View Full Version : Starting Afresh...(Everyone please read)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2003, 08:44:02 PM
Hey all, just me again!

On road to recovery as far as my hiatus goes, I am making this info post. To everyone whom I am RPing with in little RPs and whatnot (I mean, things that have been gone for a while now and are somewhat meaningless) I am going to abandon. I'm sorry if it is not good practice, but frankly, I don't have time right now and when I come back fully I don't want to be swamped with RPing things that seem like a chore.

So I am proposing this idea: just play in the RP time like the happenings in those RPs happened and that we finished them, okay? That way we can move on and begin anew and start afresh so that I'm not completely lost and so that I can get up to speed.

As for the more complex and "life affecting" RPs, don't drop me from those -- such as Carry The World and so forth, no, those I will continue for Marcus has been keeping my character up to speed for me (thank you thank you thank you!).

To my Padawans, I'm so sorry things haven't worked out as you might have originally thought. It's never a good thing when a Knight or Master with multitudes of students needs to leave for a while. For that I am sorry -- honestly I feel like a bad Master in an OOC way because I basically abandoned you guys, my friends, my students. I wish there was some magic way I could Knight you all this very moment for all of the many (too many) months, and for some, a year, that you've had to deal with my delay. :( I'm so sorry, please forgive me. You guys are my first priority when I return full time. I will dedicate all of my time and attention to you until we get rolling at a decent pace once again. :) *huggles*

As for those of you who know me under other names (a few which shall remain a secret ;)) please bare with me. I shall return full time with them when I can, but Xazor is my main concern as she is my most complex and involved character. Feliciana and others will return and will be carried as before. :) So -- Sasha, Alana, and others that are prominent in these other characters lives -- thank you for being patient. :)

As to the rest of you goonies (:mneh) I'll see ya'll really soon. Just gotta finish up a few finals this week, (already taken a few) and then I'm off Friday (which will be spent recovering from school and some posting will be incorporated into that). :D Thanks again for all of your patience, guys, you have no idea how nutso I'm going without you! *HUGGLES!*

Love ya'll,

Sage Hazzard
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:44:53 AM
I miss you Xaz'! I'm going to do a happy jig when you come back. :D

Kelt Simoson
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:13:58 AM
Take it easy Xaz'o

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:44:20 PM
Hurry. I'm having to restrain Dasquian, he's so excited!!

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 9th, 2003, 06:13:33 PM
I'm not sure what your restraining him from doing and I dont want to ask for fear what it could be

Jun 9th, 2003, 06:28:03 PM
"Probably a soup bone...Yup, yup."

Looks at Vaga then gulp's hard.

Sage Hazzard
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:31:59 AM
Dasq is about to loose control and... my gosh, I think he likes it! :)

Seriously though, we should have a bar and grill party thing. Even though there isn't really be a IC event to celebrate pertaining to Xaz'(or is there...?) there should be some kind of thread...

Cassidy Williams
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:01:25 AM
Xazzy! :crack

I went skating yesterday (your skating, not my skating) and I thought of ya! :)

Dae Jinn
Jun 10th, 2003, 10:29:07 AM
Originally posted by Vega Van Derveld
Hurry. I'm having to restrain Dasquian, he's so excited!!

Damn, Vega, you're supposed to put holes in the box before you stuff something living in it! Bad wofleh! ;)

Good to hear you're coming back, Xaz :)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:27:29 PM
:lol Oh don't worry Dasy-poo, I'll be back soon enough. Just another three days and I'll be full time once again! :D

*huggles everyone*

That's awesome Cas, how did you like it? It rocks, doesn't it? I went boarding the other day, then switched over to my blades. I was thinkin' of you too, especially when the board came up and bit me in the shin! :mneh You woodpusher... ;)

Well all, I'm nearly done with exams -- I have one on Thursday and one on Friday (it won't take long that day) and then I'll be FIN! :D

So, hang in there everyone, I'll be back! :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:28:25 PM
*clings to her leg* :D yaaaaaay

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:29:01 PM
*tackle huggles Xaz before she gets a chance to leave again*

Cassidy Williams
Jun 10th, 2003, 01:57:09 PM
Muahaha...We shall convert you to the ways of the board yet, Miss Fruitbooter :D

Yeah though, it was ok...I had to readjust my whole way of going about it though because the technique is vastly different from the board...But I gave it a shot.

And then promptly switched back to my board and mastered the hardflip :mneh