View Full Version : OCC question for all the vamps out there

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:10:25 PM
Yeah, I'm posting to ask the opinion of all the vampires out there. You see my rp-char has caused some concern, you see his dad was a vampire and his mother half human and half Cizerack.
Some of the others aren't so sure if that would be possible but I don't see why not.
He's 3/4 human and 1/4 Cizerack, it's just 2 out of the 3 quarters are vampire.
He hasn't inherited much vampiric ability.
sure he's stong, fast and tough for a human but he's not much compared to a vampire. He's also pretty agile and can be very aggresive thanks to his Cizerack genetics but again nothing to alarming (exept for the only slightly lengthy canines). The only practical reason is so that he isn't quite so useless when he does face a vampire, Cizerack or Jedi/Sith (he'd get his a$$ kicked agreed it's just he' can take more then a normal human).
What d'you guys think?

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:14:52 PM
I don't have a vamp at the shrine, but I do play one and I think it's impossible.

AFAIK Vampires can't have children outside of their own species, and Cizerack culture/nature rules out the chance of them 'breeding' together, or being sired. Genetics just don't mesh.

I still don't understand the whole 'half-vampire/daywalker' concept, but IMO there is no way you could be Ciz, Human and Vampire. Just pick one race and go with it.

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:20:44 PM
Agree with Vegs I do.... There is just no way. Vamps do not have kids IMHO, and to mesh the ciz's and the Vamps with human?? I just do not see it working at all. Sorry but the vamps will have to decline on that one. It's just not possible all the way round. :)

Lord Soth
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:42:44 PM
This act or union between Vamp's and other life form's, producing a "High Breed" would "not" be possible due to genetic indifferences as Vega has stated. It is an extremely rare phenomenon even between two Vampyre's (Male/Female) to produce an offspring...

"The new "Child of the Night" (Fledgling) is the glorious manifestation by which we determine through our gracious generosity...The "Dark Gift" ~Death Knight Soth~

In my almost three year's of RP experience on the board's have I ever known of only two instances where this was done successfully (Between two Vampie's) and explained in a somewhat SiFi believable way.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:45:01 AM
Thanx for the input guy's! I owe you one!
(Btw, I'm sticking with the Cizerack genetic heritage).

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 9th, 2003, 10:09:20 AM
Did you ask Agent Charley?? He runs the Ciz's and you have to go through him to make a char..... Kinda like people who want vamps come here for there vamps.... Good manners and all :)

Jun 9th, 2003, 10:13:43 AM
I have no problem with people making Cizerack characters, but not vampyric Ciz. Consider it a species incompatible for the effects of vampyrism.

Also, if you're hell-bent on making a Ciz, be mindful of their appearance.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 9th, 2003, 10:28:39 AM
But it's alright to be part Ciz and part human right?

Jun 9th, 2003, 10:29:24 AM
Yes, that is fine. Read the Cizerack FAQ for more information.

Lord Soth
Jun 9th, 2003, 10:49:29 PM
"Here kitty-kitty-kitty..."Call's out to the Shrine cat,...Kitty Nuevole.

"Of course, you can alway's become a Shrine pet...The girl's will love you." :lol

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 10th, 2003, 05:52:59 AM
Yes yes, for the split second it takes for them to rush by you as they flock to ME :cool

Lord Soth
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:03:26 PM
Feel's his temperature with the back of his hand...

"Dude, you’re burning up...And delirious. Now run along and have Aunt Alana tuck you in...Go on! I'll take care of the Hinna's. (Hot A** women!)" :hat

Lord Vali
Jun 11th, 2003, 04:43:32 AM
Soth......dont ever tell me im hot....ever again :)

Wraith Soul
Jun 11th, 2003, 03:30:36 PM
Ohh,...But why not cup cake's? lol

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 12th, 2003, 06:46:06 AM
im not the blue hair type of guy :)

Jason Dreggs
Jun 12th, 2003, 01:35:26 PM
Me being the current expert on Dhampires (half Vampires/Half Humans). Dhampiers are extremely rare even more rare then a Birth Vampire (full blood and wasn't turned). In the case of my character Gerbo Lang who is a Dhampire, He was born from a Vampire father and a human mother (it is the only way it works).

If a Dhampire is born they are usaully killed at birth by the humans. The Vampires look down on them as abominations therefore would kill them. Is gerbo's case his though he was raised by his vampire father to be a tool, a weapon for a war. Gerbo's father went out and tried with several human woman to have a kid before he came across the right woman with the right attributes to work. from them came Gerbo who was trained by his father and brothers (bothers only because they where bitten by Gerbo's father.). During the training he was abused and totured and from this he grew a dislike for vampires. after he killed of his father and brothers he went on a holy cursade to rid the world of Vampires.

When the time comes and there are no vampires left he will take his own life so that the human raise can live without fear. Gerbo strongly beleives that not even half vampires have the right to live in the human world.

Also Dhampires do have a slight alergy to the sun, which if in it to long could kill them. They do have bloodlust but they can hold it off and survive with out it. They are not as strong as Vampires unless they work on there skills constantly. Also for the SW universe I have made it so that Dhampire are unable to use the force. It helps to prevent godmoding and such beings Dhampire are almost have the power of vampires but none of there weaknesses.

Thank you that is all