View Full Version : A fresh start (looking to join the GJO)

Jun 8th, 2003, 06:05:24 AM
-The doors to the recruitment centre slide open and Jandor walked in, in his usual quiet self he sat down on a bench and waited untill he could spot an available Jedi to ask about joining the order.
Jandor looked aroung the large hall, stunned. Jandor found the whole planet so exiting, all the hussle and bussle, all the beautiful architecture.
Born an orphan slave, Jandor had been raised from a young age as a pit-fighter. He hated the life of constant terror and pain but he couldn't just roll into a ball and cry, No, that would have just got him killed.
Instead he trainned hard knowing that every time he stepped into that dark hole in the floor the only thing keeping him alive were his skills.
Inspired at a young age by great stories of the Jedi; Jandor adopted their (what he saw as breathtaking) skills doing his best to adopt his own style, fighting with a vibroblade.
By his teens, he had taught himself to use the force to strengthen his muscles and quicken his moves.
For exotic books and technical papers he traded much of the few values he had, using them, he had built himself two lightsabres and weilded them as a pair.
On his backwater planet he earned himself the nickname of "wardancer", his own style more like a graceful dance then a pit-fighters swings.
Against his better judgement, Jandor made a bet with his owner, he gambled his life for his freedom. His slimey owner couldn't refuse the spectacle of a death match;
Jandor won.

Free for the first time, Jandor, now 23, explored all the wonders the galaxy had to offer but he knew what he wanted to do, what he [i]needed[i] to do.
Utillising his skills to serve the people, bringing justice and light to every darkened corner of the stars was his dream.

Jandor wants to become a Jedi.-

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:42:19 AM

A welcoming looking figure in brown robes stood before Jandor.

“I’m Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic Can I help you with something?”

Jun 8th, 2003, 07:45:40 AM
-Jandor looks up at the cheery Jedi, the nerves of meeting a councilman somewhat counter acted by the warm smile.-

"Yes, Sir Knight, I am Jandor, Jandor Tarvin, and I seek to join the GJO."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:54:20 AM
“And why do you wish to become a Jedi Jandor? What is it that you understand we Jedi do?”

Jun 8th, 2003, 08:19:57 AM
-Jandor pauses a moment. Normaly the not so talkative type, Jandor always choose the few words he spoke very carefuly.-

"I beilive the Jedi to be keepers of the peace, enforcers of justice and seekers of the light."

-He pauses, he considers telling the Knight why it was that he wishes to join. Jandor grew up trusting no-one so naturally he oftened thought carefully before dilvulging any aspect of his life story.-

"I was born a slave and rased a pit-fighter. The terror of my early life fuelled my determination to get out and eventually I did. I idolised the Jedi in the legends I used to read as a child and it was from them that I drew my constitution. It was those stories which inspired my combatitive techniques, I even built my own pair of lightsabres.
Eventually, after earning my freedom, many of the scoundrels and criminals I passed on my travels saw the lightsabres at my belt and I could see the fear in their eyes. I even managed to talk a group of pirates out of raiding a small village and asking myself how I did it answered another question all together. I relised it had not so much to do with my words but for the simple fact that they mistoke me for a Jedi.
It was with this relisation that moved my thoughts, compelling me to furfil my childhood dream.

I decided that if I could join the noble ranks of the GJO that I could spread justice were it was more then due, liberating the oppressed. You see I know what it is to live in......."

-Jandor pauses a moment, his words stir terrible memmories so strong that Dasquain can almost here them.-

"......to live in pain...."

-The pain in his words melts to give way for the solid confidence that almost radiate from him.-

".....and so I will not stop till I've rid the stars of every single grotesquerie, every single gross injustice, or die trying."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:26:09 AM
“While … noble, your intentions seem somewhat ill-based. We are here to do good, not to act as self-proclaimed judge and jury for those we perceive as having wronged. It is the Jedi way to help people change, and not to remove said people from existence all together.”

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:32:16 AM
-Understanding the Knight's concern, Jandor clarifies.-

"I don't want to kill anybody, not at all. I simply want to help those that need it most. Not all people who have had a childhood like mine manage survive it, let alone win their freedom. I wish not to pass any sentence, What I was saying was simply that I wish to liberate those, like myself, who suffer beneath the hands of an oppresor."

-Jandor hoped his reply would clear up this little missunderstanding.-

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:12:48 PM
“I see,”

Dasquian nodded. This sounded far much more on course than the previous reply.

“You are aware, then, that we as Jedi must face great trials… we do not simply do good deeds, as many times in trying to act out these deeds we will be faced with those who hate and wish to destroy us. Could you cope with this?”

Jun 9th, 2003, 12:34:03 PM
-The Jedi's words conjure up deep memmories in the young man, for a fleeting momment Jandor remembered the darkness of the fighting pit, the degredation of the slave pens.-

"Yes, Sir knight, of course. As hope for those who need it, it's more then expected that we earn many enemies, I am more then willing to face hardship knowing that we make the stars a safer place."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:26:13 AM
“Very well then. When you are assigned a Master you will be informed. Until then you may occupy a room in the LQ building if you wish. I’d also suggest you have a look around the rest of the Order, Yogs in particular, to get a feel for the place.

Good luck, and may the Force be with you.”

Jun 10th, 2003, 01:04:57 PM
-Jandor felt an explosion of joy and exitment inside but showed only a serene face.-
"Thank you Sir Dasquian, I shall not dissapoint the order."

-As the Jedi Knight turned away, presumablry to the next applicant, Jandor walked of to the living quarters to find a room. He had a stupidley broad smile on his face for the rest of the day.-