants at such a sight. Soon the blades were off in both the left and right directions, heading for whatever was in their path. "Now, we work together and we work fast."

With that, Xazor moved quickly to the upper right corner of the refresher. She pushed open the stall door and hopped up onto the toilet, then hoisted herself up to the top of the stall where she popped open the grate of an air-duct. "There is plenty of space in here to crawl. That is exactly what we are going to do, okay? This will lead to the left, then to the right, then straight until we see a light in the floor of the tunnel. Once there, we can stand up, push another grate out of the way -- and voila, we're on the roof. From there, I've got it covered." She said with a smile before placing a foot upon the edge of the stall and pulling herself into the hole above her. Soon she completely disappeared into the duct before popping her head out to eye De'Ville. "Are you coming, or what?" She questioned, offering a hand to the Darksider.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:48:35 PM
De'Ville watched the Jedi Knight cautiously, jumping away defensively as the woman ignited her saber and effectively sealed the two inside the refresher. Then the woman rummaged int he garbage can, threw some old bath beads out the window, and started tearing open the air ducts.

The comment she'd made about being able to read De'Ville's mind was made without knowing what only De'Ville and precious few others knew. The Dark Jedi had no control over her mental powers, other than to keep them locked up inside her head as tightly as possible. Her mental blocks had been in place for years. Yes, De'Ville knew how to guard her thoughts very well.

The side affect was that she could not be contacted telepathically, nor could she reach out into the minds of others. The Dark Jedi was also especially susceptible to illusions, and could make none of her own.

If one was unwise enough to batter down her mental defenses, then she would not be able to control what happened next. She'd blown apart Morgan Evanar's ear drum with a Force Scream while at the Sith Order, and on every occasion she'd been out of control of her mental powers, she'd ended up in a coma, near death. Garrett Blade and her apprentice Shaed had been there to care for her on one such occurance. But if it happened again, and she had no allies around...

De'Ville stared at the head and hand that were sticking out of the ventilation shaft, and then looked to the door and then back out to the window. She folded her hands, and stood back from Xazor. "Why on earth should I trust you? Is this another of Marcus' games? I will not play this with you, Jedi."

Pierce Tondry
Jun 22nd, 2003, 12:28:29 AM
(ooc) Xaz, that was not telepathic contact on Pierce's part. He was just thinking those thoughts. Had he been using telepathy, I would have surrounded the words with "~" marks, so you may want to edit your post. I will try and post to this sometime tomorrow, because it's 2:30 AM and I'm beat. But at least I won several games of pool. :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:09:10 AM
An instant mental guard went up. Vega would not have some low life Jedi probing his mind for anything.

“I’m sorry – I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else,” he replied, face twisting into an expression that wasn’t quite friendly enough to back up the sentiment of his statement.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:00:09 AM
ooc: Sorry 'bout that, Pierce! The way you write a thought is how I write a telepathic message. :lol Just a little confused, tis all. I will edit! Oooo, Pool -- that's a fun game. :)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:09:39 AM
Xazor appeared genuinly hurt, and indeed, she was. Her eyes shut for a moment before she opened them upon Lilaena. "Why would I be risking my own safety for Marcus?! He isn't even here right now!" The Knight extended her hand to the Darksider once again, this time, reaching out further. "Lilaena -- I'm putting myself on the line here in an attempt to help you. This has nothing to do with me. If you don't trust me, I understand, I'm a Jedi and one who has had a lot of bad dealings in the past. If you want, I'll leave my weapons behind -- if you want, I'll tell you my weaknessess! At this point, I'm desperate -- they're going to take you away and do whatever they want to you if you don't come with me."

Xazor paused and thought back to something that happened not to long ago. A situation she could have prevented by doing something like this for that person. Suddenly instead of Lilaena, she saw her Brother, Chaos. A hard lump formed at the back of Xazor's throat as she shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Please, I cannot watch this happen to someone else. It causes too much pain -- and it isn't fair when I can do something about it." She spoke with great emotion this time, pleading her case with her eyes. It was evident that she was not joking and it seemed that for a moment, she lost her identity as a Jedi and instead, took on the likeness of a regular street dweller -- real with real feelings, problems, and emotions. "Lilaena -- this isn't a game -- this is your life and I'm putting my differences away to help you keep living your life the way you do."

