View Full Version : Jedi see, Jedi do (open)

Hayes Muirso
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:58:02 AM
Hayes had not yet, officially, begun training and though he was entirely tolerant of this – being the patient man he was – he felt the need at least to dabble a little in what Jedi did. The room he sat in overlooked some of Coruscant busy streets, yet was deadly silent. Only the footsteps of passing people intruded upon the quiet. In this solitude he was trying to tap into the Force, as he had done before – hopefully this time around he would have more success.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:37:28 PM
Morgan had been assigned a Padawan, but between him trying to put his mind back together, a minor crisis in the Senate, a re-election to the council and a million other things, Hayes had been lost in the shuffle.

He was a bit frustrated with himself, but he was limited with what he could do with his time. To make things difficult, Hayes wasn't in his quarters or in any of the training rooms. Morgan roamed the whole area, trying to find Hayes.

"Forget it, I'll have lunch and then start looking again." he mumbled to himself.

One wing was still unfinished, some meditation rooms that overlooked the street between the Senate building and the Order's, and it was quicker to pass them between the finished rooms and lunch. He strode past Hayes, and to the next room before he realized someone was in the room.

Morgan poked his head in the room.


Hayes Muirso
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:45:39 PM
Hayes’ nose wrinkled a bit as he was brought out of his attempts at hard concentration by a voice. When he looked up he saw a familiar face in the doorway and pushed himself up to his feet, giving a quick nod and half-body bow out of respect.

“Master Evanar.”

However much he might have seemed nervous, he had a genuine smile on his face – it looked like today would be the day, providing Morgan wasn’t just passing through.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 13th, 2003, 10:32:38 AM
"Hayes, no?"

Hayes smiled and nodded.

"Good, I've been looking for you. First, I want to appologize. I haven't been commiting time to Padawans, mostly my fault." Inside, Morgan swallowed. His track record with Padawans was atrocious, and the last thing he wanted was another one to get bungled.

"So, uhm... it looked like you were trying to do something by the window."

Hayes Muirso
Jun 13th, 2003, 11:14:35 AM
“Oh yeah,”

Involuntarily he gestured a hand back to where he’d been sitting.

“I was just trying to get … in-tune with the Force. I’ve seen other people sitting about like this, meditating, doing it. Hasn’t been too successful so far… I think.”

His voice was a little hesitant – after all, he wouldn’t have known even if he had been doing it right.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 13th, 2003, 12:27:19 PM
"Mmmhhmm. For some of us, we use the Force frequently and don't even know it. It just integrates into your senses. I've got an extreme spacial awareness mixed with a little short range prediction. Some of it is my natural senses, some of its the Force. Thats part of what makes this sort of thing hard to teach, because I never know when I'm "cheating.""

He walked to the window next to Hayes.

"See that guy, who's going a little faster and talking on the comm? He's going to drop his bag... right... now." The hurried twi-leki bussinessman dropped his bag right after Morgan said now. "All objects and motion. Easy stuff--for me. Some people can do that with emotion, or float objects around the room, or have empathy with plants, animals or people. Half the problem at the beggining is figuring out what you're good at. The other problem is that its different for everyone." Morgan rubbed the back of his neck.

"We've got to figure those two out. After that, its mostly practice."

Hayes Muirso
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:36:50 PM
The Padawan stood a little distracted by the event outside for a moment. Precognitive sight would no doubt join happily hand in hand with quickened reactions. Useful.

Looking up back at Morgan, Hayes sighed.

“So we figure out what I can do by trial and error? Isn’t that going to take... a long time? Especially since I’m a complete novice.”

He didn’t know much about the Force … well actually he didn’t know anything aside from the simple fact that it was in everything. From what he gathered some people had been Jedi for almost all of their life – did it take them that long just to find out where they slotted into? Was it random or did your personality have some effect on it, or could you even choose where you wanted to fit in?

