View Full Version : Cruscant/Jedi complex tour (any GJO)

Jun 8th, 2003, 06:57:18 AM
-Jandor looks aroung the huge complex, stunned.
Jandor found the whole planet so exiting, all the hussle and bussle, all the beautiful architecture. He wanders the beautiful complex absorbing all his senses with a thirst for knowledge.

Born an orphan slave, Jandor had been raised from a young age as a pit-fighter. He hated the life of constant terror and pain but he couldn't just roll into a ball and cry, No, that would have just got him killed.
Instead he trainned hard knowing that every time he stepped into that dark hole in the floor the only thing keeping him alive were his skills.
Inspired at a young age by great stories of the Jedi; Jandor adopted their (what he saw as breathtaking) skills doing his best to adopt his own style, fighting with a vibroblade.
By his teens, he had taught himself to use the force to strengthen his muscles and quicken his moves.
For exotic books and technical papers he traded much of the few values he had, using them, he had built himself two lightsabres and weilded them as a pair.
On his backwater planet he earned himself the nickname of "wardancer", his own style more like a graceful dance then a pit-fighters swings.
Against his better judgement, Jandor made a bet with his owner, he gambled his life for his freedom. His slimey owner couldn't refuse the spectacle of a death match;
Jandor won.

Free for the first time, Jandor, now 23, explores all the wonders the galaxy had to offer but he know's what he want's to do, what he need's to do.
Utillising his skills to serve the people, bringing justice and light to every darkened corner of the stars was his dream.

Jandor wants to become a Jedi.

Jandor is thoroughly enjoying his little adventure exploring around Coruscant but he's now looking for a little help.
He knows so little about the Jedi complex and as he hopes to be recruited into the ranks of the GJO it is of particular importantce to him to learn as much as he can.

Jandor could do with a knowledgable guide right about now.-