Pierce Tondry
Jun 24th, 2003, 01:01:27 AM
Pierce rounded a corner into an alleyway. His combat senses extended as he began searching for sources of danger, trying to locate Lilaena who he knew would be as big a threat to him as anything.

What he found instead was a pale red specter following him from Yog's.

Pierce picked up his pace, mentally frowning at himself for his choice of straight Jedi weaponry, A sonic stun mine would be very helpful for eliminating any potential pursuit.

With no real option for a surprise takedown, Pierce continued on towards his objective- the wall in the Bar that the ladies' restroom was built right next to. He rounded another corner and spied the windows that led into the men's and women's restrooms.

Lilaena would be behind one of them, if she hadn't already used the chance to escape. And if she hadn't-

If she hadn't already fled, Lilaena would feel justice on her shoulders.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 24th, 2003, 02:22:53 PM
De'Ville looked at Xazor, and shook her head. "I can't trust you. If you were in my shoes, I am sure you would understand." The Dark Jedi looked out towards the window suddenly, sensing Pierce was drawing near.

With a gasp, she turned towards the door, and threw her hands out, a hastily formed ball of Force Destruction slamming into the welded lockplate. The door buckled under the stress, and she lunged at it, kicking it out into the crowded B&G, and leaping into the main restaurant, heading for the front door...or the kitchens and the back door.

Lord Vali
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:11:06 AM
The commotion inside was diluted by the outer walls of the Bar and Grill. Vali turned the corner to find Tondry by the ladies restroom window.

"I didnt know Jedi allowed peeping tom's into their order. I think I should probably make a formal complaint to the council."

His arms were crossed over his chest, with his right index finger tapping on the hilt of the lightsaber hidden underneath his cloak. Behind the mask, his eyes set on Tondry like a hawk, searching for the slightest provocation.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 27th, 2003, 01:02:11 PM
The disturbing shock that Pierce felt more than heard or saw had come from the ladies room, and so he bent down to see Lilaena speeding her way towards the front door. That, and-

-and someone's hand sticking out of a vent???

Xazor. You just got yourself in trouble.

"I didnt know Jedi allowed peeping tom's into their order. I think I should probably make a formal complaint to the council."

The words caused Pierce to look up and see the man who had confronted him in the restaurant on Lilaena's behalf. "Yeah," Pierce said he stood. "You go to the council and make a complaint. They'll see through you like you were transparisteel."

Determined not to let Lilaena get away, Pierce spun around and broke into an impossibly fast sprint.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 27th, 2003, 11:29:44 PM
The guards at the door were already turning and coming towards her, and a Jedi near the refresher door was getting to his feet, a determined look on his face. Lilaena saw Van Derveld, still sitting in the booth, and for a fleeting moment thought she should run past him, and try to get to the kitchens. Then she saw the Jedi who had stood up with Pierce..and he was still sitting with Vega.

Only one thing to do.

De'Ville knew there was only one person outside, at least that was all she had felt. All of her perceptions and thoughts had scrambled through her mind in a split second as she froze outside the refresher door, and then she turned and dashed back inside.

Xazor was ignored: she hadn't even had a chance to get down from the ventilation shaft yet. The Dark Jedi took three running steps, and leapt through the open window. She dove out with her hands outstretched in front of her, and landed in a tumble of scrapes and bruises in a row of trash cans.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 27th, 2003, 11:41:00 PM
The noise behind him caught Pierce's attention. Half-worried for a moment that the stranger was doing something to an innocent passerby in order to get him to halt his chase, he slid to a stop-

- and then stood stock still, staring at the woman who had just leapt out of Yog's.

His hand went to his lightsaber, but he did not take it up. "Lilaena," he called out. "Give yourself up."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 27th, 2003, 11:49:31 PM
Already picking herself up off the filthy ground, Lilaena was favoring her wounded arm as pain shot through her shoulder and down into her elbow. Just a bit more, make it to the ship...c'mon Lilaena you -

"Lilaena, give yourself up."

Half crouched in the alley, her head swiveled around, a wild look in her eyes. Indescribable things were etched in her expression, and it would take Pierce a long time to get it out of his mind. Then, she turned and ran, her feet pounding on the pavement as she gathered her strength...and simply ran.

Lord Vali
Jun 28th, 2003, 12:01:48 AM
Vali tore off after Pierce. The jedi was a coward it seemed. As fast as he was, he couldnt catch Tondry. Then he heard the window.