Morgan Evanar
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:47:11 PM
Morgan nodded.

"Unfortunately, I have no better ideas." he paused. "But you would learn a bit about other disciplines in the Force, even if they didn't work for you."

"Fortunately, your aptitude will probably become obvious after some experimentation. I sound like a book." Morgan chuckled. "Now, I'm going to dissapear. See if you can feel me in the Force."

Hayes Muirso
Jul 7th, 2003, 09:36:30 AM
Hayes blinked, a little disbelieving at first. Morgan had disappeared. After a few seconds of confusion Hayes common sense kicked in and told him to try and focus on the Force, as he’d been previously doing. It was just a matter of concentration – let your thoughts run clear and you’ll pick up on it naturally.

He must have looked awfully stupid standing alone in the room, squinting at the space around him as if searching for some specific fleck of dust. After a time a tingling sensation wriggled into his mind, causing a little bit of discomfort for Hayes, who shifted from one foot to another.

A little frown crossed his lips as he thought for a second he could feel something to his left. Taking a few steps forward, he felt out at the air for something solid, sure that Morgan was there.


Morgan Evanar
Jul 13th, 2003, 05:16:54 PM
Morgan took a step backward. Hayes halted for a moment, confused, before half-stumbling forward.

"Well done." The light twisted back to normal.

Hayes Muirso
Jul 26th, 2003, 03:11:54 AM
“How… what the…”

Hayes blinked. He’d heard and seen some odd things when it came to the Force, but vanishing entirely was another thing.

“How did you do that?”

Morgan Evanar
Sep 5th, 2003, 06:01:25 PM
"I can bend light around myself, and sometimes other nearby objects. I tend to be less noticable in the Force than even yourself, normally, but I relaxed that. Its short range energy manipulation, finely tuned. But I'm not much of a well rounded Jedi, from a Force perspective. Most people have strenghts and weaknesses, but I'm overly specialized. I can barely pull my saber across a large room, I'm a terrible empath, have no healing abilities, and my ability to manipulate the mind stops much beyond telepathy. Conversely, I've never met anyone capable of the same thing, and I supposedly have an extreme spacial awareness."

Morgan looked at Hayes, the gears in his mind finally moving.

"Either you have good spacial awareness... or you're an empath. I have an idea." Morgan smiled.
"y'like slushies?"

Hayes Muirso
Sep 12th, 2003, 11:45:56 AM
Hayes had been ready to ask another question, to probe deeper into this idea of bending light, when Morgan’s words suddenly threw him off course. He took a moment to make sure he’d heard what he’d heard, then nodded.

“Sure I do… but what does that have to do with training?”

Morgan Evanar
Sep 12th, 2003, 05:59:22 PM
"The slushy has absolutely nothing to do with your training. However, what goes on where you can get slushies has everything to do with finding out your aptitudes." Morgan smiled, almost a grin.

Hayes blinked a few times, and followed the Jedi Master, who walked a little too fast.

"Best slushies I've ever had, right in front of the Senate building."

It was a thirty minute walk.

"Fantastic. He's still here." Morgan headed straight for a little stand that was shaded by an umbrella. A wiry Ugnaught stood underneath, checking his machine.

"G'afternoon, P'tal."
"Ah, Master Jedi. How can I serve?"
"A large kurrosberry. Hayes?"

Hayes Muirso
Sep 13th, 2003, 02:57:30 AM
“Beebleberry,” Hayes beamed. Somehow just saying the name made him smile.

The Jedi Padawan looked upwards at the Senate building, squinting as the light shone in his eyes. It was a big place, just like the Order, but it looked a lot more official. Somehow the Jedi Order managed to look inviting, but this place; to Hayes at least, was the opposite.

A tall paper cup was pushed into his hand, with a straw poking out of the top. He looked down into the contents, waggled his eyebrows as he wondered just how good it was, before taking a sip through the straw.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 14th, 2003, 12:05:11 PM
Morgan overpaid the slushie vendor by twice the ammount of the slushies. P'tal was probably the best intelligence on the Senate rumors there was.

Hayes followed Morgan to an empty bench, where the pair sat, sipping slushies.

"So, Hayes. Is there anything that you really enjoy, like a hobby?"

Hayes Muirso
Sep 14th, 2003, 12:23:16 PM
“I like music.”

He took a loud slurp through the straw once again.

“Not playing, listening, though. I suppose you could say I enjoy looking after my Nek too, when he isn’t dragging me around Coruscant like a ragdoll.”

Morgan Evanar
Sep 15th, 2003, 06:23:28 PM
Morgan chuckled.

"Thats a pretty accurate assesment of your relationship with George, I think." He took a bite of the slushie, licked his lips. He would get into what he hoped would determine Hayes was good at after he finished his slushie.

"I haven't heard anything new in a while, what are you into?"

Hayes Muirso
Sep 16th, 2003, 11:38:38 AM
“Hyperspaze and the Jump Lanes.”

A goofy grin overcame Hayes, which was shrunk someone by pushing the slushie straw to his lips.

“…’ve liked them since I was a student. Long time ago.”

Morgan Evanar
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:47:45 PM
"You'll have to let me hear them sometime, if I get the time." Morgan chuckled slightly, but grew introspective for a moment. Hayes raised his brow a touch, but said nothing.

"Hayes, how's the slushie vendor feeling?"

Hayes Muirso
Sep 20th, 2003, 02:07:37 AM
The Padawan cast a glance over at the man. The Ugnaught looked disgruntled, but then Hayes always thought they looked angry. He’d just been paid, however, and from what Hayes could gather he’d been over tipped so surely he wouldn’t be in a bad mood.

“Tired?” he hazarded, “from standing there all day?”

Morgan Evanar
Sep 20th, 2003, 04:21:58 PM
Hayes' answer was probably correct, but Morgan shook his head.

"My fault. I need to rephrase: what is the slushie vendor feeling? Close your eyes, they'll only serve to distract you."

Hayes Muirso
Sep 21st, 2003, 06:54:42 AM
As instructed, he closed his eyes and shrugged way the self-conscious feeling that this gave him. What was the man feeling? It should have been obvious at first that the Force was the key to unraveling this mini-mystery. It was a difficult task, because it was so alien. He tried to concentrate as he had done when Morgan had disappeared, but knew this would require a much more refined focus – but in the end, all he could do was try.

After a while of humming and hawing over what his answer would be, Hayes thought he had come to a good conclusion. He had felt a little anxiety, which he was fairly sure was coming from the vendor.

“He’s nervous about something.”

Morgan Evanar
Sep 21st, 2003, 09:24:50 AM
Morgan nodded.
"Rent is probably due. If you were to turn it on me, I'd probably be a little frustrated. I have no empathic abilities of my own, merely a very good nose. I can tell moods based on pheremones, but gleaning reasoning isn't possible like that. Its difficult to teach what you don't know." Morgan stopped, and stared into space for a moment.

"Hey Hayes" The Jedi Master poked him on the shoulder, "you're it." Morgan was off the bench faster than humanly possible and broke into a run.

Hayes Muirso
Sep 27th, 2003, 04:09:30 AM
Hayes had been in mid-sip of the slushie when Morgan had zipped off. His eyes widened some and he realized he should probably get up to his feet – and did so, albeit somewhat delayed. He ran, trying not to spill the cup, which he gave up on after a few seconds, tossing it over his shoulder into a street trash can. Not being the most athletic of men meant that within a short time his legs were burning and he wasn’t making any progress on Morgan.

“Come on,” he groaned – the Force! Ah ah! That was where this was meant to lead, he was sure of it. He tried concentrating on the Force while running and to his surprise it seemed like he was going faster.

Then again, he was running down hill.