He made it around the building in time to see Lilaena take off down an alley, with Tondry right behind her.

Instead of following them, Vali cut down another alley. Both alley's came out in the same general area, and neither way was shorter than the other. The alley Vali took did have one thing going for it though. It was more open, and more traveled.

As he got about halfway down the alley, he cut to the right side. A man was getting into a parked airspeeder. As soon as the man shut his door, Vali came from behind and lept, throwing his body through the rear window. The speeder took off seconds later, with a masked man in a cloak at the wheel, and a civilian with a broken neck tossed in the floorboard of the backseat...

Now in the air, Vali took off over the adjacent buildings, watching for Lilaena and Tondry to come running out.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:28:26 AM
The determined feeling was back, along with the immense slowdown of his surroundings that was the hallmark of Force Speed. Every exhale was like a gunshot, every footfall an earthquake.

But none of it shook his implacable calm. He would catch Lilaena and bring her in.

As Pierce chased Lilaena down a particular alleyway, he snatched up a trash can lid. With a short midair leap, Pierce flung it at Lilaena's running form and hit the ground still chasing her.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2003, 03:17:18 PM
As her running form gave itself to the Force, her muscles and reflexes were enhanced, adrenaline burning away all pain as she flew down the alley. Pierce was following her, she knew, and as she ran the Force whispered to her.

A slight premonition of danger, and she leapt up into the air, her immense forward momentum carrying her up and forward, as a trash can lid passed harmlessly beneath her. Lilaena wrapped her hands around a fire escape railing, effortlessly pulling her lithe body up and over, and dashing up the metal stairs. Her shoulder burned, but she put it to the back of her mind, and ran.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 29th, 2003, 05:27:40 PM
It didn't take long for Pierce to reach the fire escape Lilaena had started climbing. Another jump sent him into the air, and his finger caught hold of the cold metal bars. With precision so practiced it was instinctive, Pierce pulled himself up onto the escape and continued pursuit.

As he stormed up the fire escape stairs, something occurred to him. "You can't run from your past forever, Lilaena!" he shouted.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2003, 05:44:22 PM
She was about three levels up from him, and as his feet crashed up the stairs towards her the entire structure shuddered.

"You can't run from your past forever, Lilaena!"

I can damn well try. She threw her body against a window, breaking the glass and stumbling inside of the apartment. There was no one at home, and she darted through it and threw open the door, running out into the dingy hallway of the building.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 29th, 2003, 06:07:48 PM
Pierce followed Lilaena into the building through the broken window. He was gaining slightly on his quarry each time she had to pause and change direction. His own progress was aided by his combat sense, which allowed him to see and avoid potential hinderances in his path before they turned into full-blown obstacles.

As he ran through the empty apartment and into the hallway, Pierce knew Lilaena would not stop running from him even if her lungs exploded. I can outlast her, but she's that desperate. She might do anything- I'd better be on my guard.

His hands brushed his lightsaber, wondering how he could make use of the only weapon he had on him.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2003, 06:31:53 PM
She ran down the hall, took a hard right as the passage turned, her legs nearly running up the wall. The last thing she wanted to do was fight Pierce. But if he cornered her, she couldn't let him take her. She would not be a prisoner.

The thought of being captured by the New Republic lent determination to her movements, and the Dark Jedi saw an open door and ran inside. She knocked a man over, who cursed loudly, but she was already out of sight, and in one of the back bedrooms. The window was open.

She paused, just inside the window, and saw that there was no fire escape on this side. Instead the building faced the airlanes of Coruscant, and the drop outside went down hundreds of stories. Lilaena looked behind her, hearing Pierce enter the apartment, and then dove out the window, falling headlong.

The wind whistled through her short hair as she fell into traffic.

Lord Vali
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:54:50 PM
Vali circled the building frantically as Lilaena went in, with Tondry hot on her heels. He could sense the chase going on inside, where the two were at, but it was too frantic for him to keep himself positioned well. Then he sensed Lilaena's presense getting farther away very quickly.

Vali cut around the building and sent the speeder into almost a blind dive, trying to catch up with Lilaena...

Pierce Tondry
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:38:12 PM
He could have leapt out the window after Lilaena.

He could have thrown his lightsaber, blade activated, into a whirling slash of death that would cut her falling body in two.

In the Force, he could have seen a thousand different combat options, each taking into account the path of the speeder even now perilously diving to save the former wife he sought to bring to justice.

And yet, it seemed that none of those options would have met the whole and complete success that he'd sought. Somewhere along the line, something would have been compromised.

It's all too easy to go through the motions and lose sight of your true goal. A goal Xazor had lost sight of when she'd helped Lilaena escape him in the restaraunt.

Justice- true justice- had not been found today.

But next time, things would be different. Next time, neither Xazor's presence nor the memory of Lilaena's wild expression would allow her any means of escape.

Pierce Tondry turned away from the windowsill and the pursuit of justice.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:47:09 PM
De'Ville spread-eagled herself in the air, trying to catch the currents, and slow her descent. A large transport flew by underneath her, an updraft from the repulsors catching her body and tossing it to the side. She drew the Force in, and used it carefully, keeping her body from being battered by the speeder traffic as she plummeted towards what offworlders called 'the ground.'

Anyone who was familiar with Coruscant knew, of course, that there was no 'ground' on the planet, save at the poles. Only buildings built on buildings. De'Ville looked to the side and caught sight of a speeder matching her descent, dodging between traffic, trying to get beneath her.

She readied herself in the Force, a blistering bubble of anger and frustration.

Lord Vali
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:58:24 PM
After dodging through traffic, Vali managed to get the speeder below Lilaena, and lined up so she could slide in through the broken back window. He resisted the urge of braking too much....He didnt want her to fly through the windscreen and get hit. They had just passed a skyline of traffic, and were nearing another.

Vali fought to keep the speeder underneath, as he slowly decelerated...

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:10:01 PM
She hit the back of the speeder with a sickening whump, and Vali fought with the controls as the vehicle decided it had had enough of these antics. De'Ville grabbed hold of the back bumper, her head looking down at the underside of the speeder as her feet found the open rear window.

Gravity stung her as the speeder decelerated, and she carefully lowered herself inside. Vali swerved to miss a garbage scow, and she fell inside, hitting the back of his seat and finding herself face to face with the wide-eyed gaze of a corpse.

Lord Vali
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:17:15 PM
"Are you alright?"

He asked through grit teeth.

"Ya know.....if you dont.."

Vali's statement was interupted by the traffic line he was heading toward. He started braking for a moment, then his instincts yelled for him to gun it......and he did.

A slight break opened in the traffic, and the speeder narrowly skimmed through. A slight scrape was heard as another speeder barely scratched against the rear bumper.

"You know...If you dont get off that guy, im gonna have to get jealous..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:27:17 PM
The speeder leveled out, and she carefully pulled herself off the floorboards, and off the dead man. She could feel the tightness of a broken rib or two, but the pain was shunted off and ignored. Her shoulder had been yanked as she'd grabbed the speeder, and was bleeding anew, staining through the bandage and soaking her shirt.

She caught Vali's glance in the rearward mirror, and felt his worry, although his expression was still covered by a mask. "I will be fine. We need to go to the freighter. Vega will meet us there, or find his own way home. He is resourceful, and talented...and if he does not make it then..." She was rambling, talking just above a whisper, trying to keep her mind off what had just happened.

Anger at Pierce bubbled furiously just below the surface of her pysche, and she quickly climbed out of the backseat to the front seat, feeling hot and sweaty.

Lord Vali
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:32:00 PM
Vali held the yoke with his knee for a moment, long enough to pull off his gloves, and pull his mask up slightly. Just enough to let some cool air in..

"You're right, he'll be fine, but we'll wait for him for a little bit."

His hand made its way to her knee. He was glad to have her back..

"I'll keep an eye out for the Jedi while we wait, and you can get cleaned up..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:43:35 PM
She muttered something under her breath about 'self-righteous Jedi pricks,' and nodded in response to Vali's words. "I could use a shower and a dip in a bacta tank. I'll make do with a shower."

Lilaena closed her eyes slightly as Vali drove towards the long term dock where the freighter waited for them. If Pierce were smart he'd of already tagged this speeder with an alert amongst the Coruscant City Watch. But maybe...just maybe...he was going to let her go this time.

If there was a next time, she knew they would have to confront each other. Her body shuddered a bit as she slipped into a Force enduced trance, using her time in transit to determine what was wrong with her ribs.